Student Safety & Discipline Report (SSDR) Validation Rules: Error List — Version 5.1 May 15, 2015 Table of Contents SSDR File Upload Errors (Data Format Errors) ................................................................. 3 SSDR Incident Basic Validations ....................................................................................... 4 SSDR Discipline Basic Validations .................................................................................... 5 SSDR Incident Dependency Validations ............................................................................ 7 SSDR Discipline Dependency Validations ....................................................................... 10 SSDR District File Validations ......................................................................................... 13 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education SSDR Validation Rules: Error List v.5.1 Page 2 of 17 05/15/2015 SSDR File Upload Errors (Data Format Errors) When a district uploads data that contain any of the following errors, the data will not be moved to the staging table. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education SSDR Validation Rules: Error List v.5.1 Page 3 of 17 05/15/2015 SSDR Incident Basic Validations SSDR2005 - Incident date must be between begin date and today/end date The date of an incident may not be before the beginning of the fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) or after today’s date or after the end of the fiscal year. SSDR2010 - Invalid School Code The school code entered is not one recognized by ESE. SSDR2015 - Offense Indicator must be set to "Y" This element must always be set to “Y” SSDR2020 - Invalid Discipline Code entered The discipline code must be set to “Y” or “N” SSDR2025 - Offense Code 1 invalid The first offense code must be one of the allowed values listed in Table 1 (see appendix) SSDR2030 - At least one offense code must be entered An incident must report at least one offense reported. SSDR2035 - Offense Code2 invalid The second offense code must be one of the allowed values listed in Table 1 (see appendix) SSDR2040 - Offense Code3 invalid The third offense code must be one of the allowed values listed in Table 1 (see appendix) SSDR2045 - Offense Code4 invalid The fourth offense code must be one of the allowed values listed in Table 1 (see appendix) SSDR2050 - Offense Code5 invalid The fifth offense code must be one of the allowed values listed in Table 1 (see appendix) SSDR2055 - At least one offender must be reported At least one offender must be reported. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education SSDR Validation Rules: Error List v.5.1 Page 4 of 17 05/15/2015 SSDR Discipline Basic Validations SSDR2505 - All SIMS fields must be completed The SASID, First and Last name of each student offender must be filled in. Do not report discipline of non - student offenders. SSDR2510 - Start Date Disciplined/Days missed field must be filled in The start date of the discipline and the number of days missed must be completed. SSDR2515 - Program Status and Disciplinary Action must be completed A non - blank value must be submitted for program status and disciplinary action. SSDR2520 - Alt Education indicator field must be Y or N The Educational Services indicator field must be either “N” or “Y”. SSDR2525 - Invalid Disciplinary Action Taken code (DAT) entered The disciplinary action taken code must be one of those found in Table 3 (see appendix) SSDR2530 - SASID not found in student directory The SASIID reported must be active and found in the list of active SASIDs maintained by ESE. SSDR2535 - SASID not enrolled for this organization Only report disciplines for students enrolled in your school. Enrollment is determined by who is reported in your most recent SIMS submission. SSDR2540 - Invalid Bodily Injury Flag Valid values for the Bodily Injury Flag are “Y”, “N” and blank. SSDR2545 - Date returned must be on or after the date started and on or before the end of year. The date returned may not be before the beginning of the fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) or after the end of the fiscal year. SSDR2550 - Date eligible to return must be on or after the date started and on and before the end of year. The date eligible to return may not be before the date started or after the end of the fiscal year. For offenders who are only eligible to return in the next fiscal year, enter 09/01 of that year. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education SSDR Validation Rules: Error List v.5.1 Page 5 of 17 05/15/2015 SSDR2560 - Discipline start date must be between the beginning and end of the year. The start date of a discipline may not be before the beginning of the fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) or after the end of the fiscal year. SSDR2565 - The Program Status Code is invalid Only those values found in table 2 (see appendix) are valid for the Program Status Code SSDR2570 - Extra suspension days (ERDX) must not be negative Extra suspension days must not be negative SSDR2575 - Extra suspension days (ERDX) must be a number Extra Suspension Days must be numeric. SSDR2580 - The superintendant appeal code (APPEAL) must be either “Yes” or “No” The superintendant appeal code must be either “Yes” or “No” SSDR2585 - DOB does not match directory The date of birth reported must match the one in the student directory. SSDR2590 - LN: Last Name does not match directory The last name reported must match the one in the student directory. SSDR2595 - FN: First Name does not match directory The first name reported must match the one in the student directory. SSDR2600 - At least one offense code must be entered for a discipline It is not permitted to report a discipline with no offense attached to it. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education SSDR Validation Rules: Error List v.5.1 Page 6 of 17 05/15/2015 SSDR Incident Dependency Validations SSDR6005 - Incident ID duplicated An Incident number can only be listed once in the Incident file. SSDR6010 - Multiple School Names not allowed for the same school code School code and school name must match throughout the file. SSDR6015 - Offense Code 1 is repeated Cannot have the same offense code listed more than once SSDR6020 - Offense Code 2 is repeated Cannot have the same offense code listed more than once SSDR6025 - Offense Code 3 is repeated Cannot have the same offense code listed more than once SSDR6030 - Offense Code 4 is repeated Cannot have the same offense code listed more than once SSDR6035 - Offense Code 5 is repeated Cannot have the same offense code listed more than once SSDR6040 - Illegal Substances (with no violence offense) not allowed with Victim Counts Victims are not allowed for non - violent, drug offenses (offense #1) SSDR6045 - Illegal Substances (with no violence offense) not allowed with Victim Counts Victims are not allowed for non - violent, drug offense (offense #2) SSDR6050 - Illegal Substances (with no violence offense) not allowed with Victim Counts Victims not allowed for non - violent, drug offense (offense #3) SSDR6055 - Illegal Substances (with no violence offense) not allowed with Victim Counts Victims not allowed for non - violent, drug offense (offense #4) SSDR6060 - Illegal Substances (with no violence offense) not allowed with Victim Counts Victims not allowed for non - violent, drug offense (offense #5) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education SSDR Validation Rules: Error List v.5.1 Page 7 of 17 05/15/2015 SSDR6065 - If 1f or 1g are chosen for offense 1, a description must be entered Offense 1f and 1g require a description to be entered. SSDR6070 - If 1f or 1g are chosen for offense 2, a description must be entered Offense 1f and 1g require a description to be entered. SSDR6075 - If 1f or 1g are chosen for offense 3, a description must be entered Offense 1f and 1g require a description to be entered. SSDR6080 - If 1f or 1g are chosen for offense 4, a description must be entered Offense 1f and 1g require a description to be entered. SSDR6085 - If 1f or 1g are chosen for offense 5, a description must be entered Offense 1f and 1g require a description to be entered. SSDR6090 - Physical Fight requires at least 2 offenders A physical fight consists of at least 2 offenders. SSDR6095 - Victims cannot be reported for physical fight A Physical Fight cannot be reported with victims. SSDR6100 - Offense codes 3 through 9 and 12 - 13, 17 must have at least one victim The offense codes listed must have victims by definition. SSDR6105 - Offense codes 3 through 6, 8 through 9,12 - 13,17 must have at least one victim The offense codes listed must have victims by definition. SSDR6110 - Victims not allowed for Felony Victims are not allowed for a Felony in the SSDR. SSDR6115 - If Optional Description Code selected for Offense 1, a description is required A description is required for offenses 1f, 1g, 14b4, 14d, 15 and 16. SSDR6120 - If Optional Description Code selected for Offense 2, a description is required A description is required for offenses 1f, 1g, 14b4, 14d, 15 and 16. SSDR6125 - If Optional Description Code selected for Offense 3, a description is required A description is required for offenses 1f, 1g, 14b4, 14d, 15 and 16. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education SSDR Validation Rules: Error List v.5.1 Page 8 of 17 05/15/2015 SSDR6130 - If Optional Description Code selected for Offense 4, a description is required A description is required for offenses 1f, 1g, 14b4, 14d, 15 and 16. SSDR6135 - If Optional Description Code selected for Offense 5, a description is required A description is required for offenses 1f, 1g, 14b4, 14d, 15 and 16. SSDR6165 - Offense Code(s) could involve physical injury, flag must be Y or N The physical injury flag must be reported when Offense codes 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, 16 and 17 are reported. SSDR6170 - Offense Code(s) do not involve physical injury, flag must be set to X For Offense codes 1, 1a - 1i, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 18 the Physical Injury flag does not apply and must be reported as “X”. SSDR6175 - No Incidents entered for this school: No Incidents were reported for this school and the “no incidents” flag is not set. SSDR6180 - Incidents entered for this school, when school set to have no Incidents Incidents were reported for this school and the “no incidents” flag is set. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education SSDR Validation Rules: Error List v.5.1 Page 9 of 17 05/15/2015 SSDR Discipline Dependency Validations SSDR6505 - Disciplined students, who are not expelled, must report a return date. If a student’s discipline is not expulsion, then please complete either the Return Date or Date Eligible to return. SSDR6510 - Disciplinary action cannot be 4 or 5 for general education students The discipline action taken codes of 4 and 5 are reserved for students with disabilities. SSDR6515 - Days missed cannot be 0. Days missed must be between 1-200 days SSDR6520 - Both Return/Eligible Dates must be empty when student is expelled A student who is disciplined by expulsion should not have a return or eligible to return date SSDR6525 - Offense 2 is repeated A student should not have the same offense listed twice in the discipline record. SSDR6530 - Offense 3 is repeated A student should not have the same offense listed twice in the discipline record. SSDR6535 - Offense 4 is repeated A student should not have the same offense listed twice in the discipline record. SSDR6540 - Offense 5 is repeated A student should not have the same offense listed twice in the discipline record. SSDR6545 - Educational Services code (AE) is required when Education Services Indicator (AEINC) equals Y If Educational Services code is Y, then the type of Educational Services must be provided SSDR6550 - Educational Services Not Provided code (NAE) must be empty when Education Services Indicator (AEINC) equals Y If Educational Services code is N, then Educational Services Provided must be blank. SSDR6555 - Educational Services Provided code (AE) must be empty when Education Services Indicator (AEINC) equals N If no Educational Services are provided, then the Educational Services code must be blank. SSDR6560 - Educational Services Not Provided code (NAE) must be provided when Education Services Indicator (AEINC) equals N No Educational Services are provided, then the no Educational Services code must be provided. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education SSDR Validation Rules: Error List v.5.1 Page 10 of 17 05/15/2015 SSDR6565 - Student SASIDs duplicated for Incident A student SASID cannot be entered twice for same Incident. SSDR6575 - Start Date must be after Incident Date The start of a discipline cannot be before the actual offense date. SSDR6580 - Date Returned must be after Start Date The return date of a discipline cannot be before the start date of the discipline. SSDR6585 - Start Date and Date Returned inconsistent with number of days missed The dates entered for start and return date don't match up with number of days missed. SSDR6590 - Date Eligible and Date Returned cannot both be completed Either Date Eligible or Date Returned may be reported, not both. SSDR6595 - Date Returned must be less than or equal to today (otherwise must use Date Eligible) Return date must be prior to today's date, otherwise use Date Eligible SSDR6600 - Date Eligible cannot be before Start Date The date eligible to return to school cannot be before the start date of the discipline. SSDR6605 - Start Date and Date Returned cannot be the same (otherwise must use Date Eligible) The start and return date of a discipline cannot use the same date. SSDR6610 - Incident date must be between begin date and today/end date The Incident date must be fall between the start and end of the fiscal year (07/01 – 06/30) SSDR6615 - Start Date and Date Eligible inconsistent with number of days missed The number of days missed can't be greater than the period of time calculated between the start date and date eligible to return SSDR6620 - If the disciplinary action (DAT) is not an emergency removal then extra suspension days (ERDX) must be zero Extra suspension days may not be reported for emergency removals. SSDR6625 - Extra suspension days (ERDX) must not exceed number of school days missed (DM) Extra suspension days must not exceed number of school days missed. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education SSDR Validation Rules: Error List v.5.1 Page 11 of 17 05/15/2015 SSDR6630 - If school days missed (DM) are 10 or less then the superintendant appeal code (APPEAL ) must be “No” If school days missed are 10 or less, then the superintendant appeal code must be “No” SSDR6635 - If the Education Services provided Code (AE) is 2, 3 or 8 or the Education Services not provided Code is 7 then an other specification (AEX) must be provided. Education Services provided Codes 2, 3 & 8 and Education Services not provided Code 7 require additional information to be provided. SSDR6640 - if the Education Services provided Code (AE) is neither 2, 3 nor 8 and the Education Services not provided Code is not 7 then an other specification (AEX) must be blank. Additional information should not be provided when not require. SSDR6650 - Bodily Injury Flag must be completed for students with disabilities The Bodily Injury question must be answered for students with disabilities. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education SSDR Validation Rules: Error List v.5.1 Page 12 of 17 05/15/2015 SSDR District File Validations SSDR7005 - A reported discipline, must have a corresponding reported incident and the incident date must match A discipline must have a corresponding incident and the incident date must match. SSDR7010 - Discipline record found, but not joined to any incident data A discipline must have a corresponding incident. SSDR7020 - Discipline was indicated (DISC IND = Y), but no disciplines were reported for this incident A discipline was indicated in the incident report but no student was reported being disciplined. SSDR7025 - No disciplines were indicated (DISC IND = N), but disciplines were reported for this incident The incident did not result in a disciplinary action but students are reported being disciplined. SSDR7040 - There are more offending student SASIDs than are counted in Offending student count There are more SASIDS listed reported being disciplined than were reported in the incident report. SSDR7045 - Type of Offense ID 1 (SOT1) must be one of the offenses listed on the Incident Report (OT1 - OT5) The offense for which a student is being disciplined must be one of those listed in the corresponding incident report. SSDR7050 - Type of Offense ID 2 (SOT2) must be one of the offenses listed on the Incident Report (OT1 - OT5) The offense for which a student is being disciplined must be one of those listed in the corresponding incident report. SSDR7055 - Type of Offense ID 3 (SOT3) must be one of the offenses listed on the Incident Report (OT1 - OT5) The offense for which a student is being disciplined must be one of those listed in the corresponding incident report. SSDR7060 - Type of Offense ID 4 (SOT4) must be one of the offenses listed on the Incident Report (OT1 - OT5) The offense for which a student is being disciplined must be one of those listed in the corresponding incident report. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education SSDR Validation Rules: Error List v.5.1 Page 13 of 17 05/15/2015 SSDR7065 - Type of Offense ID 5 (SOT5) must be one of the offenses listed on the Incident Report (OT1 - OT5) The offense for which a student is being disciplined must be one of those listed in the corresponding incident report. SSDR7070 - Missing Discipline data, please check Incident/Discipline counts comparison report ESE expects that at least 85% of all students who have committed offenses reportable on the SSDR will be suspended or expelled. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education SSDR Validation Rules: Error List v.5.1 Page 14 of 17 05/15/2015 Appendix TABLE1 Offense Type Codes 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 1g 1h 1i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14a 14b1 14b2 14b3 14b4 14c 14d 15 16 17 18 500 Offense Tobacco use (cigarettes, cigars, pipes or smokeless tobacco) Alcohol possession Alcohol use Marijuana possession Marijuana use Possession of other illegal substances Illegal use of other substances Sale of illegal drugs Possession of illegal drugs with intent to sell Physical fight Threat of physical attack Physical attack, assault (non - sexual) Sexual Harassment Sexual assault (including rape) Theft (school, staff or student property) Threat of robbery Robbery using force Vandalism/Destruction of Property Destruction of school property due to arson Kidnapping Homicide Knife (cutting weapon) Handgun Rifle Shotgun Other Fire Arm Explosive or incendiary device Other Weapon Other violence, drug or criminal incident Felony Conviction Outside of School Bullying Non - Drug, Non - Violent or Non - Criminal Related Offense Does not apply. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education SSDR Validation Rules: Error List v.5.1 Page 15 of 17 05/15/2015 Appendix TABLE 2 Program Status Codes 1 2 Program Status General Education Students with Disabilities - student has an Individualized Educational Plan TABLE 3 Disciplinary Action Taken Codes 1 2 3 4 5 6 Disciplinary Action In - school suspension (1 day – either partial or full - or more) Out - of - school suspension (1 day – either partial or full - or more) Expulsion Removed by an impartial hearing officer to an alternative setting (only valid if Program Status = 2. SWD) Removed by school personnel to an alternative setting (only valid if Program Status = 2. SWD) Emergency Removal (not more than 3 days, inclusive of the day or removal) TABLE 4 Ed Serv Codes Column O 1 2 3 3-5 6 7 8 AE_DESC Home Tutoring In - district education services (specify) Out - of - district education services (specify) Discontinued Distance learning Saturday School Other (specify) TABLE 5 No Ed Serv Codes Column P 1 2-4 5 6 7 NAE_DESC Moved / transferred Discontinued Refused services Did not respond to the offer of services Other (explain) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education SSDR Validation Rules: Error List v.5.1 Page 16 of 17 05/15/2015 Revision History Version 5.2 5.2 5.1 Date Posted Date of Change 6/4/15 5/15/15 Description Updated 6630 to correct description Added 2585, 2590, 2595 & 2600 Removed SSDR6140-SSDR6160 allowing extended offense descriptions for offenses not requiring it. First Draft SSDR Validation Rules: Error List