CAMPUS SAFETY COMMITTEE BY-LAWS A. NAME The name of the committee shall be the Campus Safety Committee. B. MISSION The mission of the Campus Safety Committee (CSC) is to help promote and provide a safe and healthy workplace and environment for the University Campus Community and its visitors by providing review, evaluation, assessments and awareness of campus safety programs and safety hazards; and provide guidance in developing mitigation strategies in an effort to reduce potential losses due to injury and hazardous incidents. C. CHARGE D. To develop and sustain a campus safety program which promotes creating a safety culture in the workplace that is conducive to employee safety, reduce on-the-job injuries and illnesses and has as a minimum the following basic objectives: 1) a safe working environment; 2) protection of the general public; 3) promotion of employee wellness programs; 4) reduction of costs associated with accidental losses. To establish a grass-roots program that provides easy access for employee comment and one that can be evaluated by a reduction of injuries and accidents within the campus community. To identify and recommend to the University President specific actions and strategic plans the University community can pursue to provide a safe environment and workplace for the university’s employees, students and visitors. To collaborate with on-campus and off-campus groups to implement these actions and plans and sustain them over time. Act as a fact finding body by engaging in the following activities: a. Assessing and controlling hazards b. Assessing safety training and awareness topics c. Communication with employees regarding safety committee activities d. Developing safety rules, policies and procedures e. Educating employees on safety related topics f. Evaluating the safety program on a regular basis g. Inspecting the workplace h. Keeping job specific training current i. Motivating employees to create a safety culture in the workplace j. Reviewing incidents of workplace accidents, injuries and illnesses Document Committee Activities and provide a communication forum to campus employees for safety information and employee safety recommendations. General Safety at the University of Montana The following information is intended to provide employees with an overview of safety and emergency procedures at the University of Montana and assist supervisors in meeting the requirements of the Montana Safety Culture Act. You should know where emergency exits are located and what you should do in the event of an emergency. Your supervisor should provide this information as part of your new employee orientation. The Safety Culture Act enacted by the 1993 Montana State legislature encourages workers and employers to come together to create and implement a workplace safety philosophy. It is the intent of the act to raise workplace safety to a preeminent position in the minds of all Montana’s workers and employers. Therefore, it is the responsibility and duty of employees to participate in the development and implementation of safety programs that will meet the specific needs of their workplace, thereby establishing a safety culture that will help create a safe work environment for all future generations of Montanans. For more information on Montana Safety Culture Act visit: E. COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP The committee shall be composed of at least 20 members from the faculty, staff, administration, and students at the University of Montana. The committee members shall be appointed by the UM President on the recommendation of ASUM, Staff Senate, Faculty Senate or CSC. Members shall serve a two-year term. Voting members can be reappointed for a maximum of two additional two-year terms by recommendation of the CSC. To capture a diversity of perspectives, the committee shall draw from a variety of departments and services found on the campus. There shall be at least two representatives from each of the following categories: administration, faculty, staff and students. Student representation will usually be appointed by ASUM. There shall be at least one representative from the Office of Environmental Health and Safety, the Office of Public Safety, and Facilities Services. There shall always be advisory members from the Office of Environmental Health and Safety, the Office of Public Safety and Facilities Services. F. OFFICERS The officers of the committee shall be a Chair and Co-Chair. Additional offices shall be established by amending these bylaws as described in Section J. Officers shall be elected by the committee during the spring semester for the following academic year. Nominations for officers can be made by any CSC member at a spring semester meeting, and willing nominees shall be posted on the agenda for the following meeting. Any member of the committee will be allowed to volunteer as co-chair for an upcoming monthly meeting throughout the year. Officer positions will be approved during spring semester to determine if a change is necessary due to time served and current workloads. Officer terms are recommended for two year period. However, officers may be elected for continuous or consecutive terms based on quorum consensus. The Chair's duties are to manage membership, organize, publicize and facilitate monthly meetings; to direct the formation of and to consult with the Vice President of Administration and Finance regarding Committee matters as needed. The Co-Chair's duties shall be to perform the Chair's duties when the Chair is unable to do so, and to be responsible for assisting with the organization and documentation of the Committee activities such as minutes. G. MEETINGS The committee will meet once a month throughout the year or at a minimum of 6 times a year. Meetings in June, July and August may be on an as needed basis if critical issues arise due to summer break. The time and place of meetings shall be determined by the committee at the beginning of each semester. Meeting information shall be publicized on the Committee's website and through other University media. All full committee meetings shall be open to the public and will include a period for public comment. Minutes will be kept, sent to members, and amended and/or approved at the following meeting. Agendas for each meeting will be sent to members and posted on website in advance of the meeting. At least 10 of the duly appointed members of the committee at any given time being present shall constitute a quorum. In the absence of a quorum, the committee may conduct a meeting, engage in discussion, and keep minutes; however, no action requiring a committee vote may be taken without a quorum present.. H. SAFETY FUNDS Periodically the committee may request and if available receive an annual budget of $10,000. This budget item will be designated for small safety projects that either members or non-members bring to the meeting. A fund request will be in writing and discussed and voted on by the committee. It will always take a quorum to act on funded amounts. The co-chair will be charged of managing the safety funds and report to the committee as deemed necessary but at least four times a calendar year. I. SUBCOMMITTEES Subcommittees shall be appointed by the Chair as needed to carry out the mission of the committee. Subcommittees are expected to report on their work at monthly meetings of the full committee. J. AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS These bylaws can be amended at any monthly meeting of the Committee by a two-thirds vote of those present, provided that a quorum is present and provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous monthly meeting.