Keele University Workload Allocation Model

Keele University Workload Allocation Model
Guidance Notes
The current Work Allocation Model (WAM) was introduced in the 2009/10 academic year to
provide a consistent and transparent mechanism to support workload management for
academic staff across the University. Two years after its introduction and as detailed in the
University’s operating plan 2011-15 under Strategic Aim 6: “To manage and develop resources
effectively to ensure the University’s sustainability and development”, a review of the
construction and application of the WAM was undertaken in late 2011.
Within this context, the review identified that within the academic profession there is
considerable autonomy and flexibility, therefore, the WAM needs to support and facilitate
workload planning at a high level rather than being too prescriptive.
These guidance notes provide clarity around the purpose of WAM, set out principles for its
application with flexibility to take account of differences in disciplinary and professional
The WAM is a planning tool for use by Heads of Schools and individuals. It is used by Heads of
School to document the workloads of all academic staff within their area of responsibility. The
WAM provides Heads of School with a high level overview of all activities undertaken by
individuals within the School so that they are able to determine whether these are distributed
appropriately and fairly. From the individual’s perspective the WAM enables discussions about
workloads and career progression plans with their Head of School and it is likely that WAMs
will be referred to in SPRE and PPRE meetings.
Application Principles
It is an expectation that all Schools will use the WAM framework in this paper. All members of
academic staff, including teaching fellows, should have their workloads for each academic
year agreed with them.
The WAM records the workload allocation for each individual, it recognises that activities may
evolve over the academic year and is a dynamic model which takes into account such changes.
Changes in workload requirements may result in the need to modify a WAM during the
academic year and this will be done in consultation with the individual concerned.
The University requires a summary of workloads within each School to be submitted to the
Faculty Office each year. The information submitted to the Faculty Office should be high level
and therefore be indicative of how individuals are spending their time, showing the
proportion of time spent on teaching and student support, research, administration and
management, professional practice and citizenship duties, as opposed to accounting for every
The model must be applied in a manner which is transparent and fair within a School, allowing
for inequities in workloads to be identified and schools will publish the details of all individual
WAMs in such a way that they may be accessible to all members of the School.
An Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) should be undertaken, on a three yearly cycle, at School
level to identify and address any adverse impact arising from the application of WAM, for
protected groups.
Reviews of workload allocation will be undertaken periodically at Faculty level.
The Model in Practice
The WAM is applicable to all academic staff. It contains an estimation rather than a precise
calculation of total workload by documenting the balance of activities which are undertaken
by colleagues using a percentage breakdown of time.
Workload may be allocated between some or all of the following areas (percentages in this
section reflect normal expectations though there is flexibility for Heads of Schools and
individuals to agree variations):
Scholarship and personal development – 10% (all staff). The University is committed to
supporting colleagues through providing opportunities for continuing professional
Organisation, Academic Administration and Citizenship – 20% (all staff). The University
recognises that colleagues spend a significant proportion of time ensuring effective
organisation and administration of academic activities. It is also expected that
colleagues undertake a variety of citizenship duties. All colleagues will be allocated 20%
of their time to such duties, which will be distributed by the Head of School and/or RI
Director as appropriate.
The remaining 70% of the time to be allocated between:
Research. Based on RI buyout and postgraduate research students.
Teaching and student support. Student contact, teaching and teaching related
(For example only - lecturing, delivering seminars, personal tutoring and pastoral
support, project / workshop / lab supervision, and supervision contact time
relating to such activity. Pre and post-contact elements including preparing
materials for teaching and planning teaching activity. Marking of essays and other
written work and examinations. Organising and visiting student placements and
fieldwork, including travel time)
It is recognised that Schools will necessarily wish to use a ‘tariff’ for the fair
distribution of teaching and student support activities. This would be based on
Teaching and Student Support hours (TSS hours). As an indicator for each
teaching contact hour there may be an additional 0-2 TSS hours.
Clinical and professional roles. Based on clinical programmed activities (PA) and
the like
Leadership .To cover major leadership roles (examples: Head of School; RI
Director; Learning and Teaching Director; Programme Director – the size and
scope of these roles and therefore the time allocation for these roles will vary
between schools).
It is recognised that not all roles will include each of these aspects.
WAM at School Level
There is flexibility within the WAM to adapt the model to suit the needs of individual Schools
and in accordance with disciplinary norms. It is acknowledged that it will not always be
possible to compare WAMs of academics from different schools.
Heads of School will determine the most appropriate model for their school in consultation
with members of staff within the School.
Heads of School should consider how they may support early career academics when
allocating workload.
Heads of School will take lead responsibility for workload oversight, though they may delegate
responsibility to others. Heads of School must ensure that appropriate communication and
consultation is undertaken with RI Directors, Heads of Research Centres and Faculty Deans as
RI Directors will take lead responsibility for workload oversight for those academic staff who
have substantial RI buy-out (normally over 60%).
RI Directors/Heads of Research Centres will negotiate with Heads of School each year about
individuals whose time will be supported in part by the RI, so that Heads of School may finalise
the remaining workload allocation.
Heads of School will then:
Identify the teaching and administrative work which needs to be allocated for the year
Assign teaching and student support, administration and management, professional
practice and citizenship duties to each individual, and produce an individualised chart
which shows how the workload (including research if appropriate) translates into
percentage of time under the headings set out in 4.1.
The School will send an indicative summary to the Faculty Office, using the standard template,
on an annual basis once workloads have been agreed.
WAM at Faculty Level
The Faculties require high level indicative information regarding the split of workload within
each school detailed on an individual basis. The Faculty will provide schools with a template
model to complete and agree dates by which the completed WAM should be submitted.
The Faculty Office uses the WAM to broaden its understanding of the allocation of resources
across the various areas to inform Faculty level priorities, activities and strategic planning. The
metrics provided by WAM may also be used by the Faculty office as one of a range of inputs to
inform discussions on staff resourcing.
WAM Review
There will be a review of the operation of this revised model during autumn 2014. Reviews
will also be undertaken periodically by the Faculty office and if anomalies in workloads are
identified then appropriate action can be taken.