
Briefly explain Secure socket layer and set protocol.
Secure Socket layer (SSL) (8 M)
Secure electronic transaction(SET) (2 M)
What is Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)? Explain benefits and
drawbacks of EDI process.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is used by organizations for
transactions that occur on regular basis to a pre determined format. It is
one of the e–commerce technologies. EDI consists of direct computer–
to–computer transmission of data among various forms. It is used in
number of trade sector for inter–organization, regular, repeat
transactions. These systems require EDI standard, EDI software and EDI
network and trading community. (2 marks)
the different layers of EDI software are: EDI business application layer:
the first step in EDI process is to create a document in a software
application. The software application then sends the documents to an
EDI translator. EDI translator layer: is an integral part of EDI solution.
(2 marks)
The translator describes the relationship between the data elements in
business applications and the eDI standards. EDI communication layer:
the communications portion dials the phone number of the value added
network service provider or any other type of access method. (2 marks)
Advantages of EDI: EDI replaces paper transactions with electronic
transactions thus it saves time and speeds up transactions. It provides a
legal record of business communications. VANs were required in the
past but EDI users are now able to transmit their data encrypted over the
internet at the far lower internet connection rates. (2 marks)
Use of EDI reduced cost like of stationary and postage. Accurate
invoicing can be done using EDI. Quick response is achieved with
EDI. disadvantages: the X12 standard is large and general. EDI
communications negotiate a technical agreement to define exactly what
subset EDI they will use. EDI is expensive (2 marks)
Write a note on some security threats and solution and also discuss
message security.
Threat: Data Intercepted, read or modified illicitly
Threat: False identity with an intention of fraud
Threat: Unauthorized user on one network gains access to another
(4.5 marks)
Message Security
Encryption is a cryptographic technology to scramble the data with a key
so that no one can make sense of it while it’s being transmitted. When
data reaches its destination, the information unscrambled using same or
different key. There are two types of crypto-systems: secret key and
public key. In secret key cryptography also referred to as symmetric
cryptography, the same key is used for both encryption and decryption.
The most popular secret key crypto-system in use today is known as
DES, the Data Encryption Standard. IBM developed DES. In public key
cryptography, each user has a public key and a private key. The public
key is made public while the private key remains secret. Encryption is
performed with the public key while decryption is done with the private
key. The RSA public cryptosystem is the most popular form of public
key cryptography. RSA stands for Rivest, Shamir, Adleman the
inventors of RSA cryptosystem
(5.5 marks)
(4.5 + 5.5 = 10 marks)
What are the steps involved in the sales cycle?
Sales cycle from the sellers’ view (1.25X4=5)
1. Identify the need for a product
Brainmart, which deals with books of all kinds, needs to
constantly keep itself updated on the market needs. Brainmart’s
marketing personnel surveyed the area around Brainmart. They also keep
a tab on the books and topics that dominate the market. They have
realized that since a new boy’s hostel has been set up nearby, there are a
lot of sports lovers in and around the bookstore now. Hence suddenly
there is a need for books on Sports, which were not available at
Brainmart till now. Thus Brainmart has identified the need for a product.
2. Design and manufacture products based on the need
Brainmart takes further steps to fulfill the needs of the market
for sports books; hence the bookstore approaches various publishers and
stocks the books relevant to sports. It also places a subscription to the
various sports magazines as it realizes that this is a good avenue for
increasing its sales.
3. Marketing the products
The products that are now ready for purchase now need to be
marketed. The consumers need to know that Brainmart now stocks
Sports books as well. Unless marketed, nobody would ever know what
books are available with Brainmart. Hence marketing is also an
important part of the sales cycle.
4. After sales service
The income of every company depends on the sales figure that
it achieves. On the other hand, the generation of future orders and
customers depends on the after sales services provided by the company.
Hence this is also an important step in the sales cycle involving the
5. Sales cycle from the buyers’ view
a. Identify the need for a product.
Julie is a fresh student of Arts and her professor has introduced
her to the works of the great writer Shakespeare. She is now interested
in purchasing Shakespeare’s all time popular book -‘The Merchant of
Venice’. Hence she has identified the need for purchasing the book. This
is the first step on the pan of the customer in the sales cycle.
Obtain information about the product
The second step is to go about collecting more information
about the product. Julie has obtained the feedback of all the persons who
have read the book and most of it is positive. Hence she has decided to
go ahead and buy the book.
c. Search and find the places that sell that product.
All is well so far. But where does she go to buy the book? The small
library next to her house does not stock the authentic Shakespeare books.
Hence she asks some of her friends who suggest some good bookstores.
She also looks into the Yellow pages and finds that apart from
Brainmart, there are four other bookstores that stock Shakespeare books.
d. Compare the prices, models, reputation and options available.
Although Julie works part time, she is very careful with her money and
would only like to spend it wisely. She now visits all the bookstores she
has listed out and compares the books and prices available in each of
them. She then decides on Brainmart as being a most economical and
stocking the widest range of books and decides to buy all her books from