2016 Prescribed Questionnaire





International applicants

International applicants must complete this questionnaire

Deadline for submission of this questionnaire is October 2015, however applications will be assessed as they are submitted and eligible applicants will potentially be able to receive an interview prior to the deadline. This will enable offers to be made to successful applicants throughout the year.

** This Questionnaire must be typed and converted to a PDF document before submitting. **


Reference Number

Given Name(s)

Family Name

Preferred Name



Date of Birth

Gender Male / Female



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The following list will help you identify the important attributes which will increase the likelihood of you gaining a place in the University of Adelaide veterinary program. You should tick the boxes which apply to you and provide further information in Section 2.

I have animal husbandry experience from working with one or more types of farm animals, for example, sheep, beef cattle, dairy cattle, pigs, poultry, aquaculture.

I have experience of working with, or owning, pet animals, horses or wildlife.

I have had the responsibility for the day-to-day care of animals.

I have experience of the activities of veterinarians in practice or other fields of veterinary work.

I have other experiences relevant to the practice of veterinary science, such as work in laboratories or abattoirs.

I am able to provide references or proof of placement for relevant experiences.

I have an understanding of unique ethical issues that confront veterinarians.

I have an understanding of the challenges that confront veterinarians involved with animal production.


To be considered for an offer into the Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience), you must be able to attend an online interview.

Applicants eligible for interview will be contacted to negotiate a suitable interview day and time. We will try to accommodate t he applicants’ preferred interview days as far as possible but we cannot guarantee we will be able to do so.


The interviews will be conducted online. It is the applicant’s responsibility to find a suitable venue for the interview with adequate internet connection and phone line. If you use an agent, the interview could occur in their office. Please indicate below your preference for the interview location.

Please indicate your preference:




Please tick one :

I intended to have the interview:

☐ In my agent’s office

Name of Agent:

☐ From my house in Australia

☐ From my house overseas

☐ Other

Please specify:

Communication details for Interview

Phone Number


Internet Skype Account

FaceTime Account (email)

(if applicable)

(if applicable)

QQ International Account (if applicable)

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To gain entry to the Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience) program, applicants should be able to demonstrate an informed interest in veterinary science, animals and their welfare, and articulate a clear understanding of, and commitment to, the breadth and intensity of training which is required in a veterinary program.


Please complete an entry below for each relevant animal husbandry / veterinary experience you may have had (up to 10) , listing the activities you performed. Entries may include time spent on family farms, animal husbandry experience working with one or more types of farm animals (including aquaculture), experience working with pet animals, horses or wildlife, experience working and/or interacting with veterinarians in practice or other fields of veterinary work, and other experiences relevant to the practice of veterinary science, such as work in laboratories or abattoirs.

It may help your application if you attach documents (validations, references, statements from employers, certificates, etc ) to support each experience, including family enterprises , as a single

PDF document to support your questionnaire .

Name of organisation or place where animals were kept

Type of organisation

Please tick if you have provided validation for this experience

Contact Name

List the activities you performed:


(e.g. Mar – June 2015 /


Estimated Total


Name of organisation or place where animals were kept

Type of organisation

Please tick if you have provided validation for this experience

Contact Name

List the activities you performed:


(e.g. Mar

– June 2015 /


Estimated Total


Name of organisation or place where animals were kept

Type of organisation

List the activities you performed:


(e.g. Mar

– June 2015 /


Please tick if you have provided validation for this experience

Contact Name

Estimated Total


If you wish to include more experiences please list them on the next page.

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Name of organisation or place where animals were kept

Type of organisation

List the activities you performed:


(e.g. Mar – June 2015 /


Name of organisation or place where animals were kept

Type of organisation

List the activities you performed:


(e.g. Mar

– June 2015 /


Name of organisation or place where animals were kept

Type of organisation

List the activities you performed:


(e.g. Mar – June 2015 /


Name of organisation or place where animals were kept

Type of organisation

List the activities you performed:


(e.g. Mar – June 2015 /


Name of organisation or place where animals were kept

Type of organisation

List the activities you performed:


(e.g. Mar – June 2015 /


Please tick if you have provided validation for this experience

Contact Name

Estimated Total


Please tick if you have provided validation for this experience

Contact Name

Estimated Total


Please tick if you have provided validation for this experience

Contact Name

Estimated Total


Please tick if you have provided validation for this experience

Contact Name

Estimated Total


Please tick if you have provided validation for this experience

Contact Name

Estimated Total


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Name of organisation or place where animals were kept

Type of organisation

List the activities you performed:


(e.g. Mar – June 2015 /


Name of organisation or place where animals were kept

Type of organisation

List the activities you performed:


(e.g. Mar

– June 2015 /


Please tick if you have provided validation for this experience

Contact Name

Estimated Total


Please tick if you have provided validation for this experience

Contact Name

Estimated Total


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SECTION 2b: PERSONAL STATEMENT – Interest in becoming a vet

Please write a personal statement (in your own words) demonstrating your interest in a career in the veterinary profession and reasons why you believe you should be selected into the veterinary program at the

University of Adelaide. Please limit your statement to 400 words.

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SECTION 2c: PERSONAL STATEMENT – Outside interests

Please write a personal statement (in your own words) demonstrating activities and experiences you may have had which indicate the breadth of your interests (hobbies, clubs, cultural pursuits) and your ability to lead, to succeed at tasks and to contribute to your community. Please limit your statement to 200 words.

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Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience)

Please read the following information carefully before submitting this application. By submitting an application for the Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience), you are agreeing to the requirements below.

The Australian Veterinary Board Council Inc (AVBC) is the Australian body responsible for accrediting veterinary science programs. At the University of Adelaide, the veterinary science program comprises of two degrees: the

Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience) and the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. To practice as a veterinarian, students need to complete both degrees (6 years in total). Graduates from approved veterinary programs are eligible for registration as veterinarians in all states and territories of Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong,

Singapore and the United Kingdom. In order to meet these professional expectations, graduates must be able to demonstrate their ability to perform various animal handling, manipulative, therapeutic and diagnostic techniques.

The Veterinary Surgeons Board or Veterinary Practitioners Board in any state or territory of Australia may refuse to register a person not deemed fit to practise veterinary science by reason of infirmity, injury, mental or physical illness, habitual drunkenness or addiction to a deleterious drug. In order to meet and maintain accreditation standards with the AVBC, the University of Adelaide is required to train graduate students who are eligible to be registered as veterinarians.

The Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience) and the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine together form a broad program; it is a requirement of the accreditation of the program that graduates have the skills to practice veterinary medicine and surgery across all species of domestic animals and common wildlife species. All veterinary science students must demonstrate the ethical, physical and emotional capacity to participate in the full curriculum and to achieve the level of competence required by the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences in order to graduate and be registrable as a veterinarian.

There are inherent requirements associated with the Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience) that prospective students need to be aware of before applying. These requirements include, but are not limited to, physical fitness, physical capacity to learn how to handle a range of large and small animals, required vaccinations (specifically Q fever), and effective written communication. Applicants must read the Inherent

Requirements and Vaccination Guidelines before submitting their applications. These documents can be found in

Degree Finder ( http://www.adelaide.edu.au/degree-finder/ and select Bachelor of Science (Veterinary

Bioscience)) under Useful Links. By applying for this program, applicants acknowledge these Inherent

Requirements and Vaccination Guidelines.

If you have a temporary or permanent medical condition or disability that may impact on your study in the veterinary science degrees, you should visit the Disability Service http://www.adelaide.edu.au/disability/ or contact them on +61 8 8313 5962 as soon as possible to discuss whether reasonable study adjustments can be made without compromising the inherent requirements for veterinary registration. Such conditions may include, but are not restricted to, learning disabilities, mental health problems, sensory and physical disabilities, life threatening allergies, immunosuppressive conditions and pregnancy.

 I have read The School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences Inherent Requirement Statement and I believe that I will be able to achieve the competences and skills required in the Bachelor of Science (Veterinary

Bioscience) program.

I declare that the information provided in my application for entry into the Bachelor of Science (Veterinary

Bioscience) is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Since reaching adulthood, my behaviour has been consistent with the ethical requirements specified in the Disclosure Statement.

Print name Date

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You must have applied for the Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Science) through Unistart or via Apply By Web

(ABW) by 30 September 2015 .

The prescribed questionnaire for the Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience) program must be emailed as a PDF document to the International Office on or before the 8 th October 2015* . Late applications will not be accepted. All documents must be received electronically.

*Please note: The School will assess questionnaires as they are submitted and eligible applicants will be offered an online interview. Formal offers will be administered by the International Office on an ongoing basis throughout the year.

You must be able to tick all of the boxes below:

I have applied for 2016 entry by the closing date AND obtained a reference number.

I have or will have appropriate academic results, such as:

- a completed year 12 qualification (either currently in progress or previously completed), or

- current or previous university level study of more than 6 months full-time (or part-time equivalent).

I have reached or am likely to reach an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) of ≥90 or have achieved or am likely to achieve the minimum required Grade Point Average (GPA) for the years or degree completed (see Admission Requirements for details).

I meet the necessary subject prerequisite requirements.

I meet the English Language requirements.

I have completed this prescribed questionnaire and saved it as a PDF document.

I have scanned all supporting documents for the experiences that I have listed in Section 2 of this prescribed questionnaire (if applicable) into a single PDF document.

I will email the following documents to the International Office ( international@adelaide.edu.au) including in the subject heading: “ADMISSION [your reference number], [your name]

on or before 8 th October, 2015 .

For example “ADMISSION 123456789 John Smith”:

1) Questionnaire (as a PDF document)

2) All supporting documents for the experiences that you have listed in Section 2 (in a single PDF document with a coversheet outlining your name and reference number)

Failure to provide the required documentation in the specified format as outlined above may jeopardise your application.

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