ppp PASADENA CITY COLLEGE Curriculum & Instruction (626) 585-7171 REVISED _____________________________________________________________________ To: Curriculum & Instruction Committee Members Division Deans From: Lyman Chaffee and Janis Dwyer, Chairpersons Date: April 25, 2014 Re: CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION COMMITTEE MEETING, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2014, 2:30 P.M. LIBRARY TERRACE ROOM The C & I Committee will hold its regular meeting on THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2014, 2:30 P.M., in LIBRARY TERRRACE ROOM. 1. Welcome & Self-Introductions 2. Public Comment 3. Approval of Meeting Minutes Meeting Minutes for March April 17, 2014 4. Committee Discussion with possible vote (see attached) School of Career and Technical Education School of Humanities and Social Sciences School of Visual, Media, and Performing Arts CIV Discipline name change C&I Policy & Procedure (Policy No. 3200) AB 86—The State and Non-credit Education Challenges for C&I Next Year 5. Announcements 6. Adjournment C & I Agenda May 1, 2014 Page 1 ACTION ITEMS COURSE PROPOSALS ADDITIONS SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES ANTH 001H HONORS PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Honors program. ANTH 002H HONORS CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Honors program. PHIL 001H HONORS INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Honors program. PSYC 001H HONORS INTRODUCTORY PSYCHOLOGY Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Honors program. PSYC 021H HONORS DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY: THE CHILD Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Honors program. RATIONALE: These courses are being proposed as part of the Pasadena City College Honors Transfer Program. They are based on existing courses and must articulate as that course in addition to identifying the course as a distinct Honors version of that same course. Thus, the course being proposed is largely based on its existing non-Honors counterpart. By creating Honors courses designated with an “H,” transcripts will show that students have completed an Honors course. While program completion is currently noted on student transcripts, individual Honors sections of courses are not distinguished from their non-Honors counterparts, which is a preferable practice for such programs. Such notations are considered a “basic characteristic of a fully developed Honors program” by the National Collegiate Honors Council. An additional benefit of distinguishing Honors courses is that enrollment in Honors classes is limited to students in the Honors program. The current practice is to identify a section of a given course as “Honors” and restrict student enrollment in the class schedule accordingly. Creating Honors courses where the enrollment restriction is written into the course itself will put PCC’s enrollment practices more squarely within state policies and recommendations. MODIFICATIONS SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES ANTH 001 PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY RATIONALE: Changes to assignments, textbooks (updates) and Form D. SLOs, SPOs, CCOs. ANTH 002 CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY RATIONALE: Addition of assignments, update texts and update Form D. SLOs, CCOs. CHDV 010 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF TEACHING YOUNG CHILDREN RATIONALE: Current update required for Distance Education form. Modify SLOs and SPOs. HIST 008 HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA RATIONALE: Revise catalog description, SLOs, and SPOs; update methods of instruction and textbooks PHIL 001 INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY RATIONALE: This course is being updated and reviewed in order to align with the C-ID descriptor for Phil 100. SLOs. PSYC 001 INTRODUCTORY PSYCHOLOGY RATIONALE: This course is being updated and reviewed in order to align with the C-ID descriptor for PSYCH 110. SPOs, CCOs. C & I Agenda May 1, 2014 Page 2 PSYC 021 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY: THE CHILD RATIONALE: This course was submitted for C-ID numbering and was only conditionally approved because it was missing mention of language development and bilingualism. SLOs, SPOs. SCHOOL OF VISUAL, MEDIA, AND PERFORMING ARTS ART 011B CONCEPTS IN DRAWING RATIONALE: The course is being modified to meet the CID descriptor. CCOs, catalog description. ART 020A BEGINNING PAINTING RATIONALE: This course is being modified to meet the CID descriptor. CCOs, catalog description. ART 038A CERAMICS RATIONALE: The course is being modified to meet the C-ID descriptor. SLOs, SPOs, CCOs, catalog description. ART 039A HANDBUILT CERAMICS RATIONALE: The course is being modified to meet the C-ID descriptor. SLOs, SPOs, CCOs, catalog description. PHOT 021 INTRODUCTION TO BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPHY RATIONALE: Proposed necessary updates for Photo 21 to update the currency of the course content. Course title, SLOs, SPOs, CCOs, catalog description, hours. PHOT 024A ALTERNATIVE PROCESSES IN PHOTOGRAPHY RATIONALE: This course exposes students to historical photographic processes and is supplemental to what they cover in Photo 10 History of Photography. Course title, SLOs, SPOs, CCOs, catalog description, add prereq Phot 021 and Phot 030. OTHER CIV Discipline Name Change C&I Policy & Procedure (Policy No. 3200) C & I Agenda May 1, 2014 Page 3