Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome Enhanced Surveillance Report NDR# Please Print off completed form and FAX to AH Communicable Disease Control at 780-415-9609 SECTION 1: CASE INFORMATION Birth Date: Gender: Age at onset: Male Female Unknown Municipality: SECTION 2: CLINICAL INFORMATION Onset Date: Hospitalized? Name of Hospital 1. 2. 3. Fatal? No No Unknown Unknown Yes Date medical attention sought: If Yes, number of times hospitalized: Admit Date Yes Date of death: Died from disease? Discharge Date Yes No Unknown Fever >38.3 O2 Sats ≤ 90% at any time during illness? Chest X-Ray shows bilateral pulmonary infiltrates? Respiratory compromise requiring supplemental O2? Intubated and mechanically ventilated? Treatment with Ribavirin? No Was exam compatible with non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema? Yes No Unknown Unknown Yes No Unknown Yes No Unknown Yes No Unknown Yes No Unknown Yes Date of initial intubation: No Unknown Yes Low platelet count (≤150,000)? No Unknown Yes Date treatment started: Indicate lowest platelet count: Date of lowest platelet count: Elevated hematocrit? No Unknown Yes Autopsy performed? No Unknown Yes Date of CXR: Indicate highest hematocrit: Date of highest hematocrit: History of underlying medical No Unknown Yes Specify: conditions? Other possible explanations for acute illness (e.g. sepsis, burns, trauma)? Other clinical comments: SECTION 3: EXPOSURE HISTORY Occupation: Place of work (to nearest municipality): In the 6 weeks prior to onset of illness was there exposure WITHIN Alberta to rodents or their excretions? Yes Date of Exposure Home/Recreation/Work? Location of Exposure (yyyy/mm/dd) (e.g. at home) (to nearest municipality) Alberta Health, April 2014 © 2014 Government of Alberta No Unknown Description of Exposure (e.g. found mouse droppings while cleaning garage) Exposure to (e.g., mice…) 1 SECTION 4: TRAVEL HISTORY In the 6 weeks prior to onset of illness did case travel outside of Alberta? Yes No Unknown If Yes, please provide travel dates and location: Date Arrived at Location Date Left Location Resort Name/Destination Details Municipality Prov/Terr/State Country SECTION 5: LABORATORY TESTING Specimen # Report Date Collection Date Specimen Type Test Performed Test Result (e.g. YYYY/MM/DD) (e.g. YYYY/MM/DD) (e.g. Blood, lung tissue) (e.g. Hantavirus PCR) (e.g. Positive) SECTION 6: ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION Date Report to Alberta Health: Zone/Region reporting: Zone - Region Reported by: Telephone number: - ext Comments: Alberta Health, April 2014 © 2014 Government of Alberta 2