CISAK 2015 – Paper Number (Will be replaced with paper registration or alphabetical number if the manuscript is accepted) Preparation of Papers for CISAK 2015 First Author1, Second Author1 and Third Author2 1 First Department, First University Address Including Country Name 2 Second Department, Second University Address Including Country Name 1,* Abstract. This template is a Word 2007 version of paper template for The Conference of Indonesian Students Association in South Korea (CISAK) 2015. The authors who intend to submit manuscripts to CISAK 2015 are recommended to use this template directly: Please remove the unnecessary text in this template and replace it by the text originated by the authors. For abstract, the requirements are as follows: 9 pt Times New Roman fonts for body of the text with one spacing between lines, and 12 pt spacing for the next heading. The following requirements are mandatory in the abstract: the objective of the work, the proposed solution, the summary of results. Minimum length is 200 words and maximum length is 400 words. Keywords: Use 9 pt; lower case; italic; Times New Roman; write alphabetically in 4-6 words. A. INTRODUCTION The section title uses 11 pt, bold, Times New Roman, title case with 6 pt spacing to the body text. Use 10 pt, Times New Roman for body of the text, with single spacing between lines, no spacing between paragraph and 12 pt spacing for the next heading.1 To set the style, simply use this template and follow the instructions on section B. B. IMPORTANT REQUIREMENTS 1. Paragraphs The paragraphs in body text use 1.29 ch. left tab. Please start each paragraph from the left tab stop. All paragraphs must be justified, i.e. both left-justified and right-justified. 2. Mathematical Formulation Each equation should be presented on a separate line from the text with a blank space above and below. Equations should be clear and expressions used should be explained in the text. Equations should be numbered in parentheses. The following example can be adopted. x2 y2 z 2 * Corresponding author 1 For typing footnote, simply choose Insert Footnote on the menu bar, it numbered automatically. (1) Please define the definition of each symbol after their first appearance in the paper. Do not use the same symbol for different meanings. If necessary, use subscript and superscript for differentiating any two entities with close definitions. a. Definitions, Properties, Assumptions, Theorems, Propositions, and Lemmas If the authors need to define a terminology, state an assumption, or describe some properties, please make a new line, and start with “Definition” (italic) followed by the number of definition (straight, not italic), as shown in the following example: Definition 1: A path is defined as a set of points (x, y) started from initial point ( X 0 , Y0 ) to a goal point ( X g ,Yg ) . Property 2: For a 3-degree Bezier curve, there are 4 control points ( X j , Y j ) , j 0,..., 3 , which characterize the position of each point on the curve. Two of them are specific: 1). The first control point, i.e., j = 0, is the start point. 2). The last control point, i.e., j = 3, is the goal point. 3). The remaining control points determine the shape of the curve. Assumption 3: System (1) is linear. If the authors intend to state a theorem, proposition, or lemma, the format is the same with that in the case of definition, property, and assumption, but a proof must be provided. The following examples can be adopted. Theory 4: Suppose that Assumption 3 is hold, therefore the control law (5) drives the system (1) asymptotically stable. CISAK 2015 – Paper Number (Will be replaced with paper registration or alphabetical number if the manuscript is accepted) Proof: The theory can be proved as follows…. Note that the number of definitions, properties, theorems, propositions, and lemmas is increased without considering which entity uses the number. For instance, in a paper, the sequence of them from the beginning of the paper is: Definition 1, Lemma 2, Proposition 3, Theorem 4, Assumptions 5, Proposition 6, etc. b. Pseudo-code Pseudo-code is in particular needed by authors for showing an algorithm. The style of pseudo-code is described as follows. Algorithm 1: Name of Process Fig. 1. The caption should be typed in lower case. Choose center if the caption fit on one line. 1: Process level 1 2: Process level 1 3: For condition 1 then 4: Process level 2 5: For condition 2 then 6: Process level 3 7: If condition 3 then 8: Process level 4 9: Else If condition 4 then 10: Process level 4 11: Else 12: Process level 4 13: End If 14: End For 15: While condition 5 do 16: Process level 3 17: End while 18: End for C. REFERENCES CITATIONS Within the text, references should be cited by giving last name of the author(s) and the order number in the reference as: Whitson [2] has studied …. the resulting equation is [1]: x2 y2 z 2 Note that in the case of three or more authors, only the last name of the first author is cited and the others are denoted by “et al.” The same rule is also hold for header title in even page. All references cited in the body text must be listed in the end of the manuscript. Please see the example in the end of this template. D. MANUSCRIPT STRUCTURE Please do not write C/C++, Java, Python, or any programming language codes in pseudo-code. Please use general pseudo-code expression to explain an algorithm. c. Figures and Tables Figures must be placed at the bottom or top of the related pages. If the authors intend to place the figures at the bottom of page, the other figures must be placed at the bottom of page as well. All figures and tables should be centered and numbered consecutively. Please follow the examples of figure and table below. Table 1. Summary of physical parameters. No Segments 1 2 3 4 5 A-B B-C C-D D-E E-F (32) Length Elevation (km) (meter) 25 75.15 44.75 72.5 21.25 30 10 50 10 10 Within the text, references should be cited by giving last name of the author(s) and the order number in the reference as: The structure of the paper should be in the following order: 1. Title of Paper 2. Author names and affiliation 3. Abstract 4. Nomenclature (if necessary) 5. Body of the text (Introduction ……Conclusion) 6. Acknowledgements 7. References E. REFERENCES The heading of the References section must not be numbered. All reference items must be in 8 pt font. Please use Regular and Italic styles to distinguish different fields as shown in the References section. Number the reference items consecutively in square brackets (e.g. [1]). When referring to a reference item, please simply use the reference number, as in [2]. Do not use “Ref. [3]” or “Reference [3]” except at the beginning of a sentence, e.g. “Reference [3] shows …”. Multiple references are each numbered with separate brackets (e.g. [2], [3], [4]–[6]). Examples of reference items of different categories shown in the References section include: CISAK 2015 – Paper Number (Will be replaced with paper registration or alphabetical number if the manuscript is accepted) example of a book in [1] example of a book in a series in [2] example of a journal article in [3] example of a conference paper in [4] example of a patent in [5] example of a website in [6] example of a web page in [7] example of a databook as a manual in [8] example of a datasheet in [9] example of a master’s thesis in [10] example of a technical report in [11] example of a standard in [12] APPENDIX 1 Appendices should be located after the last section of the paper. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT If necessary you can type your acknowledgement here. REFERENCES [1] S. M. Metev and V. P. Veiko, Laser Assisted Microtechnology, 2nd ed., R. M. Osgood, Jr., Ed. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 1998. [2] J. Breckling, Ed., The Analysis of Directional Time Series: Applications to Wind Speed and Direction, ser. Lecture Notes in Statistics. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 1989, vol. 61. [3] S. Zhang, C. Zhu, J. K. O. Sin, and P. K. T. Mok, “A novel ultrathin elevated channel low-temperature poly-Si TFT,” IEEE Electron Device Lett., vol. 20, pp. 569–571, Nov. 1999. [4] M. Wegmuller, J. P. von der Weid, P. Oberson, and N. Gisin, “High resolution fiber distributed measurements with coherent OFDR,” in Proc. ECOC’00, 2000, paper 11.3.4, p. 109. [5] R. E. Sorace, V. S. Reinhardt, and S. A. Vaughn, “High-speed digital-toRF converter,” U.S. Patent 5 668 842, Sept. 16, 1997. [6] (2002) The IEEE website. [Online]. Available: [7] M. Shell. (2002) IEEEtran homepage on CTAN. [Online]. Available: [8] FLEXChip Signal Processor (MC68175/D), Motorola, 1996. [9] “PDCA12-70 data sheet,” Opto Speed SA, Mezzovico, Switzerland. [10] A. Karnik, “Performance of TCP congestion control with rate feedback: TCP/ABR and rate adaptive TCP/IP,” M. Eng. thesis, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, Jan. 1999. [11] J. Padhye, V. Firoiu, and D. Towsley, “A stochastic model of TCP Reno congestion avoidance and control,” Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, CMPSCI Tech. Rep. 99-02, 1999. [12] Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specification, IEEE Std. 802.11, 1997.