Critical Perspectives Programme 2014

08.30–09.30 Registration (in Brookfield
Health Sciences Complex foyer/atrium)
09.30-09.45 BHSC G02 Welcome. Lydia
Sapouna and Harry Gijbels
Chairperson for the day: Lydia Sapouna
9.45-10.30 Keynote Presentation 1
BHSC G02 (250) Is Voice Hearing Creating
a Diagnostic Conundrum? Olga
Runciman, Psychiatric Survivor and Chair
of the Danish Hearing Voices Network,
10.30-11.15 Keynote Presentation 2
BHSC G02 (250) The Value of Labelling.
Stuart Neilson, Lecturer, Adult Continuing
Education, University College Cork,
Health. James Mullighan, Creative
Director, 59th Cork Film Festival, Ireland.
09.30-11.30 Live Streaming of BHSC G02
(250) events to BHSC G04 (120) and BHSC
G06 (120)
12.00-12.45 Concurrent Sessions A
1. BHSC G04 (120) Finding Solace in the
Hills of Donegal. Solas, Donegal, Ireland.
2. BHSC G05 (120) Psychiatric Drugs:
Their life limiting effects from a legal and
creative viewpoint. Margaret Curran,
Artist and Art Therapist; Deirdre Gibbons,
Solicitor, Cork, Ireland.
3. BHSC G06 (120) The Madness of
Management: Using Art and Drama to
Survive the Crisis. Catherine Hartley &
Chris Lee, Social Work Managers, London,
5. BHSC 1.22 (70) From Enemy to Ally.
Mary Rae, Expert by Experience &
Gerardine Boyle, Art Therapist, Cork,
6. BHSC 1.04 (30) Getting Personal about
Evidence-based Practice. Robert
O’Driscoll, Addiction Counsellor, Health
Service Executive, Cork, Ireland.
7. BHSC 2.25 (50) Exploring and
Understanding our Hidden Selves a Little
Better. Veronica Carson & Sheila Finn,
Psychotherapists, Group Facilitators,
Mayo, Ireland.
12.45-13.45 Lunch. Cafes and restaurants
are in close proximity to the conference
13.45-14.00 Welcome Back. Lydia
14.00-14.45 Keynote Presentation 3
11.15-11.30 ‘Illuminate’ at the Cork Film
4. BHSC 1.01 (70) An Experiential Taster
Using Sesame Drama and Movement
Therapy for Growth and Healing.
Raphaela Heaslip, Sesame Trained Drama
and Movement Therapist, Cork, Ireland.
BHSC G02 (250) Presenting ‘Illuminate':
Films and Discussion Exploring Mental
Please note, this workshop is limited to 15
delegates. Please wear comfortable clothes,
suitable for movement.
BHSC G02 (250) What Price Recovery?
Jim Walsh, PhD candidate, Dublin City
University, Dublin, Ireland.
14.00-14.45 Live Streaming of the above
BHSC G02 presentation to BHSC G05
(120) and BHSC G06 (120)
15.00-15.45 Concurrent Sessions B
1. BHSC G02 (250) My Bipolar Expedition.
Miranda De Barra, Lived experience of
bipolar disorder, mental health
ambassador for See Change Ireland and
Time To Change UK, blogger and public
speaker. Kenmare, Ireland /
Gloucestershire, England.
2. BHSC G05 (120) Chronicity in
Psychiatry. Dan Taylor, Psychiatric Nurse,
Researcher and Social Care Practitioner,
Limerick, Ireland.
3. BHSC 1.22 (70) Hearing Voices Groups
in Cork City – a Discussion with Cofacilitators and Members. Deirdre
Hegarty, Expert by Experience; Angela
Carrazza, Art Therapist, South Lee Mental
Health Services (SLMHS); Sean Spillane,
RMHN (SLMHS). All trained in Hearing
Voices Group facilitation. Cork, Ireland.
4. BHSC 1.04 (30) Prevention is Better
than Cure. Alastair Yarrow, Homeopath,
Arklow, Ireland.
5. BHSC 2.25 (50) Education beyond
Diagnosis: Opportunities and Challenges
Lydia Sapouna, Lecturer; Miriam Clifford,
BSW4 Student, School of Applied Social
Studies, University College Cork, Ireland.
6. BHSC 3.01 (40) Untangling Trauma
from the Perversity of Psychiatric
Diagnosis. Liam McGabhann, Lecturer,
School of Nursing & Human Sciences,
Dublin City University, Ireland.
16.00-16.45 Concurrent Sessions C
1. BHSC G02 (250) Documentary Film as
an Agent of Social Change. James
Mullighan, Creative Director, 59th Cork
Film Festival, Ireland and John Kastner,
‘Out of Mind out of Sight’ Documentary
2. BHSC G05 (120) The Introduction of
Advance Directives in Mental Health
Decision-Making: The Views of Irish
Service Users and Consultant
Psychiatrists. Fiona Morrissey, Mental
Health Researcher and Part-time Lecturer
in Human Rights Law, Galway, Ireland.
3. BHSC 1.04 (30) Compassionate
Resilience: Surviving Trauma through
Compassion-Based Practice. Jane
Negrych, Burn Survivor, MSc Student &
Researcher and Membership Secretary at
the Mindfulness Association UK, England.
4. BHSC 1.21 (70) Allies in the Psychiatric
Survivor Movement: Challenges and
Opportunities. Gail Hornstein, Professor
of Psychology at Mount Holyoke College
Massachusetts, USA.
5. BHSC 2.25 (50) Professional
Perspectives on Appropriate Professional
Practices. Yvonne Barnes-Holmes
(Psychologist) & Ciara McEnteggart (PhD
candidate), Maynooth University, Ireland.
6. BHSC 3.01 (40) Open(Ing) Dialogues:
Starting From Where We Are. Adrienne
Adams, Advanced Nurse Practitioner;
Marian Butler, Mental Health Service
User; Peter Fitzpatrick, Service User
Volunteer; Kathleen O’Mahony, Principal
Social Worker; Iseult Twamley, Senior
Clinical Psychologist, West Cork Mental
Health Service, Ireland.
Look forward to seeing you all again
Lydia and Harry
9.00-10.00 Registration (in Brookfield
Health Sciences Complex)
10.00-10. 15 BHSC G01 Welcome and
Welcome Back. Harry Gijbels and Lydia
Chairperson for the day: Harry Gijbels
10.15-11.00 Keynote Presentation 4
BHSC G01 (250) Critical Thought as a
Strong and Positive Force for Change in
Mental Health. Pat Bracken, Clinical
Director Mental Health Service West Cork,
11.00-11.45 Keynote Presentation 5
BHSC G01 (250) My Body Remembers; I
Refused. From Being a Disorder to
Dealing with Life. Wilma Boevink, Expert
by Experience, Social Scientist,
12.30-13.15 Keynote Presentation 6
BHSC G01 (250) Analysing the Campaign
to Move beyond Psychiatric Diagnosis:
Insights from Political Theorist Gene
Sharp. David Harper, Reader in Clinical
Psychology University of East London,
10.00-13.15 Live Streaming of BHSC G01
welcome and above presentations to
BHSC G04 (120) and 1.02 (70)
13.15-14.00 Lunch. Cafes and restaurants
are in close proximity to the conference
14.00-14.45 Concurrent Sessions D
1. BHSC 1.02 (70) Rage against the
Disorder – Subversion and the Mental
Health System. Kerry Cuskelly and Nick
Murphy, Social Work Action Network
Dublin, Ireland.
2. BHSC 1.04 (30) The Ego, Humility and
Forgiveness on the Path of Discovery
with Experience from Mental Health
Phenomena. Israel Finnerty, Advocate,
Writer, Free-thinker with Experience of
Mental Health Phenomena.
3. BHSC 1.22 (70) Beyond the DSM V:
toward a Personal Diagnosis. Wilma
Boevink, Expert by Experience, Social
Scientist, Netherlands.
4. BHSC 2.25 (50) A View from the Inside
– Overcoming the Challenges of Dyslexia,
Dyspraxia and More (Beyond the Labels).
Kate Mason, Holistic Practitioner, Outside
Thinking (
London, England and Carrick-on-Shannon,
Co Leitrim, Ireland.
5. BHSC 3.01 (40) Gender, Sexuality and
Mental Health: a Feminist Perspective.
Frankie (Elisabeth) Pamer, activist and
researcher; Liz Brosnan, survivor
researcher, writer and educator, Ireland.
6. BHSC 3.02 (40) In-between. Desmond
Mc Sweeney, PhD student University
College Cork and Mental Health Nurse;
Health Service Executive, Cork, Ireland.
7. BHSC 3.04 (40) Beyond Diagnosis-Inner
Medicine. Greg White, Jungian
Psychotherapist, Bandon, Ireland.
15.00-15.45 Concurrent Sessions E
1. BHSC G05 (120) Diagnosis is Simply a
Form of Evil. Pete Sanders, Retired
Therapist, Trainer and Clinical Supervisor,
Trustee of the Soteria Network UK,
2. BHSC 1.01 (70) Playback Theatre-when
your Stories can Come to Life. Speakout
Theatre for Transformation Cork, Ireland.
3. BHSC 1.22 (70) Imagine! Imagine! Why
it is Essential to go beyond Psychiatry
and its Diagnoses. Mary Maddock,
MindFreedom, Ireland.
4. BHSC 2.25 (50) Nine Lives – Stories of
Ordinary Life Therapy from Sweden.
Hanna Lundblad-Edling Family Care
Foundation, Gothenburg, Sweden.
5. BHSC 3.01 (40) Recovery College - from
Passive Recipient to Active Participant.
Angie Lindenau, Laughter Yoga
Teacher/Therapist with Experience of Selfdirected Recovery, Limerick, Ireland.
6. BHSC 3.02 (40) The Psychological Lives
of Irish Men: The ‘Grounded’ Perspective.
Darach Murphy PhD Student, School of
Applied Psychology, University College,
Cork, Ireland.
16.00-17.00 Plenary Session
BHSC G10 (150) Critical Voices Network
Ireland (CVNI)
The final session of the conference is
dedicated to the on-going work of the
Critical Voices Network Ireland (CVNI),
which was launched at this conference in
November 2010. The plenary session
provides opportunities to integrate the
insights and initiatives of the first 1.5 days
of the conference and to discuss the ongoing work of the CVNI. This will hopefully
help strengthen a sense of shared outlook
and purpose, and enhance the networking
initiatives which have started in different
parts of the country.
Key note presentations, with the
respective presenters’ consent, will be
available a few weeks after the
conference at
onferences/ and
Conference Donations
One of the unique features of this annual
conference is that it is a free event,
supported by a very small budget. At the
conference before last, delegates
enquired about making donations and
indeed some of them did. Like last year,
this year again there will be a donation
box at the registration desk. Please feel
free to contribute if you wish (preferably
cash or cheque made payable to CVNI to
be lodged into the CVNI conference
account). We do not accept donations
which compromise the ethos and values
of the conference. If you have any
queries, please contact either Lydia
Sapouna at or at 021
4903495, or Harry Gijbels at or at 021 4901551.
We wish you all a safe journey home and
look forward to see you again next year.
Lydia Sapouna and Harry Gijbels