1. The Aims & Objectives
- Development of Girevoy Sport;
- Strengthening friendship between nations &building strong cooperation in sport;
- Development of sport mastership ,exchange of experience , establishing strongest athletes between
seniors in Girevoy Sport;
- Sport is for healthy living & without age limits!
2. Terms and venues
Place of conducting of competitions:
Dates of conducting of competitions:
Zagreb, Croatia
October 18-21, 2013
October , 18th
Day of arrival and registration of participants on World Championship;
3:00pm – 6:00pm - credentials committee.
6:00pm - 7:00pm - meeting of representatives and judges.
10:00am – 08:00pm - weighing of participants
3:00pm – 10:00pm – official training
October, 19th
8:00am - 9:00am - the additional weighing of participants in biathlon, snatch;
9:15am - 09:45am – open ceremony;
10:30 am - performance of men in exercise "Jerk"; women in exercise „Snatch“ and men in „Snatch“
6:00pm - rewarding of champions and prizewinners of competition;
October , 20th
10:00 am is a performance of men in exercise "Long Cycle Clean and Jerk";
04:00 pm - rewarding of champions and prizewinners of competition, Championship closing ceremony;
October , 21st
10:00 - delivery of protocols and official reports.
3. Management of competition
Chief Judge: From IUKL/RGSF organisation
Head Secretary: Vasily Ginko (Latvia).
Organization contacts:
Igor Špoljarić phone +385981879179, e-mail:,
Vasily Ginko phone +37126398120 e-mail
4. Participants
In competition are participate:
1. Members of IUKL;
2. Athletes from countries or organizations that are not the members of IUKL and does not have the
representatives in IUKL, but getting the personal invitation or confirmation of application on
The amount of participants from every country in one weight category is not limited!
Regulation – World Championship for seniors & veterans 2013
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Competion is between teams & individuals in following age groups:
- Man -40+ with intervals of 5y
40-44; 45-49; 50-54; 55-59; 60-64; 65-69; 70-74; 75-79; 75+
Women- 35+ with intervals of 5y
35-39; 40-44; 45-49; 50-54; 55-59; 60-64; 65+
Weight categories
In age groups 40-44; 45-49; 50-54; 55-59; 60-64: - up to 63 kg,up to 73 kg, up to 85 kg, up to 95
kg, 95+ kg;
In age group 65-69: - up to 73 kg, up to 85 kg, up to 95 kg, 95+ kg;
In age group 70-74: - up to 73 kg, up to 85 kg, 85+ kg;
In age group 75+: - absolute weigth category.
In age groups 35-39; 40-44; 45-49: – up to 63 kg, up to 68 kg, 68+ kg;
In age groups 50-54; 55-59; 60-64: –up to 68 kg, 68+ kg;
In age group 65+: - absolute weigth category.
Kettlebell weights
In age groups 40-44; 45-49; 50-54; 55-59:
In age groups 60-64; 65-69:
In age groups 70-74; 75+:
16 kg
12 kg
In age groups 35-39; 40-44; 45-49: 16 kg
In age groups 50-54; 55-59:
12 kg
In age groups 60-64; 65+:
8 kg
The team should have a uniform with symbolic of their country.
Participants - representatives of the country should have a flag and an audio recording (CD) of their
national anthem.
5. Disciplines
Man - Biathlon & Long Cycle
Women - Snatch only
Time – according with international standards- 10 min for each excises.
6. Points and awards
This Championship is conducted under rules of IUKL with amendments & changes valid on the day of
Winners among men are determined separately in biathlon and in long cycle, among women - in a snatch.
Also on the sum of points of men and women of every team - in team offset.
Estimation of results : Jerk - 1 point, snatch - 0,5 point (in a snatch the result of sum by one and other
hand), a long cycle - 1 point.
In Biathlon – total result is sum of points of jerk & snatch.
Team points are charged extra for a 1 place in weight categories are 20 points, for 2 places - 18 points,
for 3 places - 16 points, for 4 - 15 points and further one less.
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At the identical amount of points advantage is got by a participant (team) having less own weight.
Winners of 1-3 places in every age group in every weight category will be awarded with medals &
For teams in 1-3 places - cups & certificates .
7. Financial conditions.
All expenses (travel , accommodation , meals) is responsibility of athletes or their federations.
Registration fees :
Man –
Long Cycle
Women –
20 EUR
20 EUR
20 EUR
All athletes & teams ,who are not the members of IUKL will be charged double registration fees .
All athletes & teams –members of IUKL , who have not paid annual fee , will have to pay double
registration fee.
8. Accommodation and meals
Accommodation will be decided on taking in registrations . Aprox. price is 30 EUR per person per
Place of residence:
Adress: Zagreb, Croatia
Reception and hospitality service: -Reservations: -Restaurant: -E-mail:
9. Applications.
Additional information and consultations can take:
Vasily Ginko (+371) 2639812, e-mail: ;
Igor Špoljarić phone +385981879179, e-mail:
Applications on participating in the competitions (standard of application - on a web-site of IUKL ) can be given:
Fax: (+371) 636 68 850,
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