NSLHD RESEARCH OFFICE PAYMENT FORM – NEW APPLICATION/SUBMISSION YOUR SUBMISSION IS NOT VALID UNLESS THIS FORM IS COMPLETED CORRECTLY – Type in the GREY fields and choose from options in the grey drop-down lists Date Study Title Principal Investigator Funding type Fully commercially sponsored Payment type (you may only request an invoice if the study is NSLHD cost centre externally funded eg. pharmaceutical company sponsor, or if you do not have an NSLHD cost centre eg. external/collaborative group) Submission type (tick all that apply): LNR Ethics LNR SSA NEAF Ethics ‘Full’ SSA External Entity Agreement INTERNAL - AUTHORISATION FOR TRANSFER OF PAYMENT Account Cost centre Fund Total fee (to be entered by researcher – consult the fee schedule on the Research Office website) AUTHORISED BY: Cost Centre Manager – Name: Signature: Contact No: NSLHD Finance WILL NOT accept forms without the Cost Centre Manager’s signature EXTERNAL – REQUEST FOR TAX INVOICE (THIS FORM IS NOT A TAX INVOICE) (note that University of Sydney affiliates must not choose this option if they have a cost centre; investigators must use their NSLHD cost code unless fees are being paid by an external sponsor) Name of Organisation/Person to be invoiced: Total fee to be paid (refer to fee schedule): Postal Address: Contact Name: Phone No: Email address: Approval letters are not issued until a correctly completed form is received. Please DON’T PRINT pages 2-3. Contact the Research Office if assistance is required: 02 9926 4590 | NSLHD-research@health.nsw.gov.au Document1 Sep 2014 OFFICE USE: NSLHD Ref Checked by: Amount due: Ethics$ GOV$ 1 TABLE OF FEES – HREC AND GOVERNANCE REVIEW HREC SUBMISSION AND REVIEW FEES Submission to the Full HREC Commercially sponsored research project $3300 Collaborative / Co-operative Group research project with commercial funding over $50000 $3300 Investigator Initiated research project within NSLHD and/or the University of Sydney, including Student Projects $150 Collaborative / Co-operative research project $150 Investigator Initiated research projects external to the NSLHD and the University of Sydney $300 Amendments to commercially sponsored research projects e.g. protocol, IB. If updated PISCF are submitted with either protocol or IB, no fee applies Complex amendment to commercially sponsored study Amendments to approved projects Amendment to Collaborative / Co-operative Group research project with commercial funding over $50000 eg. protocol, IB. If updated PISCF are submitted with either protocol or IB, no fee applies $550 per amended document $1665 $550 per amendment document Amendment to investigator initiated project within NSLHD and/or University of Sydney, including student projects $100 Amendment to Collaborative / Co-operative research project $100 Amendment to investigator initiated research projects external to the NSLHD and the University of Sydney $150 External Entity Agreements for HREC to extend approval to Private Institution $1000 PA GOVERNANCE SUBMISSION AND REVIEW FEES Site Specific Assessment (SSA) Commercially sponsored research project $3740 Collaborative / Co-operative research project with commercial funding over $50000 $3740 Investigator Initiated research project within NSLHD and/or University of Sydney, including student projects $150 Collaborative / Co-operative research project $500 Investigator Initiated research projects external to the NSLHD and the University of Sydney $300 Commercially sponsored research project Collaborative / Co-operative research project with commercial funding over $50000 Complex Amendment Administration Fee Amendment to Investigator Initiated research project within NSLHD and the University of where the NSLHD is not Sydney including Student Projects the Lead HREC $500 $500 $100 Amendment to Collaborative / Co-operative research project $100 Amendment to investigator initiated research projects external to the NSLHD and the University of Sydney $150 2 TABLE OF FEES – HREC AND GOVERNANCE REVIEW FOR LOW / NEGLIGIBLE RISK PROJECTS HREC SUBMISSION AND REVIEW FEES Low/Negligible Risk Projects LNR Amendments Commercially sponsored research project $3300 Collaborative / Co-operative research project with commercial funding over $50000 $3300 Investigator Initiated research project within NSLHD and/or the University of Sydney, including Student Projects $100 Collaborative / Co-operative research project $100 Investigator Initiated research projects external to the NSLHD and the University of Sydney $200 Amendments to commercially sponsored projects $550 Amendment to Collaborative / Co-operative Group research project with commercial funding over $50000 $550 Amendment to Investigator Initiated research project within NSLHD and the University of Sydney including Student Projects $75 Amendment to Collaborative / Co-operative research project $75 Amendment to investigator initiated research projects external to the NSLHD and the University of Sydney $100 GOVERNANCE SUBMISSION AND REVIEW FEES Low/Negligible Risk SSA Complex LNR Amendment Administration Fee where the NSLHD is not the Lead HREC Commercially sponsored research project $1665 Collaborative / Co-operative research project with commercial funding over $50,000. $1665 Investigator Initiated research project within NSLHD and the University of Sydney including Student Projects $150 Collaborative / Co-operative research project $150 Investigator Initiated research projects external to the NSLHD and the University of Sydney $250 Amendments to commercially sponsored projects $500 Amendment to Collaborative / Co-operative Group research project with commercial funding over $50000 $500 Amendment to Investigator Initiated research project within NSLHD and the University of Sydney including Student Projects $75 Amendment to Collaborative / Co-operative research project $75 Amendment to investigator initiated research projects external to the NSLHD and the University of Sydney $100 Fees are inclusive of GST 3