Standards-Based Performance Assessment Inventory Language: Spanish Level: Year 2, 10th/11th Grade Theme/Important Question: Taking a vacation to Costa Rica GOALS/OBJECTIVES: What should students know and be able to do by the end of the unit? 1. Language: Students will be able to recount experiences that have happened in the past. 2. Language: Students will be able to describe and identify different locations (around town, airport, market) 3. Learning Strategy: Students will gather information from a contextualized media resource and explain general ideas. 4. Culture: Students will be able to compare Costa Rican lifestyle to their own in the areas of education, geographical knowledge, and philosophy of life. How will students demonstrate what they know and can do? Select one: Communication Performance Assessment (Note: The performance assessment tasks are integrated throughout the instructional unit; they are not meant to be given as a whole at the end of the unit.) Cultures (Products – Practices – Perspectives) Connections (to and from other subjects) Comparisons (language and culture) Communities (beyond the classroom; lifelong learning) Select one: Interpretive task Students watch a video advertising reasons to take a vacation in Costa Rica. 4MmIM&feature=BFp&list=FLWX70T2wm 3V8&index=1 Students will then complete worksheet explaining their interpretation of the video and reasons they might want to travel there after hearing/seeing the video. (worksheet attached) Select one: Presentational task In groups of two, students will create a brochure, presentation, or website advertising a trip to a specific city in Costa Rica. Student acts as travel agent looking to sell travel packages to families. They will include reasons for going to this country, typical food/drink, currency, adventure packages, ect) Interpersonal task Students will chat (IM) electronically through computers describing their trip as if they are on a trip in Costa Rica talking to their friend that is located in another Costa Rican country. They will have to describe what they have done on their vacation and express likes/dislikes about the trip. (Students will chat ongoing for 7-10 min and print out finished product for teacher assessment. Coffee Plantations Banana Men Education Army Biology-Rain Forest Social Studies- Conservation of Rainforest Cultural comparison: ‘pura vida’ –compared to the American philosophy of living Language Comparison: (Spanish/English) –placement of DOP’s and IOP’s Concept of “free trade”-finding programs based in their community that support it and work alongside program Dlclementi 3/27/09 CPS Standards-Based Performance Assessment Inventory What do students need in order to successfully complete the performance assessment? Language Functions - Discussing travel plans - Describing places (airport) - - - - - Asking for information (directions) Recounting experiences/ events Expressing emotions and feelings Expressing likes/dislikes/ preferences Maintaining conversation Structures/Patterns Essential Vocabulary Lección 1: - ‘a’ personal - Complementos directos - Complementos indirectos ¡A viajar! (Puntos riciclados) - Posesión - Preposiciones El centro Artículos de viajar ¡A preguntar información! Al aeropuerto Después de llegar Lección 2: - Interrogativas - Pretérito de verbos –ar - Pretérito de verbos irregulars (ir, ser, hacer, ver, dar) Actividades de vacación Habitaciones Describir el pasado Expresiones Regalos y recuerdos ¡A comprar! Vocabulario extra: La naturaleza/animales Key Activities Interpretive tasks: - Presentation of vocab through role play - Song about nature “Selva negra” by Maná - Contextualized reading about tropical park “Buru Ri Ri” Presentational tasks: - In small groups (3-4) students present researched ideas about “free trade” - “Zoológico”-students present in small groups an animal that they found that is native to Costa Rica - Students make posters to promote ‘free trade’ at the school and have a booth at lunch selling ‘free trade’ items Interpersonal tasks: - Students perform ‘role plays’ about different scenarios in the airport. - Student interview in pairs: “¿Qué hiciste el fin de semana pasado?” - Mapping activity: students use trail maps to describe to partner where things are located. Materials/Resources 1. 2. Ipod/Music 3. Textbook (Avancemos) 4. Lyrics (cloze worksheet) 5. Presentation of vocab: all articles needed to go on trip (suitcase, tickets, passport) 6. Vocabulary list 7. Trail maps (Information gap activity) 8. Hypothetical scenarios for airport scenes 9. Reading on Buru Ri Ri (textbk pg. 52-53) 10. Directions/Rubrics for Interpersonal and Presentational assessments 11. Worksheet/Scoring guide for Interpretive assessment 12. Scaffolding sheets for student interviews Dlclementi 3/27/09 CPS Standards-Based Performance Assessment Inventory How will students be evaluated on their performance? PERFORMANCE TASK ONE MODE: Interpretive TASK DESCRIPTION: Students watch a Youtube video advertising reasons to take a vacation in Costa Rica. Students will then complete worksheet explaining their interpretation of the video and reasons they might want to travel there after hearing/seeing the video. (worksheet attached) Students will watch the video through and take notes on what they think is important. The second time through, students will read through worksheet so they are aware of what they should be listening/looking for. After watching the video two times through, they will complete the worksheet to check for understanding. WHAT COUNTS? Content of what the student writes (demonstrating understanding) Grammar (on a lesser value-ability to comprehend student writing) HOW WILL YOU EVALUATE THE PERFORMANCE? Scoring guide SCORING GUIDE EXPLANATION: The worksheet will be worth 50 points total. The first question is making a list of different animals that the students see/find in the video and worth 10 points. The next three questions deal with complete sentences where students dissect the scenes/words of the video to answer the questions and demonstrate understanding (10 points x 3 questions = 30 points). There will also be 10 points awarded for correct, effective grammar. Dlclementi 3/27/09 CPS Standards-Based Performance Assessment Inventory DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES THAT WILL HELP PREPARE STUDENTS FOR THE PERFORMANCE TASK ACTIVITY AND PURPOSE Presentation of vocabulary through role play: Students interpreting theme of unit through props and actions that the teacher acts out. First student exposure to unit vocabulary. Song about nature “Selva negra” by Maná Students recognize words that they may have seen in their vocabulary lists. Students also infer meaning of song using interpretive skills. Contextualized reading about tropical park “Buru Ri Ri” (Reading provided in text book pg. 52-53) Students will make a comparison between parks in the United States/Arizona and the ones in Costa Rica. They will explore their own feelings on deforestation and preservation. DESCRIPTION Teacher walks into the classroom dressed ready to go to the airport, rolling behind her a suitcase full of vacation ‘supplies’. Through the demonstration, teacher is looking through her suitcase pulling out things that may be important for travel; passport, airline tickets, maps, guides, reservations, ect. Teacher has a prop for every new vocabulary word, so when they are introduced to the sound or pronunciation of the word, there is a visual present as well. Students listen to the song one time through. Only listening, nothing in front of them. Then they get a cloze activity where they must find the words that are missing from the text. As they listen for words, they can also try to pick out words they already know or words that could be cognates. Students will then listen to the song a third time with all words in place to try to infer meaning. In small groups they will try to pull apart the words in the text. After small group discussions, the students will watch the music video and see if they had the same idea as the artist. The theme of national parks will be presented. Do we have national parks here in the states? Where? Do we have any in Arizona? Why do we have them? Are they protected? Compare with national parks in Costa Rica. Are they the same/different? Students must defend answers. Using a reading chart (provided in the book), in groups of two, they will read a short ‘text’ describing the importance of the tropical park “Buru Ri Ri” in Costa Rica and all of the things that this park has to offer. They will also be documenting what they find important to them and how it relates to their life. Once students have a better understanding of the park and their own thoughts and opinions, we will discuss deforestation and the importance of protecting of these forests. Dlclementi 3/27/09 CPS Standards-Based Performance Assessment Inventory How will students be evaluated on their performance? PERFORMANCE TASK TWO MODE: Presentational TASK DESCRIPTION: In groups of two, students will create a brochure, presentation, or website advertising a trip to a specific city in Costa Rica. Student acts as travel agent looking to sell travel packages to families. They will include reasons for going to this country, typical food/drink, currency, adventure packages, ect). Students will be given a checklist of things that need to be included. As a class, we will work through each step of the process; choosing a part of Costa Rica, researching the city and its leisure activities, building the project (brochure, presentation, website). After finishing the projects the students will present their end-product to the class. The class will critique whether or not they would go on the tip that their classmates present. The anticipated length of this project will take 2 weeks. (Instructions for students included) HOW WILL YOU EVALUATE THE PERFORMANCE? Rubric RUBRIC Non-negotiables Must include: Criteria Students will be graded on: - Description of chosen city in Costa Rica - Knowledge of Content- knowing about topic presenting - Places of interest - Three leisure activities that can be done in that city - Three meals that will be served including drinks. - Name of hotel that they will be staying at - Demonstration of cultural understaning - Price of Vacation (in Costa Rican Currency) - Presentational Skills- creativity, organization of project - Conventions (ideas) - Communication Skills- ability to convey meaning (sentence fluency) Dlclementi 3/27/09 CPS Standards-Based Performance Assessment Inventory Analytic Rubric Template Strong Performance (20-17) _______/100 Knowledge of Content (20 pts total) Meets Expectations (16-14) Approaches Expectations (13-10) Ideas are clear and focused. Student makes connections between ideas. Content is well explored and treated in depth. Ideas are easily understood. Some connections between ideas. Content may be limited or off topic. Ideas are unclear and details are insufficient or irrelevant. No connections between ideas. Topic is not well covered. Sentence Fluency (20 pts total) Speech flows well. Uses complex sentences and appropriate transitions. Sentences are embellished. Word order is correct and expressive. Experiments with language. Speech usually flows but may be choppy in places. Fewer transitions and sentences that are less complex. Word order is usually correct. Speech is choppy or disjointed. May sound unnatural. Word order may be confusing. Difficult to follow meaning. Presentation Design (20 pts total) Display of presentation is well thought out. Shows organization and pulls in the ‘reader’. Lots of graphics/pictures used throughout to illustrate. Design of presentation shows some organization and uses some pictures/graphics to pull in ‘reader’. Display of presentation has not been thought through. Shows a lack of organization. No graphics/pictures are used to pull in the ‘reader’. Grasp of Culture (20 pts total) Presentation is embedded with culture throughout. There are apparent explanations of cultural aspects. Student demonstrates real understanding of cultural knowledge. Cultural aspects are not portrayed in project. Student demonstrates low grasp of cultural knowledge. Conventions (20 pts total) Strong control of conventions. Few errors; errors do not impede comprehension. Sounds clear and edited. Can be understood without difficulty. Presentation has some cultural aspects, but lack some distinct cultural features of the particular culture. Student demonstrates fair understanding of cultural knowledge. Control of conventions. Some errors that do not impede communication but may distract the listener. May be difficult to understand in places. Some control of conventions. Errors distract the listener and may impede communication. Difficult to understand. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES THAT WILL HELP PREPARE STUDENTS FOR THE PERFORMANCE TASK Dlclementi 3/27/09 CPS Standards-Based Performance Assessment Inventory ACTIVITY AND PURPOSE “Rainbow Responses” to discuss “free trade” Students will discuss in small groups their reactions to their research on ‘free trade’. They will then have time to think about what they have learned from their peers and share their reactions. “Zoológico”-students present in small groups an animal that they found that is native to Costa Rica Students will learn about different fauna that live in the rainforest. They will use presentational skills to describe the animal they researched. Students make posters to promote ‘free trade’ at the school and have a booth at lunch selling ‘free trade’ items Students will promote Spanish culture to the entire school as well as practice their presentational skills with Spanish speaking and non-Spanish speaking peers. DESCRIPTION As a homework assignment, students will do research outside of class to find out what ‘free trade’ is. I want them to come in with an idea about what it actually is and find two examples of where they have found ‘free trade’ going on in our country. In groups of three or four they will present their research to the groups. Then students will be presented with different discussion questions about free trade. They will be seated on the floor with butcher paper and their favorite color marker. They will be given different discussion questions and have one minute to write down their thoughts. Then they turn the paper and write on a different corner for the next questions. After we have done 4 or 5 questions, I will hang the pages up and students will go around the room reading their peers thoughts/perspectives. We will then have a class discussion to check for understanding, share key points. Students will choose an animal of their choice that lives in the rainforest. They have to write five bullets about the animal. What the animal eats, where it’s found, where it lives (tree, bush, ect), what color it is, an interesting fact about animal. Students will bring in a picture of their animal and post it in the room with their five bullet points next to it. The students will then walk about the room finding their 10 favorite animals and take notes on them. (They will later use this information for their interpretive task as well) Students will be introduced to a group in the community that supports free trade from Costa Rica. They sell chocolate and coffee to promote the idea of ‘free trade’. The students will adopt this program and sell on campus for a week. They will create posters explaining/advocating ‘free trade’ and will also be responsible for the ‘free trade’ booth at least once at lunch during the week. Dlclementi 3/27/09 CPS Standards-Based Performance Assessment Inventory How will students be evaluated on their performance? PERFORMANCE TASK THREE MODE: Interpersonal TASK DESCRIPTION: Students will chat (IM) electronically through computers describing their trip in Costa Rica talking to their friend that is located in another Costa Rican city. They will have to describe what they have done on their vacation and express likes/dislikes about the trip including people, places, and cultural aspects. Students will be arranged in the classroom so that they will be located far from their partner (maybe even in another room in the library). Students will set up a ‘google chat’ name for Spanish class. They then will be assigned to another student in the class. Each student will then choose what city he or she is going to ‘travel’ to. Students will chat ongoing for 7-10 min and print out finished product for teacher assessment. For this activity students will be paired high with mid-high and mid-low with low. (Instructions for students included) HOW WILL YOU EVALUATE THE PERFORMANCE? Rubric RUBRIC Non-negotiables Criteria Students will be graded on… Students must include: - A description of the city where they are traveling. - Conversational Skills-ability to keep conversation going - A description of their friends and people they have met. - Word use- strong use of new and old vocabulary - A description of an activity that they offer in the city. - Content Knowledge-knowledge of Costa Rica - Expression of feelings about the trip. What is their - Accuracy- Correct usage of grammar, getting point across favorite/least favorite part about Costa Rica? - A recounted story of an experience that they have had on their ‘trip’ abroad. Holistic Rubric Template Dlclementi 3/27/09 CPS Standards-Based Performance Assessment Inventory Description ___/30 Strong Performance (30-26) Meets Expectations (25-21) Approaching Expectations (20-17) Ideas are clear and focused on topic and student makes connections between ideas. The student’s speech flows well and asks and answers questions in depth. Student works to keep the ‘flow’ of the conversation using appropriate transitions. Student experiments with language and demonstrates understanding of culture through use of newly learned cultural aspects. Student shows strong control of conventions with few errors that do not impeded conversation. Ideas are easily understood and there are some connections between ideas. Speech usually flows but may be choppy in places and content may be limited. There may be fewer transitions used and sentences that are less complex. Student demonstrates fair understanding of cultural knowledge. Word order is usually correct. There is control of conventions. Some errors that do not impede communication but may distract the reader. May be difficult to understand in places. Ideas are unclear and details are insufficient or irrelevant and there are no connections between ideas. Topic is not well covered. Speech is choppy or disjointed and may sound unnatural. Word order may be confusing. Difficult to follow meaning. Cultural aspects are not portrayed in project. Student demonstrates low grasp of cultural knowledge. Some control of conventions but errors distract the reader and may impede communication. Difficult to understand. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES THAT WILL HELP PREPARE STUDENTS FOR THE PERFORMANCE TASK Dlclementi 3/27/09 CPS Standards-Based Performance Assessment Inventory ACTIVITY AND PURPOSE Students perform ‘role plays’ about different scenarios in the airport. Students practice spontaneous conversations while incorporating key vocabulary from unit. Inside/Outside Circles: “¿Qué hiciste el fin de semana pasado?” Interviews between students promote conversation. Students not only have to produce information, but listen to their partner to be able to understand what partner is saying to make good flow of conversation. Mapping activity: students use maps of city to describe to partner where things are located. (Map workshop attached) Students will practice interpersonal conversation by asking questions and receiving information. Students will also recycle use of prepositions to give directions. DESCRIPTION Students will be given different scenarios that are set in the airport. (Loss of luggage, Forgot passport, Can’t find the correct gate, Trouble going through security). They will be in groups of four and each will have a role. Scenario 1: A family of four is traveling to San Jose. The mother just realized that she forgot her passport at home. Scenario 2: A group of four friends is on their way to stay in a beach house for a week but they woke up late and now might miss their plane. Scenario 3: Two children are flying with their grandparents to Costa Rica, but are having trouble getting through security. Students get into two circles, 15 in one circle, 15 in the other. One circle is formed on the outside of the other and the students face each other. The students will rotate around the circle interviewing their peers about what they did over the weekend. If students are asking the questions, they need good questions that keep the interviewee interested in answering. They also need to be attentive listeners so they know where to guide the conversation. Each student will have one minute to talk about his/her weekend and then we will rotate around the circle. Students will interview between 4-6 people. Then, as a class we will check for understanding by asking “What is one thing they remember most about one of the people they interviewed?”. Students will be broken into groups of 2; Partner A, Partner B. Students will complete an information gap activity of the city of San José in Costa Rica. They will label and draw different points of interest labeled on each map. Then they can use their map to then ask each other where to put the points of interest on the map. Students will give ‘directions’ on where to put the points of interest. Dlclementi 3/27/09 CPS