Rutgers University Concurrent Legacy Rutgers/UMDNJ Out-of-Title Additional Assignment To be used only for employees with: A Legacy Rutgers Primary Position Requesting Additional Work in a Legacy UMDNJ Department or A Legacy UMDNJ Primary Position Requesting Additional Work in a Legacy Rutgers Department Department requesting the out-of-title / additional assignment: Please provide the following information in sections 1 through 5 and attach the appointment letter, out-of-title form or whatever documentation you have. Please obtain needed information for section 5 from the employee, the Office of Faculty Affairs (for legacy UMDNJ faculty requests), the University Human Resources (UHR) Human Capital Management Unit Manager, or the UHR Data Administration Supervisor, as appropriate. Once complete, please email this information to for review and confirmation that the additional assignment can move forward. Please do not have the employee begin work until the request has been authorized by central UHR. SECTION 1 – All Information is Required Employee’s Full Name Employee’s A- number Employee’s Emplid Employee’s Home Address Employee’s Email Employee’s Home Phone Number SECTION 2 - Out-of -Title Request Department and Work Information (Enter all information as indicated) Out-of-title/additional appointment department name Out-of-title/additional appointment department id (for legacy Rutgers Requesting Departments) Out-of-title/additional appointment Z-org (for legacy UMDNJ Requesting Departments) Out-of-title/additional appointment hours worked by the employee in one 7-day work week Out-of-title/additional appointment FTE of the employee based on hours worked and standard hours for the position (only if known) Date work begins Date work ends Days of week work is completed Hour of the day work begins Hour of the day work ends Campus location If teaching a class, please provide: class title, course number, and credit-hours. If performing other work, please provide description of the work. Compensation amount to be paid to the employee during the period the work is to be performed. Enter one only: The lump sum payment(s) for employees who Page | 1 Rutgers University Concurrent Legacy Rutgers/UMDNJ Out-of-Title Additional Assignment have exempt primary jobs or The hourly rate for employees who have overtime eligible (non-exempt) primary jobs For legacy UMDNJ Requesting Departments enter accounting information to charge out-of-title request work, if approved: Banner org/index and account number For legacy Rutgers Requesting Departments enter accounting information to charge out-of-title request work, if approved: PeopleSoft Account number and Department Activity numbers 1 and 2 Please provide the requesting department’s hiring authority’s: Name, Work email, and Work phone number Please provide the requesting department’s budget authorizer’s: Name, Work email, and Work phone number If the requested out-of-title work for this employee was classified in the past, please enter out-of-title/additional appointment classification: Job title Job code (legacy Rutgers) Job class (legacy Rutgers) E-class (legacy UMDNJ ecls) Section 3 - To be provided by the Legacy UMDNJ Requesting Department’s HR Generalist Enter the name of HR Generalist completing this section Enter “Yes or No” below Are a license, certification, and/or degree required? If “Yes”, does employee have the required license, certification, and/or degree? Is a background check required? If “Yes”, has a successful background check been completed? Section 4 - For Academic Requests of legacy UMDNJ Faculty Additional Assignments Only Requesting Academic Affairs Officer Name _________________________________________________________________ Signature _________________________________________________________ Page | 2 Date________________________ Rutgers University Concurrent Legacy Rutgers/UMDNJ Out-of-Title Additional Assignment SECTION 5 - Current Primary Department Information (Please work with the employee to enter information) Employee’s current department name Employee’s current department id (legacy Rutgers) Employee’s current department Z-org (legacy UMDNJ) Employee’s current job title Employee’s current job code (legacy Rutgers) Employee’s current job class (legacy Rutgers) Employee’s current e-class (legacy UMDNJ ecls) Current hours worked by the employee in one 7-day work week Current FTE of the employee based on hours worked and standard hours for the position Effective date of current appointment End date of current appointment (if applicable) Name of employee’s current supervisor Section 6 - Current Primary Department Unit Confirmations Please refer to University Policy 60.1.24, Primary Employment and Additional Assignments, to assist you with your review of the request. Duties –are the duties for the additional work listed in section 3 above the same duties as the employee’s primary assignment in your department? Schedule - is the primary assignment in your department normally scheduled and performed or vacation taken during the days and hours listed in section 3 above? Other conflict - is there any other conflict that would prohibit the employee performing the additional assignment listed in section 3 above? Current Primary Department Authorizer Name__________________________________________________________ Signature _________________________________________________________ Date________________________ Section 7 - University Human Resources Authorization Does this request comply with policy 60.1.24 and all other relevant university policies? o If “No” provide explanation o If “Yes” enter the payroll system where the additional assignment will be initially paid (Primary Appointment’s payroll system). o If “Yes” this additional assignment must be paid as (attach Bi-weekly Payment Form): Hourly rate and hours for each date hours are worked (overtime eligible work) One lump sum payment UHR HCM/Data Admin Authorizer Name________________________________________________________ Signature___________________________________________________________ Page | 3 Date______________________