Citation and Referencing for History

Examples of references – History
The format for citing a book is as follows:
Initial of first name (or first name, e.g. Tariq), full stop, surname, comma, title in
italics, publication details as set out in the example below in parentheses,
comma, page references. Full stop to end the footnote:
13 J.K.
Walton, The Great Reform Act (London: Methuen, 1983), p. 12.
An article in a journal
The first time an article is cited, you should use this format:
Author’s name followed by comma, title of article in quotation marks followed by
comma, title of the journal in italics or underlined, volume number of the journal,
and in parentheses the year of the volume, followed by a comma, and the page
number (or numbers) cited followed by a full stop:
Hall, ‘Chartism Remembered’, Journal of British Studies, Vol.38, No.4
(October 1999), pp. 445-470.
2 R.G.
A newspaper article
References to a newspaper article need year, month and day as well as author,
title, name of paper, and page or page and section of the paper
24 John
Smith, ‘The Anniversary of Revolution’, The Times, 29 March 2002, p. 8.
A website
Cite author of the web site, the title of the essay / article / comment, and the date.
Then put the web site address and the date accessed:
H. Creaton, ‘Recent Scholarship on Jack the Ripper and the Victorian Media’,
May 2003,
(25 September 2009).
Format for Bibliography see over
If you need to view this document in an alternative format, please see:
June 2012
Author surname first followed by initial/s, organised in alphabetical order.
Ellmann, R., Oscar Wilde (London: Hamilton, 1987).
Elston, M.A., ‘Women and Anti-vivisection in Victorian England. 1870-1900’, in
N.A. Rupke, ed., Vivisection in Historical Perspective (London: Routledge, 1987),
Emmerson, H., The Ministry of Works (London: G. Allen and Unwin, 1956).
Finlayson, G.B.A.M., The Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury (London: Eyre Methuen,
Gauld, A., The Founders of Psychical Research (London: Routledge and Kegan
Paul, 1968).
Girouard, M., Victorian Pubs (London: Studio Vista, 1975).
Goldman,L., Science, Reform, and Politics in Victorian Britain. The Social
Science Association 1857-1886 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002)
Journal Articles
Louis, W.R., ‘American Anti-colonialism and the Dissolution of the British Empire’,
International Affairs, Vol.61, No.3 (Summer 1985), pp.395-420.
Prasad, S., ‘Crisis, Identity, and Social Distinction’, Journal of Historical
Sociology, Vol.19, No.3 (September 2006), pp.245-265.
Sharma, J., ‘Between Colonialism and Diaspora’, Journal of British Studies, Vol.
46, No.3 (July 2007), pp.736-737.
Turner, M.J., ‘Radical Opinion in an Age of Reform’, History, Vol.86, No.281
(January 2001), pp.18-40.