RATE of IMPROVEMENT FORM Evaluation Indicator: What is the average benchmark score per student type across grade levels? DIRECTIONS 1. Name of School: list the name of your school 2. District: List the name of the school district 3. Benchmarking Period: Circle the benchmarking period from which this data is based on. 4. Year: Indicate current school year. 5. Average Benchmark Score – ALL STUDENTS: For each grade level, indicate the average benchmark score obtained for all students 6. Average Benchmark Score – GENERAL EDUATION: For each grade level, indicate the average benchmark score obtained for all students considered general education only (students whose primary language is English and are classified with a disability ) 7. Average Benchmark Score – SPECIAL EDUCATION: For each grade level, indicate the average benchmark score obtained for all students receiving special education services (students identified with a documented disability as per Part 200s of the Commissioner’s Regulations. 8. Average Benchmark Score – LEP/ELL: For each grade level, indicate the average benchmark score obtained for all students considered LEP/ELL LEP/ELL – Limited English Proficient/English language Learners: students whose primary language is other than English. In NYS, under Part 154 of the Commissioner’s Regulations (CR Part 154) limited English proficient students are: students with limited English proficiency shall mean students who by reason of foreign birth or ancestry, speak a language other than English, and (1) either understand and speak little or no English; or (2) score below a state designated level of proficient, on the Language Assessment Battery – Revised (LAB-R) or the NYS English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSELSAT). {NYS CR Part 154.2(a)(1)(2)} NOTE: If the percent of students who are considered LEP/ELL is 1% or less than the total school (not district) enrollment, do not include data from this subgroup. 9. Fax (716) 878-5410 or email completed form to NYS RtI TAC (janczak@nysrti.org) Name of School:___________________________________________ Benchmarking Period (circle one): Fall Winter Spring District:_____________________________ Year: ______ KINDERGARTEN AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE ALL STUDENTS General Education Special Education LEP/ELL FIRST GRADE AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE ALL STUDENTS General Education Special Education LEP/ELL SECOND GRADE AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE ALL STUDENTS General Education Special Education LEP/ELL Name of School:___________________________________________ Benchmarking Period (circle one): Fall Winter Spring District:_____________________________ Year: ______ THIRD GRADE AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE ALL STUDENTS General Education Special Education LEP/ELL FOURTH GRADE AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE ALL STUDENTS General Education Special Education LEP/ELL FIFTH GRADE AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE AVERAGE BENCHMARK SCORE ALL STUDENTS General Education Special Education LEP/ELL