NURS 3020H Clinical Evaluation Midterm Evaluation Student Name: Emily Coxhead Clinical Instructor: Aimee Gannon Missed Clinical Hours: 0 Missed Lab Hours: 0 Program Goals Graduates are generalists entering a self-regulating profession in situations of health and illness. Graduates are prepared to work with people of all ages and genders (individuals, families, groups, communities and populations) in a variety of settings. Graduates continuously use critical and scientific inquiry and other ways of knowing to develop and apply nursing knowledge in their practice. Graduates will demonstrate leadership in professional nursing practice in diverse health care contexts. Graduates will contribute to a culture of safety by demonstrating safety in their own practice, and by identifying, and mitigating risk for patients and other health care providers Graduates will establish and maintain therapeutic, caring and culturally safe relationships with clients and health care team members based upon relational boundaries and respect. Graduates will be able to enact advocacy in their work based on the philosophy of social justice. Graduates will effectively utilize communications and informational technologies to improve client outcomes. Graduates will be prepared to provide nursing care that includes comprehensive, collaborative assessment, evidence-informed interventions and outcome measures. Objectives 1 Explain the experience of acute illness in individuals receiving care in acute setting 2 Interpret critical aspects of the person’s experience of acute illness in relation to common signs and symptoms, responses to treatment, patterns of coping, and impact on individual and family relationships 3 Identify common medical treatments and potential consequences/complications of selected acute illnesses Progress Indicators/Evidence - Emily can identify the outcomes of acute illness and how acute illness plays a role in the individuals life - Emily understands the pathophysiological process of acute illness and seeks more information where necessary - Emily is able to identify and respond effectively to common abnormalities she finds in her patients (vital signs, pain, sedation) - Emily is able to adequately anticipate responses to treatments (pain management) - Emily identifies her patient’s coping mechanisms and highlights area’s where her patients may require extra assistance with maintaining or building coping mechanisms - Emily is able to effectively discuss the impact acute illness can have on individual and family relationships and is knowledgeable regarding the discharge process - Emily is able to discuss the common medical treatment seen in her patient population - Emily is able to identify her patients diagnosis quickly and uses the appropriate scholarly resources to seek information she may be lacking to provide safe patient care - Emily always looks for opportunities to continue learning about common treatments, diagnosis, tests etc. - Emily ensures awareness of potential complications related to the interventions her patients experience and makes herself aware of how to assess her patients for these potential outcomes (i.e. bladder scanning patients after removal of a catheter, dressing changes using sterile technique, monitors effectiveness of pain medications) S U S S S 4 5 Demonstrate selected nursing and collaborative interventions related to clinical pathways, perioperative care, IV medication administration, cardiac assessment and rhythm strips, neurological assessment, wound care, blood component therapy, TPN and central lines, pulmonary care including chest tubes and tracheotomy, initiating IVs, rapidly changing conditions, and resuscitation - Emily performs head-to-toe assessments S fully on two patients, and in a timely fashion; she is able to identify abnormalities and seeks assistance with the abnormalities she discovers. She is learning what comes next when one finds an abnormality - Emily is familiar with the clinical pathway followed on A5 and the interventions that her patients require - Emily is adequately able to set up a sterile field and perform simple post-op dressing changes - Emily practices with evidence based practice and always seeks out more information when she requires it - Emily has practiced priming IV lines, wound care, repositioning post-operative patients, transferring post-operative patients, male catheterization, removal of catheters, removal of saline locks, providing assistance with ADL’s to post-operative patients - Emily was able to view an OR and has become knowledgeable about the OR process and how patients flow through the OR and recovery Under the supervision of a Registered Nurse, - Emily always practices with evidence S demonstrate safe, competent, evidence-based, based practice in mind. She provides holistic nursing practice with clients with acute holistic nursing care in a safe and illness competent way. - Emily is mindful of nursing theories and 1. Apply relevant nursing models, evidence based practice philosophical frameworks, theories and - Emily is exceptional at building evidence therapeutic relationships with her patients 2. Demonstrate therapeutic use of self and their families 3. Engage with patients in an ethical and - Emily is able to identify potential ethical culturally safe manner issues 4. Understand and anticipate emerging - Emily is learning the bio-psycho-social bio-psycho-social needs of persons with needs of her patient population and is acute illness and apply this knowledge learning how this plays a role in nursing to care: care delivery a. Plan appropriate nursing care - Emily seeks information from her b. Predict outcomes of nursing Kardex’s, charts and scholarly resources to care plan her nursing interventions, predict the c. Evaluate client response to expected outcomes of this care and seeks 5. 6. 7. 8. nursing care Demonstrate health promotion and illness prevention practices a. Engage with patients and families to identify healthrelated situational challenges b. Work with patients and families to create reasonable and effective solutions Demonstrate patient advocacy Demonstrate accountability Demonstrate reliability 6 Critically appraise own practice in relation to nurse-client/family interactions and as a member of the health care team 7 Participate in professional development based on reflective practice and critical inquiry to understand what nursing assessment skills are required post intervention (i.e. monitoring for signs or symptoms of bleeding, monitoring for hypotension) - Emily engages in health promotion practices by encouraging her patients to adhere to physiotherapy exercises and creates opportunities to educate her patients about the benefits of these exercise - Emily seeks to collaborate with patients and their families to identify potential challenges for the post-op patient and seeks information regarding solutions - Emily advocates for her patients by informing her primary nurse when her patients require analgesics or anti-emetics - Emily demonstrates accountability for her actions and behaviours during clinical time - Emily demonstrates reliability by coming on time, prepared for clinical and ready to learn while at clinical - Emily has begun to understand the S importance of building relationships with clients and their families and is very good at doing so - Emily is beginning to see the importance of professional relationships and has begun to develop knowledge around the different roles and members of the health care team (i.e. physiotherapy, occupational health, medical doctors) - Emily is learning how involving all members of the interdisciplinary team provides holistic care for her patients - Emily has submitted one formal piece of S reflective writing which is satisfactory - through ongoing discussion with Emily, it is clear that Emily reflects on her clinical experiences regularly and uses the outcomes of these reflections to shape her progress moving forward Clinical Instructor Comments (All areas marked as unsatisfactory must have a comment) Emily is meeting the expectations for clinical thus far. She presents herself professionally and uses professional language where appropriate. Emily understands a wide range of disease processes and uses scholarly articles to further research when she identifies gaps in her knowledge. Emily has experience viewing an OR and understands the process and flow of these patients. Emily has been a part of the admission and discharge process and is learning what resources can be offered to clients as they are discharged home. Emily is also learning the roles different members of the disciplinary team play and how this team facilitates effective transitions home. Emily has attended presentations from PRHC staff on documentation and pain management and has implemented what she learned into her practice. Emily is able to document effectively and timely for two patients; documentation includes vital signs, bowel movement record, progress notes, and in’s and out’s records. Emily practices mindfully, seeks information and assistance where necessary and is working on building her confidence. Next Steps: practice medication administration with assistance of myself; continue to expand knowledge regarding pathophysiology and disease states; continue to look up medications and understand their use and what nursing implications come with these medications; continue to practice safe patient transferring and repositioning. Continue to build knowledge and identify learning needs, build confidence with the above mentioned skills. Signature of Instructor_______________________________________ Date __________________ Signature of Student_________________________________________ Date ___________________