
The Vehicle Purchase Process
There are several phases to purchasing a vehicle using the assistance of this ministry.
Phase 1 - Submission and Approval of On-line Application for Our Services
In this phase the applicant submits an application via this website along with a signed copies
of the (1) Liability Waiver Document and the (2) Purchase Process Acknowledgment
If not already submitted online with application these documents will be sent separately to the
applicant. Applicant will not be approved without this ministry's receipt of both signed
The applicant must have on hand a minimum of $600 to apply to the purchase of a vehicle.
A drivers license and auto insurance or insurability at time of auto purchase are also
mandatory. The auto insurance process can be completed while purchased vehicle is in the
holding facility (up to 10 days). The vehicle cannot be removed from our holding facility until
auto insurance is verified.
Phase 2 - Day Before Auction (Friday)
With approved application our new customer is notified to select three vehicles from an online
vehicle catalog that belongs to a public auto auction house like the Trinity Auto Auction. This
catalog can be accessed from our website. The vehicles are located on the lot of the public
auction house we will be working with that Saturday. There are two listings: (1) cars to be
auctioned, (2) retail cars for sale on the lot.
On the Friday prior to the public auction experienced auto mechanics, serving in this ministry,
will visit the vehicle lot to determine if any of the three vehicles chosen are NOT suitable for
purchase. The mechanics will personally inspect the three chosen autos and access the
CarMax database. If any are disqualified the customer will be notified. The customer will then
decide if they wish to go forward (with the remaining vehicles) and attend the public auction
on the next day (Saturday). Otherwise they have to be reschedule for a later public vehicle
Phase 3 - Auction
At the public auction on Saturday an auto mechanic and one auction expert, serving this
ministry, will assist each of our customers. They will help the customer purchase an auto with
a winning bid. However, as advisers they will also inform the customer when bids on a
vehicle have gotten too high.
They advise but our customers are the ones who decide. Auctions are very fast.
Phase 4 - Post Auction
After purchase the vehicle will be driven to a vehicle holding facility for a few days. During this
time a mechanic will perform a more thorough inspection. The customer will be notified
should our mechanics recommend specific work be performed on the vehicle before it's
driven home. There will be no labor charges for the inspection and diagnostic
work. However, all labor used to repair a vehicle the customer’s agreement will be very
competitively priced. Low cost parts from junk yards will be used or discounted new spare
parts. The customer decides which source. The customer must pay for all replacement exceptions. The customer can waive any repair recommendations and drive the
vehicle from the lot "as is". If he does he will forgo any future low-cost labor repair work. No
repair work will be initiated without prior written approval of the customer.
Extra time in the holding area can be used to acquire required vehicle insurance based on the
VIN number of the purchased vehicle. No vehicle will be released from the holding facility
without a valid auto insurance policy in the name of the purchaser and a valid drivers
license. Auto's past 30 days in the holding area will be returned to the appropriate auction
and sold. No refunds!
Phase 5 - 30 Days After Vehicle is Released from Holding Facility
For a period of 30 days after release from holding facility this ministry will repair customer's
vehicle using its mechanics and acquired parts from a junk yard or discounted new parts. The
repairs will be made in Dallas and it's the responsibility of the customer to get the vehicle to
this repair facility or make arrangements with this ministry for a possible fee-based towing
All labor for repairs will be quoted at very competitive rates. All replacement parts will be
acquired from junk yards or discounted new parts. Customer will be required to prepay for
these parts.
This repair offer will apply only once for each low-income FBD customer during the first 30
days after vehicle is released.
Note: A 2 hour class on how to properly maintain a vehicle is mandatory to qualify for this
final level of service. A snack and refreshments will be provided. There will be a minimal cost
for this training class, e.g. $35 for low income buyers. All others will pay $50.00.
I understand and agree to the above terms, conditions and process.
Full Name
Address, City, State
Today’s Date
Form: Process 2/23/2014
Email to: or
Mail to: Frank Dirnbauer
Low Cost Transportation Options
P.O. Box 2674
Wylie, TX 75098 or
Fax to: 214-291-2648