Jargon Busters This list of acronyms and terms has been designed to assist consumers, carers and community members as well as health professionals to navigate the complex language of the health sector. Acronym ACCHO ACHS Full details Australian Council of Health Care Standards ACM ACSQHC or The Commission Adverse event ALO AHPRA AMA Australian Commissio n on Safety and Quality in Health Care Plain language explanation Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Independent not for profit organisation dedicated to improving quality in health care. It represents governments, consumers and peak health bodies throughout Australia http://www.achs.org.au/Home/ Australian College of Midwives – professional association for Midwives. Consumer membership also welcome. ACM conducts a Peer Review process for Midwives – Midwifery Practice Review, with a Midwife and a Consumer Reviewer. http://www.midwives.org.au/ The Commission was established by the Australian, State and Territory Governments to develop a national strategic framework and associated work program that will guide its efforts in improving safety and quality across the health care system in Australia. An incident in which harm results to a person receiving health care Aboriginal Liaison Officer The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency Australian Often in public hospitals to provide support to Aboriginal patients The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency is the organisation responsible for the implementation of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme across Australia, in partnership with 14 national registration boards. Includes the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia The Australian Medical Association represents the registered medical practitioners (doctors) and Medical Association AMSSU ATSI CAC CALD Carer CCC CHF Clinical Governance Community Advisory Committee Culturally and Linguisticall y Diverse Consumers Health Forum of Australia medical students of Australia. http://www.ama.com.au/about/introducing-the-ama Aboriginal Maternity Services Support Unit. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders This refers to committees made up of consumers and community members, whose role is to advise the boards of public health services on consumer participation and to advocate on behalf of consumers to the board. See below the CAC details where available of metropolitan public hospitals offering maternity care. There Armadale Health CAC: 9391 2101 http://www.ahs.health.wa.gov.au/ Bentley Hospital 9334-365 http://www.health.wa.gov.au/bhs/frameset.html Joondalup http://www.joondaluphealthcampus.com.au/Our-Community/community_board.aspx Kaleeya Hospital – no CAC listed Tel 9319 0300 King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women (KEMH, includes Family birth Centre) http://www.kemh.health.wa.gov.au/general/csu/cac.htm http://www.kemh.health.wa.gov.au/brochures/consumers/wnhs0478b.pdf Osborne Park - http://www.oph.health.wa.gov.au/CAC/index.html Rockingham Hospital - no detailed website - 9599 4000 http://www.kemh.health.wa.gov.au/having_a_baby_in_WA/rockingham.htm Swan Districts Hospital – no detailed website - 9347 5244 http://www.kemh.health.wa.gov.au/having_a_baby_in_WA/swan.htm Private hospitals do not appear to have CACs but will usually have a Customer Quality Coordinator or similar role Refers to a range of different culture and language groups represent in the population who identify as having particular cultural or linguistic affiliations by virtue of their place of birth, ancestry, ethnic origin religion A person who provides unpaid care to a consumer or patient of the health service Consumers, Carers and Community members peak organisation providing leadership in representing the interests of Australian healthcare consumers http://www.chf.org.au/ Is a framework through which clinicians and health service mangers are jointly accountable for patient safety and quality care. Clinical handover The transfer of professional responsibility and accountability for some or all aspects of care for a patient or group of patient to another person or professional group on a temporary or permanent basis A health care provider trained as a health professional and providing health care. Group of people who have interest in the development of an accessible effective and efficient health and aged care service that best meets their needs A current or potential user of the health service A person who has an interest in the development of an accessible effective and efficient health and aged care service that best meets their needs A person who is appointed as a representative of a membership organisation and acts as a consumer advocate for the organisation Clinician Communities Consumer Consumer advocate Consumer representativ e Cultural Competence Cultural responsivene ss DOH ED e-health EQUIP A set of congruent behaviors, attitudes and polices that come together in a system, agency or health professionals that enable that system agency or health professionals to work effectively in cross cultural situations (Cross et. Al. 1989) The capacity to respond to the health care issues of diverse communities Departmen t of Health Emergency Departmen t Electronic Health Records Evaluation and Quality Improveme nt Program Refers to the Western Australian Department of Health and includes Metropolitan and Regional Health – Hospital and Community services, Public Health, Mental Health, Dental Services, Aboriginal Health and Drugs and Alcohol Services. A chart is being developed to note where maternity services are managed in the public health system and to highlight opportunities to be involved http://www.health.wa.gov.au/about/ eHealth will deliver a shared electronic medical record. Various care providers will be able to directly and securely have access to medical information about a patient. The Australian Council Healthcare Standards Evaluation and Quality Improvement Program (EQuIP) was launched in 1996 providing healthcare organisations with an organisation-wide framework to deliver a consumer-centred service. http://www.achs.org.au/EQUIP4/ Eligible Midwife HADSCO Health and Disability Complaints Services Office Health Literacy HCC HIC Health Consumers’ Council Health Issues Centre Infection control Informed Consent Length of stay MDS MISJC nehta NGO National eHealth Transition Authority Midwife who has undertaken the processes to become Eligible. Can obtain a Medicare Provider Number offering rebates to clients. Can also prescribe some medications and order diagnostic tests. Still a very new initiative primarily affecting midwives in private practice. http://www.midwivesaustralia.com.au/?page_id=652 This is an independent statutory authority providing impartial assistance to negotiate and conciliate health and disability complaints. https://www.hadsco.wa.gov.au/home/ The degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions (US Department of Health) An independent, not for profit organisation established 1994, advocating for patients in Western Australia. It offers a unique perspective on health policy and service delivery matters. http://www.hconc.org.au Health Issues Centre is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that began in 1985 to promote equity and consumer perspectives in the Australian health system www.healthissuescentre.org.au Actions to prevent the spread of pathogens between the people in a health care setting Informed consent, in a health care setting, is the procedure whereby patients (clients) consent to, or refuse, an intervention based on information provided by a health care professional regarding the nature and potential risks (consequence and likelihood) of the proposed intervention (Coy, 1989). Duration of hospital stay, calculated by subtracting the date the patient is admitted from the day of separation. Minimum Data Set – the minimum data required to be input into a system to allow for reporting on health care Maternity Inter-Jurisdictional Committee not-for-profit company established by the Australian, State and Territory governments to develop better ways of electronically collecting and exchanging health information https://nehta.org.au/aht/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1 Non government organisation - refers to a legally constituted, organization with no participation or representation of any government. In most cases NGOs are funded totally or partially by Non clinical staff NMHS Open Disclosure Palliative Care Patient Patient-days PIMC Point of care Primary Health Private Hospital Private Patients QIC QICSA governments, but the NGO maintains its non-governmental status and excludes government representatives from membership in the organization. Other staff working in a health service organisation who are not proving clinical care, this may include receptionists, porters, clerks North Metropolitan Health Service. Joondalup, Osborne Park, Swans, KEMH and the Community Midwifery Program, Women’s and Newborns Health Service http://www.nmahs.health.wa.gov.au/ The open discussion of incidents that resulted in harm to a patient while receiving heath care. http://www.safetyandquality.health.wa.gov.au/involving_patient/open_disclosure.cfm Palliative care is the specialised care of people with a terminal illness and aims to achieve the best quality of life, both for the person who is dying and their family A person receiving health care The number of full or partial days of stay for patients who were admitted for an episode of care and who underwent separation during the reporting period. A patient who is admitted and separated on the same day is allocated 1 patient-day. Perinatal Infant Mortality Committee http://www.health.wa.gov.au/publications/documents/perinatal/13th_report_perinatal_infant_m ortality_2005-7.pdf Refers to the time and location where an interaction between a patient and clinician occurs for the purpose delivering care Health care that is provided by a health care professional in the first contact of a patient with the health care system e.g. General Practitioners http://www.healthnetworks.health.wa.gov.au/network/future.cfm A privately owned and operated institution, catering for patients who are treated by a doctor of their own choice. Patients are charged fees for accommodation and other services provided by the hospital and relevant medical and paramedical practitioners. Includes private freestanding day hospital facilities. Persons admitted to a private hospital; or persons admitted to a public hospital who decide to choose the doctor(s) who will treat them and to have private ward accommodation. This means they will be charged for medical services, food and accommodation. Quality Improvement Council - grants accreditation to health and community services organisations http://www.qic.org.au/index.html Quality Improvement and Community Service Accreditations Quality Quality and Safety Quality in Health care RACS RANZCOG RAP RCA RCT RTO Safety SCOH Sentinel event Separation SMHS SOSU WAPMHU WNHN Root Cause Analysis This organisation provides support for health and community services under license for the Quality Improvement Council. http://www.latrobe.edu.au/aipc/qicsa/ Doing the right things for the right people at the right time and doing them right the first time (Department of Human Services 2009) These terms are often used together and refer to a health services ability to delivers quality and safe health care Consist of a number of attitudes that may include: appropriateness, effectiveness, efficiency, safety, access, consumer participation, clinical performance and evaluation Royal Australian College of Surgeons Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Reconciliation Action Plan Root cause analysis is a process analysis method, which can be used to identify the factors that cause adverse events Randomised Controlled Trail Registered Training Organisation A state in which risk has been reduced to an acceptable level ( Department of Human Services, 2009) Standing Council on Health – Health Ministers across Australia Sentinel Events are events that occur independently of a patient's condition commonly reflect hospital system and process deficiencies; and result in unnecessary outcomes for patients. http://www.health.vic.gov.au/clinrisk/sentinel/ser.htm Occurs any time a patient leaves or signs out Southern Metropolitan Health Service – includes Kaleeya, Rockingham, Armadale, and the forthcoming Fiona Stanley Hospital. http://www.southmetropolitan.health.wa.gov.au/ Statewide Obstetric Support Unit: information, liaison, support for maternity services across Western Australia WA Perinatal Mental Health Unit – includes the Mother and Baby Unit in Subiaco. http://www.kemh.health.wa.gov.au/health/emotional_health/index.htm Womens and Newborns Health Network - Health Networks in WA were established after a major review of health services in 2003 with the aim of enabling a new focus across all clinical disciplines towards prevention of illness and injury and maintenance of health. Anyone with an interest in improving health in WA can join a Network including consumers, doctors, nurses, WNHS midwives, allied health professionals, carers and policy makers. The major functions of Health Networks are to plan and develop: evidence based policy and practice statewide clinical governance transformational leadership and engagement strategic partnerships evaluation and monitoring systems http://www.healthnetworks.health.wa.gov.au/network/womens.cfm Womens and Newborns Health Services, a division of NMHS. Comprises of KEMH maternity and gynaecology services, Women’s Health Centres, Sexual Assault Resource Centres, WA Perinatal Mental Health Unit http://wnhs.health.wa.gov.au/services/ For more acronyms and terms see Department of Health and Ageing http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/Glossary Update Thursday, 11 October 2012