Marine Services and Ship station Licenses

Maritime Radiocommunication Service licenses:
Licenses to wireless equipment used for maritime services are provided for the
following operations:
Seaport Operations.
General correspondence to the coastal station.
Private agencies that provide marine services.
Ship to Ship Radiocommunication
On-board ship radiocommunication
Distress, safety and calling channels
Search and Rescue
Automatic Identification System (AIS)
1- Ship Station Licenses (Leisure)
Procedures to obtain a license for this type of service:
A letter from the applicant that explains the need for such a request along with the
details about the number of equipment and the type that is needed. Furthermore,
the applicant to assign one of the companies that deal with wireless equipment in
the Kingdom of Bahrain to process the request on behalf of him.
A request letter from the delegated company (the authorized company) for a
permission to import the required wireless equipment (details about model and
type). The request has to be supported by the following documents:
i) “Ship Station License Application Form - Leisure” must be filled by the
applicant with all information about users of the equipment, the user’s
location/address and the required wireless equipment.
ii) Copy of the passport or identity card of the applicant.
iii) Copy of a valid registration for the vessel which is issued by the
iv) Copy of the Coastguard Sailing Permit.
v) Copy of the technical specifications for wireless equipment with the
equipment Declaration of Conformity (DoC).
vi) “Registration for Maritime Mobile Service Identities (MMSI)” form
should be filled (if needed by the applicant)
After submission of all required information and documents by the applicant, the
Directorate will take the necessary measures to complete the process of issuing the
Ship Station License with a specific call sign for the ship under the applicant's
name and will be registered in the maritime database of the International
Telecommunication Union. The Ship Station License is subject to renewal
Users must use the channel plan in the VHF range according to Appendix 18 and
in the HF range according to Appendices 17 & 25 of the ITU Radio Regulations.
2- Ship Station Licenses (Commercial):
Procedures to obtain a license for this type of service
A letter from the applicant that explains the need for such a request along with the
details about the number of equipment and the type that is/are needed.
Furthermore, the applicant to assign one of the local companies to process the
request on behalf of them.
A request letter from the delegated company (the authorized company) for a
permission to import the required wireless equipment (details about model and
type). The request has to be supported by the following documents:
i) "Ship Station License Application Form – Commercial" must be filled by
the applicant with all information about users of the equipment, the
company's location/address and the required wireless equipment.
ii) Copy of the Commercial Registration of the company.
iii) Copy of a valid registration for the vessel which is issued by the
Coastguard/ Ports and Maritime Affairs.
iv) Copy of the Sailing Permit.
v) Copy of the technical specifications for wireless equipment with the
equipment Declaration of Conformity (DoC).
vi) “Registration for Maritime Mobile Service Identities (MMSI)” form
should be filled by the applicant (if needed)
After submission of all required information and documents by the applicant, the
Directorate will take the necessary measures to complete the process of issuing the
Ship Station License with a specific call sign for the ship under the applicant's
name and will be registered in the maritime database of the International
Telecommunication Union. The Ship Station License is subject to renewal
Users must use the channel plan in the VHF range according to Appendix 18 and
in the HF range according to Appendices 17 & 25 of the ITU Radio Regulations.
As for the allocation of the Maritime Mobile Service Identity MMSI, requests shall
be made as follows:
1- Applying the allocation of the identity of the maritime mobile service
allocation in the same letter of assigning the call sign or through an
independent request to the Directorate.
2- After the completion of the data, the necessary measures to be taken and the
ship station license will issued with a specific call sign (new application).
3- Allocate maritime mobile service identity (MMSI) in the Marine
International Telecommunication Union ITU database, and issuance a ship
station license under the call sign to the ship or vessel.
The following documents must be provided for the MMSI:
A. “Registration for Maritime Mobile Service Identities (MMSI)" form
should be filled by the applicant (if needed).
B. Copy of a valid registration for the vessel.
C. Copy of the Sailing Permit.
D. Copy of the Ship Station License (if applicable).
3- Maritime fixed service licenses:
This service is applicable for the ports and marine coastal stations, private agencies
that provide marine services and operations that have a set of ships which operate
in the Bahrain's territorial/Gulf waters and the marine clubs.
The approval will be issued to these companies ones their needs are justified for
this type of service and after the technical specification of the equipment in
question is received with a copy of the certificate of the Declaration of Conformity
After submission of all required information and documents by the applicant, the
Directorate will take the necessary measures to complete the process of issuing the
required license under the applicant's name and it subject to annual renewal fee.
All Ships with gross tonnage is equal or more than 300 tons must install the Global
Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) as stipulated in the International
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) of 1974 and its amendments,
and the frequencies used for Global Maritime Distress and Safety System should
be according to Appendix 15 of the ITU's Radio Regulations, as well as all the
ships that are used for commercial purpose.
The Directorate notifies the International Telecommunications Union
electronically with the data of all ships and coast stations and updates the MARS's
database and provides ITU with the maritime mobile service identity MMSI.