
Staff Association Executive Monthly Meeting
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Guild 203
Attendees: Sandra Bonds, Christine Boyland, Dawn Bruton, Dolores Burdo, Diane Craw, , Vicki
Gerstenfeld , Jen Hawkes, Jessica Hollinger, Margaret Kelly, Linda Locker, Carrise Mangano, AnnMarie
McElwee, Devon Montgomery ,Ann Ogle, Sarah Theobald
Welcome to Linda Locker, who has graciously volunteered to assist Staff Association with representation
on our Benefits and Budget Committees.
Staff Association Constitution: Copies of the revised/updated Staff Association Constitution were
distributed for review. All will take one last look before approval.
General Staff Association Meeting: After discussion and discernment, it was felt best to suspend the
spring meeting. Our 2015 agenda will have a notation regarding scheduling the Spring General meeting
early in 2015 (March if possible). Over the summer months, Staff Association will put together a timeline for the upcoming academic year.
Appreciation Lunch/Special Dessert: Attending members shared in an appreciation lunch with a special
dessert to celebrate Jess Hollinger’s maternity leave.
Mary Eno, Lecturer in Psychology, and Madelaine Nathanson, Clinical Supervisor in Psychology
graciously donated $100 to the Staff Association in Ann Ogle’s behalf. (see attached document). Ann
was recognized for her dedication to the Staff Association with a small token of appreciation. Kim
Cassidy and Human Resources were informed of the donation and letter of appreciation.
Respectfully submitted,
Dolores Burdo
May 1, 2014
Department of Psychology
Bryn Mawr College
101 North Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899
610 526-5010
610 526-7476 Fax
Staff Association
Bryn Mawr College
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
To Whom It May Concern,
We would like to make this donation to Bryn Mawr College's Staff Association in
appreciation of Ann Ogle in the Department of Psychology. We have worked with Ann for
many years and, as we are about to leave the College this Spring, we wanted to recognize all
that she has done to enrich and support our work.
Ann is an outstanding professional who doesn't hesitate to go beyond the expected.
She is quick to respond to questions or problems, brings a competent know- how to each job
or task, and continually gave us a sense of confidence that whatever needed doing, if it
involved her, would get done. As you know, in addition to all that she did in her regular
job, Ann also was instrumental and hugely responsible for developing and maintaining the
annual Staff Association end of the year sale, no small feat. She did this extra- curricular
job in the same spirit as she attended to the ways we can recycle, minimize the use of paper,
and simply pay attention to the world around us. The plants that greet the visitor in Betts-ycoed are another testament to such efforts.
Ann is someone who cares about the students, faculty, Department and College. She
brought us warmth, kindness and a generosity of spirit. And, in our case, she was the oil that
made the machinery run.
Though this is a small token of our respect and gratitude, we trust it will be put to
good use.
Madelaine Nathanson and Mary Eno