GRADE: 5th class UNIT: What is on the Earth’s crust? OBJECTIVE: In Turkish form; Fosillerin oluşumunu ve fosil çeşitlerini araştırır ve sunar. Fosil biliminin, bir bilim dalı olduğunu kavrar ve bu alanda çalışan uzmanlara ne ad verildiğini bilir. In English form; At the end of the lecture, Students will be able to tell the kinds of fossils and how they come into existence in nature clearly. Students will be able to explain that paleontology is a kind of science and the name of the experts working in this field correctly. THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK: In this plan, the universal step of instruction model which was designed by Robert Gagne and Ausubel application is used. For prerequisite knowledge, in the 3rd grade, students gained the information that there are some water and land parts on the Earth’s surface. Also, there is an air layer which covers all around the world. Actually, they know that the land layer includes some matters such as stones, lands, rocks etc. Moreover, the teacher assumes that students learn the information in which the land layer of the Earth’s crust is formed by some rocks. 1 1) Gain attention (5mn): In the beginning of the lecture, the teacher shows a picture which is above and then asks students a question that “Have you ever been to see any living dinosaur in your environment?” Actually, the expected answer is “no”. However, if some students say “yes”, the teacher can say that “Well, where did you see it?” Probably, students say that they can see it at some museums. At this point, the teacher can indicate that the dinosaur students can see at museum is not living now. Then, she says that “well, if we do not see any living of them, how can we know that in some years dinosaurs had lived in somewhere?” “What do you think about their ages?” The discussion part of the beginning goes with these questions. At the end, the teacher says that “are you ready to meet with these guests who come from the past?” In this way, the gaining attention part is ended. 2) State the outcomes of instruction (2mn): In this part of the lecture, the teacher says that “today, we will find out more about acquires knowledge about dinosaurs. In order to do that, we need to learn some special terms like “fossil” and “its kinds”. You will also hear “paleontology” and “paleontologist”. By the way, the teacher writes the key words on the board. 2 3) Stimulate recall of prior learning (8mn): For recalling the prior knowledge, the teacher says that “to understand the new concept, we should remember some definition and additional knowledge. Therefore, now, I tell four small stories and you try to find the concepts”. a) I am one of the layers of the Earth. I cover the surroundings of the Earth and I include many kinds of gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide etc. Who am I? b) Again, I am one of the layers of the Earth. All livings are on me and I include some stones, lands and rocks. I am thin in oceans where as thick on lands. Also, I am called as Earth crust. Who am I? c) I am one of the layers of the Earth. I include some water and fill in the blanks of the Earth crust with this water. Actually, who am I? A Atmosphere B Lithosphere C Hydrosphere When students give the answer of each question, the teacher shows a picture as a hint. 3 4) Present stimulus material: First of all, the teacher begins for this part of the lecture by showing two different videos but, before she demonstrates them, s/he gives the worksheet with title “fossils and their kinds”. Actually, the teacher wants to introduce the new words with the students. The filling the blank process will be done during the lecture. Then, the first one is watched. In this video, there are some explanations of some concepts. For example, what is fossil? What are the kinds of fossil? How does the fossilization process occur? How do these fossils near the Earth’s surface? After that, s/he gives the other worksheet before the second video is watched. Then it begins and the answers of some questions like that “what is paleontology? What is paleontologist? What should paleontologists know to be a paleontologist? What are their aims in paleontology? Why is paleontology important for humanity?” are given clearly. Also, the teacher writes all key words on the boards. From this point, s/he begins to tell the concept one by one and in very organized way. First of all, s/he indicates that while s/he is explaining the concepts, students should take some notes in their worksheets. Then s/he begins with the meaning of fossil like that “fossil is a kind of evidence which is found both between the layers of rocks and inside them. It belongs to some livings such as animals, plants which lived in many years ago. Therefore, we can say that fossils are impressions of living things and their activities. By utilizing them, the scientists determine some livings which live in many years ago.” Actually, s/he gives more explanations for the meaning of fossilization process. To be more understandable, the teacher shows a picture about fossilization and also says that “fossilization process is like that living organism dies and its outer part is eaten by some organism. Then, its body’s or its mark’s inside or outer surface fills up with some sand, clay or lime. Therefore, its parts are protected. After many years later, many rock layers occur and 4 this special formation is unable to retort. This is called as fossilization and with this process; the living organism’s fossil can stay originally. Also, how many years ago an organism lived on the Earth is determined by utilizing these layers. Actually, younger fossils are nearer to the Earth’s surface than old ones. Furthermore, because of earthquakes or natural events, these layers come out the Earth’s surface and so fossils can be noticed by people. After that, the scientists take out them from land carefully.” In addition, s/he indicates that “fossilization is generally seen in sea or lake because in land, died organisms decay mostly and so they cannot have any chance to be a fossil. Also, we cannot say that all died organism can be a fossil because some of them may decay.” Then, s/he continues with explaining the kinds of fossils. Actually, the teacher uses a small concept map with pictures which demonstrate the concept clearly and so students can learn the information easily. 5 fossils can be classified according to their sizes their formation such as macro fossils such as micro fossils bone fossils trace fossils After, s/he indicates the other worksheet and wants students to fill in the blanks during the explanations. Then, s/he says that “well, we continue with the understanding of what paleontology and paleontologist are and why fossils are important. Firstly, paleontology is discipline and it examines fossils in the world. People who study paleontology are called as paleontologist. Actually, paleontologist should know chemistry, biology, geology and astronomy. Their aims are describing different kinds of creature, creating a more complete story of life on earth and developing new ideas about evolution.” Then, s/he can stress the importance of paleontology because of its effectiveness on the history and also some clues that arise from it about how human beings are changed over time in this planet. 6 5) Provide learner guidance: For this part, there are two worksheets which uses during the explanations. Actually, their functions are explained above. 6) Elicit performance: At the end of these explanations, the teacher wants students to make a concept map which summarizes all information that are talked in the lecture. To provide students guidance, the teacher reminds students of information that are written on the board. Also, s/he indicates that to make connections between the information is very important and to make these connections with using minimum words is essential in concept map. The main titles written on the board are paleontology, paleontologist, fossils, rock layers, ancient animal, ancient plants, living things and their activities, the differences in sizes and formations of fossils. (Step 4, 5 and 6 go simultaneously and the time is 40mn approximately.) 7) Provide feedback (10 mn): After the teacher guides students to prepare a concept map, s/he provides feedback whether they use all the concepts with true lining words or not. Concept Is used Right linking words Paleontology Paleontologist Fossils Rock layers 7 Ancient animals Ancient plants Their sizes Their formations Living things Living things activities While they are making their concept maps, the teacher observes them whether they form a proper one or not. If they form it properly, this indicates that they learn the subject clearly. However, if they do not make the concept map because of a false information or lack information, this shows that there is a misunderstanding about the concepts and so the teacher explains the missing information. Then, s/he gives another chance to students to rewrite it. After all students make their concept maps, the teacher shows the proper concept map which is below. 8 paleontologist is studied by Paleontology analyzes fossils are remains of excavated from impressions of rock layers ancient animals living things ancient plants divided according to their sizes their formations 9 living things’ activities 8) Assess performance (10mn): The teacher assesses students’ learning by giving a quiz in which there are some main questions about the subject. After students answer the questions, s/he evaluates their performance according to the number of true questions. Number of true questions Result 5 or 6 Excellent 3 or 4 Adequate 1 or 2 Inadequate 9) Enhance retention and transfer (5mn): The summary of the important factors such as the meaning of fossil and fossilization process, paleontology and paleontologist, the importance of information gained by fossils are emphasized. This summary part is made by showing an animation in which there is “kel oğlan” and he is stuck in a room. To get him off, students should give the right answers of the questions that are relevant to the concepts. After that, the teacher shows a video in which a dinosaur which lived before 75 million years ago is founded by some paleontologist. This video is wanted to be watched because there should be an accommodation between the beginning and the last part of the lecture. Also, the enhancing process is wanted to be amazing. After that, the lecture is ended. esi&baslikid=53&DeneyNo=1015 10 REFERENCES 66 milyon yıllık dinazor iskeleti (2011). Retrieved from, Baytekin, Muharrem. Fosiller sınav. Retrieved from, esi&baslikid=53&DeneyNo=1015 Baytekin, Muharrem. Fosiller sınav 2. Retrieved from, esi&baslikid=53&DeneyNo=1016 Obox, Themes. İlk ve ortaokul öğrencileri için fosiller hakkında bilgiler. Retrieved from, T.C Milli eğitim bakanlığı talim ve terbiye kurulu başkanlığı (13.02.2013.). Güncellenen öğretim programları. Retrieved from, 11 QUİZ 1) Which one is not accepted as fossils? a) b) c) d) 2) Fill in the blanks with the words. paleontologist their sizes rock layers living things is studied by Paleontology analyzes fossils are divided according to impressions of 3) What kinds of information are obtained by utilizing fossils? 12 excavated from Fossils and their kinds Fossil is …………………………………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………. The fossilization process is …………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………. Kinds of fossils according to their sizes are; a) b) Kinds of fossils according to their formation are; a) b) Fossils come out the Earth’s surface by a) b) 13 Paleontology & Paleontologist Paleontology is…………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………. Paleontologist is…………………………………………………………………………………. and should know…………………………………………………………………………………………... His/her aims in paleontology are……………………………………………………………………….. 14 ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………. Paleontology is important for humanity because……………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………. 15