HCPC Guidance on Conduct and Ethics for Students

School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work
Practice Learning Handbook
Post Graduate Diploma in Social Work
(Step Up)
College of Health and Social Care Placement Unit,
Room AD101, Allerton Building,
Contact: placements-chssc@salford.ac.uk
Available on blackboard – Practice Learning
Section 1
Section 2
Preparation for Placement
Section 3
Placement Finding
Section 4
Placement Structure
Section 5
Expectations on Placement
Section 6
Section 7
Direct Observation
Section 8
Section 9
Portfolio Structure
Section 10
Quality Assurance Processes
Section 11
Practice Educators
Appendix 1
HCPC Guidance on Conduct and Ethics for Student
HCPC Standards of Proficiency for Social Work
Appendix 2
The College of Social Work - Domains within the PCF
Appendix 3
Greater Manchester Practice Educator Programme
Appendix 4
Complaints and Dissatisfaction whilst on Placement
Appendix 5
Forms for use whilst on Placement
Appendix 6
Quality Assurance
Appendix 7
Section 1 Introduction
This handbook is designed to act as a guide for students, Practice Educators and On-site
supervisors to the practice learning experience incorporated in the Post Graduate Diploma Social
Work (Step Up). This handbook is accessible on Blackboard.
Students are required to complete a total of 170 days in a practice setting to complete the award,
split into 2 placements: first placement of 70 days and a final placement of 100 days. In addition all
students will complete 30 days of skills development, delivered in partnership between academics,
practitioners from the Regional Partnership and service users/carers to support them in moving into
the practice environment. Learning outcomes at each point are linked to the Professional
Capabilities Framework (PCF) and the Standards of Proficiency (SOPS) and students must
successfully complete each level before progressing to the next.
Assessment of students in practice will incorporate a range of evidence which will include feedback
from service users and carers.
All placements are identified and supported by the Local Authorities within the Regional Partnership.
All placements are quality assured to ensure that they provide appropriate learning opportunities
and allow students to demonstrate competence within the practice arena. The QAPL form is
completed by the Local Authority and scrutinised by the Practice Learning team (PLT) at the
Univeristy of Salford.
Placement components of the programme have been structured in line with requirements and
guidance from the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Standards of Proficiency (SOPS),
The College of Social Work (TCSW) Professional Capabilities Framework (PFC) and the Quality
Assurance Agency. Placements are managed within partnership arrangements and are included in
the Memorandum of Co-operation which is in place across Greater Manchester.
This handbook should be read in conjunction with the relevant programme handbook.
Section 2 Preparation for Placement
The University of Salford has a robust admissions process for entry to its social work programmes.
All students must have an accepted Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check and an accepted
occupational health assessment, with details approved by the Admissions Panel. Placements
cannot start unless this process has been satisfactorily completed and students have successfully
completed the Readiness for Direct Practice Assessment.
Agencies may require to see your copy of the DBS report, and reserve the right to refuse a
placement to any student who they deem to be unsuitable. Students should ensure that they
keep their own copy of the DBS report safe as the law does not permit the University to keep a
copy on file. Should you lose your report you will be required to pay for a further check to take
Prior to admission all students must complete a self declaration form identifying any previous
offences, cautions or reprimands etc. – failure to declare an offence is grounds for the student offer
to be revoked. Any concerns noted on the declaration form or DBS report are referred for
consideration at the Admissions Panel who will make a decision as to the student’s suitability to join
the social work programme.
All students who interrupt study are re-checked prior to returning to the programme. Students are
required to self-declare annually upon re-registration any offences or behaviour likely to bring the
profession into disrepute. Any concerns raised will be referred to the Director of Social Work.
Assessed Readiness for Direct Practice
All students will be assessed for readiness for direct practice prior to the commencement of any
practice placement in line with TCSW (PCF) requirements.
Students will be required to demonstrate basic communication skills, ability to engage with service
users and carers, capacity to work as a member of an organisation, willingness to learn from
feedback and supervision, and basic social work values, knowledge and skills. This is completed as
a formal assessment within the programme structure during the module Social Work and Society.
Roles and Responsibilities
Service Users and carers
Service Users and carers are a vital part of the practice learning process. Students and Practice
Educators must be sensitive to potential disruption caused by students entering and exiting services
users lives on a regular basis. Their views must be sought by students and practice educators
throughout the placement to aid the student’s learning and to inform the final assessment.
Practice Tutor
On confirmation of placement all students will be allocated a Practice Tutor who will represent the
University during the placement and is responsible for supporting the student and Practice Educator
throughout the placement learning process. The Practice Tutor will act as the first point of contact
should any difficulties arise during placement and will provide advice and support as necessary. The
Practice Tutor, following discussion with the Practice Educator, will assess the written work
produced by the student in the portfolio and will provide feedback and tutorial support prior to final
Practice Educator
All students will be supported and assessed in practice by an appropriately qualified Practice
Educator in line with the Practice Educator Professional Standards for Social Work (PEPSSW). The
Practice Educator will provide support for the students learning, identify appropriate work to facilitate
student development, teach and assess the student throughout the placement. They will make the
final assessment as to the student’s capability at the end of placement and provide a report
evidencing their judgement.
Where an agency can provide good learning opportunities but lacks the time or appropriately
qualified staff to provide a Practice Educator in house, an Off Site Practice Educator (OSPE) will
be appointed by the University to work in tandem with an experienced member of staff from the
agency who will act as the On Site Supervisor. The functions of the Practice educator will be split
between these two people, with the On Site being responsible for issues of accountability for the
agency and directing the students day to day work and the OSPE, providing the additional
supervision re development of professional practice and underpinning knowledge etc. Both will
contribute to the final report but the responsibility for the final assessment will remain with the
OSPE. Where OSPE arrangements are in place, it is important that arrangements are clearly
detailed within the learning contract so that all parties are clear re expectations and responsibilities.
Practice Educators and Off-site Practice Educators will be working in conjunction with a range of
other staff working within the placement setting. Often these team members will contribute greatly
to student learning and student assessment.
Section 3 Placement Finding
Students will undertake two placements during the Programme. The first placement is a 70 day
placement providing a focus on social work with adults. This placement commences on Monday
March 10th 2014 March 2nd 2014and the student will complete is on Friday 9th July 2014 The
second placement is a 100 day placement within a statutory Children and Families Team. This
placement commences on Monday 8th September 2014 and student completion is on March 2nd
2014. Placements are identified and supported by the Local Authority within which the student is
All placements are assessed (see Section 10) as meeting professional regulatory body
requirements (HCPC) and provide appropriate learning opportunities for the student to meet the
requirements of the Professional Capabilities Framework (TCSW). Local Authorities will take
account of the students prior knowledge and experience and specific learning needs in identifying
placements. Students are expected to accept the placement that is offered to them. A student may
only reject an offer of a placement on the grounds that it is not accessible due to physical disability
or that the placement is unable to make reasonable adjustments to meet learning support plans.
The programme is under no obligation to provide an alternative placement should a placement offer
be refused, unless a student has mitigating circumstances that are accepted by the Practice
Assessment Panel (PAP) – see Section 8.
Students will not usually travel more than one and half hours to and from placement. However,
where students choose to live significant distances from their host Local Authority, this travel limit
cannot be guaranteed.
The placement finding process
The process of placement finding involves:
1. Students will complete a Profile document to assist the Local Authority in identifying
an appropriate placement. The Local Authority should be informed of any sensitive
issues that may need to be taken in to consideration when placements are being
allocated, for example if a family member is known to a particular service. A
placement session will be held early in the Programme to provide information and
2. When a placement has been identified it is advised that the student attend an
informal visit to meet the Practice Educator and agency. Final placement students
should take a copy of the Practice Educator report from their previous
placement to this meeting.
3. If the Practice Educator feels the placement can go ahead then the placement is
4. If the placement matching is unsuccessful at this stage, students will be provided with
feedback from the interview and a further placement will be sought.
5. A Practice Tutor will be allocated by the Programme Leader. The Practice Tutor will
be contracted to support both periods of assessed placement.
6. Students should then co-ordinate a placement learning agreement meeting involving
the student, Practice Educator, and Practice Tutor. Placements cannot start until
this meeting has taken place with all parties present and a placement learning
agreement has been completed.
7. Students and Practice Educators should ensure they have read the Practice Learning
Handbook and accessed the correct documentation from blackboard before
attending the contract meeting.
Placements for Students with Disabilities
The Equality Act 2010 defines a disabled person as
‘…someone who has a physical or mental impairment which has an effect on his or her ability to
carry out normal day-to-day activities’. That effect must be:
Substantial (that is more than minor or trivial) and
Long-term (that is, has lasted or is likely to last for at least 12 months or for the rest of the life
of the person affected) and
The Act requires Higher Education Institutions:
Not to discriminate against disabled students
To find out about a student’s possible needs
To make reasonable adjustments
In addition, the Act gives institutions a positive duty to promote the equality of disabled people.
These responsibilities apply also to the provision of practice placements on professional courses.
The University is committed to ensuring that the needs of disabled students are taken into account,
and that all students are given access to placement settings that meet their needs and provide them
with appropriate learning opportunities. However, the safety of service users is paramount and
must take priority over students’ learning needs.
It can take time for placements to put appropriate adjustments in place and the earlier the
placement module leader is alerted to a student's needs, the better. Students are therefore
encouraged to discuss the needs arising from any disability as early as possible in their course.
This can be done by making an appointment with Student Life, where an advisor will be able to help
you with any concerns you may have regarding disclosure.
Where a student discloses that s/he has a disability, the placement module leader will:
Consult with the student (and where appropriate with the Disability Advisor) about the nature
of the support/adjustments required in a placement setting
Agree with the student if and how information concerning their disability should be shared
with the placement staff. Many agencies require sight of the student support plan prior to
offering a placement; this is to ensure that they are able to meet the particular student’s
learning needs.
Prioritise placement allocation for disabled students.
Where necessary, provide additional monitoring of the placement setting to ensure the
adequacy of the adjustments/support provided.
Examples of the kinds of adjustments and support that could be provided include:
Physical adaptations (e.g. handrails etc.)
Provision of specialist equipment (e.g. dictaphones for note taking)
Adaptation to IT resources and/or use of specialist software
Adjustments to the pace of a placement e.g. shorter working week to minimise fatigue. (NB
This would result in placement taking more weeks to complete the required number of days)
Students should either attach a copy of their support plan or provide a summary of the adjustments
required on their placement application form. Where students provide a summary they should share
the whole support plan with Practice Educators and Practice Tutors at the earliest opportunity, (e.g.
at the informal visit). Support requirements and adjustments can then be incorporated into the
learning agreement at the initial placement meeting.
Section 4 Placement Structure
Placements are usually structured around 2 placement meetings:
Placement Meeting 1: The Learning Agreement meeting
A placement learning agreement meeting is held at the start of the placement. The purpose of this
meeting is to agree all aspects of the placement and to formalise these in an agreement. This
meeting is led by the Practice Tutor and also involves the student, Practice Educator (or off-site
Practice Educator and On-site Supervisor) - see proforma available on Blackboard and on the
Practice Learning website.
The learning agreement allows all parties to clarify their expectations and roles. It is essential that
attention is paid to the completion of this form, which ensures that everyone has contact details and
agreed arrangements for the remainder of the placement. This form is completed by the student at
the meeting: it is then approved by the Practice Tutor and copied to all members of the agreement
meeting, and placement administrator. The form should be typed by the student who is responsible
for sending a copy to placements-chssc@salford.ac.uk. This should be a word document or scanned PDF
file by email. The student is responsible for ensuring that final copies of the form are
completed and distributed within a week of the placement agreement meeting.
Placement Meeting 2: The Interim Placement Review
The interim placement review provides an opportunity to check that the placement is proceeding
satisfactorily and is in accord with the placement agreement. It reviews positive progress but also
allows any party to express concerns about the arrangements for the placement, availability of
learning opportunities, levels of demonstrated student competence and to agree changes that will
address any issues that arise.
The practice educator provides an assessment of the student’s progress on placement to date.
The Practice Tutor formally checks a sample supervision record; reflective log entry; and 1 direct
observation record. The practice tutor and practice educator provide feedback on the submitted
piece of written work. The Practice Tutor records the meeting on the Review Pro-forma.
Copies of the interim placement review pro-forma will be distributed as above. The form should be
typed by the student, who is responsible for sending a signed copy to placements-chssc@salford.ac.uk
This should be a word document or scanned PDF file by email. The student is responsible for
ensuring that final copies of the form are completed and distributed within a week of the placement
agreement meeting.
Where concerns are expressed about a student’s progress on placement, their performance, the
learning opportunities available or any other issue an action plan should be developed at the mid
interim placement meeting. A date will be set for an additional placement meeting two weeks later to
review progress against the action plan. The Practice Tutor should notify the Programme Leader
and the placement module leader of the issues raised and the outcome. Where necessary the
matter will be referred to the Director of Social Work to determine any further action necessary.
End of Placement
The student should compile their practice documentation and include the Placement Assessment
Report by the date agreed at the contract meeting. The student will forward the practice
documentation to the Practice Tutor electronically. The tutor will discuss this with the Practice
Educator by telephone and send feedback to the student by email. A meeting to formalise the
ending of the placement will therefore not usually be required.
On the final day of the placement the student will present their practice documentation and the
Practice Educator must complete the final placement report. This confirms that the student has
completed the required number of placement days and is a confirmation that the student has
passed or failed the placement.
This form should be sent to the Practice Tutor as an email attachment and copied to placementschssc@salford.ac.uk The form is available for download from Blackboard.
A final placement meeting may be held if required for example if:
the student has demonstrated outstanding performance and it is deemed desirable to
identify and celebrate this achievement;
Issues have arisen about the provision of learning opportunities during the placement and
discussion is useful to promote future learning opportunities.
There have been concerns about the students’ progress during placement
Where a practice educator is making a fail recommendation in relation to the students
Any concerns regarding the students practice should be raised by the Practice Educator at the
earliest opportunity in supervision and if unresolved an additional meeting involving the tutor should
be requested (see Extraordinary Placement Meeting).
Submission of Practice Documentation
The PG Dip Social Work (Step Up) is structured into two Learning Blocks each with a 30 credit
Level 7 Practice module; Working with Adults and Working with Children accordingly. Practice
Evidence forms one section of a Learning Block Portfolio which is submitted following the
The student’s practice documentation is then moderated at the University and a final mark
confirmed at the programme examination board.
Issues or Concerns: Extraordinary Placement Meeting
It is recognised that occasions may arise when an additional meeting is required to discuss
concerns about the behaviour/competence of an individual student or changes of circumstance
within the placement setting.
If a Practice Educator/On-site Supervisor has concerns about either the behaviour or competence of
a student on placement, then the Practice Educator/On-site Supervisor should in the first instances
inform the student of the concerns. If the matter cannot be resolved the Practice Educator should
involve the Practice Tutor to arrange an Extraordinary Placement Meeting. The meeting will agree
an action plan; a copy of this should be circulated to all parties and copied to
c.davies@salford.ac.uk. If necessary the Tutor will involve the Programme Leader/Placement
Administrator for advice and guidance regarding the next steps.
Serious concerns will be reported by the Programme Leader to the Director/Head of School for
consideration with regard to the Fitness for Professional Practice Procedures.
Students can access further support in this process from their Practice Tutor and/or from the
Student Union.
Placements should wherever possible continue until the 70 or 100 days have been completed. The
decision to terminate or suspend a placement rests solely with the Head of School. Under unusual
circumstances Agencies may choose to withdraw support for the placement due to the seriousness
of the concerns raised. This decision should be immediately communicated to the Programme
Leader and the Placement Administrator who will take appropriate action.
Section 5 Expectations on Placement
Placements take place in a variety of settings and with different services and service user groups.
In line with HCPC Standards of Proficiency and Conduct and Ethics; and TCSW Professional
Capabilities Framework you must adhere to the following essential principles whilst on placement:
Students must complete the total 70 or 100 days in each of the placements. The placement day
will be 7 hours in length, excluding breaks. Students will need to be flexible and respectful of
usual working patterns within the agency and may be required to work shifts, including evenings and
The detailed pattern of placement attendance will be determined at the pre placement contract
meeting and will incorporate the student support plan and timetabled university attendance as
Practice Educators will keep a record of student attendance and the completed
student attendance sheet must be included in the student portfolio.
There are identified leave periods at Easter and Christmas. Other Leave may only be taken in
exceptional circumstances and with agreement of the practice educator, tutor and Programme
Leader if necessary.
Any placement days missed (e.g. through illness) must be made up. You should notify your practice
educator and the University via email at placements-chssc@salford.ac.uk. An absence of more than 7
calendar days will have an impact on your end date and will require presentation of a Fit Note to the
Placement Administrator.
Any interruptions to placement of 3-4 weeks or more must be referred to the Programme Leader. It
is unlikely that a placement can be resumed following interruption of greater length. Interruptions due
to medical, unplanned, or unforeseen circumstances will be considered at an additional placement
meeting with the module leader and may be referred to PAP.
Placements are designated as 70 and 100 days and cannot be extended. Capability must be
demonstrated within the given time.
Students should expect respect and consideration from agencies of their student status and in
return be respectful, considerate, punctual, reliable and accountable to the agency.
As a student on placement you will spend time with people using the service. It is important that you
give consideration to the manner in which you enter and exit from their lives and to the
consequences of this for them and for you. Your priority must be to put service users’ needs
first before your own needs and before your learning needs and assessment requirements.
As a team member familiarise yourself with the expectations of workers within the service and the
agency policies and procedures. Should there be any areas of confusion or concern raise these
with your Practice Educator/On-site Supervisor. Should any issues arise that you are unable to
resolve in this way discuss them with your Tutor.
As students on placement in social work/community/healthcare agencies you will have access to a
considerable amount of personal information relating to the people who use the service. It is
expected that you will treat this information in a discreet and confidential manner.
Confidentiality is not the same as secrecy.
Secrecy means that information that you are given will not be divulged to anyone else in any
circumstances. Confidentiality means that the circumstances in which information may be shared is
understood and all parties are aware of the people with whom it may be shared.
You will need to share information about the service users with whom you are working with your
Practice Educator and possibly other colleagues in the agency. This is because they are
accountable to the agency for the work that you are doing with the service user. You should be
honest and open about this with service users. Information may also need to be shared elsewhere
in the agency if there is clear evidence of serious danger to the service user, worker or any other
persons in the community.
Do not let service users think they can expect you to keep secrets.
Most agencies have an open access to records policy that means that service users are entitled to
see the records that are kept about them. You must record information accurately, which may mean
checking the facts with the service user or anyone else who provides information.
You must also ascertain whether information given to you about a service user by a third party can
be shared with the service user or not. This will affect where you record the information and what
you do with it. This is also important as it demonstrates the requirement to understand legislation
and agency policy and procedures in this area.
Any information regarding service users must not be disclosed in any way to unauthorised persons.
You will need to check with your Practice Educator/On-site supervisor who is considered to be an
authorised person in each case. You must check the authenticity of anyone, but particularly
telephone enquiries before disclosing any information. Ask for guidance on the agency policy for
checking authenticity.
It is important that service users cannot be identified from anything that you write or say about them
unless you have their express permission that has not been given under duress. This includes all
assessment work. In all written course work ensure that you specifically refer to the fact that
you have changed the names of the agency and individuals and that you have consent from
the people concerned to refer to the work that you have undertaken with them.
Students are expected to dress appropriately whilst on placement. Different settings may require
different forms of dress, for example residential work, street youth work or court work. Check
policies and expectations with your Practice Educator/On-site Supervisor. Your Tutor will be able to
discuss this with you should any confusion/ disagreement arise.
Section 6 Supervision
A core component of any practice placement is the supervision provided to promote a student’s
learning about professional practice. Students are supervised by either a Practice Educator from
within the placement or an Off-site Practice Educator if the placement does not have capacity to
provide this (e.g. pressure of work, a suitably qualified practitioner does not work on site).
Practice Educators are expected to provide at least one hour of supervision for every 5 placement
days. Supervision sessions provide the forum to discuss a student’s on-going work; to facilitate the
integration of theory with practice; the integration of values and the development of professional
ethics; and the preparation of assessment tasks for inclusion in the portfolio. During supervision,
students should receive formal feedback about their progress. Any issues or concerns should be
initially raised within the supervision forum but if unresolved a Concerns meeting can be called by
any party. Throughout the placement, a key element of discussion in supervision will be
professional values and ethics. Students should at all times adhere to the HCPC Standards of
Conduct, Performance and Ethics.
Where there is an off-site Practice Educator and On-site Supervisor, responsibilities and
assessment will be shared and there will be some joint, three way supervision sessions to ensure
clarity of roles, teaching and assessment. The off-site Practice Educator will provide fortnightly
supervision (i.e. once every 10 placement days) on issues related to social work theory and practice
and assist the student with the development of their portfolio. The On-site Supervisor will give
additional supervision on issues related to working within the agency, which includes managerial
responsibility for the student within the agency. The specific arrangements will be discussed and
agreed at the Learning Agreement Meeting. Records of supervision must be made and copies held
by the student and Practice Educator (or off-site Practice Educator and On-site Supervisor.
Supervision notes may be requested by the University to assist in the resolution of disputes about
the quality of the placement or the student’s work.
Throughout the placement, the Practice Educators (or Off-Site Practice Educator and On-site
Supervisor) and Mentor will discuss values and attitudes. They will seek to see a well-integrated
value base throughout the student’s work. Students should adhere to the HCPC Standards of
Conduct, Performance and Ethics.
Practice Educators should maintain a record of supervision dates which will be required at the
Interim Review meeting and for the student portfolio.
Section 7 Direct Observation
The Practice Educator must formally observe the student’s practice of direct work with service users
on a minimum of two occasions in the 70 day placement and three occasions for the 100 day final
The aim of these direct observations is to provide a formal, planned and recorded assessment of
the student’s practice. In addition, these observations provide an excellent teaching tool and source
of feedback about the development of professional competence for the student. It is essential that
any service users involved in the observed practice give their consent to being part of an observed
piece of practice. They should also be invited to provide their comments about the student’s practice
– this will depend on the practice context.
Formal observations must be of the student working directly with service users. Presentations to
team meetings and other events may provide useful informal observations that contribute to
learning and assessment but cannot stand as one of the required direct observations. Coworking, joint working (in which the Practice Educator/Mentor/On-site Supervisor/colleague are fully
involved) and live supervision (in which the Practice Educator/Mentor/On-site Supervisor may have
an interventionist role) also provide useful learning and assessment opportunities but do not count
as direct observations in which the student carries sole, uninterrupted responsibility for the
Where there is an off-site Practice Educator they should undertake at least one of the formal
observations. One of the observations may be undertaken by a professionally qualified social
worker or a suitably qualified and experienced member of agency staff who is neither the Practice
Educator nor the on-site supervisor (for example, a social worker if they are joint-working with the
student could complete one of the formal observations) but must be approved by the practice
One formal observation should take place before the interim placement meeting and the completed
form should be available at this meeting. This will contribute to the interim placement assessment of
Original copies of the completed pro formas for the observations should be appended to the Final
Placement report as evidence of their recommendation about the student’s professional
Planning and Preparation
Planning is an essential element of a useful direct observation. However well prepared, students
may feel apprehensive or nervous about the direct observation and it is therefore advisable to wait
until they have gained some confidence in the placement setting before the first direct observation
takes place
It may help students to overcome anxieties if they identify the work that will be observed and the
skills and knowledge on which they would particularly like feedback.
Preparing a Service User for an Observation
It is essential to obtain consent from people who are using services before carrying out a direct
observation of work with them. The student should be proactive in this process and provide
evidence of their actions within the report.
With good planning this can be an opportunity to empower people using the service, stress the
importance of the service users’ involvement in educating new professionals and seek their full
involvement in the session and feedback of their experience where possible.
The student should actively identify issues of values, ethics and confidentiality and how these are to
be addressed. It is essential to adhere to the HCPC Guidance on Ethics for Students.
Feedback to Students
The Practice Educator/Off-site Practice Educator/Mentor/On-site Supervisor should discuss the
intervention and seek the student’s own assessment of their performance. Students frequently learn
most from identifying themselves where they can improve.
Feedback from the practice educator should be clear, giving examples of positive skills and values
and identifying learning and developmental issues. Allow time for immediate, informal feedback as
soon as the observation is completed. Then the observer should complete the formal written
feedback (proforma available on Blackboard/in the appendices) as soon as possible. This should be
discussed in supervision to develop learning and provide an opportunity for the student to record
their own comments whilst the situation is still fresh in their mind.
Ensure that service users have the opportunity to provide feedback and that this is done in the most
appropriate way. It may be helpful to offer the opportunity for service users to provide their views in
writing after the event if they prefer.
Section 8 Assessment
The practice educator will make a holistic assessment of practice based upon the TCSW
Professional Capabilities Framework, the HCPC Standards of Proficiency and Code of Conduct,
Performance and Ethics. To do this they will employ a range of teaching and learning methods and
draw upon evidence from a range of sources. The practice educator will provide a report compiling
their evidence and judgement on the pro forma provided. This will be discussed with the student
and be provided to them and the practice tutor at the end of placement. Any concerns a practice
educator may have should be discussed with the student and tutor at the earliest opportunity and
not be raised for the first time within the report. The report should document what measures have
been used to address any such concerns and any progress made by the student in addressing
Practice Documentation
Assessment of practice includes the student’s practice documentation which consists of a report
from the Practice Educator, the completed Direct Observation forms and the written evidence as
outlined in Section 9.
All elements must be completed successfully to pass the practice module.
Once settled into the placement students, Practice Educators and on site supervisors where
applicable, should begin to identify the assessment requirements for the placement and how they
can provide evidence of meeting these.
The Practice Educator’s report must clearly identify evidence of the student’s capability in relation to
the PCF and make a professional judgement as to whether the student should pass the placement.
The student’s written evidence is an integral part of the Practice Educator’s assessment.
It is the student’s responsibility to provide, highlight and clearly explain how the evidence
that they present demonstrates their progress in relation to the PCF.
It is the Practice Educator’s and On-site Supervisor’s responsibility to assess the students
performance throughout the placement, alongside the student’s written pieces for the
portfolio, along with other sources of evidence/feedback from service users, carers and
colleagues and make judgement regarding the students professional capability.
The Practice Tutor, in consultation with the Practice Educator, will award a mark for each of the
written pieces of work within the practice documentation.
There is a strict format for completion of the practice documentation and students should adhere to
this. The practice documentation allows the student to provide evidence of their:
knowledge and integration of theory in practice
ability to apply the values and ethics of the HCPC,
capability in relation to the PCF
The practice documentation is not a catalogue of all the work undertaken on placement, but
requires students to select evidence that demonstrates their skills and knowledge in respect of the
PCF and SOPS. The practice documentation is also key to the identification of learning needs for
further development.
Practice Educators will provide advice and guidance on the plans for completing the work. In
particular they will discuss the relevance of theory that the student presents in supervision. Practice
Educators should not read drafts of work until the portfolio is complete. This is to ensure that the
student is not tempted to cross the boundary between seeking advice and quoting the Practice
Educator’s own views.
From the beginning of the placement Practice Educators and students should begin to identify the
assessment requirements and consider how students can provide evidence to demonstrate their
development in relation to TCSW Professional Capabilities Framework, the HCPC Standards of
Proficiency and Code of Conduct, Performance and Ethics. Practice Educators should regularly
discuss progress toward completing the portfolio in supervision.
A hand in date for the practice documentation is agreed at the placement agreement meeting. This
should normally be two weeks before the end of placement. In the event of the student taking
absence from placement (e.g. due to sickness) this date may be amended.
Assessment of the practice documentation
The Practice Educator will recommend that the student passes or fails the practice element of the
placement based upon the student’s performance against TCSW Professional Capabilities
Framework, the HCPC Standards of Proficiency and Code of Conduct, Performance and Ethics.
This should be discussed with the student throughout supervision and prior to the midpoint review
and end of placement. The Practice Educator will assess and validate the work in the practice
documentation and write their report (see pro forma in the appendices). The student’s written
evidence is an integral part of the Practice Educator’s/Offsite Practice Educator’s assessment.
However, the student’s direct work with service users, written work in the agency and in the practice
documentation, their professional conduct with colleagues and their adherence to agency policy and
procedure must be of appropriate standards according to the TCSW Professional Capabilities
Framework, the HCPC Standards of Proficiency and Code of Conduct, Performance and Ethics for
the Practice Educator to make a PASS recommendation.
The Practice Tutor is responsible for assessing the practice documentation and recommending a
mark following consultation with the Practice Educator. If any of the pieces of work in the practice
documentation are marked at a recommended mark of less than 50% the student cannot pass. The
tutor will email the feedback sheets to the student for inclusion in practice documentaiton before
submission and inform the module leader/programme leader.
A student cannot pass the placement unless practice and written evidence are assessed as
being satisfactory.
Reflective Diary
Throughout the placement, students are required to keep a reflective log on a daily basis and this
should be discussed with the Practice Educator in supervision (see Appendix 2 for details of
suggested format). The log should enable the student and Practice Educator to identify the
development of the student’s professional skills and abilities combined with the application and
integration of professional values and ethics. Students should focus on significant learning
experiences. It is important to monitor such experiences and development because impressions
often fade and the immediacy of learning can be lost. The log will reflect the process of change and
professional development and will assist students to complete the written tasks for the portfolio. The
log is designed to enable students to measure their professional development along a range of
dimensions and to explore the application of theory, research to practice and skill development.
The record should be given to the Practice Educator on a regular basis to read and provide
The reflective diary is a key learning tool for the student and may be requested by the University as
additional evidence of the student’s capability.
Assessment timetable
The student should complete their practice documentation and include the Practice Educator Report
by the date agreed at the learning agreement meeting. The student will forward the practice
documentation to the Practice Tutor electronically. The tutor will discuss this with the Practice
Educator by telephone and send feedback to the student by email. A meeting to formalise the
ending of the placement will therefore not usually be required.
The student must keep their own copy of all the pieces of work they hand in.
On the final day of the placement the student will present their completed practice documentation
and the Practice Educator must complete the end of placement report. This confirms that the
student has completed the required number of placement days and is a confirmation that the
student has passed or failed the placement.
This form should be sent to the Practice Tutor as an email attachment and copied to placementschssc@salford.ac.uk. The form is available for download from blackboard.
The Board of Examiners
The examination board has responsibility for all formal assessments of students, including taking
pass or fail decisions in relation to all students and taking decisions on the further progress of failed,
referred or deferred students etc. It is constituted according to University requirements.
The Practice Assessment Panel (PAP)
The Practice Assessment Panel provides advice to the University on matters related to practice
learning. The panel meets quarterly during the academic year to monitor the standards and
consistency of practice learning; practice assessment arrangements and considers specific issues
in relation to individual students.
The membership includes: the Director of Social Work, representatives from stakeholder agencies;
programme leaders/representative from the programme team, module leaders for practice learning,
service users/carers; and the placement administrator. The chairperson is a stakeholder
Full terms of reference are available on Blackboard.
Section 9 Practice Documentation
Alongside direct practice and maintenance of agency records, students will complete a daily
reflective diary and produce a portfolio of work to demonstrate their learning and progress and to
support evidence of their professional practice
Front sheet and Checklist
Section 1: Practice Educator Report
Section 2: Direct Observations
Section 3: Critical Reflections
Section 4: Service user Feedback
Section 4: Placement Documentation
Completed Holistic Assessment of Student with
Pass or Fail Recommendation
2 Direct Observations of student undertaken by
Practice Educator – completed reports
1 Critical Reflection on Practice
1 Critical Reflection on Professional and
Personal Development
2 pieces of service user/carer feedback with
critical reflection
Learning Agreement Form
Interim Placement Assessment Report
Statement of Confidentiality
Placement Attendance Sheet
List of Supervision Dates
Receipt for Completion of QAPL form
Front sheet and Checklist
Section 1: Practice Educator Report
Section 2: Direct Observations
Section 3: Critical Reflections
Section 4: Service user Feedback
Section 4: Placement Documentation
Completed Holistic Assessment of Student with
Pass or Fail Recommendation
3 Direct Observations of student (at least 2 of
which undertaken by Practice Educator) –
completed reports
1 Critical Reflection on Practice
1 Critical Reflection on Professional and
Personal Development
2 pieces of service user/carer feedback with
critical reflection
Learning Agreement Form
Interim Placement Assessment Report
Statement of Confidentiality
Placement Attendance Sheet
List of Supervision Dates
Receipt for Completion of QAPL form
Section 10 Quality Assurance
Identifying and Monitoring Appropriate Placements
The University of Salford has responsibility for the quality assurance of placements and works in
partnership with host Local Authorities and the Regional Partnership to ensure that placements
identified by the host Local Authorities provide appropriate learning opportunities for students to
develop their professional practice in relation to the PCF and SoP and provide a positive, supportive
learning environment for students.
All placements meet the criteria for first and last placements as defined by The College of Social
Work. The Placements Unit at The University of Salford maintains a record of placements utilised
by the PG Dip Social Work (Step Up) Programme.
All placements will be audited to assess suitability, learning opportunities and any development
needs for the agency. This will also ensure the Practice Placement setting is a safe and supportive
environment for the student.
The University uses the QAPL tools to record and manage the data collected via audit and
QAPL – Quality Assurance for Practice Learning
Quality assurance is undertaken via 3 monitoring tools—one audit form and two evaluation
The audit form is completed by the host Local Authority to assess / review the suitability of a
practice learning setting. The audit form will be scrutinised by the Module Leader and any identified
issues raised with the Programme Leader for follow up with the Local Authority.
Two questionnaires, one for practice educators and one for students, assist the University and
agencies in monitoring and evaluating the quality of the practice placement. Additional information is
also provided by practice tutors/students/off site practice educators and module leaders on an
informal basis following visits to the placement setting.
Placement Audit
On identifying a practice placement the host Local Authority representative will record the following
on the QAPL audit form:
The range and type of placements which are likely to be available in the immediate setting
and any other placements linked to the workplace.
The specific learning and range of work opportunities available in the setting.
Confirmation that the agency is committed to the HCPC Standards of Conduct and Ethics.
The complexity and type of work available and the level of student attainment necessary to
participate in it.
The experience, training, qualifications and registration status of designated practice
educators involved in the student’s learning and information about anyone else who will
normally contribute to a student’s learning, assessment and support.
The capacity of other workplace team members to contribute to student learning.
Information about access and facilities to meet a range of student needs, including scope for
reasonable adjustment.
Health and safety policy and procedures.
Any arrangements for financial resourcing of the provision, including students’ travel costs
while on agency business.
Any other key policies and procedures and any other information impacting on potential
students and their suitability.
Any updating that is necessary to ensure currency of information and confidence in the
continuing suitability of the setting.
Audit information is reviewed on an annual basis and considered alongside evaluation information
as to suitability for continued use. Where concerns are raised, placement settings are re-visited by
the module leader to discuss issues raised and plan how these might be addressed. Any training
needs will also be identified. If serious concerns are raised, the placement will not be used again
unless measures are taken to address these and the agency is happy to work with the university to
improve the quality of the experience for students.
Placement Evaluation
The evaluation process of the practice placement provides the opportunity for:
Each student to offer honest and safe feedback once the final assessment decision has
been made.
The practice educator and/or any other key participant to offer feedback on their experience
of managing the practice placement.
A process whereby the University may confirm the continuing suitability of the practice
placement for future students or identify any necessary development work.
A process for collecting and collating feedback data from each particular practice
placement in order to provide for an overall evaluation of practice learning provision.
Student evaluation of the placement forms part of their placement documentation and ensures
100% return.
Evaluations are submitted to the administrative team who perform an initial quality check
highlighting any areas of concern that require immediate action and these are referred to the
appropriate Module Leader.
The module leader should prepare a report summarising findings for each module.
Section 11 Practice Educators
The University of Salford is a partner in the sub regional collaboration for the Greater Manchester
Practice Educator Programme. This incorporates a partnership between the 4 social work education
providers, the 10 Local Authorities and representatives of the independent sector placement
providers across Greater Manchester.
Over the last 10 years, Salford has led a series of projects aimed at developing a practice educator
training scheme to enhance the quality of practice learning. This enabled the sub region to pilot the
Practice Educator Framework and then finalise a Greater Manchester Practice Educator
Programme to implement the Practice Educator Professional Standards for Social Work (PEPSSW).
This provides a two stage approach to qualification for practice educators and allows for APL in to
the PQ programmes.
All practice educators are assessed against the PEPSSW. Where appropriately qualified staff are
not available on site, an off-site practice educator (OSPE) will be supplied by the University. Salford
University have always used the Practice Teacher Award as the benchmark for OSPE and so are
well placed to ensure the new standards for placements from September 2013. We have supported
the training and assessment of practice educators across the region in order to ensure quality
standards for students on placement and there is a regular programme of training available each
Each year a series of workshops is delivered for qualified practice educators to ensure all are kept
up to date and provide an opportunity for sharing knowledge and ideas. This will contribute to
ensuring currency and CPD for the practice educators working with the programme.
The standards described above are employed by the university in all its social work practice
education contacts; as such these standards will also apply in the Yorkshire and Humberside Step
Up partnership.
Appendix 1
HCPC Guidance on Conduct and Ethics for Students
The guidance can be found at the following web page:
HCPC Standards of Proficiency for Social Work
The standards can be found at the following web page:
Appendix 2
Domains within the PCF.
The Professional Capabilities Framework has nine domains (or areas) within it. For each one,
there is a main statement and an elaboration. Then at each level within the PCF, detailed
capabilities have been developed explaining how social workers should expect to evidence that
area in practice.
The nine capabilities should be seen as interdependent, not separate. As they interact in
professional practice, so there are overlaps between the capabilities within the domains, and
many issues will be relevant to more than one domain. Understanding of what a social worker
does will only be complete by taking into account all nine capabilities.
Professionals and their practice will be assessed ‘holistically’, by which we mean that throughout
their careers, social work students and practitioners need to demonstrate integration of all
aspects of learning, and provide a sufficiency of evidence across all nine domains.
1. PROFESSIONALISM - Identify and behave as a professional social worker,
committed to professional development
Social workers are members of an internationally recognised profession, a title protected in UK
law. Social workers demonstrate professional commitment by taking responsibility for their
conduct, practice and learning, with support through supervision. As representatives of the
social work profession they safeguard its reputation and are accountable to the professional
2. VALUES AND ETHICS - Apply social work ethical principles and values to guide
professional practice
Social workers have an obligation to conduct themselves ethically and to engage in ethical
decision-making, including through partnership with people who use their services. Social
workers are knowledgeable about the value base of their profession, its ethical standards and
relevant law.
3. DIVERSITY - Recognise diversity and apply anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive
principles in practice
Social workers understand that diversity characterises and shapes human experience and is
critical to the formation of identity. Diversity is multi-dimensional and includes race, disability,
class, economic status, age, sexuality, gender and transgender, faith and belief. Social workers
appreciate that, as a consequence of difference, a person’s life experience may include
oppression, marginalisation and alienation as well as privilege, power and acclaim, and are able
to challenge appropriately.
4. RIGHTS, JUSTICE AND ECONOMIC WELLBEING - Advance human rights and
promote social justice and economic wellbeing
Social workers recognise the fundamental principles of human rights and equality, and that
these are protected in national and international law, conventions and policies. They ensure
these principles underpin their practice. Social workers understand the importance of using
and contributing to case law and applying these rights in their own practice. They
understand the effects of oppression, discrimination and poverty.
5. KNOWLEDGE - Apply knowledge of social sciences, law and social work
practice theory
Social workers understand psychological, social, cultural, spiritual and physical influences
on people; human development throughout the life span and the legal framework for
practice. They apply this knowledge in their work with individuals, families and communities.
They know and use theories and methods of social work practice.
6. CRITICAL REFLECTION AND ANALYSIS - Apply critical reflection and analysis
to inform and provide a rationale for professional decision-making
Social workers are knowledgeable about and apply the principles of critical thinking and
reasoned discernment. They identify, distinguish, evaluate and integrate multiple sources of
knowledge and evidence. These include practice evidence, their own practice experience,
service user and carer experience together with research-based, organisational, policy and
legal knowledge. They use critical thinking augmented by creativity and curiosity.
7. INTERVENTION AND SKILLS - Use judgement and authority to intervene with
individuals, families and communities to promote independence, provide
support and prevent harm, neglect and abuse
Social workers engage with individuals, families, groups and communities, working
alongside people to assess and intervene. They enable effective relationships and are
effective communicators, using appropriate skills. Using their professional judgement, they
employ a range of interventions: promoting independence, providing support and
protection, taking preventative action and ensuring safety whilst balancing rights and risks.
They understand and take account of differentials in power, and are able to use authority
appropriately. They evaluate their own practice and the outcomes for those they work with.
8. CONTEXTS AND ORGANISATIONS - Engage with, inform, and adapt to
changing contexts that shape practice. Operate effectively within own
organisational frameworks and contribute to the development of services and
organisations. Operate effectively within multi-agency and inter-professional
Social workers are informed about and pro-actively responsive to the challenges and
opportunities that come with changing social contexts and constructs. They fulfil this
responsibility in accordance with their professional values and ethics, both as individual
professionals and as members of the organisation in which they work. They collaborate,
inform and are informed by their work with others, inter-professionally and with
9. PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP - Take responsibility for the professional
learning and development of others through supervision, mentoring,
assessing, research, teaching, leadership and management
The social work profession evolves through the contribution of its members in activities
such as practice research, supervision, assessment of practice, teaching and management.
An individual’s contribution will gain influence when undertaken as part of a learning,
practice-focused organisation. Learning may be facilitated with a wide range of people
including social work colleagues, service users and carers, volunteers, foster carers and
other professionals.
You can access the interactive fan diagram at:
This is a useful interactive tool for use with students.
Appendix 3
Greater Manchester Practice Educator Programme
In Greater Manchester the 4 Universities and the placement providers, including the 10 Local
Authorities have worked together to develop a Practice Educator Programme which facilitates
candidates to meet the standards of the new national framework – The Practice Educator
Professional Standards for Social Work.
This assessment pack contains all the information you will need to complete the assessment.
Assessment of portfolios will be undertaken for candidates practice educating within the Greater
Manchester Region only.
The Practice Educator Portfolio
Assessment of candidates undertaking the Greater Manchester Practice Educator Programme will
be by portfolio and will enable candidates to demonstrate competence against The Practice
Educator Professional Standards for Social Work, as required by The College of Social Work.
Practice Educators can be assessed in two stages:
Completion of stage one will allow practice educators to work with students on first
placements (70 days);
Completion of stage two will allow practice educators to work with students at all levels,
including the final placement (100 days).
All candidates will complete the Greater Manchester Practice Educator Programme and workbook;
work with a student social worker with the support of an appropriate mentor and produce a portfolio
of evidence. Training and assessment should normally take place within a 3 year period. In order
to continue to work with student social workers you must maintain currency, this includes practice
teaching at least one student social worker in every 2 year period.
Appendix 4
Complaints & Dissatisfaction Whilst On Placement
Placement is usually an enjoyable learning experience for both student and Practice Educator. If
either party should have concerns whilst on placement it is hoped that these can be resolved by
talking to each other or the Practice Tutor, or by calling a meeting. However it is recognised that
occasionally, situations may arise when more formal complaints may be necessary and informal
resolutions are not satisfactory. The concerns fall into 3 main categories. Those in relation to issues
concerned with the placement, those to do with the individual members of agency staff or agency
policy and procedures, and those in relation to the competence and behaviour of the student.
Complaints about a Placement Issue
If difficulties arise within a placement, which cannot be resolved between student, Practice Educator
and Practice Tutor, the module leader and Programme Leader should be informed and, where
appropriate, Practice Co-ordinators within the Agency. It is acknowledged that it may be difficult for
students to complain about those who may be assessing the placement. Issues need to be jointly
resolved by the agency and University personnel in the interest of the student’s learning. Any
complaints about placement which raise matters of the Programme’s policy or procedures will be
referred to the Practice Assessment Panel.
Complaints about an Agency Member or Agency Policy or Procedure
The student, Practice Tutor, Practice Educator or On-site Supervisor should contact the Programme
Leader who will raise the matter with the relevant managers. Any policy or procedural matter will be
dealt with by the management of the agency concerned, together with the BA (Hons)/MA
Programme. Where appropriate, Practice Co-ordinators should also be informed.
Professional Misconduct
In the event of professional misconduct by a Practice Educator, On-site Supervisor, manager or any
other member of the agency, agency procedures will be implemented to deal with this. With regard
to students and Practice Tutors, action will be taken in consultation with the Programme Leader, the
Director of Social Work, and through and University procedures.
Appendix 5
Forms for use whilst on placement:
Learning Agreement
Interim Placement Assessment
Direct Observation Report
First and Final Assessment Reports
Statement of Confidentiality
Attendance Sheet
List of Supervision
Record of Work Undertaken on Placement
Service User Feedback
Critical Reflection on Service User Feedback
Social Work Placement Learning Agreement
Student Details
Telephone contact
University e-mail address
Emergency contact
Placement Agency Details
Agency name
Address and Postcode
Main telephone no.
Satellite site
Placement details
(delete as applicable)
Statutory / Non-Statutory
First placement 
Last placement 
Practice Educator Details
On or off site
Telephone contact
e-mail address
Practice Educator
On Site Supervisor Details (where applicable)
Telephone contact
e-mail address
University Tutor Details
Telephone contact
e-mail address
Has student passed Assessed Readiness for Direct Practice?
Yes or No
Start date
Interim review date
Projected end date
Previous report seen
Hours of Work (please note a working day is considered to be 7hrs +breaks)
Note any special arrangements.
Data Security. Please comment on any policies which students must adhere to in respect of use of
personal IT equipment on placement and/or circumstances in which they may or may not use personal
equipment during their practice placement
Facilities and support available to the student including support groups/workspace/admin
support/learning resources and arrangements for Study Time and arrangement of payment for work
related expenses.
How should the student report absence if they are ill?
The student’s practice is primarily assessed against the Professional Capabilities framework. However, it
should be borne in mind that student’s practice should also meet the HCPC Standards of Proficiency (as
mapped against the PCF) and they should adhere to the HCPC guidance conduct and ethics for students at all
List the specific learning needs identified by the student and/or previous assessment and specify how
they will be met.
Learning need
Addressed by
Are reasonable adjustments
needed to support learning?
Please give details of how
such needs will be met
List the areas of hazard and risk and how they will be managed. Specific requirements e.g. Health and
Safety, accountability, student’s responsibilities etc., including the name of the person to whom any
concerns should be reported.
Who will ensure the student is familiar
with the health and safety policies and
procedures of the agency (who will
provide policies and when?)
Date by which the specific health and
safety matters relating to the
placement will be explained to the
The whistle blowing policy will be
provided and explained by:
What will the arrangements for the
student’s working day be with regard to
shift work and working unsocial hours?
Confirmation that the student has a car
they are authorised to use for duties
where appropriate and that they have
business insurance, tax and an MOT.
SUPERVISION (equivalent of 1 hour per week)
Frequency of supervision with PE
Frequency of supervision with on
site supervisor where applicable
Date of first supervision with PE
Date of first supervision with OSS
Arrangements for recording
supervision with PE
Arrangements for student to record
their reflective thinking
Type of work
Who will allocate
Links to PCF
(One direct observation of practice and piece of critically reflective work must have been completed by the
Interim Review)
Completion of learning agreement
Interim Review date and time
Submission of piece of critically reflective work to
Practice Educator & Tutor approximately 2 weeks before
Interim Review
Completed portfolio to Practice Educator
Submission of portfolio containing Placement
Assessment Report to University
Practice Educator
On-site supervisor
Practice Tutor
Interim Placement Review
Please complete sections 1 and 2 with the student prior to the interim review meeting. Sections 3
and 4 should be discussed and agreed at the meeting.
SECTION 1: Summary of assessment and supporting evidence
1.1 Placement details
Practice Educator
On-site Supervisor (if applicable)
Placement details
(delete as applicable)
First placement 
Last placement 
Team name/Agency
Dates of placement
HEI tutor
Summary of documentation and assessments taken into account in the interim assessment
Previous practice
assessment report1
Learning agreement
On-site supervisor’s report2
Summary of any issues or circumstances taken into account in this recommendation (please give
brief summary and attach additional information in a report if relevant e.g. investigation of a
complaint, dyslexia assessment)
Brief description (max 150 words each)3
Assessment of readiness for direct practice (First placement) or First placement assessment report (Last placement)
If applicable
Placement e.g.
workload, PE
factors etc.
Student e.g.
health, personal
disability etc.
Summary of evidence linked to the PCF used to support this recommendation
Type of
List title(s) and number of documents used in each category with
Service User
and Carer
reflection of
Student work
Other e.g.
Additional summary information can be appended if required
SECTION 2: Assessment Report
Holistic assessment
PCF level descriptor
By the end of the first placement students should demonstrate effective use of knowledge, skills and
commitment to core values in social work in a given setting in predominantly less complex situations, with
supervision and support. They will have demonstrated capacity to work with people and situations where
there my not be simple clear-cut solutions.
By the end of qualifying programmes, demonstrated in the context of the last placement newly qualified
social workers should have demonstrated the knowledge, skills and values to work with a range of user
groups, and the ability to undertake a range of tasks at a foundation level, the capacity to work with more
complex situations; they should be able to work more autonomously, whilst recognising that the final
decision will still rest with their supervisor; they will seek appropriate support and supervision.
Interim assessment of capability – please comment on the student’s strengths, any gaps in the
evidence to date and any concerns which have been identified (with reference to PCF level
indicators as appropriate) (500 words)
SECTION 3 (to be completed at the interim review meeting)
Assessment of student’s future learning need/priorities
Student’s comments on assessment
Tutor’s comments on the assessment
Section 4
Action Plan for the second half of the placement
Practice Educator
On-site supervisor
Practice Tutor
Direct Observation Report
This form is intended for electronic completion. The answer spaces will expand to accommodate text.
(Guidance notes on last page)
Name & role of observer
Date & setting of observation
Section 1 – Student to complete
Complete boxes1 to 5 before the observation
1. Brief background to observed contact between yourself and the service user
2. Planning for intervention see guidance note 1
3. Has the service user given permission for this observation? Discuss how this was obtained and any
issues which arose.
4. What formal knowledge and theories might inform your practice? (discuss and use references)
5. What issues relating to power, values and ADP might impact in this contact? (discuss and use
Complete boxes 6 and 7 after the observation
6. Brief description of the intervention see guidance note 2
7. Critical Reflections on the observed practice see guidance note 3
Complete boxes 8 and 9 after reading the observer’s report
8. Critical reflection and professional development see guidance note 4
9. Comments and reflections on the feedback given by the observer
Student’s signature:
Section 2
Observer to complete after the direct observation
Please provide information to support your assessment of the direct observation; reference can be made to
the nine domains where relevant, accounting for the relevant level descriptors (see handbook). You are not
required to make a comment against each domain but can identify strengths and areas for
development/concern (including reference to individual capability statements where there are areas of
Holistic assessment of the candidate’s capability demonstrated in the direct observation of practice (up to
300 words)
Domain 1
Social workers are members of an internationally recognised profession, a title protected in UK law. Social
workers demonstrate professional commitment by taking responsibility for their conduct, practice and
learning, with support through supervision. As representatives of the social work profession they
safeguard its reputation and are accountable to the professional regulator.
Domain 2
Values and ethics: apply social work ethical principles and values to guide professional
Social workers have an obligation to conduct themselves ethically and to engage in ethical decisionmaking, including through partnership with people who use their services. Social workers are
knowledgeable about the value base of their profession, its ethical standards and relevant law.
Domain 3
Diversity: recognise diversity and apply anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive principles
in practice
Social workers understand that diversity characterises and shapes human experience and is critical to the
formation of identity. Diversity is multidimensional and includes race, disability, class, economic status,
age, sexuality, gender and transgender, faith and belief. Social workers appreciate that, as a consequence
of difference, a person’s life experience may include oppression, marginalisation and alienation as well as
privilege, power and acclaim, and are able to challenge appropriately.
Domain 4
Rights, justice and economic wellbeing: advance human rights and promote social justice
and economic well-being
Social workers recognise the fundamental principles of human rights and equality, and that these are
protected in national and international law, conventions and policies. They ensure these principles underpin
their practice. Social workers understand the importance of using and contributing to case law and applying
these rights in their own practice. They understand the effects of oppression, discrimination and poverty.
Domain 5
Knowledge: apply knowledge of social sciences, law and social work practice theory
Social workers understand psychological, social, cultural, spiritual and physical influences on people; human
development throughout the life span and the legal framework for practice. They apply this knowledge in
their work with individuals, families and communities. They know and use theories and methods of social
work practice.
Domain 6
Critical reflection and analysis: apply critical reflection and analysis to inform and provide a
rationale for professional decision-making
Social workers are knowledgeable about and apply the principles of critical thinking and reasoned
discernment. They identify, distinguish, evaluate and integrate multiple sources of knowledge and evidence.
These include practice evidence, their own practice experience, service user and carer experience together
with research-based, organisational, policy and legal knowledge. They use critical thinking augmented by
creativity and curiosity.
Domain 7
Intervention and skills: use judgement and authority to intervene with individuals, families
and communities to promote independence, provide support and prevent harm, neglect and
Social workers engage with individuals, families, groups and communities, working alongside people to
assess and intervene. They enable effective relationships and are effective communicators, using
appropriate skills. Using their professional judgement, they employ a range of interventions: promoting
independence, providing support and protection, taking preventative action and ensuring safety whilst
balancing rights and risks. They understand and take account of differentials in power, and are able to use
authority appropriately. They evaluate their own practice and the outcomes for those they work with.
Domain 8
Contexts and organisations: engage with, inform, and adapt to changing contexts that shape practice.
Operate effectively within own organisational frameworks and contribute to the development of services
and organisations. Operate effectively within multi-agency and inter-professional partnerships and
Social workers are informed about and pro-actively responsive to the challenges and opportunities that
come with changing social contexts and constructs. They fulfil this responsibility in accordance with their
professional values and ethics, both as individual professionals and as members of the organisation in which
they work. They collaborate, inform and are informed by their work with others, inter-professionally and
with communities.
Domain 9
Professional leadership: take responsibility for the professional learning and development
of others through supervision, mentoring, assessing, research, teaching, leadership and
The social work profession evolves through the contribution of its members in activities such as practice
research, supervision, assessment of practice, teaching and management. An individual’s contribution will
gain influence when undertaken as part of a learning, practice-focused organisation. Learning may be
facilitated with a wide range of people including social work colleagues, service users and carers, volunteers,
foster carers and other professionals.
Action plan following the direct observation (if applicable)
Have areas of development/learning needs been identified? What action needs to be taken to address these? Are they
any other outstanding issues?
Service user feedback (service user feedback should be obtained by the observer unless there are exceptional
reasons why this is not possible. These reasons should be recorded below if applicable)
Observer’s signature:
This report template is based on the ASYE template produced by Skills for Care and The College of Social Work 2012 (with
permission). GM programmes have opted to use this format to promote unity between pre and post qualifying approaches and
Guidance for using the Direct Observation Report
Preparation for the direct observation of practice:
The student and observer should plan the direct observation and agree objectives and assessment criteria
for the observation (what do they want to achieve in the intervention and there any specific capabilities,
identified as areas for development or concern, they would like the observer to focus on and provide
feedback). The student should complete and share boxes 1 and 2 of the form with the observer prior to the
observed session. The observation should not proceed if this has not been undertaken.
Wherever possible the service user(s)/carer involved should be asked if they are willing to be part of the
process. If they agree, it is the responsibility of the observer and the student to ensure that the service
user/carer is given the opportunity to comment on the student’s capabilities, and/or for the service user to
be given feedback about the student and assessor’s own assessment. Not all service users will be able to or
want to be involved in the process; others will be willing to contribute and be part of the assessment
process. The observer and candidate will need to plan how this is managed using their knowledge of or/and
relationship with the service user wherever possible to ensure that this is comfortable for all concerned. Best
practice is that service user feedback should be obtained unless there are exceptional reasons why this
cannot be the case. (Adapted from ‘Assessing practice at qualifying level for social work using the PCF’)
Student and observer should agree and clarify the role of the observer during the intervention: how will they
be introduced, under what circumstances, if any, will they intervene.
The observation should be planned to allow time for immediate feedback to be given to the student.
The student should have the opportunity to reflect and comment on the observer’s report (box 6).
Planning for Intervention
Questions you might want to think about:
How did you prepare for this intervention?
What is your purpose, role and responsibility?
What are your personal learning objectives?
What are the agency objectives?
Brief description of the intervention
Questions you might want to think about:
What happened, what was achieved?
Describe your role and the action of others.
Reflections on the observed practice
Questions you might want to think about:
How did the theories and knowledge you identified work in practice?
What went well?
How did you know it had gone well?
Were the outcomes achieved?
What action do you need to take next in this intervention?
How did you feel generally and about being observed?
What key points have you learnt from this experience?
Were there any surprises for you in this observation?
Did the intervention go as you expected?
What aspects of the interview are you pleased?
Were there any aspects you found difficult?
You must comment on how you have used theory/research to inform your practice
Critical reflection and professional development
Questions you might want to think about:
Bearing in mind the capabilities and level descriptors, have you identified or confirmed any specific areas for
further development? (cross reference to capability statements if required)
How do you intend to address these areas of development?
What support do you require?
Holistic Assessment using the Professional Capabilities Framework
First Placement Assessment Report
SECTION 1: Summary of assessment and supporting evidence
1.1 Placement details
Practice Educator
On-site Supervisor (if
Placement details
(delete as applicable)
First placement 
Team name/Agency
Dates of placement
HEI tutor
FINAL ASSESSMENT FOR THIS PLACEMENT- See Section 2 for holistic assessment report
Pass 
Fail 
Practice educator signature
Student signature
Tutor signature
Defer 
Summary of documentation and assessments taken into account in this recommendation
Previous practice assessment
Learning agreement
Interim review(s)
On-site supervisor’s report5
Assessment of readiness for direct practice (First placement) or First placement assessment report (Last placement)
If applicable
Summary of any issues or circumstances taken into account in this recommendation (please give brief
summary and attach additional information in a report if relevant e.g. investigation of a complaint, dyslexia
Brief description (max 150 words each)6
Placement e.g.
workload, PE
factors etc.
Student e.g.
health, personal
disability etc.
Summary of evidence linked to the PCF used to support this recommendation
Type of evidence
List title(s) of documents used in each category with dates
Direct Observations
Service User and Carer
Critical reflection of
Extracts from
supervision notes
Student work products
Other e.g.
SECTION 2: Assessment Report
Holistic assessment
Additional summary information can be appended if required
PCF level descriptor
By the end of the first placement students should demonstrate effective use of knowledge, skills and commitment to
core values in social work in a given setting in predominantly less complex situations, with supervision and support.
They will have demonstrated capacity to work with people and situations where there may not be simple clear-cut
(see appendix for the end of first placement level descriptors)
Please provide an overall judgement of the student’s professional capability with reference to the level descriptor for
this placement, taking into account:
Capability across all nine domains of the PCF
Progressive assessment of the candidate’s capability during the placement
Any factors that may have affected the student’s progress during the placement
Link your comments to examples of evidence presented over the course of the placement and, if appropriate,
information provided in Section 3 to support the overall assessment.
(Guideline approx 500 words )
Feedback on overall capability
Cross reference
with evidence
Assessment of student’s future learning need/priorities
(Guideline approx. 200 words)
Student’s comments on assessment
(Guideline approx. 300 words)
Tutor’s comments on the assessment
(Guideline approx. 200 words)
SECTION 3: Holistic assessment of each domain
Please provide additional information to support your overall assessment in Section 2.
This will be essential if the student has not demonstrated capability in one or more of the domains, or you
have other, specific concerns. You may also wish to comment on other relevant evidence from the
placement you have not discussed in Section 2, for example, highlighting a student’s strengths, progress or
areas for development in a particular domain.
(Guideline approx 250 words maximum per domain)
Domain 1 Professionalism
Identify and behave as a professional social worker, committed to professional development
Social workers are members of an internationally recognised profession, a title protected in UK law. Social
workers demonstrate professional commitment by taking responsibility for their conduct, practice and
learning, with support through supervision. As representatives of the social work profession they safeguard
its reputation and are accountable to the professional regulator.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Not demonstrated
Domain 2 Values and Ethics
Apply social work ethical principles and values to guide professional practice
Social workers have an obligation to conduct themselves ethically and to engage in ethical decision-making,
including through partnership with people who use their services. Social workers are knowledgeable about
the value base of their profession, its ethical standards and relevant law.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Not demonstrated
Domain 3 Diversity
Recognise diversity and apply anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive principles in practice
Social workers understand that diversity characterises and shapes human experience and is critical to the
formation of identity. Diversity is multidimensional and includes race, disability, class, economic status, age,
sexuality, gender and transgender, faith and belief. Social workers appreciate that, as a consequence of
difference, a person’s life experience may include oppression, marginalisation and alienation as well as
privilege, power and acclaim, and are able to challenge appropriately.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Not demonstrated
Domain 4 Rights, Justice and Economic Wellbeing
Advance human rights and promote social justice and economic well-being
Social workers recognise the fundamental principles of human rights and equality, and that these are
protected in national and international law, conventions and policies. They ensure these principles underpin
their practice. Social workers understand the importance of using and contributing to case law and applying
these rights in their own practice. They understand the effects of oppression, discrimination and poverty.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Not demonstrated
Domain 5 Knowledge
Apply knowledge of social sciences, law and social work practice theory
Social workers understand psychological, social, cultural, spiritual and physical influences on people; human
development throughout the life span and the legal framework for practice. They apply this knowledge in
their work with individuals, families and communities. They know and use theories and methods of social
work practice.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Not demonstrated
Domain 6 Critical reflection and Analysis
Apply critical reflection and analysis to inform and provide a rationale for professional decision-making
Social workers are knowledgeable about and apply the principles of critical thinking and reasoned
discernment. They identify, distinguish, evaluate and integrate multiple sources of knowledge and evidence.
These include practice evidence, their own practice experience, service user and carer experience together
with research-based, organisational, policy and legal knowledge. They use critical thinking augmented by
creativity and curiosity.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Not demonstrated
Domain 7 Intervention and Skills
Use judgement and authority to intervene with individuals, families and communities to promote
independence, provide support and prevent harm, neglect and abuse
Social workers engage with individuals, families, groups and communities, working alongside people to
assess and intervene. They enable effective relationships and are effective communicators, using
appropriate skills. Using their professional judgement, they employ a range of interventions: promoting
independence, providing support and protection, taking preventative action and ensuring safety whilst
balancing rights and risks. They understand and take account of differentials in power, and are able to use
authority appropriately. They evaluate their own practice and the outcomes for those they work with.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Not demonstrated
Domain 8 Contexts and organisations
Engage with, inform, and adapt to changing contexts that shape practice. Operate effectively within own
organisational frameworks and contribute to the development of services and organisations. Operate
effectively within multi-agency and inter-professional settings
Social workers are informed about and pro-actively responsive to the challenges and opportunities that
come with changing social contexts and constructs. They fulfill this responsibility in accordance with their
professional values and ethics, both as individual professionals and as members of the organisation in which
they work. They collaborate, inform and are informed by their work with others, inter-professionally and
with communities.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Not demonstrated
Domain 9 Professional Leadership
Take responsibility for the professional learning and development of others through supervision, mentoring,
assessing, research, teaching, leadership and management
The social work profession evolves through the contribution of its members in activities such as practice
research, supervision, assessment of practice, teaching and management. An individual’s contribution will
gain influence when undertaken as part of a learning, practice-focused organisation. Learning may be
facilitated with a wide range of people including social work colleagues, service users and carers, volunteers,
foster carers and other professionals.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Not demonstrated
Practice Educator
Professional Capability Framework - End of First Placement Level
By the end of the first placement students should demonstrate effective use of knowledge, skills and
commitment to core values in SW in a given setting in predominantly less complex situations, with
supervision and support. They will have demonstrated capacity to work with people and situations
where there may not be simple clear-cut solutions.
1. Professionalism: - Identify and behave as a professional social worker, committed
to professional development
Social workers are members of an internationally recognised profession, a title protected in UK law.
Social workers demonstrate professional commitment by taking responsibility for their conduct,
practice and learning, with support through supervision. As representatives of the social work
profession they safeguard its reputation and are accountable to the professional regulator.
Recognise the role of the professional social worker in a range of contexts
Recognise the important role of supervision, and make an active contribution
Demonstrate professionalism in terms of presentation, demeanour, reliability, honesty and respectfulness
With guidance take responsibility for managing your time and workload effectively
Be able to show awareness of personal and professional boundaries
With guidance recognise your limitations, and how to seek advice
Recognise and act on own learning needs in response to practice experience
Show awareness of own safety, health, wellbeing and emotional resilience and seek advice as necessary
Identify concerns about practice and procedures and how they can be questioned
2. Values and Ethics: Apply social work ethical principles and values to guide
professional practice.
Social workers have an obligation to conduct themselves ethically and to engage in ethical decisionmaking, including through partnership with people who use their services. Social workers are
knowledgeable about the value base of their profession, its ethical standards and relevant law.
Understand and, with support, apply the profession’s ethical principles
Understand and, with support, apply the profession’s ethical principles
Recognise and with support manage the impact of own values on professional practice.
Identify and, with guidance, manage potentially conflicting values and ethical dilemmas
Elicit and respect the needs and views of service users and carers and, with support, promote their
participation in decision-making wherever possible
Recognise and, with support, promote individuals’ rights to autonomy and self-determination
Promote and protect the privacy of individuals within and outside their families and networks, recognising
the requirements of professional accountability and information sharing
3. Diversity: Recognise diversity and apply anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive
principles in practice
Social workers understand that diversity characterises and shapes human experience and is critical to
the formation of identity. Diversity is multi-dimensional and includes race, disability, class, economic
status, age, sexuality, gender and transgender, faith and belief. Social workers appreciate that, as a
consequence of difference, a person’s life experience may include oppression, marginalisation and
alienation as well as privilege, power and acclaim, and are able to challenge appropriately.
Understand how an individual’s identity is informed by factors such as culture, economic status, family
composition, life experiences and characteristics, and take account of these to understand their experiences
With reference to current legislative requirements, recognise personal and organisational discrimination and
oppression, and identify ways in which they might be challenged
Recognise and, with support, manage the impact on people of the power invested in your role
4. Rights, Justice and Economic Wellbeing:
Advance human rights and promote social justice and economic well-being
Social workers recognise the fundamental principles of human rights and equality, and that these are
protected in national and international law, conventions and policies. They ensure these principles
underpin their practice. Social workers understand the importance of using and contributing to case law
and applying these rights in their own practice. They understand the effects of oppression,
discrimination and poverty.
Understand and, with support, apply in practice the principles of social justice, inclusion and equality
Understand how legislation and guidance can advance or constrain people’s rights
Work within the principles of human and civil rights and equalities legislation
Recognise the impact of poverty and social exclusion and promote enhanced economic status through
access to education, work, housing, health services and welfare benefits
Recognise the value of independent advocacy
5. Knowledge: Apply knowledge of social sciences, law and social work practice
Social workers understand psychological, social, cultural, spiritual and physical influences on people;
human development throughout the life span and the legal framework for practice. They apply this
knowledge in their work with individuals, families and communities. They know and use theories and
methods of social work practice.
With guidance apply research, theory and knowledge from sociology, social policy, psychology, health and
human growth and development to social work practice
Understand the legal and policy frameworks and guidance that inform and mandate social work practice,
relevant to placement setting
Understand forms of harm, their impact on people, and the implications for practice
Apply knowledge from a range of theories and models for social work intervention with individuals, families,
groups and communities, and the methods derived from them
Value and take account of the expertise of service users and carers and professionals
6. Critical reflection and Analysis - Apply critical reflection and analysis to inform and
provide a rationale for professional decision-making
Social workers are knowledgeable about and apply the principles of critical thinking and reasoned
discernment. They identify, distinguish, evaluate and integrate multiple sources of knowledge and
evidence. These include practice evidence, their own practice experience, service user and carer
experience together with research-based, organisational, policy and legal knowledge. They use critical
thinking augmented by creativity and curiosity.
Recognise the importance of applying imagination, creativity and curiosity to practice
Inform decision-making through the identification and gathering of information from more than one source
and, with support, question its reliability and validity
With guidance use reflection and analysis in practice
With guidance understand how to evaluate and review hypotheses in response to information available at
the time and apply in practice with support
With guidance use evidence to inform decisions
7. Intervention and Skills: Use judgement and authority to intervene with individuals,
families and communities to promote independence, provide support and prevent
harm, neglect and abuse
Social workers engage with individuals, families, groups and communities, working alongside people to
assess and intervene. They enable effective relationships and are effective communicators, using
appropriate skills. Using their professional judgement, they employ a range of interventions: promoting
independence, providing support and protection, taking preventative action and ensuring safety whilst
balancing rights and risks. They understand and take account of differentials in power, and are able to
use authority appropriately. They evaluate their own practice and the outcomes for those they work
With guidance use a range of verbal, non-verbal and written methods of communication relevant to the
With guidance communicate information, advice, instruction and opinion so as to advocate, influence and
Demonstrate the ability to build and conclude compassionate and effective relationships appropriate to the
placement setting
With guidance demonstrate an holistic approach to the identification of needs, circumstances, rights,
strengths and risks
Identify and use appropriate frameworks to assess, give meaning to, plan, implement and review effective
interventions and evaluate the outcomes
With guidance use a planned and structured approach, informed by at least two social work methods and
Recognise the importance of community resources, groups and networks for individuals
Demonstrate skills in recording and report writing appropriate to the setting
With guidance, demonstrate skills in sharing information appropriately and respectfully
Demonstrate awareness of the impact of multiple factors, changing circumstances and uncertainty in
people’s lives
With guidance understand the authority of the social work role
With guidance identify the factors that may create or exacerbate risk to individuals, their families or carers,
to the public or to professionals, including yourself
With guidance identify appropriate responses to safeguard vulnerable people
8. Contexts and organisations: Engage with, inform, and adapt to changing contexts
that shape practice. Operate effectively within own organisational frameworks and
contribute to the development of services and organisations. Operate effectively
within multi-agency and inter-professional partnerships and settings
Social workers are informed about and pro-actively responsive to the challenges and opportunities that
come with changing social contexts and constructs. They fulfil this responsibility in accordance with
their professional values and ethics, both as individual professionals and as members of the
organisation in which they work. They collaborate, inform and are informed by their work with others,
inter-professionally and with communities.
With guidance, recognise that social work operates within, and responds to, changing economic, social,
political and organisational contexts
With guidance understand legal obligations, structures and behaviours within organisations and how these
impact on policy, procedure and practice
With guidance work within the organisational context of your placement setting and understand the lines of
Understand and respect the role of others within the organisation and work effectively with them
Take responsibility for your role and impact within teams and with guidance contribute positively to team
Understand the inter-agency, multi-disciplinary and inter-professional dimensions to practice and, with
guidance, demonstrate partnership working
9. Professional Leadership: Take responsibility for the professional learning and
development of others through supervision, mentoring, assessing, research,
teaching, leadership and management
The social work profession evolves through the contribution of its members in activities such as practice
research, supervision, assessment of practice, teaching and management. An individual’s contribution
will gain influence when undertaken as part of a learning, practice-focused organisation. Learning may
be facilitated with a wide range of people including social work colleagues, service users and carers,
volunteers, foster carers and other professionals.
Identify how professional leadership in social work can enhance practice
Recognise the value of sharing and supporting the learning and development of others
Holistic Assessment using the Professional Capabilities Framework
Final Placement Assessment Report
SECTION 1: Summary of assessment and supporting evidence
1.1 Placement details
Practice Educator
On-site Supervisor (if
Placement details
(delete as applicable)
Last placement
Team name/Agency
Dates of placement
HEI tutor
Final Assessment for this Placement - See Section 2 for holistic assessment report
Practice educator signature
Student signature
Tutor signature
Pass 
Fail 
Defer 
Summary of documentation and assessments taken into account in this recommendation
Previous practice assessment report7
Learning agreement
Interim review(s)
On-site supervisor’s report8
Assessment of readiness for direct practice (First placement) or First placement assessment report (Last placement)
If applicable
Summary of any issues or circumstances taken into account in this recommendation (please give brief
summary and attach additional information in a report if relevant e.g. investigation of a complaint, dyslexia
Brief description (max 150 words each)9
Placement e.g.
workload, PE
factors etc.
Student e.g.
health, personal
disability etc.
Summary of evidence linked to the PCF used to support this recommendation
Type of evidence
List title(s) of documents used in each category with dates
Direct Observations
Service User and
Carer feedback
Critical reflection of
Extracts from
supervision notes
Student work
Other e.g.
Additional summary information can be appended if required
SECTION 2: Assessment Report
Holistic assessment
PCF level descriptor
By the end of qualifying programmes, demonstrated in the context of the last placement newly qualified social
workers should have demonstrated the knowledge, skills and values to work with a range of user groups, and the
ability to undertake a range of tasks at a foundation level, the capacity to work with more complex situations; they
should be able to work more autonomously, whilst recognising that the final decision will still rest with their
supervisor; they will seek appropriate support and supervision.
(see appendix)
Please provide an overall judgment of the student’s professional capability with reference to the level descriptor for
this placement, taking into account:
Capability across all nine domains of the PCF
Progressive assessment of the candidate’s capability during the placement
Any factors that may have affected the student’s progress during the placement
Link your comments to examples of evidence presented over the course of the placement and, if appropriate,
information provided in Section 3 to support the overall assessment.
(Guideline approx 500 words )
Feedback on overall capability
Cross reference
with evidence
Assessment of student’s future learning need/priorities
(Guideline approx. 200 words)
Student’s comments on assessment
(Guideline approx. 300 words)
Tutor’s comments on the assessment
(Guideline approx. 200 words)
SECTION 3: Holistic assessment of each domain
Please provide additional information to support your overall assessment in Section 2.
This will be essential if the student has not demonstrated capability in one or more of the domains, or you
have other, specific concerns. You may also wish to comment on other relevant evidence from the
placement you have not discussed in Section 2, for example, highlighting a student’s strengths, progress or
areas for development in a particular domain.
(Guideline approx 250 words maximum per domain)
Domain 1 Professionalism
Identify and behave as a professional social worker, committed to professional development
Social workers are members of an internationally recognised profession, a title protected in UK law. Social
workers demonstrate professional commitment by taking responsibility for their conduct, practice and
learning, with support through supervision. As representatives of the social work profession they safeguard
its reputation and are accountable to the professional regulator.
Evidence used to support judgment
Capability at level for this
Not demonstrated
Domain 2 Values and Ethics
Apply social work ethical principles and values to guide professional practice
Social workers have an obligation to conduct themselves ethically and to engage in ethical decision-making,
including through partnership with people who use their services. Social workers are knowledgeable about
the value base of their profession, its ethical standards and relevant law.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Not demonstrated
Domain 3 Diversity
Recognise diversity and apply anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive principles in practice
Social workers understand that diversity characterises and shapes human experience and is critical to the
formation of identity. Diversity is multidimensional and includes race, disability, class, economic status, age,
sexuality, gender and transgender, faith and belief. Social workers appreciate that, as a consequence of
difference, a person’s life experience may include oppression, marginalisation and alienation as well as
privilege, power and acclaim, and are able to challenge appropriately.
Evidence used to support judgment
Capability at level for this
Not demonstrated
Domain 4 Rights, Justice and Economic Wellbeing
Advance human rights and promote social justice and economic well-being
Social workers recognise the fundamental principles of human rights and equality, and that these are
protected in national and international law, conventions and policies. They ensure these principles underpin
their practice. Social workers understand the importance of using and contributing to case law and applying
these rights in their own practice. They understand the effects of oppression, discrimination and poverty.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Not demonstrated
Domain 5 Knowledge
Apply knowledge of social sciences, law and social work practice theory
Social workers understand psychological, social, cultural, spiritual and physical influences on people; human
development throughout the life span and the legal framework for practice. They apply this knowledge in
their work with individuals, families and communities. They know and use theories and methods of social
work practice.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Not demonstrated
Domain 6 Critical reflection and Analysis
Apply critical reflection and analysis to inform and provide a rationale for professional decision-making
Social workers are knowledgeable about and apply the principles of critical thinking and reasoned
discernment. They identify, distinguish, evaluate and integrate multiple sources of knowledge and evidence.
These include practice evidence, their own practice experience, service user and carer experience together
with research-based, organisational, policy and legal knowledge. They use critical thinking augmented by
creativity and curiosity.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Not demonstrated
Domain 7 Intervention and Skills
Use judgement and authority to intervene with individuals, families and communities to promote
independence, provide support and prevent harm, neglect and abuse
Social workers engage with individuals, families, groups and communities, working alongside people to
assess and intervene. They enable effective relationships and are effective communicators, using
appropriate skills. Using their professional judgement, they employ a range of interventions: promoting
independence, providing support and protection, taking preventative action and ensuring safety whilst
balancing rights and risks. They understand and take account of differentials in power, and are able to use
authority appropriately. They evaluate their own practice and the outcomes for those they work with.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Not demonstrated
Domain 8 Contexts and organisations
Engage with, inform, and adapt to changing contexts that shape practice. Operate effectively within own
organisational frameworks and contribute to the development of services and organisations. Operate
effectively within multi-agency and inter-professional settings
Social workers are informed about and pro-actively responsive to the challenges and opportunities that
come with changing social contexts and constructs. They fulfil this responsibility in accordance with their
professional values and ethics, both as individual professionals and as members of the organisation in which
they work. They collaborate, inform and are informed by their work with others, inter-professionally and
with communities.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Not demonstrated
Domain 9 Professional Leadership
Take responsibility for the professional learning and development of others through supervision, mentoring,
assessing, research, teaching, leadership and management
The social work profession evolves through the contribution of its members in activities such as practice
research, supervision, assessment of practice, teaching and management. An individual’s contribution will
gain influence when undertaken as part of a learning, practice-focused organisation. Learning may be
facilitated with a wide range of people including social work colleagues, service users and carers, volunteers,
foster carers and other professionals.
Evidence used to support judgement
Capability at level for this
Not demonstrated
Practice Educator
Professional Capability Framework - Qualifying Social Worker
Level Capabilities:
By the end of last placement/the completion of qualifying programmes newly qualified social workers
should have demonstrated the Knowledge, Skills and Values to work with a range of user groups, and
the ability to undertake a range of tasks at a foundation level, the capacity to work with more complex
situations; they should be able to work more autonomously, whilst recognising that the final decision
will still rest with their supervisor; they will seek appropriate support and supervision.
1. Professionalism:Social workers are members of an internationally recognised profession, a title protected in UK law.
Social workers demonstrate professional commitment by taking responsibility for their conduct,
practice and learning, with support through supervision. As representatives of the social work
profession they safeguard its reputation and are accountable to the professional regulator.
Be able to meet the requirements of the professional regulator
Be able to explain the role of the social worker in a range of contexts, and uphold the reputation of the
Demonstrate an effective and active use of supervision for accountability, professional reflection and
Demonstrate professionalism in terms of presentation, demeanour, reliability, honesty and respectfulness
Take responsibility for managing your time and workload effectively, and begin to prioritise your activity
including supervision time
Recognise the impact of self in interaction with others, making appropriate use of personal experience
Be able to recognise and maintain personal and professional boundaries
Recognise your professional limitations and how to seek advice
Demonstrate a commitment to your continuing learning and development
With support, take steps to manage and promote own safety, health, wellbeing and emotional resilience
Identify concerns about practice and procedures and, with support, begin to find appropriate means of
2. Values and Ethics: Apply social work ethical principles and values to guide
professional practice.
Social workers have an obligation to conduct themselves ethically and to engage in ethical decisionmaking, including through partnership with people who use their services. Social workers are
knowledgeable about the value base of their profession, its ethical standards and relevant law.
Understand and apply the profession’s ethical principles and legislation, taking account of these in reaching
Recognise and, with support, manage the impact of own values on professional practice
Manage potentially conflicting or competing values, and, with guidance, recognise, reflect on, and work with
ethical dilemmas
Demonstrate respectful partnership work with service users and carers, eliciting and respecting their needs
and views, and promoting their participation in decision-making wherever possible
Recognise and promote individuals’ rights to autonomy and self-determination
Promote and protect the privacy of individuals within and outside their families and networks, recognising
the requirements of professional accountability and information sharing
3. Diversity: Recognise diversity and apply anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive
principles in practice
Social workers understand that diversity characterises and shapes human experience and is critical to
the formation of identity. Diversity is multi-dimensional and includes race, disability, class, economic
status, age, sexuality, gender and transgender, faith and belief. Social workers appreciate that, as a
consequence of difference, a person’s life experience may include oppression, marginalisation and
alienation as well as privilege, power and acclaim, and are able to challenge appropriately.
Understand how an individual’s identity is informed by factors such as culture, economic status, family
composition, life experiences and characteristics, and take account of these to understand their experiences,
questioning assumptions where necessary
With reference to current legislative requirements, recognise personal and organisational discrimination and
oppression and with guidance make use of a range of approaches to challenge them
Recognise and manage the impact on people of the power invested in your role
4. Rights, Justice and Economic Wellbeing: Advance human rights and promote social
justice and economic well-being
Social workers recognise the fundamental principles of human rights and equality, and that these are
protected in national and international law, conventions and policies. They ensure these principles
underpin their practice. Social workers understand the importance of using and contributing to case law
and applying these rights in their own practice. They understand the effects of oppression,
discrimination and poverty.
Understand, identify and apply in practice the principles of social justice, inclusion and equality
Understand how legislation and guidance can advance or constrain people’s rights and recognise how the
law may be used to protect or advance their rights and entitlements
Work within the principles of human and civil rights and equalities legislation, differentiating and beginning
to work with absolute, qualified and competing rights and differing needs and perspectives
Recognise the impact of poverty and social exclusion and promote enhanced economic status through
access to education, work, housing, health services and welfare benefits
Recognise the value of, and aid access to, independent advocacy
5. Knowledge: Apply knowledge of social sciences, law and social work practice
Social workers understand psychological, social, cultural, spiritual and physical influences on people;
human development throughout the life span and the legal framework for practice. They apply this
knowledge in their work with individuals, families and communities. They know and use theories and
methods of social work practice.
Demonstrate a critical understanding of the application to social work of research, theory and knowledge
from sociology, social policy, psychology and health
Demonstrate a critical understanding of the legal and policy frameworks and guidance that inform and
mandate social work practice, recognising the scope for professional judgement
Demonstrate and apply to practice a working knowledge of human growth and development throughout the
life course
Recognise the short and long term impact of psychological, socio-economic, environmental and physiological
factors on people’s lives, taking into account age and development, and how this informs practice
Recognise how systemic approaches can be used to understand the person-in-the-environment and inform
your practice
Acknowledge the centrality of relationships for people and the key concepts of attachment, separation, loss,
change and resilience
Understand forms of harm and their impact on people, and the implications for practice, drawing on
concepts of strength, resilience, vulnerability, risk and resistance, and apply to practice
Demonstrate a critical knowledge of the range of theories and models for social work intervention with
individuals, families, groups and communities, and the methods derived from them
Demonstrate a critical understanding of social welfare policy, its evolution, implementation and impact on
people, social work, other professions, and inter-agency working
Recognise the contribution, and begin to make use, of research to inform practice
Demonstrate a critical understanding of research methods
Value and take account of the expertise of service users, carers and professionals
6. Critical reflection and Analysis - Apply critical reflection and analysis to inform and
provide a rationale for professional decision-making
Social workers are knowledgeable about and apply the principles of critical thinking and reasoned
discernment. They identify, distinguish, evaluate and integrate multiple sources of knowledge and
evidence. These include practice evidence, their own practice experience, service user and carer
experience together with research-based, organisational, policy and legal knowledge. They use critical
thinking augmented by creativity and curiosity.
Apply imagination, creativity and curiosity to practice
Inform decision-making through the identification and gathering of information from multiple sources,
actively seeking new sources
With support, rigorously question and evaluate the reliability and validity of information from different
Demonstrate a capacity for logical, systematic, critical and reflective reasoning and apply the theories and
techniques of reflective practice
Know how to formulate, test, evaluate, and review hypotheses in response to information available at the
time and apply in practice
Begin to formulate and make explicit, evidence-informed judgements and justifiable decisions.
7. Intervention and Skills: Use judgement and authority to intervene with individuals,
families and communities to promote independence, provide support and prevent
harm, neglect and abuse
Social workers engage with individuals, families, groups and communities, working alongside people to
assess and intervene. They enable effective relationships and are effective communicators, using
appropriate skills. Using their professional judgement, they employ a range of interventions: promoting
independence, providing support and protection, taking preventative action and ensuring safety whilst
balancing rights and risks. They understand and take account of differentials in power, and are able to
use authority appropriately. They evaluate their own practice and the outcomes for those they work
Identify and apply a range of verbal, non-verbal and written methods of communication and adapt them in
line with peoples’ age, comprehension and culture
Be able to communicate information, advice, instruction and professional opinion so as to advocate,
influence and persuade
Demonstrate the ability to engage with people, and build, manage, sustain and conclude compassionate and
effective relationships
Demonstrate an holistic approach to the identification of needs, circumstances, rights, strengths and risks
Select and use appropriate frameworks to assess, give meaning to, plan, implement and review effective
interventions and evaluate the outcomes, in partnership with service users
Use a planned and structured approach, informed by social work methods, models and tools, to promote
positive change and independence and to prevent harm
Recognise how the development of community resources, groups and networks enhance outcomes for
Maintain accurate, comprehensible, succinct and timely records and reports in accordance with applicable
legislation, protocols and guidelines, to support professional judgement and organisational responsibilities
Demonstrate skills in sharing information appropriately and respectfully
Recognise complexity, multiple factors, changing circumstances and uncertainty in people’s lives, to be able
to prioritise your intervention
Understand the authority of the social work role and begin to use this appropriately as an accountable
Recognise the factors that create or exacerbate risk to individuals, their families or carers, to the public or to
professionals, including yourself, and contribute to the assessment and management of risk
With support, identify appropriate responses to safeguard vulnerable people and promote their well being
8. Contexts and organisations: Engage with, inform, and adapt to changing contexts
that shape practice. Operate effectively within own organisational frameworks and
contribute to the development of services and organisations. Operate effectively
within multi-agency and inter-professional partnerships and settings
Social workers are informed about and pro-actively responsive to the challenges and opportunities that
come with changing social contexts and constructs. They fulfil this responsibility in accordance with
their professional values and ethics, both as individual professionals and as members of the
organisation in which they work. They collaborate, inform and are informed by their work with others,
inter-professionally and with communities.
• Recognise that social work operates within, and responds to, changing economic, social, political and
organisational contexts
• Understand the roles and responsibilities of social workers in a range of organisations, lines of
accountability and the boundaries of professional autonomy and discretion
• Understand legal obligations, structures and behaviours within organisations and how these impact on
policy, procedure and practice
• Be able to work within an organisation’s remit and contribute to its evaluation and development
• Understand and respect the role of others within the organisation and work effectively with them
• Take responsibility for your role and impact within teams and be able to contribute positively to effective
team working
• Understand the inter-agency, multi-disciplinary and inter-professional dimensions to practice and
demonstrate effective partnership working
9. Professional Leadership: Take responsibility for the professional learning and
development of others through supervision, mentoring, assessing, research,
teaching, leadership and management
The social work profession evolves through the contribution of its members in activities such as practice
research, supervision, assessment of practice, teaching and management. An individual’s contribution
will gain influence when undertaken as part of a learning, practice-focused organisation. Learning may
be facilitated with a wide range of people including social work colleagues, service users and carers,
volunteers, foster carers and other professionals.
• Recognise the importance of, and begin to demonstrate, professional leadership as a social worker
• Recognise the value of, and contribute to supporting the learning and development of others
(To be included in practice documentation)
To preserve confidentiality all names and other identifying factors have been changed within this
practice documentaiton. This includes names, addresses and DOBs of service users, their family and
carers and also the names of other professionals, staff members and organisations.
With regard to service users and their family I have preserved their anonymity by the use of (tick as
Pseudonyms or random initials
Tippexing and photocopying
In cases where other professionals or the placement organisation is mentioned by name or has
provided evidence to authenticate a piece of work, permission to identify them has been obtained
and a signed statement by those concerned to this effect is included in the portfolio.
Practice Educator
Social Work Placement Attendance Sheet
Key: P=Placement U=University L= Leave A=Absent R = Recall day S = Skills day
Placement days completed:
Student signature & date:
PE/supervisor signature & date:
List of Supervision dates
Date of Supervision
PE or OSS signature
Student signature
Record of Work Undertaken on Placement
The student should provide a brief description of work undertaken during the placement, including case
summaries detailing key issues and their role in the case.
This should be verified by the Practice Educator and appended to their report.
This is an example. You are encouraged to use agency feedback or devise your own that
meets the needs of the particular service user.
Feedback from service users about the work undertaken by social work students is a very
important part of their learning and the assessment of their ability in practice.
The information you give will always be treated in confidence. Should it be necessary to
respond to any comment you make, we would always discuss this with you before sharing that
comment with anyone else.
If you would like someone to help you to complete this form you can choose who that should
be or if you prefer you can complete it on your own. The student should make arrangements
agreeable to you to make sure you can return the form.
Thank you very much for agreeing to give your feedback.
Name of student
Anonymised name for service user
Name of person facilitating the
If you are happy to give the student permission to use this feedback in their portfolio
please sign in the box below. Please note that when the portfolio is submitted your
real name will not be disclosed. Someone will confirm that you gave your permission
and signed the form.
Please circle the option that best answers the question in your opinion
Did the student listen to you?
Any comments you would like to make?
Not sure
Did the student speak to you in a way that you could understand?
Any comments you would like to make?
Not sure
Not sure
Did the student explain things clearly?
Any comments you would like to make?
Did you feel that you could say what you wanted to say?
Any comments you would like to make?
Not sure
Do you think the student understood your needs and views?
Any comments you would like to make?
Not sure
Do you think the student responded to your needs and views?
Any comments you would like to make?
Not sure
Did you feel that you were involved in any decisions made?
Any comments you would like to make?
Not sure
Not sure
Did the student treat you with respect?
Any comments you would like to make?
Did the student treat you like an individual?
Any comments you would like to make?
Not sure
Not sure
Did the student do what they said they would do?
Any comments you would like to make?
Overall do you think that the work the student did was ….
Any comments you would like to make?
Not sure
We all have to keep learning – can you think of anything the student can do to
improve their work?
What advice would you give this student to help them in their future career?
Critical Reflection on Service user feedback
Analyse why and how you approached the service user to obtain their feedback
Record your reflections on the feedback given by the service user?
How will you use this feedback to inform and develop future practice?
Appendix 6
Quality Assurance
Dear Colleague,
Re: Social Work Placements Collaboration Agreement
Thank you for providing placement opportunities for our students on the qualifying Social Work
We are now required by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) to have a written
agreement in place with all of our placement providers. We would therefore ask that you or the
appropriate person in your agency signs and returns the attached agreement.
Please note that this is not an exclusive agreement and you may be asked to undertake a similar
agreement with the other Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to whom you offer placements.
If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Placement
Yours faithfully,
Agreed by Manchester Metropolitan University, the University of Manchester, University of Salford and Stockport
The University of Salford
……….Name of agency……….
Social Work Placements Collaboration Agreement
The Placement Provider
…………..(name of agency)…………
We agree to provide appropriate learning opportunities to facilitate a holistic assessment of the student
against The College of Social Work Professional Capabilities Framework domains as outlined below with
reference to the HCPC Standards of Proficiency, HCPC Guidance on conduct and Ethics for Students and
relevant level indicators for first and second placements.
PCF Domains:
1. PROFESSIONALISM - Identify and behave as a professional social worker, committed to professional
2. VALUES AND ETHICS - Apply social work ethical principles and values to guide professional practice
3. DIVERSITY - Recognise diversity and apply anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive principles in
4. RIGHTS, JUSTICE AND ECONOMIC WELLBEING - Advance human rights and promote social justice and
economic wellbeing
5. KNOWLEDGE - Apply knowledge of social sciences, law and social work practice theory
6. CRITICAL REFLECTION AND ANALYSIS - Apply critical reflection and analysis to inform and
provide a rationale for professional decision-making.
7. INTERVENTION AND SKILLS - Use judgement and authority to intervene with individuals, families
and communities to promote independence, provide support and prevent harm, neglect and
8. CONTEXTS AND ORGANISATIONS - Engage with, inform, and adapt to changing contexts that
shape practice. Operate effectively within own organisational frameworks and contribute to the
development of services and organisations. Operate effectively within multi-agency and interprofessional settings
9. PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP - Take responsibility for the professional learning and development
of others through supervision, mentoring, assessing, research, teaching, leadership and
Practice Educator Arrangements **Please delete as appropriate**
We will provide our own on-site Practice Educators for these placements (or have our own
arrangements that meet with the requirements)
We will require The University of Salford to provide us with off-site Practice Educators for the
duration of these placements
We have our own specific arrangements that meet requirements – PLEASE STATE
We understand and agree that the amount payable per placement day will be the sum of £18 (statutory
agencies) or £28 (non-statutory agencies). However, if The University of Salford provides an off-site
Practice Educator we understand that the amount of £11 per placement day will be deducted from the
total amount payable. If a placement is terminated early for any reason, the appropriate proportion of
the placement fee will be paid minus the appropriate proportion of the off-site fee where applicable.
This fee will be made payable on the completion and return of the required payment claim form at the
end of the student’s placement. All payments to agencies are inclusive of VAT.
Health and Safety
We understand that we are required to abide by appropriate health and safety requirements and that,
for the duration of their placements; students will be treated in the same manner as staff in relation to
their health, safety and welfare.
We understand that we are required to meet the requirements for supervision and general student
support as outlined in the relevant Placement Handbook.
Equality and Diversity
We confirm that the agency has equality and diversity policies which will be applicable to student
placements. Students will not be subject to discrimination whilst on placement and where appropriate
reasonable adjustments will be negotiated.
Service users and Carers
Service users and carers will be able to make appropriate choices in respect of their involvement with
social work students and social work student placements.
Obligations of The University of Salford
The University of Salford will:
ensure that each student has successfully completed Assessed Readiness for Direct Practice.
ensure that the student has undertaken an Enhanced CRB check.
be responsible for the appropriate selection of students for placements
ensure that you are provided with a relevant and up to date Practice Learning Handbook
inform you of any forthcoming Practice Educator/ On site supervisor training events
provide and inform you of the dates for a series of practice educator workshops
issue an appropriate payment to the agency on completion and return of the required payment
claim form.
Managing Problems
Procedures for managing problems on placement are outlined in the Practice Learning Handbook and all
parties are signatories to these arrangements.
Signed for and on behalf of
Signed for and on behalf of
The University of Salford
Placement Provider
Quality Assurance Practice Learning – HEI Audit
Name of establishment (placement site)
Name of parent organisation (if relevant)
Contact name
Email address
Model of practice placement and supervision arrangements (please see glossary)
On-site practice educator
On-site practice supervisor and off-site practice educator
Other arrangements (please describe below)
Please select the appropriate statutory status10 of the placement
setting (Select from drop down list)
Please select which service user focus best applies (select from
drop down list)
Please select the type of service provided by the placement opportunity. (Tick all that apply)
Adoption & Fostering
Adult Placement
Advice, Advocacy, Information & Guidance
Asylum Seekers
Black & Minority Ethnic Support Services
Care Management
Carers & Carer Support Services
Children & Family Support, Assessment &
Domestic Violence
Drug/Alcohol/Substance Misuse
Education Social Work
Emergency Duty Team
Emotional/Behavioural Difficulties
Gay & Lesbian Support Services
Learning Difficulties & Disabilities
Leaving Care
Mediation Work
Mental Health
Multi-disciplinary Teams (Chronic & long-term
Multi-disciplinary Teams (Rehab &
Occupation Related Services
Palliative Care
Personalisation (Direct Payments)
Physical Disabilities
Private Law
Respite Care
Safeguarding & Child Protection
Safeguarding & Vulnerable Adults
Safeguarding Vulnerable Elders
Sensory Impairment
Transitions (incl. looked-after children)
Other Services (specify)
Please select which type of service delivery setting best applies (Tick all that apply)
Assessment Centres
Day services & Facilities
Field Work
Healthcare, Medical Community &
Hospital facilities
Offender Institutions, Penal & Secure Units
Schools & Education Units
Service User or Carer-led Organisations
Other (specify)
Does the on-site practice educator or supervisor have a social work qualification?
Does the on-site practice educator or supervisor have a practice education qualification?
If Yes, please identify:
Social work qualification
Minimum of two years experience
Practice Educator Programme in line with new
Practice Educator Standards (Stage 1)
Practice Educator Programme in line with new
Practice Educator Standards (Stage 2)
Working towards Practice Educator Standards
(Stage 1)
Working towards Practice Educator Standards
(Stage 2)
Practice Teaching Award (Stage 2)
Enabling Others Module
Attended extended Practice Educator course
Attended 2 day Practice Educator course
PQ modules/awards
Other (please specify below)
Does this practice placement require an off-site practice educator?
Are there opportunities for:
meeting the HCPC Standards of proficiency and Standards of conduct, performance and
ethics ?
formal assessment of risk, safeguarding and use of authority ?
working alongside social workers ?
learning from other team members ?
learning from other teams ?
Are the workplace facilities adequate and do they provide a safe and supportive
environment for the student ?
If no, what needs to be enhanced ?
Are equality and diversity policies in place and are they implemented and monitored ?
What is the placement working pattern?
Are the placement funding arrangements clear?
Does the agency contribute towards the student’s travel expenses?
Does the student need to be a car driver to undertake this placement?
The current HEI evaluation of this practice placement11 is confirmed as having satisfactory
standards for:
first assessed practice placement (70 days)
final assessed practice placement (100 days)
Is there any other specific information about this practice learning opportunity which
may affect the allocation of any student ?
If yes, please outline:
This practice placement meets the required quality standards
Name of HEI
Name of HEI representative
Title of HEI representative
11See http://www.collegeofsocialwork.org publication: ‘Improving The Quality And Consistency Of Initial Qualifying Social Work Education And
Training’ (p.35 – 36) for statutory tasks definition.
Quality Assurance Practice Learning – Student feedback
Allocation of Student Practice
1. Student Name:
Student HEI ID Number:
2. HEI Name:
3. Year Commenced Training:
4. Details of Practice Placement Setting:
5. Name of On-Site Practice Educator:
6. Name of On-Site Practice Supervisor (if applicable):
7. Name of Off-Site Practice Educator (if applicable):
8. Name of Placement Establishment:
9. Dates of Placement Period
10. Number of Placement Days:
11. Which Practice Learning Placement is this?
 First Assessed Practice
Final Assessed Practice
12. Did your Placement start according to the agreed timetable?
13. Did you liaise with the prospective provider before commencing?
14. Is there anything critical you needed to know which you were not made aware of at the
If Yes, please give details:
15. How do you rate the information you received about the opportunity before
commencement? (1 being inadequate and 4 being excellent).
Commencement of the Practice Placement
16. Did you discuss, complete and then sign a learning agreement?
If Yes, was it completed within the expected time frame?
If No, please give details why not:
17. Did you have a planned induction period?
If Yes, please indicate which of the following it covered:
Agency, policy and procedures
Familiarisation with services and key staff
Introduction to local communities, people
and groups who use the service
Networking opportunities with allied
professionals and other linked service providers
Health and Safety
Working arrangements
18. How do you rate your induction period? (1 being inadequate and 4 being excellent).
Your support arrangements, accountability and role clarity
19. Was it clear to you who you were accountable to for your work with service users and
20. Were the roles of the following participants in your learning and assessment made clear to
i. On Site Practice Educator
ii. On-Site Practice Supervisor (if applicable)
iii. Off-Site Practice Educator (if applicable)
iv. HEI tutor
v. Agency manager
vi. Other staff
21. Did you have both an on-site practice educator and an off-site practice educator?
If Yes, how well did this arrangement work for you? (1 being inadequate and 4 being
22. Was it clear to you how you could raise any concerns about any aspects of your work,
learning or assessment?
i. Complaints
ii. Grievances
iii. Harassment
iv. Bullying
v. Whistle blowing
vi. Disagreements
vii. Dissatisfaction
23. Were any specifically agreed needs not fully met?
If not, please explain:
24. Overall do you feel you were well supported throughout the placement?
25. Did you encounter any major concerns regarding this placement?
If Yes, please describe the concern:
How do you rate the response? (1 being inadequate and 4 being excellent).
Please explain the rating you have given:
Your learning and assessment programme
(Please tick the rating from 1 to 4 which best expresses your evaluation, 1 being hardly at all and 4 being
very much so).
26. Did you have a placement learning programme that:
3 4
a. Developed your knowledge and skills?
b. Developed your values?
c. Addressed your areas for development?
d. Covered agreed units within the PCF?
e. Required you to integrate theory with practice?
27. Did your placement learning programme cover:
a. Inter-professional or multi-disciplinary practice?
b. HCPC Guidance on Conduct and Ethics for students?
c. Legal interventions?
28. How do you rate the placement learning programme overall? (1 being poor and 4 being
29. Which of the following did your placement assessment programme include? (Please tick all
that apply).
a. Direct observation of your practice
b. Direct feedback from service users of carers
c. Direct feedback from other people
d. Regular supervision
e. Constructive and timely feedback
Periodic assessment and review
30. Were your areas for development and improvement made clear to you throughout the
If No:
a. Did you have the support and opportunity to address these areas?
b. Did your assessor make clear to you the reasons for the final
overall assessment decision?
c. Has your practice educator recommended a pass?
d. Was the end of your placement delayed?
If Yes, please explain the reason for the delay:
31. Overall how do you rate your placement assessment? (1 being poor and 4 being excellent).
You have made a number of evaluative statements about this practice placement against a
number of practice learning quality assurance benchmark precepts. Please feel free to highlight
below and explain further why you have evaluated any particular ones very positively or
negatively. Please also feel free to make any other comments about this practice placement.
Student Name:
Response from HEI tutor
Please comment on the above, offering a HEI perspective on the student’s response to the
questionnaire and any other quality assurance issues relating to this practice placement.
Tutor Name:
Quality Assurance Practice Learning – PE feedback
To be completed separately by the on-site practice educator and, as appropriate, the off-site
practice educator and on-site practice supervisor.
Allocation of Student Practice
1. Name of practice educator:
2. Please state your role:
 Off Site
3. Name of on-site practice supervisor (if applicable):
4. Name of establishment (placement site):
5. Name of student:
6. Dates of placement period:
 To:
7. Was this placement request presented to you in good time?
8. Were you satisfied with the setting up and confirmation arrangements?
9. Were you satisfied with the information you received about:
The student?
The HEI handbook?
Placement policies and procedure?
Links with, and the role of, the HEI?
10. Was the student sufficiently well prepared to learn and be assessed?
11. During the placement did you receive satisfactory support from:
Your line manager?
Your work colleagues?
The HEI tutor?
Other key individuals?
12. In making a judgement about a student’s competence, did you take into account the views
Service users and/or carers?
Other colleagues?
Other professionals?
13. Did you encounter any difficulties with these practice learning placement arrangements?
If yes, please give details:
Were they resolved to your satisfaction?
14. Did you work with either/or :
An on-site practice supervisor?
An off-site practice educator?
If yes to either of the above, how well did you work together? (1 being not very well and 4
being very well).
15. Would you be prepared to take students from this HEI in the future?
If not, please explain why:
Appendix 7
Whistle-blowing (Public Interest Disclosure)
Policy for social work students on work placements
The University recognises that students on placements have a duty to report dangerous,
abusive, discriminatory or exploitative behaviour and practice that sits outside their immediate
learning activity. It also recognises the relative powerlessness and vulnerability of students who
may well be undergoing a process of assessment by work-based staff during their placement.
The University takes seriously its duty of care for students and regards as important that
students are able to voice their concerns and that their interests are safeguarded as far as
The University also recognises that where a concern unrelated to the learning experience is
raised about an external body the University’s own powers to investigate may be limited both by
practical consideration and legal constraint. Accordingly, where an incident results in whistleblowing outside the institutional and academic context of learning the following procedure shall
A student wishing to report a matter should in the first instance report their concerns to the
programme leader. The programme leader will advise the student on the preparation of a
statement setting out the issues (‘Statement of Issue’) and of the procedure that will be followed.
This advice shall include advising the student on the possible limits placed on any investigations
as a result of protecting anonymity. It is not the role of the programme leader to draft the
Statement of Issue or to counsel for or against its submission. It is however appropriate for the
Programme Leader to advise the student in circumstances where the alleged incident is in fact
part of normal practice such that the evidence identifies no malpractice (e.g. misinterpretation of
legal methods of constraint in appropriate circumstances:
a) The Statement of Issue will be submitted by the Programme Leader to the Registrar and
Secretary on behalf of the student. This action will not imply any endorsement or
support for the allegation by the Programme Leader.
b) The student’s name will be disclosed to the Registrar and Secretary The Registrar and
Secretary will forward the Statement of Issue to a named person at the organisation
concerned requesting that the matter be investigated. The identity of the student will
only be disclosed by the Registrar and Secretary with the express written permission of
the student.
c) All organisations accepting students on placements must identify an appropriate contact
person for the purposes set out above, who is competent to implement an appropriate
internal; investigation. Normally this will be via the organisation own established whistleblowing process. Where no such process currently exists, the placement organisation
will be required to put in place an appropriate process, which will be specified in an
annex to their agreement with the University. This will set out the circumstances in
which such a procedure might be invoked, and confirm the rights on anonymity and
freedom from discrimination for the student submitting a Statement of Issue.
d) On conclusion of the investigation by the organisation concerned a report setting out the
findings will be submitted by the organisation to the Registrar and Secretary, who will
forward the finding to the Programme Leader and student.