Interaction: The Complete Tool Box

Interaction: The Complete Tool Box
Interaction is based on two basic tools
a. Improvisation
i. Unscripted interaction
b. Encounters
i. Bit: Pre-developed interaction with 2 or more
cast members
ii. Shtick: a singular pre-developed interaction
Interaction- the fundamentals
a. Beginning- a good start or lead in with a concept
b. Middle- the meaty center that reinforces your character
passion & flaw
c. End- the getaway or exit strategy that leaves the
audience with a positive feeling.
The V-8
a. Introductions
b. Strong offers
c. Extraordinary content
d. Blocking [bad interaction]
e. Blocking [good Stage[
f. Physicality
g. Projection
h. Good exit
Exercises for development
a. Introduction
i. ABC
ii. First line last line
b. Strong offers
i. Expert
ii. Alphabet
iii. Party quirks
c. Extraordinary content
i. Expert
ii. Who what where in a minute
iii. First Line, Last Line
iv. Unrelated Phrases
v. Party Quirks
d. Blocking [bad interaction]
i. Master Servant Scene
ii. Alphabet
iii. Super Heroes
e. Blocking [good Stage]
i. All
i. Shop Keeper
ii. Gestures
iii. Scene without Words
iv. Party Quirks
g. Projection
i. All
h. Good exit
i. ABC Scene
Interaction- Improvisations
a. Improvisation
i. a creation spoken or written or composed
ii. an unplanned expedient
iii. a performance given extempore without
planning or preparation
b. Improvisation is the art of Play.
c. Improvisation is opening an impromptu conversation
with patrons that is driven by the setting and your
d. Improvisation is working without a net.
e. Improvisation is developed through extensive
practice of exercises we call IP exercises.
i. Each IP is intended to develop different
aspects of an interaction and strengthen the
‘wit’ of the performer to fluidly shift with the
scene and control the basic direction of the
Interaction- Encounters
a. An Encounter is a planned or semi planned
Interaction. Encounters can be ice breakers to an
Improvisation or completely one-sided interaction.
b. Encounters can be classified into two sub categories.
i. The Shtick- a one person self-contained
ii. The Bit- a two or more person interaction.
c. The purpose of an encounter should be:
i. Entertain- The interaction is simply intended
to build on the elements of the character
ii. Educate- The interaction is intended to
educate on the history, life or many facets of
the life of the environment.
iii. Inform- The interaction is intended to inform the guest as to the happenings of the day or events
d. Encounter Log
i. An encounter log is where you list your possible encounters. Each encounter has 4 simple pieces.
1. TITLE: (what do you call this shtick or bit)
2. PREMISE: (The issue or problem to be resolved, and the Character who has the most at stake.
How does this relate to their Passion and Primary Need?)
3. ACTION: (Describe the 'here and now' activity that will move the scene forward. How is the
Premise always apparent to passersby? How are Character Foibles used? )
4. CLOSURE: (examine possible outcomes, twists, or comeuppance.)
Trix & Tools
i. Endowments- An Endowment bestow upon the patron a role to play.
ii. Conceitti- Conceitti are short, prewritten monologues designed to display a characters tension or depth.
iii. Lazzi- Is a physical a simple action, gesture or phrase that reinforces the extraordinary nature of the