OCCG Weekly Bulletin - Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group


OCCG Weekly Bulletin

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Included in this bulletin:

Short Message Service (SMS)

Armed Forces and Veterans Health

Primary Care Diabetes Courses

Psychological Medicine for Oncology

Event 1st October 2015

Save the Date - Dementia: What

Primary Care Needs To Know -

Tuesday 17 th November

TalkingSpace Open Afternoon For


999 SCAS Frequent Callers Project

Pharmacy Opening Hours in the

South Northamptonshire Areas Over the August Bank Holiday Period

Winter Communications Campaign


Corporate Information

Short Message Service (SMS):

NHS England centrally stopped funding SMS text messaging in March 2015, but procured EE Limited as an interim service to cover the period to September 2015 to enable local arrangements to be made. Oxfordshire

Clinical Commissioning Group have agreed a two year contract with this provider from 1 October 2015.

They have the advantage of being able to use the @nhs.net domain, meaning practices do not have to make any configuration changes and it will ensure that continuity is maintained. It will not have any impact on those of you that are using iPlato or MJOG either, as these systems operate within the EE Gateway.

If you have any queries, please contact Lynne Colley, M: 07747 455955 | E: lynne.colley@nhs.net

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Learning and Development

Armed Forces and Veterans Health:

Are you using the veteran and reservist codes?

Armed forces reservist Xabnw / V2: 0Z7

Military veteran XaX3N / V2 : 13Ji

Please click here to read an NHS England briefing for more updates on health care for Armed Forces and

Veterans . The first page is relevant to GP practice staff.

Primary Care Diabetes Courses:

Dates are now available for the Primary Care Diabetes Courses, for GPs and practice nurses. Please click here for further details and booking information.

Attendance at these modular courses ensures continued competence in diabetes care and prescribing. The modules cover insulin initiation and titration, type 2 diabetes treatment pathways, complications and how to achieve QOF targets.

Psychological Medicine for Oncology Event 1st October 2015


Oxford Psychological Medicine is delighted to host Psychological Medicine for Oncology; an educational event for primary and secondary care clinicians.

This event will include talks from a number of experts, including Professor Don Rosenstein of the University of

North Carolina USA, and is sponsored by the Oxford Comorbidity Academic Health Science Network.

To view the flyer please click here . To reserve a place, please contact ariane.petit@psych.ox.ac.uk

Can you please let Ariane know whether you would also like to have dinner after the event and if you have any dietary requirements?

Save the Date - Dementia: What Primary Care Needs To Know - Tuesday 17



A free educational conference will be held on Tuesday 17 November 2015 and will discuss new developments in dementia affecting primary care. For more information and contact details please click here Please reserve your place by email to Sonja.janeva@oxforshireccg.nhs.uk

TalkingSpace Open Afternoon for Professionals:

TalkingSpace is holding an open afternoon for Professionals to learn more about the service, who they work with and their referral process. Please click here to find out more details and contact information.

Other Information for Practices

999 SCAS Frequent Callers Project:

Oxfordshire CCG has commissioned SCAS to review frequent users of the emergency 999 ambulance service.

These high intensity users have an impact on emergency services across the county and we need to ensure that we are providing the most appropriate care for their needs. SCAS clinicians will review the 100 most frequent users but we have identified another 160 individuals who have called 999 more than ten times in the past year. Many of these callers will have called with urgent clinical needs but some could have had their problems dealt with more appropriately by another service.

We will be sending you a list of your practice’s patients who are frequent users of the 999 service. SCAS clinicians may also be contacting you to discuss those who are in the top 100 group. I would be grateful if you could review the list and check whether the frequent users from your practice have a care plan, if appropriate. It would be helpful to include the management of 999 calls for low clinical risk conditions in that plan. Care plans uploaded to the Oxfordshire Care Summary will shortly be visible to the ambulance service. A good quality care plan enables SCAS to link in to existing community provision and can reduce inappropriate conveyance to hospital.

Thank you for your support. Dr Andrew Burnett , Urgent Care Lead and SE locality Clinical Director

If you have any queries please contact Zoe.Kaveney@oxfordshireccg.nhs.uk

Pharmacy Opening Hours in the South Northamptonshire Areas Over the August

Bank Holiday Period:

As requested, for those in North Oxfordshire supporting Brackley patients, please find a link here from the

NHS England website to view pharmacy opening hours over the August bank holiday period in the South

Northamptonshire area.

Winter Communications Campaign 2015:

This year NHS England, Public Health England and Monitor are pooling their budgets to address winter issues with a joint campaign. The campaign will start with a flu campaign in October and then include a Stay Well this Winter campaign. The target audiences are:

People over 80

People with COPD

Carers aged 45-50 and

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Parents of children under five

The joint campaign team is working with the marketing reference group, a group made up of NHS communications leads from across the country, to ensure there is a link between local and national organisations.

Campaign materials will be available to download from the Department of Health’s order line and Public

Health England’s campaign resources centre by mid-September. We will keep you informed via this bulletin when the materials are available and how you can order them.

To give us your feedback please email: OCCG.GPbulletin@nhs.net
