Wear Mitigation by the Use of Surface Coatings by Stephen Huse Introduction Description of the Problem The purpose of this project is to become familiar with common wear mechanisms, wear process variables, and mitigating undesired wear by the use of surface coatings. The following questions are addressed in this paper: What are the wear mechanisms commonly found in applications such as metal forming and manufacturing? What variables are involved in these wear mechanisms? What variables can be controlled in order to reduce wear, specifically by the use of coatings? What is the effect of surface coatings on the mechanisms of wear? In addition, a comparison of surface effects in FEA will be conducted. Background Overview This section provides a summary of the answers to the above questions. For more detailed discussion, see Theory and Methodology. The most common wear types for industrial machining are abrasive and adhesive wear. Abrasive wear is common in mining, earth moving, farming, and mineral processing such as cement factories. Abrasion occurs when surface asperities physically interfere with motion. Adhesive wear is common in metal, ceramic, and polymer contact in machinery. Adhesion occurs when two similar surfaces create “cold weld” bonding, resisting relative motion. Different variables involved in wear are: friction, temperature, surface hardness, surface roughness, surface material, environmental considerations, and amount of relative surface travel. Some of these variables are process defined and cannot be changed, such as temperature and surface travel, but some can be controlled by the use of surface coatings. Surface coatings reduce abrasive and adhesive wear by greatly increasing the surface hardness of the substrate and reducing friction. The hardness of a surface is directly related to the amount of wear occurring to the surface, also when two solid surfaces are in direct contact, the surface with lower hardness will tend wear instead of the harder surface. Surface coatings also reduce adhesive wear by reducing adhesion when dissimilar coating material is added to one of two identical material surfaces. Surface coatings add material that is naturally hard, such as ceramic or diamond, in order to provide a protective layer to the underlying substrate. Processes to apply coatings include physical vapor deposition, chemical vapor deposition, electrodeposition, thermal spray, and nickel alloy matrix with diamond impregnation. Theory and Methodology Wear Mechanisms Wear is the removal or plastic displacement of material due to contact of two solid surfaces with relative motion between the surfaces. Contact forces and pressures create deformation of the material surfaces through physical interference and adhesion of the two surfaces through surface bonding. Different types of wear can be classified in multiple ways such as whether the surfaces are lubricated and what the mechanism of the surfaces is. The “mechanism” of the surfaces is the type of relative motion between the surfaces such as impact contact normal to the surfaces, sliding contact tangential to the surfaces, and rolling contact. Another way to classify wear is by the qualities of the two surfaces, such as dry/wet, metal/non-metallic, sliding/rolling, etc. Wear can alternatively be classified by the interaction of the surfaces such as abrasive involving mechanical interference, adhesive involving surface bonding, erosive involving particle impingement, and fatigue involving repetitive motion crack growth. For the purpose of this paper abrasive and adhesive wear will be focused on. Abrasive Wear Abrasive wear is common in mining, earth moving, farming, and mineral processing such as cement factories. Abrasion generally involves hard particles moving across a relatively softer metal surface producing gouges in the surface. These particles can be embedded on a surface creating two-body wear or trapped between two surfaces creating three-body wear. The material of the metal surface is then displaced or removed by the abrasion particles. This damages the surface eventually leading to reduced efficiency or failure of the equipment. The displacement can take different forms. One form is called ploughing where the material is plastically deformed and pushed to the side. Ploughing (Reproduced from surface.mat.ethz.ch) Another is cutting. Cutting is different in that the displaced metal is removed and remains in front of the abrasive particle. Cutting (Reproduced from surface.mat.ethz.ch) One other method of abrasive wear is brittle cracking, which occurs in less ductile materials. Brittle Cracking (Reproduced from surface.met.ethz.ch) These are the types of wear that are commonly found for abrasive wear. using surface coatings adds a hard layer to the metal surfaces and thereby reduces these abrasion mechanisms from occurring as the metal surface is no longer the softer surface. Adhesive Wear Adhesive wear is common in metal, ceramic, and polymer contact in machinery. When two similar surfaces come into contact, bonds are formed, and material may transfer from one surface to another. The contact initially acts as abrasion, deforming asperities until the surface oxide layer is removed resulting in adhesive bonding between the substrates. As the relative surface motion continues, the asperities are broken, not always along the bonded interface, and material is transferred, and eventually becomes loose wear particles. It is not fully known how the surface interactions are based on bulk material properties, but some of the known dependencies are crystal structure, crystal orientation, and cohesive strength. Designing contact with dissimilar materials will reduce adhesion. Surface coatings are one way of creating dissimilar surface contact without changing the substrate materials. For example, ceramic coating can be applied to a surface that was previously in steel on steel contact to create ceramic on steel contact. Friction Equation Abrasive and adhesive wear are partly dependent upon the amount of friction between the surfaces. The coefficients of static and kinetic friction are difficult to accurately replicate for given settings, but in general, rough surfaces tend to have more wear with more friction due to more surface asperities mechanically interfering. Also, surfaces that adhere better tend to have more friction due to the shear stress needed to break the adhesion bonds. A general equation for the force of friction is the following: F f s ,k N . Note that friction is independent of the apparent area of contact. μ is the static or kinetic coefficient of friction depending on if the surfaces are not moving or in relative motion. Typical ranges are from 0.03 to 0.7. The coefficient of friction depends on many factors such as wear-in history, temperature, mechanism of motion, environmental influences, surface finishes, surface coatings, and surface materials. N is the force acting normal to the plane of the interface between the two surfaces. Wear Equation The friction and the volume of material displaced or removed by wear are simply related in the Archard Equation which applies to sliding wear: Q KWL H Q is the total volume of material removed from the surfaces through wear. K is a wear constant that indicates the severity of wear and is dependent on material properties including friction coefficients. Typical values are 10-8 for mild wear and 10-2 for severe wear. Mild wear occurs when the metal oxide layer is not penetrated. Severe wear occurs when the oxide layer is displaced and there is metal to metal adhesion. W is the normal load L is the relative tangential distance traveled between the surfaces for abrasion and adhesion. Rolling contact and impact contact which are normal to the surface have L=0 and would not be predicted to cause wear using the Archard equation. Rolling contact and impact contact do cause wear such as fatigue cracking and erosion. H is the surface hardness of the softer surface and is generally accepted as three times the yield strength. Hardness is changeable by the use of surface finishing such as work hardening and by the use of surface coatings. It is seen that surface hardness is inversely proportional to wear volume. Reduction of K is possible with the use of lubricants or surface coatings. Reduction in friction by the separation of the solid surfaces using lubrication results in much less wear occurring. For tooling applications, separation of the surfaces is not possible which leaves reduced friction coatings. Results and Discussion Surface Coatings Surface coatings are beneficial for reducing wear in abrasive and adhesive processes. Common types of wear are abrasive wear, corrosive wear, chemical wear, galling, erosive wear, and oxidizing wear. There are many types of coatings depending on the type of wear experienced, level of hardness desired, environmental considerations, high temperatures, types of substrate surfaces that the coating is adhering to, level of adhesion desired, and complex geometries. Some of the types of coatings with very hard surfaces, applied for abrasive wear resistance, are PVD (Physical Vapor Deposition) deposited on the substrate under vacuum, CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition), Chromium plating by electrodeposition, thermal spray coatings, and composite diamond coatings. Physical Vapor Deposition PVD coatings are thin films deposited on the substrate with vacuum deposition methods. The coating is vaporized by a variety of means such as plasma torch, cathodic arc, and electron beam or physically separated by magnetic “sputter” technology pulling the plasma discharge to the substrate. The newest method of PVD was developed by NASA in 2010 and uses plasma spraying to apply very thin ceramic films down to 10μm on ceramic and metal substrates. The plasma-phase ceramic spray reaches temperatures of 18,000° F and is transported to the work piece where it will condense on the cooler substrate material. PS-PVD Ceramic Coating (reproduced from nasa.gov) The temperature of the vaporized coating is much higher than the substrate, resulting in condensation of the plasma-phase spray when it contacts the substrate. This condensation creates bonding to the substrate. To promote stronger bonding, reactive gases such as oxygen and nitrogen may be added. This will also alter the composition of the coating and its tribological properties. The resulting hardness of PVD coatings is much harder than untreated tool steel. Another benefit to PVD coatings is lowering the coefficient of friction. Less friction results in less force required when using a tool, less adhesion of the worked material to the tool due to reduced chemical affinity, reduced burr creation, less heat generated in friction, and improved surface finish of the worked material. One major disadvantage of PVD coatings is that line-of-sight transfer is needed, resulting in poor coverage of complex geometries. Chemical Vapor Deposition CVD Coatings differ from PVD coatings in that the process does not occur under vacuum, but under a controlled atmospheric environment. Substrate temperature for the CVD process is elevated to about 2,000° F, higher than the substrate temperature for PVD coating. Thin film coatings are deposited due to chemical reactions of the gaseous atmosphere chemicals, and the heated substrate. One common atmospheric chemical is gaseous titanium chloride, TiCl4. This can be mixed with nitrogen and hydrogen to create titanium nitride: 2TiCl4 + N2 + 4H2 1000° C -> 2TiN + 8HCl. Titanium chloride also forms titanium carbide when mixed with methane and hydrogen: TiCl4 + CH4 + H2 1000° C -> TiC + 4HCl + H2. These compounds are chemically bonded to the substrate to create a coating. Because of the chemical compound bonding, the adherence of the coating is superior to other types of “cold” substrate coatings such as PVD. The better adhesion means that CVD coatings are more suitable for heavy forming operations such as bending, punches, drawing, trimming, and others. Heavy forming operations are more common for CVD coating, but it is also sometimes used for machine tooling coatings. Another unique application for CVD coatings is worth noting. By slightly increasing pressure, it is possible to grow carbon crystals, also known as synthetic diamonds. These diamonds are more economical to produce than the high pressure process to make synthetic diamonds. Other Coatings Chromium plating also known as Chrome plating is applied by electrodeposition. This results in a surface that has reduced friction and good corrosion resistance due to the chromium being relatively unreactive. Chrome plating is used in a large number of applications and is beneficial for wear reduction due to reduced friction and increase in surface hardness. Thermal spray coatings are similar to PVD coatings except that they are not applied under a vacuum. The substrate can be initially heated to remove contaminants and oxides leaving the bulk material exposed. Then the coating is heated and sprayed onto the substrate. These types of coatings can have increase in hardness or reduced friction properties. Composite Diamond Coatings are particles of diamond held in place by a nickel alloy matrix. The resultant hardness is very high. Along with being wear resistant, CDC coatings are also temperature and environment resistant. Reference List http://www.enduracoatings.com/hardness.html http://www.richterprecision.com/pvd-coatings.html http://www.nasa.gov/topics/technology/features/ceramic_coatings.html http://www.richterprecision.com/cvd-coatings.html http://www.cvd-diamond.com/synthesis_en.htm http://www.diamondinnovations.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/Micron/CDC.pdf http://www.surface.mat.ethz.ch/education/courses/surfaces_interfaces_and_their_applic ations_II/SIandAII_Ch1_Wear_Course http://www.ewp.rpi.edu/hartford/~ernesto/F2012/FWM/Notes/ch06.pdf http://www.expresspolymlett.com/articles/EPL-0000031_article.pdf M.J. Neale, The Tribology Handbook 2nd Ed. (Ch. D), Butterworth, London, 1995 T.A. Stolarski, Tribology in Machine Design (Ch. 2.8-2.12), Butterworth, London, 1990 J.R. Davis, Surface Engineering for Corrosion and Wear Resistance (Ch. 3 and 8), ASM, London, 2001