Taft College- Accuplacer Placement Chart Placement Level Reading Comprehension: Placement Level Sentence Skills: I 20-25 LRSK 0260 I 20-24 ENGL 0800 Placement Level WritePlacer: I 0 LRSK 0230 Placement Level ESL Reading Skills: I 20-28 ESL 0605 Placement Level Combined ESL Language Use and Sentence Meaning: Placement Level ESL WritePlacer: Arithmetic: II 26-30 LRSK 0260 & READ 0805 II 25-53 ENGL 0900 II 29-56 ESL 0705 IV 51-77 READ 0905 V 78-95 READ 1005 III 54-99 ENGL 1000 II 1 LRSK 0230 & ENGL 0800 III 2 ENGL 0800 III 57-81 ESL 0805 VI 96-120 No Reading Required IV 100-120 ENGL 1500 IV 3 ENGL 0900 V 4-5 ENGL 1000 IV 82-95 ESL 0905 V 96-105 READ 1005 VI 6-8 ENGL 1500 VI 106-120 No Reading Required I 20-55 II 56-114 III 115-168 IV 169-204 V 205-240 ESL 0600 ESL 0700 ESL 0800 ESL 0900 ENGL 1000 I 1 ESL 0600 II 2 ESL 0700 20-38 LRSK 0240 & Math 0230 Elementary Algebra: 20-25 LRSK 0240 & MATH 0230 College Level Math: 20-39 Use Elem Algebra Test Score Celsa (Non credit ESL) III 31-50 READ 0805 0-10 ESL 0001 III 3 ESL 0800 IV 4 ESL 0900 39-64 MATH 0230 26-30 MATH 0230 40-63 MATH 1060 11-20 ESL 0010 31-43 MATH 0240 65-109 MATH 0240 44-81 MATH 1050 82-108 MATH 1060 64-102 Transfer Level (1500, 1520, 1540, PSYC 2200, STAT 1510) 21-25 ESL 0020 26-37 ESL 0030 V 5 ENGL 1000 IV 6 ENGL 1500 110-120 MATH 1050 Your Score Your Score Your Score Your Score Your Score Your Score Your Score 109-120 Transfer Level (if no Alg II, take Math 1060) Your Score 103-120 Math 2100/ Any Transfer Level Course Your Score 38-75 Take Accuplacer Your Score What’s Next? Complete an on-line application at www.taftcollege.edu. You will not be allowed to see a counselor without a completed application. Schedule a counseling appointment: 661-763-7748. Please bring unofficial copies of ALL transcripts and test scores. A full analysis of your scores will be made available at your counseling appointment. See if you qualify for Financial Aid. Apply on-line at www.fafsa.ed.gov. You may also qualify for scholarships, grants, or special programs (i.e. EOP&S, CalWORKs, SSS). Please see your counselor/advisor for further information. Register for classes on-line and pay on-line or at the Cashier’s Desk: 661-763-7713. Be aware of payment deadlines! Get your Student ID Card in the Library and your parking permit at the Cashier’s Desk in the Student Services Building. Consider purchasing an ASB Discount Sticker (available at Cashier’s Desk) for additional savings at the Cougar Corner Bookstore. Purchase your textbooks and class materials at the Cougar Corner Bookstore or on-line 1-2 weeks before your classes begin. Need Help? If you have or had trouble in a certain subject, having this evaluated may be necessary. Taft College’s Student Support Services Department specializes in identifying and assisting students with academic challenges. If you have any questions, please contact 661-763-7799 for further details. July 1, 2009