Constitution Principles: Where to look

Constitution Principles: Where to look
The Constitution begins in the textbook on page 108
Separation of Powers
The Constitution assigns certain powers to each of the three branches; this separation was
intended to prevent the misuse of power.
Your job is to look for specific examples in the constitution where these powers are listed and
cite as well as explain them. Use your worksheet to help guide you.
You only need to grab examples from these three articles.
Article I: Legislative Branch- Section 8 Powers of Congress
This article spells out the powers and duties of the bicameral legislature, which
consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
It lists the powers given to Congress, called enumerated powers. These include
the right to tax, declare war, regulate commerce, and create legislation.
o What points of section 8 list these powers?
Section 8.18: Congress is given the right to make all laws that are “necessary and
proper” to the maintenance of the country. This is referred to as the elastic clause
because it has been stretched to accommodate the changing needs of the country.
Article II: Executive Branch-Section 2 Powers of the President
This article defines the powers of the President. These powers include being
Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, reporting to Congress on “the state of
the union” and the authority to make treaties and to appoint officials with the
advice and consent of the Senate.
o What points of section 2 list these powers?
Section 3: The President must also “take care that the laws are faithfully
executed.” This phrase has become a source of implied powers, meaning that the
President is assumed to have powers and responsibilities not specifically
mentioned in the Constitution.
Article III: Judicial Branch-Section 2 Jurisdiction
This article establishes a Supreme Court and defines its jurisdiction or its
authority to hear certain cases.
Congress is also given the power to create lower courts.
o What points of section 2 list these powers?
Constitution Principles: Where to look
The Constitution begins in the textbook on page 108
Checks and Balances
The system of checks and balances gives
each of the three branches of
government the ability to restrain the
other two.
Your job is to look for specific examples in
the constitution where these checks and
powers are listed and cite as well as explain
them. Use your worksheet and the flowchart
to guide you.
You only need to grab examples from the
Articles listed below.
Article I: Legislative Branch- Section 2.5, 3.6, 6.2
This article spells out the powers and duties of the bicameral legislature, which
consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
In sections 2, 3, and 6 you will find examples of how the Legislative Branch
checks the power of the Judicial branch and Executive branch
o What are those three examples?
Article II: Executive Branch-Section 2.4
This article defines the powers of the President.
Section 2.4 is an example of how the Executive branch is checked by the
legislative branch.
o What is that example?
Article III: Judicial Branch-Section 2 Jurisdiction
This article establishes a Supreme Court and defines its jurisdiction or its
authority to hear certain cases.
o How does the Supreme Court have jurisdiction over the Executive
branch and the Legislative branch?
Constitution Principles: Where to look
The Constitution begins in the textbook on page 108
A federal system of government is one in which power is divided between a central
government and smaller governments.
Your job is to look for specific examples in the constitution where these powers are listed and
cite as well as explain them. Use your worksheet to help guide you.
You only need to grab examples from the articles listed below.
Article IV: Relations among the States-Sections 1 and 2
This article more clearly defines the relationship between the states and the federal
It includes the “full faith and credit” clause, which states that an act or judicial
proceeding of one state must be honored in all other states.
o How do sections 1 and 2 provide examples of Federalism?
Article V: Amendment Process
This article defines the process for making changes to the original Constitution.
The process involves federalism; Congress must propose an amendment by a twothirds vote in both houses and the states must ratify it by a three-quarters vote in
order for the amendment to be added to the Constitution.
Article VI: National Debts, Supremacy of National Law, Oath- Section 2
This article clearly states that national law will be supreme over state law.
o How does this section provide an example of Federalism?
Constitution Principles: Where to look
The Constitution begins in the textbook on page 108
Limited Government
Because the people are the ultimate source of all government power, the government has only
as much authority as the people give it. Much of the Constitution consists of SPECIFIC
limitations on government power.
Your job is to look for specific examples in the constitution where these powers are listed and
cite as well as explain them. Use your worksheet to help guide you.
You only need to grab examples from the articles listed below.
Article I: Legislative Branch- Section 2.1, 3.1
These sections of article I explain how members of Congress are to be elected.
o Explain the process in these sections
Article I: Legislative Branch- Section 9 Powers Denied to Congress
This section of article I SPECIFICALLY lists out exactly what the National
Government can NOT do.
o National Government
 May not violate the Bill of Rights
 May not impose export taxes among states
 May not use money from the Treasury without the passage and
approval of an appropriations bill
 May not change state boundaries
o What parts of section 9 list these DENIED powers?
Article I: Legislative Branch- Section 10 Powers Denied to the States
This section of article I SPECIFICALLY lists out exactly what the State
Governments can NOT do.
o State Government
 May not enter into treaties with other countries
 May not print money
 May not tax imports or exports
 May not Impair obligations of contracts
 May not suspend a person's rights without due process
o What parts of section 10 list these DENIED powers?
Student Handout
Constitution Principle – Carousel Activity
Checks and Balances
Directions: Complete the following research tasks below with the members of your group.
Relevant Quote: “Ambition must be made to counteract ambition” James Madison, Federalist #51
Define what the quote means in your own words: ______________________________________
Using your copy of the United States Constitution, find examples of your Constitution principle:
Article I: ________________________________________________________________
Article II: _______________________________________________________________
Article III: ______________________________________________________________
Directions for Constitution Carousel: Your group must now decide how best to teach your
Constitution principle to the class in the carousel activity. You are responsible for teaching the
class what the principle means in your own terms, giving multiple examples found in the
Constitution and relating it to current events. Your group must create a project that should be
creative and contain at least one visual aid (a political cartoon, news story, comic strip, picture, etc.)
that depicts the Constitution principle. Remember that all members of the group must be prepared
to teach about the principle during the carousel activity.
Student Handout
Constitution Principles – Carousel Activity
Separation of Powers
Directions: Complete the following research tasks below with the members of your group.
Relevant Quote: “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same
hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may
justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” James Madison, Federalist #47
Define what the quote means in your own words: ______________________________________
Using your copy of the United States Constitution, find examples of your Constitution principle:
Article I: ________________________________________________________________
Article II: _______________________________________________________________
Article III: ______________________________________________________________
Directions for Constitution Carousel: Your group must now decide how best to teach your
Constitution principle to the class in the carousel activity. You are responsible for teaching the
class what the principle means in your own terms, giving multiple examples found in the
Constitution, and relating it to current events. Your group must create a project that should be
creative and contain at least one visual aid (a political cartoon, news story, comic strip, picture, etc.)
that depicts the Constitution principle. Remember that all members of the group must be prepared
to teach about the principle during the carousel activity.
Student Handout
Constitution Principles – Carousel Activity
Directions: Complete the following research tasks below with the members of your group.
Relevant Quote: “…a kind of assemblage of societies, that constitute a new one, capable of
increasing by means of new associations, till they arrive to such a degree of power as to be able to
provide for the security of the united body” Alexander Hamilton, Federalist #9.
Define what the quote means in your own words: ______________________________________
Using your copy of the United States Constitution, find examples of your Constitution principle:
Article IV: ______________________________________________________________
Article V: ______________________________________________________________
Article VI: ______________________________________________________________
Directions for Constitution Carousel: Your group must now decide how best to teach your
Constitution principle to the class in the carousel activity. You are responsible for teaching the
class what the principle means in your own terms, giving multiple examples found in the
Constitution, and relating it to current events. Your group must create a project that should be
creative and contain at least one visual aid (a political cartoon, news story, comic strip, picture, etc.)
that depicts the Constitution principle. Remember that all members of the group must be prepared
to teach about the principle during the carousel activity.
Student Handout
Constitution Principle – Carousel Activity
Limited Government
Directions: Complete the following research tasks below with the members of your group.
Relevant Quote: “The fabric of the American Empire ought to rest on the solid basis of the consent
of the people. The streams of national power ought to flow immediately from that pure original
fountain of all legitimate authority” Alexander Hamilton, Federalist #22.
Define what the quote means in your own words: ______________________________________
Using your copy of the United States Constitution, find examples of your Constitution principle:
Article I: ________________________________________________________________
Directions for Constitution Carousel: Your group must now decide how best to teach your
Constitution principle to the class in the carousel activity. You are responsible for teaching the
class what the principle means in your own terms, giving multiple examples found in the
Constitution, and relating it to current events. Your group must create a project that should be
creative and contain at least one visual aid (a political cartoon, news story, comic strip, picture, etc.)
that depicts the Constitution principle. Remember that all members of the group must be prepared
to teach about the principle during the carousel activity.