Baldivis Encourage Hack Day Baldivis Equestrian & Pony Club – Lugg Road, Baldivis UN-OFFICIAL PONY & HACK, FIRST REIN/FIRST RIDDEN RING, ALL AGES WALK TROT RING 17TH May 2014 9am Start ALL COMPETITORS MUST BE A PCAWA MEMBER Entries Close Thursday 15th May 2014 Enquiries: Michele Carter Ph: 0439 825 500 Email: CONDITIONS OF ENTRY Official horses currently competing are strongly discouraged from entering the unofficial ring. The organisers/committee of the Baldivis Equestrian & Pony Club reserves the right to cancel, alter or combine any events they deem necessary on the day. Riders must wear a current approved safety helmet & riding boots at all times whilst mounted on their horse/pony. Rider’s age will be as at the day of the event, proof of age may be requested. Rider’s any age on ponies unless otherwise stated. The Baldivis Pony Club reserves the right to interpret all rules & make a decision when any dispute arises. The Baldivis Pony Club and its committee, judges, official, DO NOT accept liability for any accident, loss, damage, illness or injury to horses, owners, riders, spectators or any other person or property whatsoever. Entry to the grounds is at your own risk and the “Waiver of Liability” from must be signed by all entrants prior to participation: this is a condition of our insurance. Strictly no dogs. No Judge is to be approached by a competitor or spectator without speaking to a committee member. First Ridden is designed for young children who have just learnt to ride or have just come off lead line. Cantering is optional at the rider’s discretion, with consideration for the child’s safety. The Un-Official and Fun Lead-rein & first ridden rings will be run under PCAWA rules. Therefore, the following safety requirements must be met. Rider must wear approved safety helmet, boots and long sleeves. All rubbish, manure & hay is to be cleaned up prior to leaving the grounds. We hope you all enjoy the day very much and if you have any ideas on how we can improve, or if you would like to be a part of the club or on the committee then please contact one of our friendly members. Entries will close when total number of horses entered reaches 100. If max entry number is not exceeded entries may be take on the day – ($20 late fee applies) UNOFFICIAL PONY RING Start : 9AM Judge: Keralyn Fraser 1. Smartest on Parade 17 years & under 2. Rider 11 years & under. 3. Rider 12,13,& 14 years. 4.Rider 15,16 & 17 years. CHAMPION & RES JUNIOR RIDER Winners from classes 2,3 & 4 – 2nd place can Present to judge if winner of your class is Champion 5. Pony Hack 12hh and under 6. Pony Hack over 12hh up to & inc 12.2hh 7. Pony Hack over 12.2 up to & inc 13.2hh 8. Pony hack over 13.2hh up to & inc 14hh 9. Pleasure Pony Hack 12.2hh & under. 10. Pleasure Pony over 12.2hh up to & inc 14hh 11.Childs Pony 12.2hh up to & inc 14hh (Rider 17 & under) 12.Childs Pony over 12.2hh up to & inc 14hh (Rider 17 & under) 13. Best Educated Pony 12.2hh & under. 14. Best Educated Pony over 12.2hh up to & inc 14hh 15. Consolation Pony Hack – Horse or rider not to have won a ribbon on the day. CHAMPION AND RESERVE SMALL PONY Winners from classes 5,6,9,11 & 13. 2nd place Can present to judge if the winner of your class is Champion CHAMPION AND RESERVE LARGE PONY Winners from classes 6,7,9,11. 2nd place can present to judge If the winner of your class is Champion. ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD Awarded to the rider and/or pony combination at the Judge’s discretion. UNOFFICIAL HACK RING Start: 9am Judge: Stacey Benbow 1. Smartest of Parade 18 years & over 2. Rider 18 up to & inc 21 years 3. Rider 21 & over CHAMPION AND RESERVE SENIOR RIDER Winners from classes 2 & 3 2nd place can present to judge if the winner of your class is Champion. 4. Galloway over 14hh up to & inc 14.2hh 5. Galloway over 14.2hh up to & inc 15hh 6. Hack over 15hh up to & inc 16hh 7. Hack over 16hh 8. Pleasure Galloway 14hh up to & inc 15hh 9. Pleasure Hack over 15hh 10. *Ladies Galloway over 14hh up to & inc 15hh 11. *Ladies Hack over 15hh 12. *Gents Hack over 14hh 13. Best Educated Galloway 14hh up to & inc 15hh 14. Best Educated Hack over 15hh up to 7 inc 16hh 15. Best Educated Hack over 16hh 16. Consolation Hack – Horse or rider not to have won a ribbon on the day. *May only compete in one of these classes. CHAMPION & RESERVE GALLOWAY Winners from classes 4,5,8,10,12 & 13. 2nd place can present to judge if the winner of your class is Champion. CHAMPION & RESERVE HACK Winners from classes, 6,7,9,11,12,14 &15. 2nd place can present to judge if winner of your class in Champion. ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD: Awarded to rider and/or horse combination at judges discretion. ENCOURAGE LEAD REIN Start: 9am Judge: Michelle Willems Riders must be neatly dressed and wear long Sleeves to follow Pony Club Rules. Jackets, Pony Club Uniforms or Long Sleeve Shirt & Tie are acceptable dress for the Hack Classes but minimum dress is long sleeved shirt & tie. 1. Smartest on Parade 2. Lead Line Rider 6 years & under 3. Lead Line Rider 7 & 8 years old 4. Lead Line rider 9 years & over. CHAMPION RIDER – Winners from class 2,3 & 4 RESERVE CHAMPION RIDER – the rider who placed 2nd the Champion Rider in their rider class is to present to the judge to do the same workout and be judged for this also. 5. Lead Line Pony 12hh & under 6. Lead Line Pony over 12h up to & inc 12.2hh 7. Lead Line Pony over 12.2hh 8. Lead Line Pleasure Pony 12hh & under 9. Lead Line Pleasure Pony over 12hh 10. lead Line Best Combination 11. Best Trick – show the judge a trick that you can do with your pony or on your pony – safety is important please. CHAMPION HORSE OR PONY Winners from classes 5 -9 RESERVE CHAMPION The pony/horse who placed 2nd to the champion in classes 5-9 is to present to the judge to do the same workout & be judged also for this. ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD Awarded to the rider and/or pony combination at the judges discretion. ENCOURAGE WALK TROT Start: 9am Judge: Sharon Grant This is for green riders/ponies/horses that are not confident enough to ride in the open classes or are just off Lead Line. Riders may be asked in workout to canter but do not have to if they don’t wish to. . 1. Smartest on Parade Walk Trot 13 yrs & under 2. Smartest on Parade Walk Trot 14 yrs & over 3. Walk Trot Rider 8 years & under 4. Walk Trot Rider 9 yrs – 12 yrs old 5. Walk Trot Rider 13yrs - 17 yrs 6. Walk Trot Rider 18 yrs & over. CHAMPION RIDER – Winners from classes 3, 4, 5 & 6. RESERVE CHAMPION – the rider who placed 2nd to the champion rider in their rider class is bo present to the judge to do the same workout and be judged also for this. 7. Walk Trot Pony 12hh & under. 8. Walk Trot Pony over 12.2hh & up to 14hh 9. Walk Trot Horse 14hh up to & inc 15hh 10. Walk Trot Horse over 15hh 11. Walk Trot Pleasure Pony 12.2hh & under 12. Walk Trot Pleasure Pony 12.2hh & up to & inc 14hh. 13. Walk Trot Pleasure Horse 14hh up to & inc 15hh 14. Walk Trot Pleasure Horse 15hh & over 15. Walk Trot Best Combination 12.2hh & under 16. Walk Trot Best Combination over 12.2hh & up To 14hh 17. Walk Trot Best Combination 14hh 7 inc 15hh 18. Walk Trot Best Combination over 15hh. 19. Best Educated Walk Trot Pony. 20. Best Educated Walk Trot Galloway 21. Best Educated Walk Trot Hack 22. Consolation Walk Trot Pony or Rider (combination no to have won a ribbon on the day) CHAMPION WALK TROT PONY Winners from classes 7-8, 11-12, 15-16 RESERVE CHAMPION WALK TROT PONY The pony that placed 2nd to the champion in classes 7-8, 11-12, 15-16 is to present to the judge to do the same Workout and be judged for this also. CHAMPION WALK TROT GALLOWAY Winners from classes 9, 13 & 16 RESERVE CHAMPION WALK TROT GALLOWAY The horse that placed 2nd to the champion in classes 9, 13 & 16 is to present to the judge to do the same Workout and be judged for this also. CHAMPION WALK TROT HACK Winners from classes 10, 14 & 18. RESERVE CHAMPION WALK TROT HACK The Horse that placed 2nd to the champion in classes 10, 14 & 18 is to present to the judge to do the same Workout and be judged for this also. TWO ENCOURAGEMENT AWARDS Awarded to the rider and/or pony/horse combination at the judge’s discretion. BALDIVIS ENCOURAGE HACK DAY ENTRY FORM Payment details: Baldivis Equestrian & Pony Club BSB: 036 060 A/C: 128991( Place name as Ref) Post Cheques to: PO Box 2082 Rockingham DC WA 6168 Close of Entries: 15th May 2014 Enquiries to: Michele Carter PH: 0439825500 Email: Rider Name Ground Fee Yard Fee Total Entry Fees Horse Name Height PCAWANo. Optional $10 Entry Fee $ $ $ $ $ $ Please circle rings entering Unofficial Hack Unoffical Pony Encourage Lead Rein Encourage Walk Trot Entry Fees Baldivis PC Members $35 entry per horse/rider combination. Non members $45 entry per horse /rider combination. Baldivis PC Members Lead Line $20 entry per horse/rider combination. Non Members Lead Line $30 entry per horse /rider combination. Compulsary Ground Fee per Horse/Rider $5 members $10 non members Address:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Telephone: (Home):…………………………………………….(mob)……………………………………….. Email:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Age: (if undern18 yrs)…………………………………DOB………………………………………………….. Payment Details:………………………………………………..Payment Ref:…………………………….. PONY CLUB ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA INC (PCAWA) DISCLAIMER STATEMENT CLUB NAME: Baldivis Equestrian and Pony Club ADDRESS: Lug Road, Baldivis EVENT: Unofficial Hack Day (hereafter referred to as “EVENT(S)”) I acknowledge and agree as a condition of participating that neither the Club/Coach, participants, PCAWA or any subdivision thereof, officials, volunteers, medical personnel, any persons, promoters, sponsors, advertisers, owners and lessees of premises used to conduct the EVENT(S), shall be under any liability for my death or any bodily injury, loss or damage which may be sustained or incurred by me, as a result of participation in or being present at the event, except in regard to any rights I may have arising under the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) (or similar State legislation). I acknowledge that equestrian activities are dangerous and that accidents causing death, bodily injury, disability and property damage, can, and do happen. BY SIGNING HEREUNDER I CONFIRM HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE CONTENTS OF THIS DISCLAIMER. Print Name Here Sign Here Dated …………………………………………………………………………………………………… PARENT/GUARDIAN CONSENT FOR UNDER 18 YEAR OLD PARTICIPANTS I, ………………………………………………….. being the parent/guardian of the above named, ………………………………….., confirm that I have read the whole of this document and have taken all necessary actions to ensure I am aware of the activity which the above named, will be asked to participate in and consent to him/her participating. In doing so, I acknowledge that equestrian activities are dangerous and that accidents causing death, bodily injury, disability and property damage can and do happen. I agree that neither the club/coach, participants, PCAWA or any subdivision thereof, officials, volunteers, medical personnel, any persons, promoters, sponsors, advertisers, owners and lessees of premises used to conduct the EVENT(S) shall be under any liability whatsoever for the death or any bodily injury, loss or damage which may be suffered or incurred by the above named or by me in or being present at the EVENT(S) except for any rights the above named or I may have arising under the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) (or similar State legislation). BY SIGNING HEREUNDER I CONFIRM HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE CONTENTS OF THIS DISCLAIMER. ................................................................. .................................................................... NAME (BLOCK LETTERS) SIGNED DATED THIS ………………….. DAY OF …………………………… 2____