Final Report Strategy options for the Oromia Forested Landscape Project Addis Ababa, 10.12.2014 Assignment: Analysis of causes of deforestation and forest degradation in the Oromia Regional State and identification of strategies to address those Client: World Bank Authors: UNIQUE forestry and land use GmbH, CONSCIENTIA Cover photo credits: UNIQUE forestry and land use GmbH Calculations in this report are based on the most recent land cover data provided by the Woody Biomass Inventory and Strategic Planning Project. Content Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................... 7 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 9 2 Methodology .......................................................................................................................... 10 2.1 Preliminary identification of a long list of strategy options ........................................... 10 2.2 Filtering strategy options to prioritize for detailed assessment .................................... 10 2.3 Project description ......................................................................................................... 10 2.4 Economic assessment of priority strategy options ........................................................ 11 2.5 Implementation of strategy options .............................................................................. 11 3 Overview of strategy options ................................................................................................. 13 3.1 Forestry sector strategy options .................................................................................... 13 3.1.1 Participatory Forest Management ....................................................................... 15 3.1.2 Project objectives ................................................................................................. 16 3.1.3 Approach and beneficiaries ................................................................................. 16 3.1.4 Potential locations for implementation ............................................................... 20 3.1.5 Appraisal .............................................................................................................. 21 3.1.6 Non-carbon benefits ............................................................................................ 21 3.1.7 SWOT.................................................................................................................... 22 3.2 Agriculture sector strategy options ................................................................................ 24 3.2.1 Sustainable Land Management Project ............................................................... 25 3.2.2 Project objectives ................................................................................................. 26 3.2.3 Approach and beneficiaries ................................................................................. 26 3.2.4 Potential locations for implementation ............................................................... 29 3.2.5 Appraisal .............................................................................................................. 30 3.2.6 Non-carbon benefits ............................................................................................ 31 3.2.7 SWOT.................................................................................................................... 31 3.3 Energy sector project component .................................................................................. 33 3.3.1 Improved cookstoves production and distribution ............................................. 35 3.3.2 Project objectives ................................................................................................. 36 3.3.3 Approach and beneficiaries ................................................................................. 36 3.3.4 Potential locations for implementation ............................................................... 39 3.3.5 Appraisal .............................................................................................................. 39 3.3.6 Non-carbon benefits ............................................................................................ 39 3.3.7 SWOT.................................................................................................................... 40 4 Overall implementation framework ...................................................................................... 41 4.1 Scale: area, finance, and GHG emissions reductions ..................................................... 41 4.1.1 Area ...................................................................................................................... 41 4.1.2 Finance requirements .......................................................................................... 42 4.1.3 Emission reductions and employment potential ................................................. 44 4.2 Scale required for climate neutrality.............................................................................. 46 5 Next steps............................................................................................................................... 48 6 References.............................................................................................................................. 49 Annexes ....................................................................................................................................... 51 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA Acronyms ACCES Africa Clean Cooking Energy Solutions A/R Afforestation / Reforestation ADLI Agriculture Development-Led Industrialization ANR Assisted Natural Regeneration BioCF BioCarbon Fund CDM Clean Development Mechanism CRGE Climate Resilient Green Economy CSA Climate Smart Agriculture DA Development Agent DD Deforestation and forest Degradation ER Emission Reduction FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (of the United Nations) GHG Greenhouse Gas GOE Government of Ethiopia GTP Growth and Transformation Plan MEF Ministry of Environment and Forest MoA Ministry of Agriculture MoFED Ministry of Finance and Economic Development MoWIE Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy MRV Measurement, Reporting and Verification NGO Non-governmental Organization NTFP Non-Timber Forest Product OFLP Oromia Forested Landscape Project OFWE Oromia Forest and Wildlife Enterprise PAD Project Appraisal Document PFM Participatory Forest Management PFRA Participatory Forest Resources Assessment PMU Project Management Unit REDD+ Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation REL /RL Reference Emission Level / Reference Level SLMP Sustainable Land Management Project SFM Sustainable Forest Management 5 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program SNNPR Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region tCO2 Ton of Carbon dioxide TWG Technical Working Group UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change USD United States Dollar WBISPP Woody Biomass Inventory and Strategic Planning Project UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA 6 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA Executive Summary Ethiopia’s plans to accelerate economic growth along a climate resilient green pathway include REDD+ as a key component, given emissions from land use constitute the main sources of national GHG emissions. The Oromia Regional State has been selected for the development of a landscape-level REDD+ pilot, with USD 50 million committed as performance-based payments for net emission reductions. Termed the Oromia Forested Landscape Project (OFLP), this pilot will combine catalytic sector-based investments and policy reform to transform current land use practices in forested landscapes to become more productive, and increase the contribution of forest resources to national and local incomes while reducing net greenhouse gas emissions. This report summarizes the technical feasibility assessments of the specific strategy options identified and prioritized for the OFLP during the Oromia Technical Working Group meeting in August 2014, namely: Participatory Forest Management (PFM); Sustainable Land Management (SLM) (with three components: Climate Smart Agriculture; Assisted Natural Regeneration and woodlots); and cookstove production and dissemination. PFM has a marginal abatement costs1 of USD 1.4/tCO2 and SLM USD 3.6/tCO2; while improved cookstoves generate net economic benefits of USD 10.8/tCO2, i.e. negative costs. The SLMP would generate emission reductions (ER) estimated at 4.03 million tCO2, the PFM 5.35 million tCO2, and improved cookstoves 1.21 million tCO2 over a period of five years, totaling 10.6 million tCO2. Over 20 years, ER potential is estimated at 16.35 million tCO2, 24.12 million tCO2 and 14.44 million tCO2, respectively, amounting to 54.9 million tCO2 in total. To achieve these net ERs, we suggest OFLP implementation within the targeted landscapes at the following scales: PFM adopted on 125,000 ha, SLMP financed on 112,500 ha and 258,750 improved cookstoves disseminated in addition to cross-cutting and sector-wide policy reforms. In order to achieve this ER potential advance incentive payments will be required followed by performance-based payments. The strategy options are to be implemented as packages, with proposed combination of strategy options designed to achieve the highest possible net emission reductions, employment and cost-effectiveness, taking into account time and resource constraints. Over five years, the, REDD+ finance requirements (programmatic and farm/forestlevel input investment costs) are estimated at USD 19.9 million and USD 26 million, respectively. That will generate about 10.6 million tCO2 over a period of 5 years and 54.9 million tCO2 over 20 years. At a carbon price of USD 5/tCO2, total performance-based payments amount to USD 54.1 million over five years. As shown in Figure 8, advance payments are required over the first four years. In year 1, advance-payments would amount to USD 2.29 million followed by USD 8.44 million in year 2. In return, emission reductions will be verified at the end of year 2, justifying performance-based payments of USD 3.88 million (0.78 million tCO2), thus a finance gap of USD 6.85 million would remain. In year three, the finance gap between programmatic REDD+ cost and expected performance-based payment would even increase to USD 10.46 million. The break-even would be achieved in year 5 where USD 3.1 million of performance-based finance would remain for benefits sharing investments. 1 The marginal abatement costs is calculated at a social discount rate of 6% (same as under CRGE, 2011), as the societal and incremental cost and benefits, irrespective of who bears costs or who benefits. 7 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA Achieving the CRGE climate neutrality goals in the land use sector through the OFLP contribution would require an additional investment of USD 1.2 billion over 20 years or USD 411 million over the initial 5 years to achieve climate neutrality of the 2030 projected land use sector emissions in Oromia (excluding livestock sector emission). This report is not stand-alone but rather the first in a series of other important on-going assignments for the design of OFLP, and should be deliberated on in combination with the legal and institutional analysis (where the existing and new government and community institutions at woreda and kebele level are further described), a broad-based stakeholder consultation and participation strategy, and the work related to the Reference Level development and MRV system design. 8 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA 1 Introduction The Oromia Forested Landscape Project (OFLP) will contribute to Ethiopia’s climate neutrality goals by implementing REDD+ in an integrated landscape approach that combines sectorbased investments with cross-cutting policy reforms. OFLP provides the framework for engaging policy makers, rural land users and large- and small-scale businesses to reduce deforestation and degradation and increase the carbon stocks of forested landscapes. Within this framework, the BioCarbon Fund’s Sustainable Forest Landscapes Initiative is providing USD 50 million as performance-based payments for net emission reductions (ER) achieved through OFLP of which part is envisioned to be provided as advanced payments and expect to achieve a minimum of 10 million tCO2 net GHG emissions reductions /carbon stock enhancements over a period of 5 year. To support the preparation of the OFLP, UNIQUE forestry and land use and CONSCIENTIA were contracted to generate key technical inputs that structure the design of sector interventions leading to net ER. This report builds on a diagnostic of the main drivers, agents and underlying causes of deforestation and forest degradation in Oromia and related abatement costs (outlined in the related Mid-Term Report). The objective of this assignment is to identify and prioritize strategy options that address drivers of deforestation and forest degradation; as well as assess the potential for increased carbon removals through afforestation and reforestation and conduct of a cost and benefit analysis of these interventions. Current forest loss and degradation found in Oromia stems from diverse drivers, agents and underlying causes, reflecting the Region’s heterogeneous forested landscapes. Main deforestation and forest degradation (DD) agents operating in Oromia relate to agriculture, with unplanned small-scale subsistence and cash crop farming generally affecting a larger forest area compared to poorly executed and large-scale planned deforestation. With population growth and significant barriers to intensification and land sparing, small-scale agriculture is expected to continue to be an important DD driver as rural livelihood alternatives remain scarce. The dominant source of household energy demand is extraction of woody biomass, responsible for gross deforestation and significant degradation of forest and woodlands. The wood fuel sector is characterized by inefficient value chains and there is significant potential for productivity improvements at the household level. The main results of the drivers study were validated by the recently established Oromia REDD+ Technical Working Group (TWG) during their first meeting in August 2014. Participants included the national REDD+ Secretariat, the Oromia Forest and Wildlife Enterprise (OFWE) and representatives of key donors and technical partners, Norway, the World Bank and Farm Africa. During this meeting, participants discussed the implications of the drivers study and provided guidance on strategy options to address DD. Of the several strategy options identified and discussed (see section 3), the following were selected for further analysis regarding their climate mitigation potentials and costs: 1. PFM in high forests including the establishment of commercial sawlog production 2. SLMP with ANR, woodlots, and CSA sub-components 3. Improved cookstoves 9 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA 2 Methodology The identification, prioritization, technical assessment and cost/benefit analyses of the strategy options was carried out according to the steps described in the following sections: 2.1 Preliminary identification of a long list of strategy options To ensure that the proposed OFLP strategy is comprehensive in addressing main drivers of DD, several strategy options were preliminarily identified based on the drivers analysis (see Midterm report) and ranked. In addition, relevant strategy options in non-forest areas not captured in the drivers assessment have been identified, i.e. forest carbon stock enhancement through A/R, Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR), woodlots, and fuelwood energy efficiency. This first step was carried out through a review of best practices with the objective of identifying interventions possessing proof of concept and up-scaling potential. Particular focus was placed on national and local experiences in addressing deforestation and forest degradation, efforts in the rehabilitation of degraded lands, use of alternative energy or energy efficient technologies, sustainable coffee management and other climate smart agriculture approaches such as intensification and agroforestry in combination with land use planning and enforcement. 2.2 Filtering strategy options to prioritize for detailed assessment The following criteria were used to filter the long list of strategy options to prioritize the most promising for detailed assessment, listed in order of importance and as presented at the TWG meeting: 1. GHG mitigation potential and scalability through up-scaling. 2. Marginal abatement potential, including cost/benefit estimation 3. Government development priorities 4. Social acceptability / livelihood benefits 5. Private sector investment potential 6. Institutional implementation arrangements, including risks and risk mitigation potential During the TWG meeting, the general priorities for the OFLP and trade-offs of the different potential strategy options in meeting OFLP objectives were discussed. Four specific strategy options were agreed upon for detailed analysis and costing, and are further detailed in this report. 2.3 Project description In this step, the technical components of the strategy options were elaborated using the structure provided in World Bank Project Appraisal Documents (PAD) as guidance. Key assumptions underlying the assessment have been outlined and checked for plausibility with local experts and existing project/program design figures and evaluation reports. 10 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA 2.4 Economic assessment of priority strategy options The costs and benefits of the strategy options were quantified from the DD agent (land user) perspective by developing one hectare cost-benefit land use models (see Annex). Programlevel costs including implementation, transaction costs and institutional costs such as training and capacity building were calculated based on budget from existing initiatives such as SLMP and PFM and cookstoves programs. Data gaps were complemented by expert estimates. The climate mitigation benefits or net emission reductions have been estimated for each strategy option and a marginal abatement cost analysis conducted to compare the cost per ton of ER among the different strategy options. Estimates of marginal abatement costs of the proposed strategy options were calculated using a social discount rate of 6% - the same rate assumed for the CRGE strategy. For the economic assessments, a series of spreadsheet-based economic models were constructed, where the private and public costs and benefits for each strategy option are calculated. This was then combined with an assessment of the non-carbon benefits associated with each strategy option. We assume initially the MRV system will be established at Oromia level, financed through the Technical Assistance already committed through the national REDD+ process. Cost estimates for this component were estimated, assuming that only 30 % of the cost will be covered, while remaining cost will be covered by the WB USD 10 million TA and or the FAO MRV and REL grant (USD 3.9 million). Eventually the system will be integrated in or replaced by a national system. For each strategy option a non-carbon benefits assessment has also been included to accompany the analysis of mitigation benefits, namely: Social development benefit i.e. anticipated employment in terms of full time equivalents generated for each strategy option. Adaptation benefits i.e. actions that strengthen resilience to climate variability and build structural adaptation, including environmental benefits to biodiversity and hydrology. Economic development benefits i.e. opportunities for knowledge building, training, and capacity building in resource management and promotion of sustainable livelihood alternatives and promotion and protection of rights; described as non-carbon benefits in each strategy option. The non-carbon benefits are described under each strategy option and should be considered as indicative as they are determined by the scale and location of each activity and the benefitting population, which are yet to be agreed upon at a later stage. 2.5 Implementation of strategy options To complement the analysis of ER potential and abatement cost, a SWOT analysis was carried out to identify key issues and how these could be overcome for a successful implementation of the OFLP strategy options. The underlying principle is the strategy options are considered as a set of packages, where the combined interventions reinforce each other and economies of scale and synergies with existing program reduce overall costs. Considering that performancebased finance has been committed only for the first 5 years of the OFLP, the proposed strate- 11 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA gies are initially assessed for this duration. Then a further up-scaling to achieve climate neutrality (offset all emissions) from the land use sector is modelled. A distinction has been made between the intervention area (where strategy options are implemented) and the project accounting area. The latter is significantly larger, as there are positive spillover effects from the strategic investments into these areas. In addition, the project will promote policies and regulations to foster net ERs throughout Oromia. Finally, a preliminary outline of possible locations for implementation and suggested implementation arrangements are described as have been calculated for the modeling of strategy options. Note that the assessment was informed by previous projects and available knowledge. However, subsequent project implementation planning through development of a Project Implementation Manual is required to identify intervention areas and to scale the proposed interventions based on participatory planning procedures. Clear guidance from this manual will be important to ensure the project implementation is guided by the principles of effectiveness, efficiency, fairness, transparency and accountability. 12 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA 3 Overview of strategy options The overall objective of OFLP is to reduce deforestation and achieve net GHG emission reductions (ERs) from land use throughout Oromia. Meeting this objective will require investments that transform land use, adjustments in regional policy, and capacity building for small holder land users, cooperatives, and government institutions at the Regional and lower levels. Supporting policies and regulations to enable net ERs will be promoted at the Regional level as well as through the national REDD+ program. Three sector-based interventions are proposed: (i) Participatory Forest Management (PFM) – including commercial sawlog production in the forestry sector; (ii) Sustainable Land Management (SLM) actions in the agricultural sector; (iii) Cookstove production and distribution in the energy sector. In the following sections, these strategy options are described, including the process through which these were selected. Each selected strategic option integrates green business components and seeks to engage key private sector actors as implementation partners. The OFLP interventions are structured to catalyze transformational change towards local economic development that incorporates environmental and social sustainability. Moving forward, the business models underpinning these sector interventions will be further elaborated in parallel to the Project Implementation Manual in partnership with key implementation stakeholders, including OFWE and communities. 3.1 Forestry sector strategy options The gap between demand and domestic supply of timber and non-timber forest products is growing in Ethiopia (Lemenih & Kassa 2014). The farming systems of Oromia’s highlands are characterized by low integration between agricultural (crop and livestock) production and tree management. Forest management is generally lacking except in certain areas (Tesfaye, 2011). Since 2007, the Federal Forest Development, Conservation and Utilization Proclamation number 542/2007 made provisions for the ownership of natural forests by local communities. However, community access to state forests is still highly restricted, exemplified by the timber harvesting ban on numerous indigenous tree species in natural forests (Tesfaye, 2011). Responsible forest resource management is hampered by conflicting interests between the government and local people, weak enforcement of forest property rights, inadequate resources, and a lack of sufficient incentive for local people to manage forests (Bekele, 2003). In order to address forest loss and degradation caused by conversion and unsustainable timber and wood fuel harvesting while addressing the expanding gap between supply and demand in the forest sector, the following strategy options have been considered: 1. Participatory forest management (PFM) including commercial sawlog production 2. Timber production through plantations (private or joint-public investment) 3. Tree planting outside forests (e.g. large-scale reforestation scheme by providing seedlings to communities)2 4. Area enclosure and assisted natural regeneration 2 Woodlot establishment and ANR are proposed under the agriculture sector component. 13 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA These strategy options have been evaluated according to the criteria outlined in section 2.2. The outcomes are presented in Table 1 and Figure 1. Consequently, PFM has been selected for further analysis as the strategy option that is very much in line with government development priorities in the forestry sector and has a good level of social acceptability, hence, a high chance of success – as well capable of delivering increased livelihoods benefits from management of forest resources in Oromia. However, as explained in further detail below, PFM comprises a wide range of interventions to reduce deforestation and forest degradation, including plantation forestry and area enclosure. Table 1: Assessment of forestry sector potential strategy options GHG mitigation potential for upscaling Marginal abatement potential 1. Promotion of PFM (expansion or reinforce existing) Has potential for preventing forest loss and degradation Low cost as largely involves community contribution of labor High priority in promotion joint ownership and community participation. 2. Timber plantation High potential but land availability is considered limiting factor Low cost as many upfront and recurring costs covered by private investor OFWE prior- Potential ity and exist- land use ing expericonflicts ence 3. Tree planting outside forest High potential but needs aggregation of smallholders High costs associated with aggregation Priorityexisting government programs Activity/ Investment 4. Area enclosure and ANR Limited knowledge of land suitability Source: TWG, 2014 Government development priority Lower inUnclear vestment policy supcompared to port planting Social acceptability Private sector investment potential Beneficial for communities in terms of livelihoods and capacity Limited, entrepreneurial aspects need reinforcement Conducive policy frameworks High potential but needs structuring in private sector investment window Limited previous engagement between OFWE and private investors in forest Risk of tree Likely to be damage small areas from grazing that are unattractive for private sector Limited technical support when planting on land outside OFWE mandate Requires site specific community engagement Requires strong local governance structures Unattractive so no involvement or interest Institutional capacity 14 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA Figure 1: Evaluation matrix of forestry sector strategy options GHG mitigation, potential for up-scaling Institutional viability/ chances for success Abatement potential (low relative costs) Potential for leveraging additional finance Government development priority Social acceptability/ livelihood benefits Timber plantation Tree planting outside forests Participatory Forest Management Area enclosure 3.1.1 Participatory Forest Management Participatory forest management (PFM), introduced in the mid-1990s in Ethiopia, describes situations where governments and local communities share responsibility for the management of forest resources. PFM was introduced in response to past experience showing that topdown “protectionist” forest management approaches are considered unsuccessful and did not sufficiently consider the social, economic and cultural importance of forests for rural populations (Jirane et al. 2007). Today, PFM is considered the most promising strategic intervention to avoid deforestation and forest degradation by increasing the economic value of healthy forest ecosystems. Further, PFM is a government priority, with roughly 2.5 million ha already under PFM in Ethiopia (Temesgen & Lemenih 2011). There is also general consensus on the most appropriate implementation practices as outlined in PFM guidelines which are based on experience with OFWE (Temesgen & Lemenih 2011). In principle, PFM is a participatory bottom-up process of involving communities in forest management and thus, the specific community engagement strategies to engender sustainable development at the local level must be developed in partnership with communities and other stakeholders in the selected PFM localities. Depending on local circumstances (i.e. community preferences for potential economic activity and local forest resource endowments), PFM manages forests for a range of purposes, including biodiversity conservation, production of timber and non-timber forest products, and maintaining or enhancing forest regeneration capacity. However, in practice there are only a few cases where PFM agreements include sustainable timber utilization rights and PFM is often introduced just on paper with communities lacking the skills, the formal or informal rights to engage in sustainable forest management practices. 15 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA Due to the enormous pressure on forests and natural resources it is also challenging to provide all communities that are interested to use the forest with respective rights. Hence only when rights are transparently and equitably distributed PFM is a real option to reverse the current trend of forest loss and degradation as local communities engaged in unsustainable forest use become more aware of the importance of maintaining forest health and are encouraged to engage in collective forest management. Besides increasing benefits derived from high forests through sustainable management, PFM also includes measures to reduce pressure on natural forests through timber plantations, tree planting outside forests and area enclosure. Such measures are best supported through government or private business to support communities in implementing the most adapted techniques and management procedures. 3.1.2 Project objectives The main objective of PFM is to ensure environmental and socio-economic sustainability of the forest resource by fostering wealth creation based on sustainable natural resource management at the local level. Environmental sustainability is achieved through community involvement in forest management, which enables the forest resources to be more effectively protected from deforestation/degradation while socio-economic sustainability is achieved by increasing livelihood benefits of participating communities through sustainable utilization of the forest and related resources. The success of PFM is contingent on its ability to motivate local stakeholders to engage in improved forest management practices. Hence, PFM should incorporate livelihood strategies (income-generating activities), which allow local communities to receive direct economic benefit. The livelihood strategies introduced through PFM relate to forests either directly, i.e. through timber or NTFP harvesting; or indirectly through crop diversification and promotion of agriculture that has less impact on forests or the introduction of alternative protein sources such as poultry to replace beef, which has much higher emissions per product unit and a greater environmental footprint resulting from methane, nitrous oxide emissions and soil carbon losses due to overgrazing. 3.1.3 Approach and beneficiaries In order to transform the forestry sector towards a more productive and efficient sector that is able to fill the growing gap between forest product supply and demand, especially timber, the PFM component includes the establishment of commercial timber production schemes. These schemes will be established as a joint venture between OFWE, private investor and small-scale woodlot owner. As presented in the figure below two core sawlog production areas, each covering 3,000 ha in the forest buffer zone of Jimma-Illubabor and Bale, will be established and managed by OFWE, possible in a joint venture with a private investor. In addition smallholder sawlog producer, covering an area of 2,000 ha in the above mentioned zones, will receive technical support on raising and marketing sawlogs and quality seedlings to increase the sawlog production scheme. Considering that quality seedling production is lacking in Ethiopia the option to attract a commercial clonal eucalyptus nursery investor e.g. from South Africa should be considered. Production sites will be selected using a site – species – market approach. This means only productive sites will be selected and species will be matched with site conditions 16 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA and market requirements. The timber supply and demand analysis conducted in the framework of the ongoing Forest Sector Review will inform the timber supply requirements for the industrialization of the timber and forest sector in Ethiopia. To ensure the plantation is established using state-of –the-art practice and innovation in species and seed production, international expertise will be sought from business actors familiar with the context of Oromia. Figure 2a: Commercial sawlog production scheme In parallel, natural forest management will be organized through the establishment of Forest User Groups (FUGs), cooperatives and cooperative unions. FUGs become legally recognized community-based organizations i.e. CBO/ or an NGO or enterprise – made up of members from surrounding villages – who are self-motivated to get involved and benefit from structured management of the nearby forest resources. These FUGs are then grouped into cooperatives which manage the business aspects of the interventions. Establishing FUGs and operational cooperatives requires a significant amount of time and resources before permanent ERs can be achieved. Thus, it is in the interest of OFLP to engage with existing initiatives that have already established PFM, such as the Bale REDD project. Establishing PFM does not follow a universal or linear path, as the participatory process must be adapted to the variety of forest ecosystems, technical capacities and socio-economic contexts. The concrete PFM activities described in this report include natural forest management, enrichment planting and plantations on barren land, which may also be combined with non-forest related alternative income generation activities, depending on the local ecosystems. Compared to the commercial sawlog production scheme serving as a resource base for the timber processing industry, the plantations on barren land are primarily used to meet the fuel-wood demand. Natural forest management is undertaken based on forest management plans in places that are stocked with existing trees, and do not require planting to optimize stocking level. The main activities relate to tending of the existing trees e.g. protection from fire, pruning, thinning. Enrichment planting is carried out in degraded areas where stocking and regeneration is low. Such sites are restored with indigenous species with suitable nursery characteristics and 17 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA reasonable initial growth e.g. Cordia africana Croton macrostachyusand Prunus africana, Planted trees are managed together with existing trees in order to regain optimum stocking levels. Plantations are to be established in sites that are degraded/barren or dominated by grasslands or in areas that have been specifically designated by OFWE for plantation purposes with the PFM site. Proper plantation silviculture are to be followed in establishment of plantation including site-species matching, proper spacing, and tending operations (i.e. weeding, pruning and thinning, and fires and pest protection). Depending on the species, the plantations are harvested for timber at about 19-22 years. In the natural forests, regeneration is spaced, increment is focused on potential crop trees, and over-mature trees are either protected as seed trees or for biodiversity protection or gradually harvested. The harvesting approach applied is selective logging where only a few mature trees (1-3) are singled out and cut for desired products (Amente et al. 2006). The potential ER generated through the adoption of sustainable forest management practices are 5.35 million tCO2 over 5 years.3 For natural intact forest management the ER potential is 1.34 million tCO2 (average 10.5 / ha / year) over 5 year assuming an annual average deforestation rate of 2 % in the baseline and a reduction by 50 % over 5 years. For enrichment planting we estimate 2.72 million tCO2 of net GHG benefits, based on the same baseline deforestation rate and deforestation rate reduction. In addition, we assume increasing carbon stocks due to improved management and enrichment planting. In the commercial plantation forest model, we assume a zero-emissions baseline and a non-forested land. The model assumes volume accumulation of 22 m³/ha/year, equivalent to 42 tCO2/ha/year over the initial 6 years until a long-term equilibrium of 251 tCO2/ha is achieved. In total the commercial forest component of 10,000 ha will result in 1.3 million tCO2 net carbon stock enhancements over 5 years. For a detailed description of assumptions for each one-hectare model, please refer to the Annex one ha models. Table 2: Key PFM interventions over 5 years Estimated area per woreda / PFM site Total net GHG benefits (tCO2/ 5 yr) Annual carbon benefit (tCO2/ha/yr) Forest condition Proposed PFM strategy option Relatively intact forest Natural forest management 37,500 ha 1.34 million 10.5 Degraded forest Enrichment planting 77,500 ha 2.72 million 10.5 Barren land/grassland Plantation 10,000 ha 1.3 million 41.9 A Participatory Forest Resource Assessment (PFRA) is carried out jointly by local OFWE staff and the community FUGs to define the specific ER interventions (see Table 2 above). A forest management plan outlining forest management measures while improving the forest-based livelihoods of the community is developed. Silvicultural interventions like restricting grazing, spacing regeneration and harvesting over-mature trees to enable the regeneration to develop will be introduced, which requires significant training of FUG and continuous accompaniment 3 This assumes a scale of 25 woredas, which can be increased over time. 18 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA of the relevant state forestry entity. Given the limited experience with forest management planning and silvicultural interventions, capacity building for forester and community FUG members will be crucial before interventions are implemented. Depending on the specific conditions, other possible livelihood improvement activities may include forest coffee management, honey production or other NTFP producing species. Nonforest livelihoods options such as fruit trees (e.g. avocado and mango), enset, or poultry production provide significant additional incomes without compromising forest health (Armeha, 2011). However, livelihood options should remain forest-based to the best extent possible. The terms of livelihood options must be clearly delineated in the PFM management plan and understood by all parties. An example of a good livelihood approach in PFM is outlined in the Infobox below. However, not all forested areas in Oromia possess the same timber production potential: Infobox: The special case of natural forest management in Adaba-Dodola Forest cooperatives in Adaba-Dodola area have legal rights to harvest and sale forest products from the natural forest which is a unique case compared to other PFM sites elsewhere in the country. Members of WAJIBs sale wood to their respective cooperatives and the cooperatives, depending on the type of product, sale to their UNION, to other buyers in the nearby markets or further away up to Adama and Addis. This has been a good source of income for the WAJIB members. Preliminary assessment shows a WAJIB member household on average earns from ETB 120-160 per month from sale of processed wood products (kenchi- smoothened juniper splits and lumber), excluding fire wood. This is high income considering the overall average household income in the area. WAJIBs are practicing their exclusive use right agreements in this respect. It can be considered as good lesson for the other PFM sites where groups are not allowed to harvest and sale forest products from natural forest. The pie charts above show the revenue sources from upper (left-hand figure) and lower (right-hand figure) WAJIB blocks. Total share of forest revenues has increased from 48% and 52% before PFM to 76% and 70% after PFM for lower and upper blocks, respectively. The increment for the lower blocks (28%) is higher than the upper blocks (18%) due largely to the latter’s ability to legally sell wood from natural forest and because the lower blocks are endowed with timber species of higher market value. Thus, in absolute terms, the lower blocks earn high income from wood compared to the upper blocks. Source: Armeha (2011). PFM will be implemented by the respective OFWE branch offices (there are nine branches spread cross the Regional State) with support from NGOs. The transfer of forest use rights and management responsibilities is made by defining through consensus the boundaries of forest units, and allocating them to specific FUGs. Then an agreement specifying the rights and responsibilities of FUGs in developing, utilizing, and protecting the forest is drafted via a partici- 19 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA patory decision-making process. Local pressure on forests is clarified, including identification of who will be the losers of PFM arrangements, and a mutually negotiated formal agreement is signed between the FUGs/Cooperatives and the government forestry service (OFWE branch office). The agreement formalizes the recognition of the FUG/Cooperative as the manager/official partner in PFM; legitimizes their user rights; and establishes the roles and responsibilities of the parties. Proper management is ensured via sharing of duties (costs) and revenue (benefits) among the parties and the FUG/Cooperative/members; and through sanctions (in the case of non-compliance), and review and adapting of the management and/or agreement. The actual forest management activities will be guided by a forest management plan, which has to be designed for the specific forest area, and the FUG/Cooperative byelaws. To be sustainable in the long term, PFM must be introduced as a livelihoods and business activity, where forest or non-forest based incomes are generated in parallel to setting up the institutional arrangements required for forest protection. The ultimate goal is for PFM to be implemented as a business of local forest-based enterprises. Cooperatives are the main mechanism through which these community businesses are established (Ameha, 2014). In most cases, it will be necessary to establish for-profit and forest protection/community enforcement institutions (i.e. non-profit) in parallel. To facilitate local business, clusters for local entrepreneurs could be set up to provide credit to finance timber processing and value adding equipment, facilitate marketing and trade activities, or construct necessary infrastructure such as stores and sawmills. Implementation may also include partnerships with private sector commodity traders such as in the case of the Bonga PFM site, where the forest cooperatives and the Kaffa Wild Forest Coffee Union have formed a public private partnership (PPP) with support from the GIZ and FAO (see Chapter 4 for further details on private sector intervention). 3.1.4 Potential locations for implementation PFM is implemented in forested woredas, with a number of woredas in Oromia already under PFM; e.g. Farm-Africa/SOS Sahel has been implementing PFM in Chilimo, Bonga and Borana, amongst others (OFWE, 2014). According to the WBSIPP (2004), there are 95 woredas in Oromia with natural forest cover greater than 1,000 ha. This provides a large pool for initial sites selection. Although the final decision will depend on the results the ongoing national forest inventory and a consultative process, it is important to focus efforts initially in areas where the risks or actual incidences of deforestation and forest degradation are high (deforestation hotspots), and institutional capacity for success can be easily built. Hence, drawing from the results of the drivers study, the initial sites could include zones such as Guji/Borena, Jimma, Illlubabor, and Bale. Previous experience shows that PFM works best when the forest are not heavily disturbed and offer sustainable income opportunities. Avoiding further deforestation and forest degradation is most important in these areas. Based on a study conducted on pilot PFM sites (Ameha et al. 2014), the PFM sites are estimated to have the following physical status: about 62% are moderately disturbed but able to naturally regrow without the need for any form of planting; 30% will require enrichment planting in order to regain optimum stocking levels, and 8% are suitable for plantation. Hence, each site 20 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA can on average be assumed to comprise of 30% natural forest management area (37,500 ha), 62% enrichment planting area (77,500 ha) and 8% plantation area (10,000 ha). 3.1.5 Appraisal This section presents key figures projecting the PFM strategy options over 5 years, as finance for this period has already been committed. Table 3 below shows the key performance indicators for the PFM. The estimates are based on technical analysis and modelling of carbon benefits and costs over time. Successful PFM implementation, even at the scale of 25 woredas (125,000 ha), would generate significant benefits both in terms of climate mitigation (emission reductions) and household livelihood benefits. The magnitudes of the benefits far exceed the costs of PFM implementation in the long run. Over the first 5 years costs are higher compared to the household benefits. Table 3: Key performance indicators of PFM over 5 years Indicator Area (ha) No. of beneficiaries (households) Project cost: (USD) Project cost at Farm/forest level (USD) Magnitude 125,000 ha 75,000 2,167,500 18,643,100 In-kind contributions: household-level cost (USD) Estimated emission reductions/carbon stock enhancement potential (tCO2) 5,353,236 Household-level benefits (USD)4 9,901,320 Average annual employment generated (full time equivalents) Marginal abatement cost (USD/tCO2) over 20 year period 5,874 1.4 3.1.6 Non-carbon benefits Ethiopian forests contribute significantly to the energy requirements (for cooking and lighting), food security, and incomes through timber, and NTFPs. Forests are already an important sources of household income, but the livelihood benefits derived from forests can be further enhanced and diversified through the local capacity built through PFM. The livelihoods approach proposed for this component fosters the establishment of sustainable local business supporting broad-based development. By adding value to forest incomes, PFM is meant to provide a buffer against extreme poverty, fill seasonal income gaps and serve as a safety net in times of income crisis. Improved forest management has positive spill-over effects on other livelihood staples in Oromia’s rural areas, such as hydrology conservation in forested watersheds and biodiversity protection for valuable species such as wild coffee. In addition, the PFM strategy option contributes on average 5,900 jobs annually over the project lifetime. 4 Household benefits are expected to materialize beyond the five years project cycle. 21 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA 3.1.7 SWOT As with all proposed strategy options, PFM has some strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and faces some threats that can undermine its success. The evaluation of these strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) is summarized in Table 4. The main strength of PFM is that it has high social acceptance and is favored by the current paradigm shift from forest-policing to community participation; but its major weaknesses that need to be addressed relate to quality of community organizations, and derivation and use of benefits. Table 4: SWOT assessment for PFM STRENGTHS Has high social acceptance Successfully tested and known forest management approach Experienced organizations e.g. OFWE, NGOs (e.g. SOS/Sahel/Farm Africa) can be involved in implementation. A number of development partners are supporting respective schemes such as GIZ and JICA Less expensive to implement compared to forest-policing Policy framework/guidelines exist5 WEAKNESSES In most PFM schemes FUGs have not received any timber use rights and long term incentives to protect the forest are often not sufficient In some PFM schemes not all local communities can be involved, which may cause conflicts and equity issues Is a learning process in areas where PFM is new Strong and capable local/community organizations have to be built through a long learning process Sustainability and longevity difficult without external support at least initially OPPORTUNITIES High upscaling potential over large forest areas in Oromia Past experiences exist to learn from e.g. Chilimo, Bonga, Yabello PFM. Has political backing from Regional and Federal Governments THREATS Easy to undermine in areas with forest resource conflicts among communities Current strict rule on timber resource exploitation is discouraging In degraded forest sites, benefits may be little and discouraging or come much later Can be undermined by dishonesty, outright corruption, and inequity in benefit sharing OFWE staffing level is very thin on the ground, hence, assistance from government extension services is weak Mitigating PFM implementation threats/risks The following are proposed for mitigating the threats/risks and tackling weaknesses that may impede successful PFM implementation: 1. PFM should be developed primarily where organization structures are in place already and in a thoroughgoing consultative process involving key stakeholders in the forestry 5 E.g. MoA, 2012. Guideline for Participatory Forest Management in Ethiopia. 22 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA sector – in particular development partners, government agencies, and rural-based NGOs such as SOS Sahel/Farm Africa – that have been at the forefront of PFM support in the country. 2. A system of conflict analysis and resolution pertaining forest resource utilization be instituted right away at PFM formulation. 3. There should be full devolution of resource management and user rights to communities coupled with strict and regular monitoring by the government forest service (OFWE). 4. Capacity building will be a key success factor. Local extension agents (Development Agents) in participating villages should be trained/and equipped with PFM management skills in order to bolster forest extension support, which at present is minimally provided by OFWE. 5. FUGs/Cooperatives should have the right to harvest both timber and NTFPs on a sustainable yield basis – in areas where these resources are available. This should be strictly monitored by OFWE. 6. A strong system of accountability be instituted in the process of FUG institutional building so that members can demand for proper accountability from their leaders – coupled with continuous monitoring to check if management is on-going as per the agreement signed with OFWE. 23 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA 3.2 Agriculture sector strategy options Agriculture is the main livelihoods activity in Oromia, with small-scale farming in forest areas causing significant deforestation and forest degradation. Current farming systems have very low productivity, which contributes to continuous farmland expansion at the expense of forests. The choice of crop combinations and livestock management approaches result in different degrees of degradation, with certain techniques holding significant potential for increasing productivity while maintaining tree cover e.g. agroforestry. Combined with improved agricultural extension services, policy frameworks and enforcement capacity, agriculture can continue to be Oromia’s engine of growth without compromising the enhancement and maintenance of forest cover and health. In the agriculture sector, three strategy options were considered: 1. SLMP, which includes intensification through sustainable land management practices, and inputs such as improved seeds and fertilizer – backed by quality agricultural extension services. 2. Livestock value chain improvement e.g. meat and dairy 3. Expansion of irrigation Table 5: Assessment of agricultural sector potential strategy options in the selected target region Activity/ Investment GHG mitigation potential for upscaling Marginal abatement potential 1. SLMP High potential to upscale over a large area (Oromiawide) Moderate costs in terms of inputs, increased labor, and aggregation 2. Livestock value chain improvements High but not directly related to REDD+ 3. Expansion Limited to of irrigation suitable agroecology (water resources availability) Source: TWG, 2014 Government development priority Hinges on Agricultural Development-Led Industrialization (ADLI) Social acceptability Private sector investment potential Institutional capacity High understanding from existing cultural land management practices Limited as private sector investment tend to be large scale and inputsintensive Extension capacities exist; each Kebele is served by 3 DAs High costs in CRGE interterms of vention inputs, infocus creased labor, and capacity building Restricted by traditional livestock practices such as free grazing Moderate interest related mainly to diary and meat Extension capacities exist; each Kebele is served by 3 DAs High infrastructural cost Moderate as requires behavioral change from rain-fed agriculture High infrastructural cost hamper private sector involvement Limited capacity especially at lower government levels Highlighted as potential strategy to reduce pressure on forests in CRGE 24 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA Figure 3: Evaluation matrix of agricultural sector strategy options GHG mitigation, potential for up-scaling Institutional viability/ chances for success Abatement potential (low relative costs) Potential for leveraging additional finance Government development priority Social acceptability/ livelihood benefits Livestock value chain SLMP Expansion of irrigation 3.2.1 Sustainable Land Management Project The Sustainable Land Management Project (SLMP) will implement practices that improve the conditions of environmental resources (land, water, and biodiversity) to meet human needs while sustaining and/or improving ecosystem services and livelihoods. It will comprise three components: 1. Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) 2. Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR) of degraded sites suitable for reforestation 3. Woodlots on farmer-owned or communal land The OFLP SLMP strategy option will align with the MoA’s Sustainable Land Management Project (SLMP) which has been running since 2009 in selected watersheds across the country, and structured around four areas: Integrated Watershed and Landscape Management; Institutional Strengthening, Capacity Development and Knowledge Generation and Management; Rural Land Administration, Certification and Land Use; and Project Management. The MoA SLMP is financially supported by the World Bank, and is now in its second phase with financial commitment of about USD 108 million. Phase II of the SLMP (2014-2018) targets 135 watersheds in 135 woredas spread across the country. The three SLMP strategy components proposed for the OFLP should build and expand on the knowledge and experiences gained in the SLMP; hence, the above three components are considered to be implemented as a package. ANR potential has been successfully tested in Ethiopia in projects such as the renowned Humbo and Sodo ANR projects. The Humbo project for 25 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA example, has successfully rehabilitated about 2,700 hectares of degraded lands in SNNPR. The fundamental principle is to remove the agents of degradation and allow natural regeneration of trees, complimented by forest restoration and integrated fire protection practices. The site is placed directly under the management of surrounding community groups; hence, success is ensured through establishment of strong and capable community organizations. A parallel SLMP intervention is woodlot establishment, which is common practice in Ethiopia in areas that are dominated by agricultural land use and already stripped of original natural tree cover. Farmers plant mainly Eucalyptus to supply fuelwood and construction materials (poles) for personal use and sale. According to Bekele (2011), there are 0.8 million hectares of farm woodlots in Ethiopia, with the major species indisputably being Eucalyptus. 3.2.2 Project objectives SLMP aims to reduce land degradation and improve land productivity, thereby, improving the ability of the landscapes to provide increased levels of environmental services and livelihoods benefits. Deforestation and forest degradation is reduced through land sparing which results from productivity gains combined with policy and institutional adjustments. These objectives will be met by adopting agricultural land use practices that reduce loss of soils and enhance productivity – such as biological and physical measures to halt erosion, agroforestry, and vegetating degraded and bare lands through tree planting and removal of factors that are responsible for degradation to allow for natural tree regeneration (ANR). The overall goal of SLMP is to ensure sustainable increases in agricultural productivity without compromising ecosystem functions, while reducing pressure on forest resources by increasing forest resource supply from sources outside forests. These combined measures result in carbon stock enhancement across the agricultural landscapes. 3.2.3 Approach and beneficiaries Assisted Natural Regeneration Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR) is meant to rehabilitate degraded lands. It will involve reforestation through natural regeneration of trees by removing from the degraded sites the agents of degradation such as animal grazing. The ANR sites will be managed by registered Forest User Groups/Cooperatives, supported by OFWE. The goal is to regain the vegetation cover, reduce erosion and gradually restore landscape hydrology so as to create favorable ecological conditions for farming and supply of forest products e.g. timber, NTFPs and nondestructive forest benefits, and carbon sequestration. Over five 5 years of the OFLP, ANR will be implemented in 25 woredas benefiting an estimated 12,500 households. Developing the ANR component of the SLMP will involve: Awareness creation meetings as an entry point in the community and trust-building. During the meetings, the goals/objectives, expected benefits, obligations for all parties are thoroughly discussed and agreed upon. Identification of sites and boundary demarcation – done in a participatory manner involving all relevant stakeholders. This can be coupled with land use planning or the use /adaptation of such plans if already available. 26 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA Creation of community FUGs or cooperatives including by-laws for managing the sites and benefit sharing arrangement. Development of a management plan. Supply of planting materials by establishing community tree nurseries of purchase of seedlings. Implementation of forest tending activities including planting, weeding of planted stands, thinning, pruning, de-coppicing, harvesting, etc. Protection including control of human and animal intrusions, fire, pests, etc. Continuous monitoring and reporting. From the experience in the Humbo ANR project and an assignment previously undertaken by UNIQUE to assess sites suitable for ANR for the purpose of mainstreaming carbon finance in SLMP II, ANR sites are projected to have varying levels of degradation: about 60 % would be able to naturally re-grow from existing stumps and seed banks without the need for any form of planting; 30 % will require enrichment planting with seedlings, and 10% would be suitable for plantation. Hence, it is assumed that each ANR site would on average comprise of 60 % natural regeneration area, 30 % enrichment planting area and 10 % plantation area. Two groups of species will be planted following the forest restoration framework species approach (Elliott et al. 2013). The first group is meant to restore natural species populations and include indigenous species such as Cordia africana, Croton macrostachyus, Juniperus procera, Albizia spp., etc. The second group comprises introduced non-invasive tree species, which are used for establishing pockets of plantation forests on the bare lands, planted at stem density of about 1,100 stems per hectare. Depending on the quality of control exercised by the cooperative, a buffer (live fence) may be planted around the enclosed area – with species such as Euphorbia tirucalii, Euphorbia abyssinica, Agave americana to prevent livestock and human intrusion in the enclosed ANR area. Only native tree species should be planted on ANR sites for forest restoration and degraded land. These should be fast-growing and provide products such as timber, poles, and fuelwood. The indigenous species will be managed using selective harvesting method in which after 1015 years, a few mature trees (about 1-3 trees per ha) are identified, singled out and harvested for timber. Dry/deadwood from the indigenous tree stands can be harvested to supply fuelwood as per agreed management guidelines. Woodlots Unlike ANR, which will sit on communal lands, woodlots are to be established mainly on individual’s lands e.g. outfields far away from the farm house along farm boundaries, grazing lands, and other portions of land. To safeguard food security, woodlots are allocated to potions of land not used or less suitable for crop cultivation. Woodlots establishment will benefit an estimated 62,500 households dispersed around the OFLP intervention areas. The main purpose for planting woodlots is to provide a source of woodfuel for the farmers, in addition to other products such as poles and timber. By definition, about 40 trees when planted on one distinct piece of land can be considered as a woodlot. The tree species to be planted will be selected according to farmer’s needs and include Grevillea robusta, Sesbania sesban, 27 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA Acacia decurrence, Leucaena leucocephala, etc. The individual farmer has overall responsibility for woodlot management and fully owns it; OFLP only provides technical support in terms of guidance on species selection and tree tending practices, and materials inputs in terms of seedlings chosen for planting by the farmer. Eucalyptus is preferred not only because of fast growth and ability to yield various products, but also due to its ability to coppice. It is assumed that on average, woodlots would be harvested every 6 years i.e. initial crop in year 6; then the first coppice crop in year 12, and the second coppice crop in year 18. Climate Smart Agriculture The CSA will promote the adoption of sustainable agricultural land management (SALM) practices on agricultural lands across Oromia using an extension staff combined with a model farmer pedagogical approach. It will benefit an estimated 62,500 households over five years. The SALM practices to be promoted include: agroforestry, reduced tillage, retention of crop residues on crop fields, compost application, green-manure, physical structures and biological measures for soil and water conservation, row-planting, cover crops, and the use of improved crop varieties. These practices will be implemented by farmers on their own lands, backed by quality extension services provided by Bureau of Agriculture of the respective woredas. The participating households form farmer groups (20-30 people per group). The farmer groups select practices which they intend to adopt and receive further training and support from extension officers on the same. The goal is to improve agricultural productivity, nutrition, and income of the households – in addition to carbon sequestration in soils and tree biomass. Each extension officer works annually with approximately 300 farmers (~10-15 farmer groups) – providing support in form of technical training on SALM practices, farm-planning and management, and farm enterprise development. Developing the CSA component will involve the following: Stakeholder awareness meetings and consent. Goals/objectives, expected benefits, obligations for participating parties, etc. are thoroughly described and discussed during this process; Registration of participating farmer groups; Strategic planning with the farmer groups, and regular training and advisory services on specific SALM practices to members of the farmer group, and support and guidance on enterprise development such as formation of loans and savings schemes; Guidance and technical support for bulk crop processing, marketing and input purchase carried out through existing farmer co-operatives or new ones formed by the farmer groups; Continuous monitoring and reporting. The extension/advisory services, therefore, promotes adoption of SALM practices as well farmplanning, farm enterprise and home economics. 28 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA Climate-smart garden coffee business case Climate-smart garden coffee intensification introduces climate resilient farming techniques while increasing yield and farmer incomes. Oromia is Ethiopia’s major coffee producing region with over half of the country’s total production. Best practice coffee management practices such as replacing overmature bushes, incorporating shade trees, mulching, selective picking of ripe berries, and improved coffee bean processing can significantly improve yields and incomes at the farm level, while sequestering carbon in plant biomass and soils. Coffee yields can be increased in the garden coffee system from an average of 0.6 ton/ha to 1.1 tons/ha. The increased productivity (yield per hectare) combined with sustainability certification for all coffee production areas in Oromia will ensure that no additional forest is converted to coffee, thus, reducing the contribution of coffee production to overall deforestation/forest degradation while boosting the livelihoods benefits related to garden coffee production. This approach of tackling deforestation will require strong related policy framework so that increased financial flows from coffee does not end up being used to expand cultivation in forested areas. Hence, appropriate certification or regulations regarding private sector investment in coffee that reduces deforestation/degradation need to accompany this private sector investment window. Based on a feasibility study on the coffee value chain and a financial farm-level assessment, an increase of the baseline yields of coffee from 0.6 t to 1.1 t of sun-dried coffee is economically attractive to the farmers raising the annual net income from USD 787 /ha/year to USD 1,378 /ha/year. In order to achieve this higher labor inputs, higher farm input levels and equipment investments would be required, and supported by an effective extensions system. Furthermore, sustainable coffee intensification would include the planting of shade trees that leads to a mitigation potential (carbon sequestration) of about 5.8 tCO2/ha/yr. Based on an upscaling to 120,000 hectares over 5 years, the total carbon benefits in the aboveground, belowground and soil would be about 0.86 million tCO 2 over a period of 5 years.. Besides the carbon benefits, there are significant adaptation benefits – including protection of coffee crops against hailstones and drought, which are common problems and already affecting coffee producing areas in Eastern Oromia. A coffee crop hit by hailstones takes a couple of years to recover without producing any sizeable yield during that time, which severely threatens the livelihoods of the coffee farmer. The good agricultural practices would thus enhance climate resilience of the farm. 3.2.4 Potential locations for implementation There are 39 woredas from Oromia under current SLMP of the MoA – 15 old ones (those that were also under SLMP I that ran from 2009-2013), and 24 new (additional) woredas (See Annex 1). The figure below shows the SLMP2 woreads in or in vicinity of the Bale forests (1 woreda) and the Jimma forest area (5-9 woredas) are presented. This indicates a limited overlap and the requirement either to add targeted woredas to SLMP2 or to directly engage the Bureau of Agriculture in the project implementation in the selected or all woredas. 29 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA Figure 2a: SLMP woredas Data sources: Global Land Cover, 2009/Ministry of Agriculture, 2014 It should be also noted, however, that under the on-going MoA’s SLMP2, the geographic borderline of all SLMP activities is narrowly defined with reference to a selected watershed, and no SLMP activities can be implemented beyond this watershed boundary. This has limited the area extents of interventions since the sizes of these watershed intervention areas average roughly 10,000 ha. For the OFLP, the project boundary could be defined more broadly (See UNIQUE report on carbon mainstreaming into SLMP2). However, this implies a slight modification of the SLMP2 implementation procedures. 3.2.5 Appraisal Key performance indicators of the SLMP are presented in Table 5 below. The three components require sizeable investments, but in return will yield large benefits, c.f. section 3.2.6. Table 5: Key performance indicators of SLMP over 5 years Indicator/Components Magnitude CSA Woodlots ANR Area (ha) 37,500 12,500 62,500 No. of beneficiary (households) 62,500 62,500 12,500 1,050,000 2,916,375 1,851,938 Farm-level investment (USD) 30 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program SLMP investment and programmatic level cost (USD) Total project cost: (USD) Household-level cost (in-kind contributions) (USD) Estimated emission reductions potential (tCO2) Household-level benefits (USD) Average annual employment generated (full time equivalents) UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA 17,151,391 22,969,703 (sum of two above rows) 44,299,500 1,575,500 2,192,750 315,000 1,047,247 2,669,642 59,006,338 16,407 0 (as harvesting and benefits start in year after 5 years) 584 302,250 812 Marginal abatement cost (USD/tCO2) 3.6 *All the three SLMP components are implemented as a package in the same woreda. 3.2.6 Non-carbon benefits The three SLMP strategy option components are projected to jointly create about 17,803 average annual full time employment over 5 years period. In addition, rehabilitation of degraded sites will help to reduce soil and water loss, resulting in improved hydrology and water resources as well as soil productivity as witnessed for example in the Humbo ANR Project in SNNPR. These improvements will help to moderate the impact of climate change on water and agriculture, and thus are considered a key adaptation benefit. Furthermore, the building of institutional structures e.g. farmer cooperatives or FUGs to manage ANR sites will involve transfer of knowledge and training in several aspects of natural resource management (e.g. tree planting) and local institution building. This is a major social development benefit – and government and development partners could use the established capacity and institutions for channeling further community development agenda. 3.2.7 SWOT A SWOT assessment for the SLMP is summarized in Table 6 below. Proposals for tackling weaknesses and mitigating threats are outlined in the subsequent section. 31 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA Table 6: SWOT assessment for SLMP STRENGTHS On-going projects exist to learn from Is a government/development partners’ priority - indicated by SLMP I/II support Extension structure already exists: about 3 DAs per kebele Relatively low cost to implement – as farmers provide large in-kind contributions (labor) WEAKNESSES Farmers are not organized/aggregated, so community organizations has to be built Market access for agricultural and forests products is under-developed Limited capacity/knowledge in at the local level Young generation often has no access to land and therefore no opportunity to stay on farm and engage in farming as a business OPPORTUNITIES Has high upscaling potential across the Regional State Has political backing from Regional and Federal Governments Relative availability of inputs e.g. fertilizers, seeds. THREATS Price fluctuations of products Middlemen exploitation especially if groups/cooperatives are weak Returns may not be immediate – invest and wait for returns Land use conflict among communities Mitigating SLMP implementation threats/risks To mitigate threats/risks and tackle weaknesses that may hamper successful SLMP implementation, we propose the following: 1. A strong capacity building effort be undertaken to build very strong farmer groups/FUGs/cooperatives – which could eventually be unionized. 2. FUGs/Cooperatives/Unions should eventually be supported through credit facilities to be able to buy products from members and other producers, add value, and provide loans to members. 3. Land use planning or use of existing plans at local levels in order to allocate lands appropriately especially for the different SLMP components. 4. A system of conflict analysis and resolution pertaining land uses be instituted right away during SLMP design. 5. SLPM activities should integrate further technical support for business oriented membership-based initiatives such as loans and savings schemes, and fast-return investments such as bee-keeping or chicken-rearing. 32 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA 3.3 Energy sector project component The objective of this component is to address the deforestation and degradation in Oromia’s forested landscapes caused by unsustainable biomass energy use. Successful development of the country’s biomass energy resources has been hampered by a combination of factors including poor institutional framework, inadequate planning, and lack of a nationally adopted biomass energy strategy. Any energy sector intervention must be contextualized in Ethiopia’s overall goal of supplying the fast-increasing energy demand through large-scale hydro dam construction combined with rural electrification. In the short to medium term however, woody biomass mainly charcoal in urban areas and firewood in rural areas will remain the main energy sources in Ethiopia (MoWIE 2013, GIZ HERA). The following strategy options were initially considered: 1. Improved cookstoves 2. Improved kilns for charcoal production 3. Off-grid electrification (by providing sustainable energy sources in remote areas where grid is not viable) 4. Formalize charcoal supply chain These options were subjected to evaluation based on a set of criteria outlined in section 2.2, from which improved cookstoves was selected as the most promising option for the OFLP (see Table 7 and Figure 4). 33 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA Table 7: Assessment of energy sector potential strategy options Activity/ Investment GHG mitigation potential for upscaling Marginal abatement potential Government development priority Social acceptability Private sector investment potential Institutional capacity 1. Improved cookstoves Proven ER potential and large upscaling potential Low cost designs using local inputs Numerous on-going programs, mainly Donor-driven Successful dissemination variable, market analysis key for adoption Potential exists for production /supply Existing distribution structures 2. Improved kilns for charcoal production Faces huge application hurdle due adoption challenges and cost High cost compared to traditional methods Not welltested, although now proposed in National Biomass Strategy Moderate acceptance due to cost and technology adoption barrier Limited potential unless backed by clear government programs Requires aggregation of producers, which is hard to achieve 3. Off-grid electrification Potentially significant but additionally may be contested High cost to be borne for infrastructure High priority outlined in GTP and CRGE Moderate acceptance due to financial implications on households Minimal, as part of government budget Already being implemented by MoWE 4. Formalize charcoal supply chain Low potential due to difficulty of aggregating producers/sellers Creating necessary legal frameworks likely to be expensive No legal frameworks Low acceptance due to unclear legal implications to producers/sellers Can attract private sector if backed by clear incentives Requires aggregation of producers/sellers, which is hard to achieve Source: TWG, 2014 34 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA Figure 4: Evaluation matrix of energy sector strategy options GHG mitigation, potential for up-scaling Institutional viability/ chances for success Abatement potential (low relative costs) Potential for leveraging additional finance Government development priority Social acceptability/ livelihood benefits Rural electrification Improved cookstoves Improved kilns Formalise charcoal supply chain 3.3.1 Improved cookstoves production and distribution The main source of household biomass energy consumption demand is for cooking. This strategy option addresses this DD driver through Improved Cookstoves (ICS) production, distribution and use. This component builds on the significant potential for efficiency improvement of traditional cookstoves and three stone fires. A number of cookstove programs are already underway in Ethiopia, which OFLP can build upon. However, most programs have urban distribution networks at their core; will very limited proof of concept for business models targeting the rural population.6 Thus, an in-depth analysis of the ICS potential in rural areas requires further assessment as a priority. In the meantime, the World Bank’s Africa Clean Cooking Energy Solutions (ACCESS) upcoming initiatives may provide the opportunity to test and upscale a range of ICS models based on what is most feasible for rural areas or smaller towns. With roughly 90 % of Oromia’s population being rural, the added value of the OFLP ICS component is to integrate market-based advantages to ICS throughout the value chain, beginning with large-scale rural consumer engagement to drive up demand. 6 For example, GIZ SUN-E (2005-2009) distributed 160,000 stoves and HEPNR distributed 205,000 (1998-2006) stoves, but mainly in urban areas. 35 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA According to the Annual Progress Report of GTP 1 implementation, roughly 3.3 million ICS7 have been distributed from 2010 - 2013. The Ministry of Water and Energy (MoWE) current goal is to distribute 9.4 million ICS by the end of the GTP period in 2015 through the National Improved Cook Stoves Program (NICSP). This program intends to catalyze, accelerate and harmonize the existing efforts of the government and the private sector by building a sustainable and vibrant cookstoves market, a wide-spread communication strategy and institutional capacity building. The NICS Program also intends to establish a carbon financing scheme and establish a monitoring, reporting and verification database system. These efforts should be harmonized with the proposed OFLP cookstove interventions. On the performance-based side there are two registered Clean Development Mechanism Programme of Activities (CDM-PoA) in Ethiopia as of 31.12.2013 in the UNFCCC database. The Coordinating and Managing Entities (CMEs) are World Vision and Paradigm Renewables Ltd. Each PoA has one active CDM program activity (CPA) with the plan to distribute 38,868 and 19,804 ICS for the World Vision and Paradigm Renewables Ltd CPAs respectively starting 2013, although actual figures of ICS disseminated under this CDM projects are not yet known. 3.3.2 Project objectives The primarily objective of this strategy option is to reduce non-renewable fuelwood consumption, and in so doing reduce the extent of fuelwood extraction, which is a key driver of deforestation and forest degradation. The improved cookstoves are estimated to reduce fuel consumption by an average of about 30 %. Other related benefits such as reductions in effort and time that households expend in fuelwood collection, expenses in purchasing fuelwood, and indoor pollution are additional/co-benefits. 3.3.3 Approach and beneficiaries The improved cookstoves option should be integrated in the woredas where PFM and SLMP interventions are being implemented. The direct beneficiaries are households that use firewood as a source of energy for cooking and heating purposes. Each household will purchase two improved cookstoves at a subsidized price: one for traditional Injera baking, and another for general cooking/heating purposes. The Injera stove is locally referred to as Mirt, while the general purpose is Tikikil rocket stove (Figure 5). We calculate a cookstove price of USD 12.5 per cookstove delivered at a market, of which USD 6.5 per cookstove is borne by the household, while the remaining USD 6 per cookstove is subsidized. This price level would be required to entrepreneurs to achieve a 20 % internal rate of return on investment. 7 Different figures for the total amount of ICS distributed can be found in the literature, e.g. Accenture (2011) estimates 1.8 million have been distributed over the past five years. This discrepancy is largely due to the lack of a comprehensive monitoring system. UNDP and SE4ALL are currently developing a GIS-based ICS tracking system to address this. 36 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA Figure 5: Improved cookstove types Left: Mirt stove Right: Tikikil stove Photo credits: GIZ The units are produced within the project woredas by local producers, and disseminated to participating households at a subsidized price. The ICS dissemination will involve three key aspects: production; distribution/marketing and active monitoring of user uptake/adoption (Figure 6). Figure 6: Improved cookstove value chain Given the prominent role of women in cooking and wood fuel gathering, the ICS should be implemented with women as central actors. In urban areas ICS manufacturers directly sell stoves - but due to transport difficulties and low sensitization, uptake is low. Therefore, the approach is for local entrepreneurs including women groups/cooperatives within the woredas 37 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA to be trained in producing and disseminating the ICS, in order to support uptake and replacement of traditional stoves in the long-term. Having the production units at the woreda level allows for better quality control and monitoring. Microfinance combined with training on business skills would be provided to the production units and cooperatives. Financial support for initial setup of production facilities is provided through the OFLP to cottage industry entrepreneurs. This has the potential to create many jobs for unemployed youth and women. However, subsidizing production materials should be minimized as GIZ experience in the case of Mirt stoves has been that subsidizing raw materials for stove production had a negative effect on the program’s sustainability (Potts 2007). Initially, the distribution and installation should ideally be organized through existing government structures i.e. the relevant line ministry: Ministry of Energy. However, the Energy ministry is largely unrepresented at the woreda level; therefore, the distribution is proposed to be arranged through existing extension service officers i.e. Development Agents, of which about three are already employed per village. Over-time the producers may take over distribution/marketing as consumers’ interest and demand for ICS increase. This is particularly relevant when stoves have to be replaced i.e. if destroyed or have reached lifespan e.g. after ≥3 years. The producers and distributors should work in a coordinated manner to avoid supply bottlenecks (over/under supply). Assuming a supply volume of 4,500 stoves a year, a production target of at least 375 stoves per week should be met. The production unit consists of 3-5 artisans that are trained in technical design and best practices. While the distribution is organized through transportation of the ICS to village distribution centers – i.e. kebele offices or general purpose cooperatives if these already exist in the kebele. Producers can also form specialized cooperatives for distribution/marketing of the ICS. After installation in beneficiary homesteads, usage is followed up through training and household level surveys (usage, potential improvements to the stoves, emission reduction) that double as individual training and monitoring events. The extension agents/woreda level survey official will need to be equipped and enabled to run these trainings and surveys. In summary, the ICS dissemination will involve the following: Setting up of production units within participating woredas Registration of participating households in a consultative process that is being undertaken for the OFLP as a whole Distribution and installation in selected homesteads – supported by government institutions. This is for initial installation; future purchase, installation should be market/demanddriven. Documentation of installed units including accurate records of Identification Numbers (IDs) and GPS coordinates of the locations of installed units Continuous monitoring and reporting of use and performance 38 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA 3.3.4 Potential locations for implementation To streamline it with other strategy options, it is proposed to disseminate ICS in the 25 woredas selected for implementing SLMP and/or PFM strategy options; but in terms of upscaling, it could be disseminated in all woredas across all of Oromia. 3.3.5 Appraisal ICS is potentially a cost-effective way to reduce fuelwood consumption and tackle fuelwood extraction as a driver of DD. As indicated by the key performance indicators in Table 8 below, project cost over 5 years are very low even when compared to household-level benefits (savings from reduced purchase of fuelwood) alone. Table 8: Key performance indicators of improved cookstoves over 5 years Indicator Magnitude No. of beneficiaries (households) 129,375 No. of ICS disseminated 258,750 Project cost (USD) 2,137,500 Household-level cost (in-kind contributions) (USD) 1,552,500 Estimated emission reductions potential (tCO2) 1,210,994 Household-level benefits (USD) 13,714,681 Average annual employment generated (full time equivalent) 226 Marginal abatement cost (USD/tCO2) -10.8 3.3.6 Non-carbon benefits Key non-carbon benefits associated with the ICS strategy option include: 1. Employment: job creation in production, distribution, installation and maintenance; this is estimated over 5 years at about 1,030 full time equivalents (which is equal to 206 full time jobs for 5 years) for production and distribution and monitoring in OFLP intervention woredas only – installation and repair/maintenance jobs not counted. 2. Health: reduction in indoor air pollution and associated respiratory health concerns, and general improvement in the cleanliness and living conditions inside homesteads. 3. Development: reduced time spent in collecting or purchasing firewood, which could be diverted into other productive economic or social development activities. In addition, ICS implementation also will help in building local organization capacities at woreda and kebele levels and for other stakeholders to implement alternative energy technology projects. 39 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA 3.3.7 SWOT Table 9 below summarizes a SWOT assessment for the ICS, and in the subsequent section, proposals for tackling major weaknesses and mitigating threats are outlined. Table 9: SWOT assessment for improved cookstoves STRENGTHS High upscaling potential over Oromia as large populations are still fuelwood dependent Easy technology to develop and disseminate Benefits are fast, easy to point-out during dissemination and recognize by users Negligible running costs for users WEAKNESSES Requires replacements – every 3 years or so Proven business model for commercial ICS distribution in rural area does not exist and might be difficult compared to urban areas where charcoal is purchased and hence direct cash payments will trigger strong incentives to buy ICS Has largely been localized and small initiatives supported by donors or carbon project developers, so needs to be popularized OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Has political/policy backing through a newly Initial costs, although low, cannot still be drafted National Biomass Strategy and Action afforded by many poor households Plan Likely to face adoption barriers across some Can attract private investments populations due to tradition e.g. smoke is still used as a means of preserving grass-thatched On-going projects exist to learn from roofs/mosquito control Mitigating ICS implementation threats/risks 1. ICS should initially be subsidized by being delivered within users’ reach e.g. kebele offices and prized below (urban) market price. But in the future, with increased adoption/demand, consumers should pay real market price. 2. Thorough sensitization about ICS including its demonstration as a worthy replacement of and benefits over open three-stone fire should be undertaken to demystify any beliefs that may hold back interest to own/use ICS. 3. Local materials where available should be extensively used in the production of ICS to cut cost so that prices are more affordable, and to stimulate local interest in ICS production and use. 40 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA 4 Overall implementation framework These three strategy options should be implemented as packages, with different combinations of the three carried out within the identified woredas. The choice of the exact location for the different options will depend on the options being considered, thus: PFM should target forested areas primarily those under OFWE’s jurisdiction SMLP: in woredas under SLMP II or directly implemented by Bureau of Agriculture, with the CSA component targeting agricultural lands belonging to individual farmers/groups; woodlot on farmers’ and communal lands that are not being used for crop cultivation such boundaries of homesteads, crop fields, and parts/boundaries of grazing lands; and ANR on degraded communal lands, which communities collectively agree to set aside for reforestation In the selected SLMP and PFM woredas and initially targeting those where households have the highest dependency on fuelwood extraction from neighboring forests/woodlands and collection costs/time inputs. These packages are relevant in particular for the first 5 years of the OFLP, where performancebased finance has been committed. Future up-scaling, for example, to achieve climate neutrality of the respective sectors, could involve much larger areas spread across Oromia. For detailed outline of the implementation framework, please refer to the Climate Focus Legal and Institutional mid-term report. Here we clarify the costing positions for the modeling calculations. 4.1 Scale: area, finance, and GHG emissions reductions 4.1.1 Area The scale of the OFLP over 5 years has been estimated based on the target to deliver 10 million tCO2, which would qualify for the USD 50 million results-based payments over a 5-year project cycle, including advanced incentive payments. According to WBSIPP, there are 66 woredas in Oromia with natural forest cover greater than 5,000 ha (see list in Annex). Woredas within the two target areas would be chosen from these for piloting the PFM strategy option and woredas from SLMP II for the SLM component. PFM and SLMP could be implemented in the same woredas, which would in fact create synergies and reduce implementation and transaction costs. The energy component would be implemented throughout. Thus, the three strategy options are integrated and implemented as packages within the same woredas in order to achieve a high overall impact using the available resources. Figure 7 shows the projections of area of interventions over a 20-year period based on available land area estimates. We assume that upscaling of interventions integrating PFM, SLMP, and ICS would be accomplished during a 5-year period, while in the first year we assume no project activities would be prepared and no field-based intervention occur. Hence, the scale of interventions for the first five years would be as follows: 1. SLMP strategy option: 62,500 ha of ANR; 12,500 ha of woodlots, and 37,500 ha of CSA. 41 Final Report 2. Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA PFM strategy option: 125,000 ha including 10,000 ha of commercial sawlog production. The total project intervention area is 237,500 ha, with ICS annual production and distribution reaching up to 112,500 units a year. The below calculations are based on interventions in 25 woredas. The project scale may be variable depending on the area covered within the woredas. However, each additional woreda makes the project more expensive as there is relatively fixed costs for each woreda. In other words, an economy of scale effect occurs if a more area is covered within a smaller amount of woredas, while upscaling the interventions across many woredas generates higher overhead costs with the same GHG benefits. There is a tradeoff however as covering more woredas may increase the positive spillover effects of the OFLP. The scale of interventions required for climate neutrality i.e. to off-set entire emissions of the respective sectors is described in section 4.2. Figure 7: Total area under OFLP strategy interventions hectar 250 000 200 000 150 000 100 000 50 000 0 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025 2027 2029 2031 2033 SLMP Climate-smart agriculture area SLMP Woodlots area ANR Plantation Commercial plantation ANR Enrichment Planting PFM sustain. forest magt with enrichment planting ANR Natural Regeneration Only (No Planting) PFM - sustain. forest magt 4.1.2 Finance requirements Figure 8 below compares the abatement potential of the main strategy options. Cookstoves are by far the most cost efficient intervention that also delivers relatively early ERs, assuming effective uptake. Although PFM is less cost efficient, this is considered an important entry point for improving forest governance at the local level while fostering significant local buy-in through generation of non-carbon benefits and local capacity building. SLMP is also less cost efficient, although integrating OFLP into on-going interventions (i.e. SLMP2) can reduce costs. Woodlot establishment can generate significant ERs, which can also be achieved in the fiveyear project cycle when fast-growing species such as eucalyptus are planted. Moreover, SLMP 42 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA has the greatest potential employment benefits, which is explained in more detail in section 5.2.3 below. Figure 8: Abatement costs (USD per tCO2) over 20 years The yellow bars in Figure 8 depict the estimated finance required, and the annual potential performance-based payments are in green bars. The total REDD+ program level and farm level investments amount to USD 49.85 million while the cumulative performance based payment potential amount to USD 53 million over the first five years, assuming a price of 5 USD/tCO2. As shown in Figure 8, advance payments are required over the first four years. In year 1, advancepayments would amount to USD 2.29 million. In year two, ERs would begin to materialize, generating USD 3.88 million (0.78 million tCO2). With year two investment requirements estimated at USD 8.44 million, accordingly the net financing gap of USD 6.85 million would require additional advance payments. In year three, the finance gap between programmatic REDD+ cost and potential performance-based payments increases to USD 10.46 million. The breakeven would be achieved in year 5 where USD 3.1 million of performance-based finance would remain for alternative use. Given the results-based nature of this type of finance operation, the advanced payments are best used in the strategy options that generate ERs in the quickest and most risk adverse manner. ICS distribution generates ERs quickest. Although this option carries a risk of incomplete uptake, the majority of investments from year 2 are in ICS. The exact amount of advanced payments will be decided through a negotiation process between the World Bank and the government. To further reduce the risks involved with advanced payments, the OFLP should build on existing initiatives. 43 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA Millions USD Figure 9: Cumulative investment requirements and performance-based payments (USD) 60 52,98 49,85 50 42,09 40 34,43 30 25,87 20 15,41 10,73 10 2,29 0 3,88 0,00 2015 2016 2017 2018 REDD+ programme finance requirements REDD+ performance based payments 2019 4.1.3 Emission reductions and employment potential The strategy options/components have distinct emissions reductions potential. As shown in Figure 9, the potential for increased carbon removal through woodlot establishment, for example, is very significant in the first five years. This levels off after trees reaching the harvesting age and a sustainable replanting or coppice cycle is established. ANR also has significant emission reductions, which continue beyond 20 years (project’s lifetime). Overall, an estimated 10.6 million tCO2 could be achieved over 5 years, with the figure projected to reach 54.9 million tCO2 in 20 years. 44 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA Thousands tCO2 Figure 9: Emission reductions potential of OFLP strategy options 4 000 3 500 3 000 2 500 2 000 1 500 1 000 500 0 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 Participatory Forest Management (PFM) Woodlot establisment (SLMP) Energy efficiency (efficient cookstoves) 2025 2027 2029 2031 2033 Assisted Natural Regeneration (SLMP) Climate-smart agriculture (SLMP) Figure 0 shows the combined estimations of the potential employment benefits resulting from the OFLP, which are previous outlined under non-carbon benefits in the sub-sections of respective strategy options. CSA has potential to generate more employment benefits than any other component. From the 25 woredas, on average annually 23,902 total full time employments are estimated to be generated over 5 years, rising to average annual employing 43,112 people full time over 20 years). Figure 10: Employment potential Full time equivalent 80 000 70 000 60 000 50 000 40 000 30 000 20 000 10 000 0 2015 2017 2019 2021 Energy efficiency (efficient cookstove) Assisted Natural Regeneration (SLMP) Climate-smart agriculture (SLMP) 2023 2025 2027 2029 2031 2033 Participatory Forest Management (PFM) Woodlot establisment (SLMP) 45 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA 4.2 Scale required for climate neutrality As outlined in the CRGE Strategy, Ethiopia aims to become climate neutral by 2030 while achieving middle income status. Since Ethiopia provided the first and latest national GHG inventory report in October 2001, the CRGE provides the latest government approved estimates of Ethiopia’s GHG emissions. The CRGE also developed a national emissions baseline scenario that projects how GHG emissions are likely to develop over time. In 2010, national GHG emissions were 150 million tCO2. This is projected to increase to 400 million tCO2 in 2030. The land use sector (forest and agriculture) make up roughly 87 % of the total GHG emissions (130.5 million tCO2 in 2010 and projected to increase to 275 MtCO2 in 2030). Livestock is the largest source of GHG emissions in Ethiopia contributing about 40 % of overall emissions (65 million tCO2 equivalent in 2010). About 90 % of the livestock emissions are related to enteric fermentation, while 10 % are nitrous oxide emissions released during decomposition of manure. Livestock emissions are not directly addressed by the proposed strategy options, but we highlight the relevance in section 5.4 of this report. Excluding livestock related GHG emissions, the total annual land use GHG emissions in Ethiopia amount to 65 million tCO2 in 2010 and will increase to 150 million tCO2 in 2030. As there is no sub-national GHG emissions inventory available, we use Oromia’s land area and population as a proxy for estimating Oromia’s contribution to national GHG emissions. Oromia’s land area is roughly 32 % of the total land area, and its population is about 37 %. Based on this we assume that approximately 35 % of total Ethiopia’s GHG emissions originate from Oromia. This implies annual land use GHG emissions (excluding livestock sector emissions 8) in Oromia of 23 million tCO2 in 2010 and 52.5 million tCO2 in 2030 according to the CRGE projections. Climate neutrality of the 2010 land use GHG emission levels In order to achieve climate neutrality only of the land use GHG emissions (excl. livestock) of the 2010 GHG emissions levels, an upscaling of the base case scenarios would be required. This would imply upscaling in terms of areas within each woreda as well as upscaling the number of woredas with the proposed strategy options. In our climate neutral scenario 23.3 million tCO2 could be achieved by upscaling PFM9 activities to 50 woredas and to 160 woredas with SLMP and energy efficiency components while at the same time doubling the area within the woredas for PFM and SLMP and production capacity within the energy efficiency component. This upscaling increases the average 20 year annual GHG emission reductions/carbon stock enhancements to the 2010 GHG emission levels (23.3 million tCO2/year). The total area of activities would amount to 500,000 ha PFM, 1.44 million ha SLMP and 160 cookstove production units (23.22 million efficient cook stoves supplied over 20 years). In order to achieve this, the net OFLP finance demand (incl. programmatic cost for each component and farm level investments) amount to USD 695 million over 20 years and about 222 million over the first 5 8 Including livestock GHG emissions, the total land use GHG emissions are: 46 million tCO2/year in 2010 and 96 million tCO2/year in 2030. And because the OFLP does not directly address non-land use related livestock GHG emissions we have excluded it from our calculations. 9 We consider that PFM can only be upscaled to about 50 woredas that include natural forest areas. 46 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA years. In-kind contribution amounts to USD 4.42 billion. On average around 413,400 jobs would be created. Climate neutrality of the 2030 land use GHG emission levels In order to achieve climate neutrality for the land use BAU levels in 2030 (52.5 million tCO2) (excluding livestock sector emissions), we assume, upscaling of PFM to 50 woredas and of the remaining strategy options to 190 woredas. This would result in 53.7 million tCO2 / year. This upscaling rises the total activities to 1 million ha under PFM; 3.42 million ha under SLMP and 180 cookstove production units at increased capacities (18,000 energy efficient cookstoves per year) and total supply of 55.5 million energy efficient cook stoves over 20 years. This results in economies of scale and reduction of the required investment per avoided/sequestered tCO2. The net REDD+ finance requirement (programmatic cost for each component and farm level investments) amount to USD 1.2 billion over 20 years and USD 411.6 million over the initial 5 years. On average around 1.08 million jobs would be created by 2030. Snapshot – Climate neutral land use sector in Oromia (excl. livestock) over 20 years Scenarios BAU 2010 emissions levels BAU 2030 emissions levels Key business as usual GHG emissions sources and scenarios in Oromia Total annual GHG emissions 52.5 million tCO2 140 million tCO2 Total annual land use (incl. livestock) 45.7 million tCO2 96.3 million tCO2 23 million tCO2 52.5 million tCO2 Total annual land use emissions (excl. livestock) Key performance indicators of climate neutral land use sector scenarios (excl. livestock) Average annual GHG emissions reduction / carbon stock enhancement (tCO2) Scale of strategy options interventions Employment generated (average annual job - 20 years 23.3 million tCO2 PFM: 50 Woredas (500,000 ha) SLMP: 180 Woredas (1.44 million ha) ANR: 480,000 ha Woodlots: 160,000 ha CSA10: 480,000 ha EEC11: 160 Woredas (160 production units, each produces 9,000 units/year)) 413,400 Investment summary 10 11 Climate smart agriculture Energy efficient cookstoves 53.7 million tCO2 PFM: 50 Woredas (1million ha) SLMP: 190 Woredas (3.42 mln ha) ANR: 1.14 million ha Woodlots: 0.38 million ha CSA: 1.14 million ha EEC: 180 Woredas (180 production units, each produces 18,000 units/year)) 1.08 million 47 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA 5 years: USD 221.8 million 5 years: USD 411 million 20 years: USD 695 million 20 years: USD 1.2 billion In-kind contribution - 20 years (USD) USD 4,416 million USD 10,370 million Farm-level benefits (USD) USD 11,349 million USD 27,831 million REDD+ programmatic investment required (USD) 5 Next steps The main goal of this assignment is to provide the detailed information required for the design of the Oromia project, more specifically, how and where the advanced payments should be invested in order to generate Emission Reductions creating a cycle of results-based payments. This technical report should provide the basis for discussion on the key elements of the World Bank Project Appraisal Document (PAD). This technical design now needs to be discussed with implementation partners and a detailed implementation design has to be outlined for the Project Implementation Partner. 48 Final Report Strategy Options for Oromia REDD+ Program UNIQUE/CONSCIENTIA 6 References Accenture Development Partnerships. Enhancing Markets for Delivery of Improved Cookstoves Development and Promotion Support in Ethiopia: Market Analysis, Recommendations and Program Plan FINAL. Developed for the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Water and Energy in partnership with the BARR Foundation and with the support of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves. 2011 Ameha, A. 2011. Performance of old PFM sites in Adaba-Dodola, Chilmo, Borana and Bonga sites: Final report. January 2011. Amente, G, Huss, J., Tennigkeit, T. 2006. 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Websites: Energizing Development (EnDev) GIZ HERA Cooking Energy Compendium. 50 Annexes Annex 1: List of SLMP woredas in Oromia Regional State Annex 2: List of high-forest-cover woredas in Oromia Annex 3: Maps of Oromia Forested Landscapes Annex 4: Hectare based financial assessment of proposed interventions Annex 5: Addressing livestock emissions Annex 1: List of SLMP woredas in Oromia Regional State Green Colour = New; Black = Previously under SLMP I Zone South West Shoa Jimma Illu-AbaBora West Wollega East Wellega West Showa Guji Horo Guduru Wellega Kelem Wollega North Shewa East Harerge Jimma Nort Shewa Finfinne Zuria East Shewa Jimma West Wellga Finfinne Zuria South west Oromia Illubbabora Guji East Wellega Woreda Wanchi Mana Goma Gachi Mettu BojiDirmaji Begi Kondala Sibu Sire Sasiga Jimma Arjo Adaa Berga Ejere Dandi AnaSora Amuru Abay Choman Horo Sayo Lalo kille Hawa Wollel Kuyu Warajarso Kersa Haremaya TiroAfata Abote Degem Walmara Gimbichu Omo Nada Sigmo Gimbi Sebeta Awi Qarsa Lema Woliso Nopa Uraga Sayo Watershed Tiliku Ameya Guya Degeja Tesa Konori Finchea Tobi Genafi Dormu Guji Denbi Kerisa Huluka Jemjem Ababa Hida Fincha Amerti Bego Berber Bole Dance Chirecha Upper diredawa 1 Lake Almaya zuria Nedi Alaltu LagaWarke Wachacha Dalecha Nada Asendabo Halu Deneba Gafera Atbela Tinishu Lemen Rebu Geba Bangasa Meki Annex 2: List of high-forest-cover woredas in Oromia Woreda Darolebu Guba Koricha Welmera Fantale Kofele Boset Chiro Tena Bedele Gawa Dale Gasera Golocha Kokosa Arsi Negele Gechi Sasiga Uraga Merti Aseko Teltele Ameya Goro Hawa Welel Sibu Sire Limu Seka Dega Guto Wayo Abe Dengoro Nole Kaba Agarfa Munesa Arero Hagere Mariam Dano Dedo Bila Seyo Gura Damole Jima Gidami Mena Nono Supe & Sodo Bure Kersa Meda Walabo Yabelo Berbere Metu Bore Sinana Dinsho Chora Setema Natural forest (ha) 5,016 5,023 5,244 5,357 5,874 6,028 6,578 6,766 7,240 7,252 7,442 7,531 8,031 8,148 8,208 8,483 8,855 10,086 10,180 10,403 10,840 11,048 11,277 12,468 13,304 13,451 13,785 14,360 14,749 15,118 15,188 15,460 16,439 18,224 19,233 22,796 23,516 24,368 24,754 26,984 29,388 31,502 31,812 33,744 36,274 37,060 37,726 40,522 41,400 42,954 Plantation (ha) 845 3,005 1,312 2,117 2,173 984 189 6,282 70 1,830 2,429 4,965 9,370 3,120 - Woodland (ha) 15,764 79,982 85,336 74,284 34,598 44,475 65,140 61,265 77,160 44,952 56,898 118,594 32,872 59,742 69,916 18,984 9,796 1,042,033 448,340 6,622 16,756 52,610 195,681 254,572 17,311 2,688 85,052 2,107 461,067 448,305 97,724 32,988 10,772 700 - Seka Chekorsa Gomma Anfilo Dodola Sigmo Limu Kosa Yayu Adaba Odo Shakiso Adola na Wadera Goba Ale Gera Nensebo Mena na Harena Nono Source: WBSIPP, 2004 44,448 58,327 61,012 66,110 66,755 74,082 79,956 83,677 84,005 88,715 89,147 99,474 103,282 152,324 213,876 269,272 6,832 1,114 - 5,640 725 81,600 93,667 309,886 178,886 2,396 1,812 254,354 6,516 Annex 3: Maps of forested landscapes in Oromia Forest and non-forest Source:WBISPP Deforestation hotspots- Forest Change 2000-2012 Source: Hansen/UMD/Google/USGS/NASA, note 30% tree cover is used as threshold for forest Annex 4: Hectare based financial assessment of proposed interventions In the following sections we present summaries of 1-ha based farm-level business cases for the activities proposed under each strategy option. First, we present the key variables used, followed by a cash-flow analysis, which illustrates the viability of the proposed interventions, and finally the estimated carbon benefits. For improved cookstoves, the unit of analysis is the household rather than hectare. In all cases, institutional set-up and operational costs are not included in the farm-level assessments as they are taken into account at the programme level. Participatory Forest Management Three PFM activities are proposed to be implemented depending on the stocking level of the forest site: Table 10: Participatory forest management activities Proposed activity Forest condition Sustainable natural forest management with no planting Relatively intact forest Sustainable natural forest management with enrichment planting Degraded forest Commercial plantation Barren land/grassland Sustainable natural forest management with no planting In this case, SFM is undertaken in natural forests that are relatively intact and well-stocked, hence, do not need any form of planting to improve stocking level. Key variables The key variables used to model this business case are presented in Table 11 below. Table 11: Key variables – SFM natural forest with no planting Production Unit Source Baseline carbon stock 827 tCO2/ha Based on DNV MRV report, 2014 Annual biomass increment 12 tCO2/ha/year Moges et al., 2010 Average biomass removals - roundwood 0.6 m³/ha/year (1.1 tCO2/ha/year) Humbo and Soddo PDD Average biomass removals - fuelwood 0.4 m³/ha/year (0.7 tCO2/ha/year) Humbo and Soddo PDD USD 5/ha Local expert estimate USD 5/ha Local expert estimate Investment cost Boundary delineation: year 1 Recurrent management cost Boundary maintenance: annual Pruning, thinning, climber cutting, etc.: year 2, USD 25/ha then every 5 years thereafter Local expert estimate Patrol/monitoring and fire protection: annual USD 10/ha/year Local expert estimate USD 36/m3 Adapted from Bekele, 2011 Revenues Roundwood price 3 Fuelwood price USD 17/m Roundwood harvest cost USD 15/m3 Fuelwood harvest cost Average harvested NTFPs value NTFP harvest cost 3 Adapted from Moges et al., 2010 Local expert estimate USD 5/m Local expert estimate USD 19/ha/year Adapted from Reichhuber & Requate, 2006 USD 5/ha Adapted from Reichhuber & Requate, 2006 Financial assessment A cash-flow analysis, which summarizes the net annual and cumulative revenues for one hectare, was estimated from the variables in Table 11 above. We assume that harvest of roundwood, fuelwood and NTFPs for sale is commenced in the second year of project implementation, when FUGs are fully established and operational. In the first three years cumulative cashflows are negative. The break-even point is achieved in year four (Figure 10). Until breakevenpoint, a total investment of USD 131/ha is required. The NPV for this activity is calculated at USD 57 per ha using a discount rate of 10%, while the IRR is estimated at 43 %. Figure 10: Annual and cumulative cash flows for natural forest management with no planting (at current costs) Net revenues (USD) 200 150 100 50 0 -50 Year Annual cashflow Cumulative cashflow GHG mitigation benefits GHG mitigation benefits have been estimated based on an average ha-model from carbon stock enhancement potential arising from annual per ha volume increment and from avoidance of deforestation (Table 11). Hence, we assumed: Baseline deforestation rate of 2 % per annum. Reduction in deforestation compared to baseline in year 2 - 5 of 25 % Reduction in deforestation compared to baseline in year 6 - 20 of 50 % In the baseline scenario, carbon stock would decline at a rate proportional to the deforestation rate from 811 to 656 tCO2/ha over 20 years; while the carbon stock in the project scenario would increase equivalent to annual volume increment minus harvests from 827 to 867 tCO2/ha (Figure 10). The annual GHG mitigation benefit of this activity averages 11 tCO2/ha. Figure 11: Baseline and project scenario carbon stocks for natural forest management with no planting Carbon stock (tCO2/ha) 900 800 700 600 500 400 Year Baseline scenario carbon stock (tCO2/ha) Project scenario carbon stock (tCO2/ha) Sustainable natural forest management with enrichment planting This activity applies to degraded forest, where stocking level is sub-optimal; hence, enrichment planting is undertaken to improve stocking level. A total of 400 indigenous tree seedlings is planted per ha. The planted seedlings will reach maturity (for roundwood harvest) after 30 years. Key variables Table 12: Key variables – SFM natural forest with enrichment planting Production Unit Source Baseline carbon stock 662 tCO2/ha Based on DNV MRV report, 2014 Annual biomass increment 6m³/ha/year (12 tCO2/ha/year) Moges et al., 2010 Average biomass removals - roundwood 0.6 m³/ha/year (1.1 tCO2/ha/year) Humbo and Soddo PDD Average biomass removals - fuelwood 0.4 m³/ha/year (0.7 tCO2/ha/year) Humbo and Soddo PDD Boundary delineation: year 1 USD 5/ha Local expert estimate Seedlings cost (400 seedlings per ha): year 1 USD 84/ha Local expert estimate Investment cost Recurrent management cost Boundary maintenance USD 5/ha Local expert estimate Pruning, thinning, climber cutting, etc.: year 2, USD 15/ha then every 5 years thereafter. Local expert estimate Patrol/monitoring and fire protection: annual USD 10/ha/year Local expert estimate Roundwood price USD 36/m3 Adapted from Bekele, 2011 Fuelwood price USD 17/m3 Adapted from Moges et al., 2010 Roundwood harvest cost USD 15/m3 Local expert estimate Fuelwood harvest cost USD 5/m3 Local expert estimate USD 19/ha/year Adapted from Reichhuber & Requate, 2006 USD 5/ha Adapted from Reichhuber & Requate, 2006 Revenues Average NTFPs value NTFP harvest cost Financial assessment Based on the key variables in Table 12, the net annual and cumulative revenues estimated for one hectare are shown in Figure 12. Cumulative cash-flows are negative in the first fourteen years. The break-even point is achieved in year fifteen. To reach breakeven-point, a total investment of USD 640/ha is required. The NPV for this activity is estimated at USD - 42 per ha using a discount rate of 10 %, and the IRR at 3% - indicating that PFM sites that require a large amount of planting are not commercially attractive during the first 20-year period; the situation may, however, change in the long-term when planted trees reach maturity i.e. above 30 years, and are harvested for cash sales. Figure 12: Annual and cumulative cash flows for natural forest management with enrichment planting (at current costs) Net revenues (USD/ha) 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 -120 Year Annual cashflow Cumulative cashflow GHG mitigation benefits GHG mitigation benefits are achieved annual biomass increment and from avoided deforestation. Hence, we assumed: Baseline deforestation rate of 2 % per annum. Reduction in deforestation compared to baseline in year 2 - 5 of 25 % Reduction in deforestation compared to baseline in year 6 - 20 of 50 % In the baseline scenario, carbon stock would decline at a rate proportional to the deforestation rate from 648 to 525 tCO2/ha over 20 years; while the carbon stock in the project scenario would increase equivalent to annual biomass increment minus harvests – from 664 tCO2/ha in year 1 to 735 tCO2/ha in year 20 (Figure 13). The annual GHG mitigation benefit in this activity averages 11 tCO2/ha. Carbon stock (tCO2/ha) Figure 13: Baseline and project scenario carbon stocks for natural forest management with enrichment planting 800 700 600 500 400 Year Baseline scenario carbon stock (tCO2/ha) Project scenario carbon stocks (tCO2/ha) Commercial plantation Commercial forest plantations are established on bare lands i.e. lands that do not have natural vegetation and on grasslands. Standard plantation silviculture is applied – including site preparation, planting, and tending of the planted trees. We assume planting of Eucalyptus at a planting density of 1111 seedlings per ha (i.e. 3 m x 3 m spacing), with final harvest at year 15, followed by coppicing12. Key variables Key variables including farm-level costs are shown in Table 13 below. Table 13: Key variables – commercial plantation Production Unit Source Baseline carbon stock 5 tCO2/ha WBISPP, 2004 report (unstocked grassland) Annual biomass increment 22m³/ha/year (48 tCO2/ha/year) Moges et al., 2010 Biomass removals – all thinnings 113 m³/ha (247 tCO2/ha) Bekele, 2011 12 Note: we assume a well-managed Eucalyptus plantation, where final cut for roundwood is achieved at age 15; otherwise Eucalyptus rotations in currently poorly-managed forest plantation Ethiopian is usually quoted as 18/19 years (Bekele, 2011; Moges et al., 2010). 217 m³/ha (475 tCO2/ha) Bekele, 2011 Site preparation, marking, pitting, planting USD 754/ha Local expert estimate Boundary delineation: year 1 USD 5/ha Local expert estimate Seedlings cost (1111 seedlings per ha): year 1 USD 233/ha Local expert estimate Boundary maintenance: annual USD 5/ha Local expert estimate Weeding: annual year 1-3 USD 32/ha Local expert estimate Thinning and pruning (limited extent); deUSD 60/ha coppicing: year 4, 6, 9 and 13 Local expert estimate Patrol/monitoring and fire protection: annual Local expert estimate Biomass removals - final harvest Investment cost Recurrent management cost USD 5/ha/year Project management (administration and techUSD 95/ha/year nical): annual Local expert estimate Revenues Roundwood price USD 39/m3 3 Fuelwood price USD 21/m Roundwood harvest cost USD 15/m3 Fuelwood harvest cost Financial assessment 3 USD 5/m Adapted from Bekele, 2011 Adapted from Moges et al., 2010 Local expert estimate Local expert estimate GHG mitigation benefits GHG mitigation benefits are derived from annual biomass increment. In the baseline scenario, the site is assumed to remain unstocked, therefore, its carbon stock level remains unchanged (5 tCO2/ha); while the carbon stock in the project scenario would increase equivalent to annual biomass increment minus harvests – from 5 to 475 tCO2/ha in one rotation, before the cycle is repeated (Figure 14). The annual GHG mitigation benefit averages 42 tCO2/ha over the initial 6 years until a long-term equilibrium of 251 tCO2/ha is achieved. Figure 14: Baseline and project scenario carbon stocks for commercial forest plantation Carbon stock (tCO2/ha) 500 400 300 200 100 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 - Year Baseline carbon stock (tCO2/ha) Project scenario carbon stock (tCO2/ha) Sustainable Land Management Project Five SLMP activities are proposed to be implemented as shown in Table 14 below: Table 14: SLMP activities Proposed activity Site conditions Climate smart agriculture (CSA) Agricultural land Woodlot Barelands/grassland ANR - no planting Degraded forest land with adequate seed/coppice stumps for natural regeneration ANR - enrichment planting Degraded forest sites requiring additional planting to foster adequate regeneration ANR - plantation Barelands/grassland Climate smart agriculture CSA involves implementing agricultural practices that enhance productivity and sequester carbon e.g. agroforestry and residue management. The activities are undertaken at the farm level. Key variables Table 15 summarizes the key variables used to model CSA financial and GHG mitigation benefits. All costs indicated occur at the farm-level. Table 15: Key variables – climate smart agriculture Production Unit Source Average baseline crop yield – cereals 1.8 ton/ha/year Woreda expert estimate Average baseline crop yield – pulses 1.2 ton/ha/year Woreda expert estimate % increase in crop yields in the project case 50 % Local expert assumption % of land allocated to cereals 80 % Based on Berhane et al., 2011; CSA, 2012. % of land allocated to pulses13 13 % Based on IFPRI, 2010. Average annual carbon stock enhancement 3 tCO2/ha/year Estimate from SLMP II project Baseline carbon stock 8 tCO2/ha/year WBISSP, 2004 Investment cost Agroforestry seedlings (50 seedlings per year): 10 USD /ha/year year 1-4 Local expert estimate Recurrent cost Labor cost (140 days per ha): annual14 378 USD/ha/year Local expert estimate Seed cost: annual 17 USD/ha/year Local expert estimate Fertilizers (50 kg/ha/year): annual 25 USD/ha Local expert estimate Implements/tools: annual 19 USD/ha Local expert estimate Average price of cereals 330 USD/ton Woreda expert estimate Average price of pulses 460 USD/ton Woreda expert estimate Average yield of cereals from year 5 and above 2.8 ton/ha/year 50% increased assumed Average yield of pulses from year 5 and above 1. 8 ton/ha/year 50% increased assumed Revenues 13 The remaining 7% is shared by numerous crops including root crops, which have been excluded from the analysis due to difficulty in finding reliable data on their average yields and prices. 14 Labor is valued at USD 2.7 per man-day. Financial assessment The net annual and cumulative revenues for one hectare under CSA is shown in Figure 15. The flows are positive starting year 1. The NPV for the CSA is estimated at USD 2,116 per ha with a 10 % discount rate. 7 000 6 000 5 000 4 000 3 000 2 000 1 000 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 - 2015 Net revenues (USD/ha) Figure 15: Annual and cumulative cash flows for CSA Year Annual cashflow Cumulative cashflow GHG mitigation benefits GHG mitigation benefits have been estimated using average annual carbon sequestration rates achieved in soils and biomass resulting from the implementation of CSA practices such as residue management application and agroforestry. We used a comparable figure for average annual carbon sequestration rates (i.e. 3 tCO2/ha/year) – estimated by UNIQUE in the framework of the CSA carbon finance project for the second phase of SLMP of the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture. We assume in the baseline scenario, the carbon stock level remains unchanged (8 tCO2/ha); while the carbon stock in the project scenario would accumulate equivalent to average annual carbon stock enhancement from 11 tCO2/ha at the end of year 1 to 65 tCO2/ha in year 20 (Figure 16). The average GHG mitigation benefit of this activity is 3 tCO2/ha/year. Carbon stock (tCO2/ha) Figure 16: Baseline and project scenario carbon stocks for CSA 80,0 60,0 40,0 20,0 0,0 Year Baseline scenario carbon stock (tCO2/ha) Project scenario carbon stock (tCO2/ha) Woodlots Woodlots are established on individual farmer or communal lands, which are not used or less suitable for crop cultivation e.g. boundaries of homestead, grazing lands and barelands. We assume the species planted is Eucalyptus – the most commonly woodlot species in Ethiopia. It is planted at a density of 1111 seedlings per ha (i.e. 3 m x 3 m spacing), with a rotation of 6 years, followed by coppicing for two more rotations. Key variables The key variables including farm-level costs are shown in Table 16 below. Table 16: Key variables – Woodlots Production Unit Source Baseline carbon stock 5 tCO2/ha WBISPP, 2004 report (unstocked grassland) Annual biomass increment (in the first year) 18 m³/ha/year and assume growth potential reduction by 20 (37 tCO2/ha/year) % in each subsequent rotation Moges et al., 2010 Biomass removals - final harvest at age 6 202 tCO2/ha Local expert estimate Biomass removals - final harvest at age 12 162 tCO2/ha Local expert estimate Biomass removals - final harvest at age 18 121 tCO2/ha Local expert estimate Planting cost: year 1 USD 54/ha Local expert estimate Seedlings cost (1111 seedlings per ha): year 1 USD 233/ha Local expert estimate Investment cost Recurrent management cost Boundary maintenance: annual USD 5/ha Local expert estimate Weeding: annual year 1-3 USD 16/ha Local expert estimate Protection from animals and fire: annual USD 5/ha/year Local expert estimate Fuelwood price USD 17/m3 Adapted from Moges et al., 2010 Fuelwood harvest cost USD 5/m3 Local expert estimate Revenues Financial assessment The estimated net annual and cumulative revenues are shown in Figure 17. Cumulative cashflows are negative for the first five years. The break-even point is achieved in year six when first harvest occurs. To reach breakeven-point, a total investment of USD 901 /ha is required. The NPV for this activity is estimated at USD 532 per ha at a discount rate of 10 %, and the IRR is estimated at 26 %. Figure 17: Annual and cumulative cash flows for woodlots (at current costs) Net revenues (USD/ha) 2 000 1 500 1 000 500 0 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 -500 Year Cashflow annual Cashflow cumulative GHG mitigation benefits GHG mitigation benefits are derived from annual biomass increment. In the baseline case, we assume the carbon stock level would remain unchanged (5 tCO2/ha); while the carbon stock in the project scenario would accumulate equivalent to the annual biomass increment minus harvests – from 27 to 224 tCO2/ha in one rotation, before the cycle is repeated (Figure 14). The annual GHG mitigation benefit averages 31 tCO2/ha over the first three year until a long-term carbon stock equilibrium of 93 tCO2/ha is achieved. Carbon stock (tCO2/ha) Figure 18: Baseline and project scenario carbon stocks for Woodlot 250 200 150 100 50 0 Year Baseline scenario carbon stock (tCO2/ha) Project scenario carbon stock (tCO2/ha) Assisted Natural Regeneration - no planting This activity is undertaken on degraded communal lands with ability to naturally regenerate due to the fact that existing seeds, seedlings, live stumps are adequate for natural regeneration to occur. Hence, regeneration would naturally occur after factors preventing it e.g. animal grazing and persistent fires have been removed. Key variables The key variables including are shown in Table 17 below. Table 17: Key variables for ANR - no planting Production Unit Source Baseline carbon stock 13 tCO2/ha Humbo ANR PPD Annual biomass increment Biomass removals – fuelwood starting year 4 Biomass removals – roundwood starting year 11 13.6 m³/ha/year (28 tCO2/ha/year) 0.6 m³/ha/year (1.8 tCO2/ha/year) 0.5 m³/ha/year (1.6 tCO2/ha/year) Humbo ANR PPD Adapted from PDD Humbo ANR Adapted from Sodo ANR PPD Investment cost Boundary delineation: year 1 USD 1/ha Local expert estimate Recurrent management cost Boundary maintenance: annual USD 1/ha Local expert estimate Weeding: annual year 1-3 USD 32/ha Local expert estimate Thinning and pruning (limited extent); deUSD 15/ha coppicing: year 5, 10, 15 and 20 Local expert estimate Patrol/monitoring and fire protection: annual USD 5/ha/year Local expert estimate USD 36/m3 Adapted from Bekele, 2011 Revenues Roundwood price 3 Fuelwood price USD 17/m Roundwood harvest cost USD 15/m3 Fuelwood harvest cost Average NTFPs value NTFP harvest cost 3 Adapted from Moges et al., 2010 Local expert estimate USD 5/m Local expert estimate USD 19/ha/year Adapted from Reichhuber & Requate, 2006 USD 5/ha Adapted from Reichhuber & Requate, 2006 Financial assessment The estimated net annual and cumulative revenues for this activity are presented in Figure 19. In the first four years, cumulative cash flows are negative. The break-even point is achieved in year five. To reach breakeven-point, a total investment of USD 72/ha is required. The NPV for this activity is estimated at USD 77 per ha with 10 % a discount rate; while the IRR is estimated at 44 %. Figure 19: Annual and cumulative cash flows for ANR - no planting (at current costs) Net revenues (USD/ha) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 -50 Year Annual cashflow Cumulative cashflow GHG mitigation benefits The GHG mitigation benefits estimated from annual biomass increment is shown in Figure 20. In the baseline scenario, we assume no change in carbon stock; while the carbon stock in the project scenario would grow equivalent to annual biomass increment minus harvests – from 13 tCO2/ha in year 1 to 262 tCO2/ha in 20 years. The annual GHG mitigation benefit of this activity averages 12 tCO2/ha/year. 300 200 100 Year Baseline scenario carbon stock (tCO2/ha) Project scenario carbon stock (tCO2/ha) 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 0 2015 Carbon stock (tCO2/ha) Figure 20: Baseline and project scenario carbon stocks for ANR - no planting Assisted Natural Regeneration - enrichment planting This activity applies to degraded sites without the ability to fully regenerate naturally; hence, enrichment planting is undertaken to complement natural regeneration. A total of 100 indigenous tree seedlings is planted per ha. Such seedlings will reach maturity after 30 years. Key variables These are presented in Table 18 below including farm-level costs. Table 18: Key variables for ANR - enrichment planting Production Unit Source Baseline carbon stock 13 tCO2/ha Based on DNV MRV report, 2014 Annual biomass increment 13.6 m³/ha/year (28 tCO2/ha/year) Adapted from Humbo ANR PPD Average biomass removals – roundwood 0.6 m³/ha/year starting year 11 (1.8 tCO2/ha/year) Adapted from Humbo ANR PPD Average biomass removals – fuelwood 0.4 m³/ha/year starting year 4 (1.3 tCO2/ha/year) Adapted from Sodo ANR PPD Investment cost Boundary delineation: year 1 USD 1/ha Local expert estimate Planting cost: year 1 USD 6/ha Local expert estimate Seedlings cost (100 seedlings per ha): year 1 USD 21/ha Local expert estimate USD 1/ha Local expert estimate Recurrent management cost Boundary maintenance: annual Pruning, thinning, climber cutting, etc.: year USD 20/ha 2, then every 5 years thereafter. Local expert estimate Patrol/monitoring and fire protection: anUSD 5/ha/year nual Local expert estimate Revenues Roundwood price USD 36/m3 3 Adapted from Bekele, 2011 Fuelwood price USD 17/m Roundwood harvest cost USD 15/m3 Local expert estimate Fuelwood harvest cost USD 5/m3 Local expert estimate USD 19/ha/year Adapted from Requate, 2006 Reichhuber & USD 5/ha Adapted from Requate, 2006 Reichhuber & Average NTFPs value NTFP harvest cost Adapted from Moges et al., 2010 Financial assessment The estimated net annual and cumulative revenues for this activity are shown in Figure 21. Cumulative cash flows are negative in the first seven years. The break-even point is achieved in year eight. To reach breakeven-point, a total investment of USD 128/ha is required. With a discount rate of 10 %, the NPV for this activity is calculated at USD 39 per ha; while the IRR is estimated at 18.3 %. Figure 21: Annual and cumulative cash flows for ANR - enrichment planting (at current costs) Net revenues (USD/ha) 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 -100 Year Annual cashflow Cumulative cashflow GHG mitigation benefits The GHG mitigation benefits estimated from annual biomass increment is shown in Figure 22. In the baseline scenario, we assume no change in carbon stock; while in the project scenario, carbon stock would increase equivalent to the annual biomass increment – and accounting for harvests (removals) – from 13 tCO2/ha in year 1 to 268 tCO2/ha in 20 years. The annual GHG mitigation benefit of this activity averages 13 tCO2/ha over 20 years. Figure 22: Baseline and project scenario carbon stocks for ANR - enrichment planting Carbon stock (tCO2/ha) 300 200 100 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 0 Year Baseline scenario carbon stock (tCO2/ha) Project scenario carbon stock (tCO2/ha) Assisted Natural Regeneration - plantation Forest plantations are established on. lands that do not have natural vegetation and/or grasslands; hence, no ability to regenerate naturally. Plantation silvicultural operations including site preparation, planting, and tending are applied to the planted trees. In this analysis, we assume native tree species will be used when sites are not suitable for commercial forestry. Final harvest estimated at year 19, followed by coppicing15. Key variables These are shown in Table 19. Table 19: Key variables – ANR plantation Production Unit Source Baseline carbon stock 5 tCO2/ha WBISPP, 2004 report (unstocked grassland) Annual biomass increment 9 m³/ha/year (19 tCO2/ha/year) Adapted from Moges et al., 2010 15 Note: since the plantation is established on communal lands and managed by communities, we assume it would not perform as a commercial forest plantation would; therefore, it reaches maturity for final cut at age 19 years, and achieves annual volume increment of 9 m3/ha/year (Bekele, 2011; Moges et al., 2010). Biomass removals – all thinnings 113 m³/ha (241 tCO2/ha) Bekele, 2011 Biomass removals - final harvest 58 m³/ha (124 tCO2/ha) Bekele, 2011 Planting cost: year 1 USD 54/ha Local expert estimate Boundary delineation: year 1 USD 1/ha Local expert estimate Seedlings cost (1111 seedlings per ha): year 1 USD 233/ha Local expert estimate Boundary maintenance: annual USD 1/ha Local expert estimate Weeding: year 1-3 USD 32/ha Local expert estimate Thinning and pruning (limited extent): year 4, USD 60/ha 6, 9 and 13 Local expert estimate Patrol/monitoring and fire protection: annual USD 5/ha/year Local expert estimate USD 30/m3 Adapted from Bekele, 2011 Investment cost Recurrent management cost Revenues Roundwood price 3 Fuelwood price USD 17/m Roundwood harvest cost USD 15/m3 Fuelwood harvest cost 3 USD 5/m Adapted from Moges et al., 2010 Local expert estimate Local expert estimate Financial assessment We present the estimated net annual and cumulative revenues in Figure 23. Cumulative cashflows are negative for the first eight years. The break-even point is achieved in year nine when the third thinning harvest occurs. To reach breakeven-point, a total investment of USD 972/ha is required. The NPV for this activity is estimated at USD 171 per ha using a discount rate of 10 %, and the IRR at 15 %. 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 1 600 1 400 1 200 1 000 800 600 400 200 0 -200 -400 -600 2015 Net revenues (USD/ha) Figure 23: Annual and cumulative cash flows for ANR – plantation (at current costs) Year Annual cashflow Cumulative cashflow GHG mitigation benefits GHG mitigation benefits are derived from annual carbon stock increment. We assume in the baseline scenario, the site would remain unstocked, therefore, its carbon stock level remains unchanged (5 tCO2/ha); while the carbon stock in the project scenario would accumulate equivalent to annual biomass increment minus harvests – from 5 to 124 tCO2/ha in one rotation (Figure 24). The annual GHG mitigation benefit averages 17 tCO2/ha over the initial 4 year until a long-term average carbon stock of 68 tCO2/ha is achieved. Carbon stock (tCO2/ha) Figure 24: Baseline and project scenario carbon stocks for ANR plantation 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Year Baseline scenario carbon stock (tCO2/ha) Project scenario carbon stock (tCO2/ha) Energy efficient cookstoves The dissemination of improved energy efficient cookstoves to households aims to reduce fuelwood consumption from non-renewable sources. Hence, the unit of analysis here refers to a household rather than a hectare of land. A fuelwood savings of 30 % is assumed due to use of improved cookstoves16; and each household uses two cookstove types as described earlier (Section 3.3). In this model we assume that each household purchases two improved cook stoves (one for injera and one for ordinary cooking) every 3 years which is equivalent to the approximate lifetime of a cook stove: Key variables These are shown in Table 20. Table 20: Key variables – energy efficient cookstoves Consumption Unit Source Rural household annual fuelwood consump- 4.6 ton dry biomass/year tion – non-renewable sources Based on DNA Ethiopia, 2012 Urban household annual fuelwood consumption - non-renewable sources 4.2 ton dry biomass/year Based on DNA Ethiopia, 2012 Ratio of non-renewable biomass 88 % DNA Ethiopia, 2012 Fuel savings per improved cookstove 30 % (0.7 t of dry biomass/year) Bluffstone, 2014 and EUEI, 2013 Per household: 1.4 t dry biomass Household savings of non-renewable fuelwood due to improved cookstove 1.2 ton/year/cookstove Bluffstone, 2014; EUEI PDF 2013. Improved cookstove price delivered to market USD 12.5/unit Local expert estimate Assumed price paid by householder per improved cookstove USD 6.5 /unit (difference of Assumption USD 6/unit is paid by a subsidy) Fuelwood price urban setting USD 38/ton of dry biomass Adapted from Moges et al., 2010 Fuelwood price rural setting USD 27/ton dry biomass Adapted from Moges et al., 2010 Rural household expenditure saving (excl. investment for cookstoves) USD 37 /year per household Urban household expenditures savings (excl. investment for cookstove) USD 52 /year per household Investment and recurrent cost 16 Bluffstone, 2014; EUEI PDF 2013. Financial assessment The net annual and cumulative cashflows have been estimated as the difference between the annual household fuelwood expenditure (average of rural and urban) with the use of improved cookstoves and without it. The estimates are shown in Figure 25. The annual and cumulative cash flows are positive starting year 1. The NPV is estimated at USD 384 per household at a 10 % discount rate. 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2015 Net revenues (USD/household Figure 25: Annual and cumulative cash flows for energy efficient cookstoves (at current costs) Year Annual cashflow Cumulative cashflow GHG mitigation benefits GHG mitigation benefits are derived from annual fuelwood savings i.e. 30% reduction of baseline consumption due to use of improved cookstoves. With the saving of 1.4 t/dry biomass per household of which 88 % is non-renewable biomass the emissions reduction per household amount to 2.2 tCO2/per household per year, equivalent to 44 tCO2/household over 20 years. Annex 5: Addressing livestock sector GHG emissions in Oromia According to the CRGE Strategy (2011), the livestock sector is currently the largest source of GHG emissions. In Oromia cattle represents more than 50 % of the livestock population and is the major source of meat and milk production. Beef consumption with 3.1 kg/per capita per year is the major source of total meat consumption of 5.3 kg (IFPRI, 201217). However consumption levels are low compared to other Sub-Saharan African countries. With population growth, and rapid increase of urban population and income levels we estimate consumption to increase dramatically. Similarly, per capita annual milk consumption is well below the world average of 105 liters and the African average of about 40 liters, with only 19 liters per annum (USAID, 201318). This is also expected to increase dramatically with urban development and increase of income levels. Meat and milk production systems are very poor and inefficient, based on free grazing, local breeds, and low input and poor feeding and animal health management. Despite the low production levels, livestock, mainly cattle is the major source of GHG emissions in Ethiopia and in Oromia. We assume beef and milk production from cattle related GHG emissions at 20.5 million tCO2 in 2013 (and project 22.2 million tCO2 in 2015). Thereby we assume population growth by 2.9 % p.a. and an annual 3 % per capita increase of meat and milk consumption. Under the assumed growth scenario cattle related GHG emissions will rise to 47.9 million tCO2 in 2034. In order to increase productivity, resource efficiency of the livestock sector, the CRGE (2011) proposed value chain efficiency to improve productivity (output per head of cattle) and support increase of protein consumption by lower emitting source such as poultry (currently at 13 % of total meat consumption mix) as the major two strategies to reduce GHG emissions in the livestock sector. Assuming the same meat and milk products consumption patterns as in the business as usual, and emissions intensity improvement from 7.5 kgCO2/per produced liter of milk to 4.1 kgCO2/liter milk; and 93 kgCO2/per kg cattle meat carcass to 46.5 kgCO2/kg cattle meat carcass; and a 30 % substitution of the cattle consumption by poultry, would reduce annual GHG emissions by an average of 14.2 million tCO2/year over 20 years. Thereby the annual GHG emissions levels would only slightly increase from 22.2 million tCO2/year in 2015 to 23.1 million tCO2 in 2034 (Figure 11). The remaining GHG emissions would need to be offset by additional land-based carbon stock enhancement activities. 17 Agricultural Growth Project - Livestock Market Development Value Chain Analysis for Ethiopia: Meat and Live Animals Hides, Skins and Leather Dairy Expanding Livestock Markets for the Small-holder Producers 18 Figure 26: Theoretical GHG mitigation potential in the cattle meat and milk value chain (tCO2-eq) There are a few successful models for dairy development, including the East African Dairy Development project (EADD)19 that can be applied. In Kenya the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MOALF) developed a climate-smart poultry business case aiming to reduce poultry meat prices – through investments in efficient hatcheries and slaughterhouses – to provide economic incentives to switch from beef to poultry20. Further work is required to adapt those models, to assess their feasibility and related costs and benefits. 19 Kenya Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MoALF) 2013. Climate-smart business case: Improved indigenous chicken production. Prepared with support from UNIQUE forestry and land use. 20