Prehistoric Britain 3000 BC - the Iberians →, the Iberian peninsula or

Prehistoric Britain
Roman Britain
3000 BC - the Iberians →, the Iberian
Julius Caesar → reached the Channel
peninsula or the North African coast,
in 55 BC and that is how the
stone axes, made antlers and bones into
Romanscame to Britain. Caesar made
leather-working tools, the first roads,
two raids in 55 and 54 BC. A
buried their dead, build huge temples.
rebellion in Gaul, the Romans had to
Stonehenge ↘ on Salisbury Plain,
leave, 43 AD the Emperor Claudius
prehistoric megalithic
monument, the site is considered
came to Britain. 350 years of Roman
to be connected with the sun and
61 AD Queen Boudicca ↘ led a revolt against Roman rule, they
the passing of the seasons, two
burned towns, the rebellion was put down, she took poison. Hadrian's
stone circles and two stone
Wall in 122 AD. The Roman baths in
Bath, the most famous Aquae Sulis ↓,
The Bronze Age - 2100-1650 BC, smelting iron - 700 BC by the
around a natural hot spring.
Celts, around 600 BC-the Gaels, 300 BC - the Britons, the Celts were
Roman soldiers brought Christianity, in
armed with spears, swords, daggers and axes, villages, the primitive
the 4th century the Christian church.
system, the priests or Druids,
lived in clans and tribes,
large-scale artwork →
Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms
The Norman Invasion and The Early Middle Ages
410 AD - the Roman legions left
1066 - Harold Godwin, William of Normandy ↓ and Harald
Britain. Mid-5th century - Angles,
Hardraada, the battle of Hastings,
Saxons, Jutes → raids, small
William won. The Bayeux Tapestry.
farming communities, self-sufficient
1086 - the Domesday Book. Strong
villages, farming and cattle
monarchy, state system, language.
breeding. King Arthur and his
Divided his succession for his sons.
Knights. Anglo-Saxons to Christians
Sons: Robert got the duchy of
- began in 579 by St Augustine.
Normandy, William (Rufus) ↘ got
Land, libraries and schools. The
England, Henry got money, unfairly
Venerable Bede→
took charge. His daughter Matilda +
wrote "The Ecclesiastical History of
Geoffrey Plantagenet. Stephen of
the English People". "Beowulf" at
Blois, Adela's son. Matilda +
around 700 AD in the oral. The 9th
Stephen ↓ = a deal. Henry II
century - king Egbert, Anglo-Saxon
became the
kingdoms were united and called
England. The Vikings in the 9th and
10th centuries, founded Dublin. Their boats were fast and
ruler of
intimidating. 871 - the Danish invasion (Wessex), king Alfred and the
army, the Danelaw. The 11th century-king Canute, after him came
Edward the Confessor.
The Plantagenets I
Henry II (→) - had more
lands on the continent
than the king of France,
also the cause of the
Hundred years war, he
was the greatest of the
Plantagenets. His wife
Eleanor of Aquitaine,
sons Richard and John.
Struggle between the
Church and the state. William refused to accept the pope as his
feudal lord, instead he created Norman bishops. Henry II appointed
Thomas Becket Archbishop of
Canterbury. "Will not someone
rid me of this turbulent priest?".
After Henry II came Richard
(Lionheart) →. Spent time on
crusades, well educated.
The Plantagenets II
John I (Lackland →) - taxed
heavily his nobles, lost his French
territories to France, signed Magna
Carta which limited the king's
power to tax the barons without
the permission of his royal council
(developes into a parliament),
guaranteed the rights of the church as well as the right to a fair legal
trial. The first stone bridge across the Thames.
John's son Henry III ↓ reigned for a long time. A middling head of
state, his heavy spending and foreign advisers upset the nobles,
patronized art (Westminster Abbey, Salisbury Cathedral ↓).The first
parliament was summoned in 1265.
The Plantagenets III
The Plantagenets IV
Edward I - brought together
The Wars of the Roses - two groups of
the first real parliament,
nobles (Lancastrians and Yorkists)
annexed Wales and brought
fought for the throne of England. John
Scotland under English
Lancaster and Edmund York - brothers
control. Isabella + Edward II.
and uncles to Richard II. York - white
Unhappy marriage. Roger
rose, Lancaster - red rose. Lancastrians
Mortimer. Edward's
were on the throne, York forces crushed the Lancaster army, Edward
abdication in favour of his
of York - king Edward IV. His sons Edward V and Richard were
son. Edward III (→) - restored
killed by their uncle Richard III ↙. The battle of Bosworth. "A horse,
royal authority, efficient
a horse! My kingdom for a horse!". Henry Tudor - king Henry VII ↓.
military power, legislature, government. The 100 Years' War (13371453). Joan of Arc ↘. English literature - Geoffrey Chaucer, the Bible
translation. Education. Edward III and
his son the Black Prince = the perfect
knights, the code of chivalry. The
Order of the Garter. The Black Death,
poverty. Edward's grandson Richard II
did not have diplomatic skills, was not
popular. A tax payment caused the
Peasants' Revolt which was put down.
The discontent with the state began to grow.
The Early Tudors
The Later Tudors
1485 -1603. Henry VII - ended the
Edward VI – child dogged
Wars of the Roses, kept England
by illness, died at the age of
out of wars and accumulated an
16. Lady Jane Grey – was
immense fortune, made important
proclamed a queen and
alliances. His son Henry VIII (→)
after 9 days shw was
– established the Reformation,
beheaded. Mary I (→)–
founded the Anglican church. The
enacted a policy of
Act of Supremacy – the head of the
persecution against
church. The break with Roman
Protestants, restored the
Catholic Church. The Reformation. Inflation. Control over the
papal authority over the
Church, to keep the wealth in
Church of England. Bloody
his kingdom. The book about
Mary. Married kinf Philip of
Luther – Fidei Defensor (
Spain. Elizabeth I (→) – led
Defender of the Faith). He
England back to
closed monastries. Henry and
protestantism, made herself
his six wives.
the head of the Church, a
prosperous time: culturally,
economically, politically;
had no direct heir.
Anne Boleyn,
Henry’s second wife
The Early Stuarts
The Later Stuarts
Mary Stuart (→) – Queen of
Charles I – the Civil War,
Scots, controversial, François II,
disagreement between the king and
Lord Darnley, Bothwell ↘, was
the parliament, he dissolved the
forced to abdicate. Her son
parliament three times, tried to rule
James I (VI ↓) – tried to rule
without the parliament like his
without the parliament, the first
father, was beheaded by his own
joint monarch, has his version of
people. The Civil War – at
Bible, the Divine Right, the
Edgehill, Cavaliers, Roundheads. O.
Gunpowder plot in 1605,
Cromwell defeated the Royalist army. Charles II ↑ was invited to
rule, restored the monarchy, tried
to make peace, admired Louis XIV.
1665 – the Plague, 1666 – the Great
Fire. After him came James II – his
reign was disastrous. William of
Orange (wife Mary, daughter of
James II) – was offered the crown.
The parliament had no more power
than the king – the Glorious
Revolution. Mary’s sister Queen
Anne (↑) – the 1st monarch to rule over the Kingdom of Great
Britain, 17 children, the Act of Union (1707).
The Commonwealth
Napoleonic Wars
Oliver Cromwell (↓) – 1649-1660 governed England as a republic,
The French Revolution’s impact. The First Coalition – Austria, the
the Protectorate, Church attendance was compulsory, most of
Kingdom of Sardinia, the Kingdom of Naples, Prussia, Spain, the
entertainment was banned, a radical dictator, a bad leader, the “model
UK. Napoleon ↘ defeated it. The Second Coalition – Austria, the
army“, he was from the middle gentry, a puritan, everybody had to
UK, the Kingdom of Naples, the Ottoman Empire, Portugal, Russia,
live a modest lifestyle.
Sweden and others. Napoleon defeated it also. 1804 – France was
declared an Empire. He was ambitious and wanted to establish
supremacy in
Europe. 1805 –
the battle of
Trafalgar, Horatio
Nelson. 1815 –
the battle of
Waterloo, Duke
of Wellington.
Georgian Era
The Victorian Era
1714–1789 - the age of
Queen Victoria (↓) – ruled 63 years, married Prince Albert, Empress
the Enlightenment.
of India, “The Grandmother of Europe“. A period of industrial,
George III (→) – was the
cultural, political, scientific and military change. The Empire on which
first Hanoverian king to
the Sun never sets. The Crimean war. The Anglo-Zulu war.
be born in Britain and
Education – 1880-elementary shool was made compulsory, 1890-
who could speak without
elementary education was made free. Inventions and discovers –
a foreign accent. 1764 –
species, the practice of antiseptic surgery, railway, steamships.
serious quarrel over
Victorian values.
taxation. 1773 – “the
Boston tea party“. 1775-1783 – the American War of Independence.
1776 – the Declaration of Independence.
The Irish problem – religion and
history, 1801 – the Act of Union,
1905 – a new party, the aim was
to create a republic. 1921 – the
British government agreed to the
independence of southern
Ireland. The Whigs constitutional monarchy, the
Tories - stronger monarchy (the
king and the parliament ).
George Washington
The Edwardian Era
assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. The Germans used
Edward VII (→) – son of Queen
submarines. The Treaty of Versailles, economic crisis and the
Victoria, he was a part of a
worldwide depression. 1931 – a statute – the dominions’ complete
fashionable elite.
independence from Britain.
Class system was very rigid: one
third of the population was
poverty stricken. 1903 –
Emmeline Pankhurst, the
Women’s Social and Political
Union, women’s suffrage.
Art Nouveau – the development
of the automobile and electricity,
awareness of human rights.
The Church no longer played as vital a
role, the “age of optimism“, inventions.
George V (→) – changed the last name
to Windsor, the First World War, the
Russian Revolution,the Irish troubles,
votes for women, the General Strike, the
Depression, the rise of Hitler.
World War I – two alliances: Britain,
France and Russia vs. Germany and Austria-Hungary. The