1356 Longfellow Avenue Chico California, 95926 (530) 343-4201 Email: Chicobty@aol.co January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013 1 Our School Approval Disclosure Statement Mission Statement Administration Approval of Programs Bankruptcy Disclosure Notice Staff & Qualifications Administration Business Hours Welcome/Invitation to Opportunity Career Opportunities Job Demand in Cosmetology & Related Fields U.S. Department of Labor Information Objective Essential Career Considerations/Requirements Facilities Housing Health & Safety Learning Disabilities Student Services and Counseling Career Counseling State Board Licensing Requirements California State Regulation #480 Graduation Requirements School Program Schedule School Calendar Recruitment Policy Admission Requirements Ability to Benefit Policy Non Discrimination Credit for Transfer Students Accessibility to Physically Disabled Students Campus Crime Statistics & Security Info. Drug Abuse Prevention OSHA Requirements Disclosure and Retention of Educational Records Policy for Safeguarding Student Information Job Placement Assistance Schedule of Student Charges/Tuition Additional Fees Community College Credits Student Tuition Recovery Fund Financial Aid Refund Policy for Students Contracted Thru Chico Beauty College Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy Evaluation Periods Attendance Progress Attendance Progress Evaluation Academic Progress Evaluations 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14-15 15 15-16 16 16 17 17 17 17-18 18 18 18 19 19 19-20 20 20-21 21 21 22 23 23-24 25 25 25 25 25-26 2 Warning Probation Interruption/Withdrawals Tardiness Policy Attendance Policy Class and Practice Hours Rules & Procedures for Keeping Student Hours Policy for Monitoring Student Progress Counseling Services Disciplinary Counseling Termination/Withdrawal Student Grievance Procedures Library School Rules & Regulations Conduct & Discipline Violations Uniforms, Materials & Equipment Time Tickets Breaks/Lunch Smoking/Parking Serving the Public Cell Phone Policy Work Area Personal Services Stealing Reception Desk Visitors Gum Chewing Code of Ethics Curriculum for cosmetology Cosmetology Training and Goals Curriculum for Manicuring Manicuring Training and Goals Curriculum for Esthetician Esthetician Training and Goals Curriculum for Instructor Training Instructor Training and Goals Emergency Fire Evacuation Plan Orientation Checklist School Performance Fact Sheet 26 26 26-27 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30-31 31 31 31 33 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 34 35 36 36-37 37 37-38 38 38 39 40 41 42 3 Our School Chico Beauty College 1356 Longfellow Avenue Chico California, 95926 (530) 343-4201 Fax: (530) 343-4231 E-mail: chicobty@aol.com Beauty Channels Inc. DBA, Chico Beauty College was founded in 1958 as a private beauty college in downtown Chico and moved to its present location in the Longfellow Shopping Center in 1962 where it remains today. The beauty college has gone through two major remodel expansions, one in 1968 and 1993 when two thousand square feet of additional classroom space was added upon the closing of our Plaza Beauty College. Our school provides vocational training in all phases of the art and science of cosmetology. Professional, academic and career standards are maintained and taught, as well as offering to the residents of our community economical cosmetology services. We have a reputation for producing skilled, motivated and successful cosmetologists, estheticians, manicurists and instructors. Our basic methods of instruction have been established over a period of years. We continually up date and incorporate into our training the latest professional products, product knowledge, current styles, cutting trends and design techniques. We appreciate your interest in our programs and the opportunity to inform you of our school and its training. It is our hopes that this catalog will help you better understand the cosmetology profession and the benefits you will receive as a trained professional cosmetologist, esthetician or manicurist. We encourage you to review this catalog prior to singing an enrollment agreement. We would like to personally welcome you to our school. Sincerely, Owners: Ronald Morrison and Lee MacLellan Administrator: Kim Reynolds 4 Chico Beauty College Chico Beauty College is a private institution approved by the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education and Board of Barbering and Cosmetology pursuant to California Education Code Section 94802. Approval to operate means compliant with the minimum state standards and does not imply any endorsement or recommendations by the state. Approved programs are as followed: Programs: Cosmetology, Esthetics, Manicuring and Instructor Training Approval Disclosure Statement California statute requires that a student, who successfully completes a course of study, be awarded an appropriate diploma or certificate verifying the fact. A student or any member of the public may file a complaint about this institution with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education by calling 1-888-370-7589 or by completing a complaint form, which can be obtained on the bureau’s internet web site (www.bppe.ca.gov). All information in the content of this catalog is current and correct and is certified as true by Ronald J. Morrison, Director. Ronald J. Morrison Owner Prospective students are encouraged to visit the physical facility to discuss personal educational and occupational plans. The school currently has available government and sponsoring programs to assist students who qualify with tuition and fees. As a prospective student, you are encouraged to review this catalog prior to signing an enrollment agreement. You are also encouraged to review the School Performance Fact Sheet, Which must be provided to you prior to signing an enrollment agreement. 5 MISSION STATEMENT The Mission of Chico Beauty College is to provide a clean, professional and educational environment that is centered on theory and practical learning. It is our mission to offer a solid academically balanced program of cosmetology, esthetics, manicuring and instructor training, to help graduates to successfully pass the California State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology exam, instill a sense of professionalism in each student and provide up to date training of new techniques, trends and styles on customer service and retail sales, so our students may obtain job opportunities in cosmetology, esthetician, manicuring, instructor training and any other related fields. 6 Administration Ronald J. Morrison – Co-Owner and Director/Instructor of Chico Beauty College Mr. Morrison gained State and National recognition during the 1960-80’s as a Platform Artist, lecturer, and instructor. He is the recipient of over 20 awards in competition hairdressing on the State and National levels. He has served the National Cosmetology Association in committees, as President of his local affiliate and Director on the State level. Mr. Morrison has been licensed as a Cosmetologist and Cosmetology Instructor since 1964, and holds Life Time Standard Designated Teaching Credentials in: Adult Education, Community College Instructing and Supervising in the field of Cosmetology and Barbering. Leroy MacLellan – Co-Owner Capelli’s Salon/Instructor Mr. MacLellan has been involved in the Cosmetology Profession since licensed as a Cosmetologist in 1963. He has served as Stylist, Salon Manager, and Salon Owner and since 1968 School Owner and Instructor. Mr. MacLellan brings to our schools over 30 years experience in chemical waving, hair coloring, cutting, styling, and make-up, from the everyday basics to high fashion and theatrical. His interests are on creating special looks for fashion, runway, and photographer’s models. Recently he has been actively involved in the exciting world of professional hairstyling competitions on a State and National level. Mr. MacLellan is an expert in teaching the fine art of communication. Kim Reynolds – Administrator/Instructor Ms. Reynolds has been involved in the cosmetology profession since licensed in 1985 as a cosmetologist. She has served as a stylist, instructor, and administrator, She works with the community and Butte Community College on projects and gives freely her time and energy helping students with any type of issues that they may have as a student and even after they have graduated. 7 Approval of Programs Chico Beauty College is a private institution approved by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, Department of Consumer Affairs and Board of Barbering and Cosmetology. Chico Beauty College has a contractual agreement with the following: Butte Community College 3536 Butte Campus Drive Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 895-2361 The following state boards, bureaus, departments or agencies set minimum standards for our programs of studies. (In accordance with Educational Code Section 94316.12) Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education 2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 400 Sacramento, CA 95833 888-370-7589 Fax (916) 263-1897 Web site: www.bppe.ca.gov Board of Barbering and Cosmetology PO Box 944226 Sacramento, CA 94244-2260 (916)-575-7570 Fax (916) 575-7281 Web site: www.barbercosmo.ca.gov Department of Consumer Affairs 1625 North Market Blvd. Suite N 112 Sacramento, CA 95834 800-952-5210 E-mail: dca@dca.ca.gov Bankruptcy Disclosure Notice Chico Beauty College has no pending petitions for bankruptcy, nor are we operating as a debtor in possession, have not filed a petition within the preceding five years, nor have we had a petition in bankruptcy filed against us within the preceding five years that resulted in reorganization under chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code (11 U>S>C> Sec 1101 et seq.) 8 Staff & Qualifications The staff members have been selected for their educational back grounds, experience, dedication, and concern for the students. Supervising instructors are holders of Lifetime Standard Designated Teaching Credentials in adult education and hold Lifetime Community College Instructor Credentials for Cosmetology and Barbering. Chico Beauty College believes that cosmetology is a continual learning experience; therefore all staff members are required to attend professional technique classes and industry shows to keep up to date on all the latest trends and styles. Ronald J. Morrison Officer/Owner/Director/Instructor Chico Beauty College licensed 1964 LeRoy MacLellan V.P./Administrator/Instructor Chico Beauty College licensed 1962 Kim Reynolds Administrator/Instructor Chico Beauty College licensed 1985 Paula Grieco Supervisor/Instructor Chico Beauty College licensed 1962 Jerri Ramirez Supervisor/Instructor Chico Beauty College licensed 1981 Michael Williams Instructor Chico Beauty College licensed 1990 Kim Deter Instructor Chico Beauty College licensed 1969 Paven Kaur Freshman Instructor Chico Beauty College licensed 2011 Rhonda Prickett Instructor Chico Beauty College licensed 2010 Debra Armstrong Instructor Chico Beauty College licensed 1989 Administration Business Hours Tuesday through Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Administrative offices can be reached at the following: Chico Beauty College (530) 343-4201 Fax: (530) 343-4231 Email: chicobty@aol.com 9 Welcome/an Invitation to Opportunity Welcome to a very exciting and fulfilling world of Cosmetology Arts & Sciences. This career path offers endless opportunity to those who have a passion for their art, strive for success and are willing to dedicate themselves to their career. We are proud to be a part of your exciting journey and we are committed to helping you become a successful part of this elite group. A quality technician in the beauty industry is always in demand; financial security can be yours in good times or bad. The beauty profession is big business. Every working day at least 3, 000, 00 women and men attend their favorite beauty salon, barber shop or spa. They spend millions of dollars each year on beauty services. Top rewards go to those men and women who acquire the cutting and styling techniques, skin care and manicuring skills through the education provided at our school. The school is designed to help you better understand your position in the future. If you love working with people and are willing to devote the time and energy necessary for success, then this is the field for you. Career Opportunities The licensed professional may choose from a variety of jobs within the cosmetology/related field(s). The following vocations are options that may be considered upon graduation. Cosmetology: Professional Stylist, Skin Care, Platform Artist, Product Representative, Salon Owner or Manager, State Board Member/Examiner, Image Consultant, Retail Specialist Esthetician: Skin Care Specialist, Spa Professional, Body Treatment Technician, Product Representative, Retail Specialist, Salon Owner/Manager, State Board Member/Examiner, Makeup Artist. Manicurist: Nail Technician, Spa Professional, Nail Art Specialist, Product Representative, Retail Specialist, Salon Owner/Manager, State Board Member/Examiner Instructor: Student Salon or Classroom Instructor, Salon Owner/Manager, State Board Member/Examiner, Director of Education, School Administrator or Owner Training is the important first step to an enjoyable, successful career in one of the above areas. If you like to work with people, and have an aptitude for the field, an education in the professional beauty industry can be a pathway to a successful and secure income and a solid future. 10 Job Demand in Cosmetology & Related Fields Since 1990, several job demand surveys have been commissioned to provide quantitative data on cosmetology careers, earnings potential and job openings. The most recent survey completed in May 2007, compiles data from 6,203 salons responding to a national survey. The survey indicates that the demand for will trained professionals in the beauty industry outstrips the supply. The survey conducted is NACCAS results indicate that salons in California plan to hire 45,967 new employees in the next 12 to 24 months. The average annual salary for a salon professional in California is $44,134. This amount does not reflect tips and gratuities. Nationally the average salon professional salary is $35,973. As of January 2007 there were 325,021 professionals employed in California’s 48,131 salons. 40% of salons in the state are employer owned and 29% are both rental (independent contractors) salons. The other 31% are a combination of the two. 49% of California salons are classified by their owners as full service salons, 20% is listed as haircutting salons, barbershops make up 13% of the total. Nationally, 58% of salons are listed full services. U.S. Department of Labor Information The U.S. Department of Labor provides current (2012) job information at www.careerinfonet.org. This website includes information by job positions to include state and national wages, occupation profiles/descriptions, state and national trends, knowledge, skills and abilities needed for each position. As reported by the US Department of Labor state and national median wages for cosmetology related positions are as follows: Job Position/SOC Code High/Median/Low Cosmetologist High Hairdresser Median 39-5012 Low Esthetician High Skin Care Median 39-5094 Low Manicurist High Pedicurist Median 39-5092 Low Instructors High Voc Ed Median 25-1194 Low U.S. Hourly/Annual $21.26/$44,200 $11.12/$23,100 $8.18/$17,00 $27.37/$56,900 $13.19/$28,900 $8.40/$17,500 $14.58/$30,300 $9.30/$19,300 $8.03/$16,700 $40.92/$85,100 $23.22/$48,300 $13.43/$27,900 State Hourly/Annual $21.07/$43,800 $10.99/$22,900 $8.53/$17,700 $26.89/$55,900 $15.67/$32,600 $8.83/$18,400 $12.45/$25,400 $9.12/$19,00 $8.33/$17,300 $51.43/$107,00 $27.22/$56,600 $15.02/$31,200 “High” indicates 90% of workers earn less and 10% earn more “Median” indicates 50% of workers earn less and 50% earn more “Low” indicates 10% of workers earn less and 90% earn more 11 Objectives Objective is to provide the student with the opportunity to learn and acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to take and pass the California State Board of Cosmetology examination and enter the profession with all related job entry level skills required of a licensed cosmetologist, manicurist and esthetician and encourage positive attitudes and train in the fine art of communication and to stress and encourage development of good health and safety rules for the practice of cosmetology. Essential Career Considerations/Requirements Applicants interested in pursuing a career in cosmetology or a related field should consider all aspects of such a decision. Persons who want to become a professional in the beauty industry must: 1. Have finger dexterity and a sense of form and artistry. 2. Enjoy dealing with the public and be able to follow client directions. 3. Keep abreast of the latest fashions and beauty techniques. 4. Work long hours while building a personal clientele in order to make the desired income. 5. Make a strong commitment to the educational process and finish school. 6. Learn business skills applicable to the desired position In addition, prospective students should be aware that: 1. The work of a licensed professional in the cosmetology/beauty industry can be arduous and physically demanding because of long hours standing with hands at shoulder level, bending to work on all areas of the clients head, bending to complete shampooing or other wet services etc. Estheticians will spend a significant amount of time standing to complete facial services and body treatments, waxing or makeup services. Nail technicians will spend long hours sitting at a nail technician station or table. Instructors will spend long hours standing while teaching, demonstrating, monitoring student’s activities and clinic areas. 2. A personal investment may be required for advertising and promotions such as printing of business cards or cooperative advertising. 3. There will be exposure to various chemicals and fumes which may cause allergic reactions. 4. The practice of safety and sanitation is essential for effective and successful performance within the industry and is mandated by such agencies as OSHA. 5. Methods of compensation vary and may include straight salary, salary plus commission, straight commission, sliding scale commission or independent contracting (booth rental). 12 Facilities The Chico Beauty College is located at 1356 Longfellow Avenue, in the Longfellow Shopping Center, Chico, California. It comprises over 7200 sq. ft., which includes a large lecture room, classrooms for both theory and practical demonstrations, a 3500 sq. ft. main clinic area, dispensary, reception/retail area, student lounge and patio, library/media room, rest rooms, conference room, Instructor’s and Administrative offices. The college is modern in design and function, spacious, air-conditioned, and furnished with up-to-date equipment and professional products. Parking facilities for both students and patrons are adjacent to the college. The atmosphere provides an ideal environment for the teaching and learning of all phases of the Art and Science of Cosmetology. Housing Chico Beauty College is not responsible to find housing for our students. Chico Beauty College is a non-residential campus. Butte Community College can help Butte College Students find housing. Health and Safety Safety is important to us at Chico Beauty College. Students must follow all state and school sanitation and safety requirements outlined by your course curriculum, performance criteria and cosmetology procedures. All containers must clearly be labeled with contents. Hands must be washed prior to starting a client. All implements used on clients must be properly sanitized or disposed of, according to California disinfection and sanitation standards. All accidents and injuries must be reported on the accident injury form located in the teacher’s office. In case of fire or emergency we ask that you familiarize yourself with all evacuation routes posted in clinic area and classrooms and know where fire extinguishers are. It is your responsibility to protect yourself and others around you by exiting in a clam and orderly manner. Learning Disabilities If you have any known learning disabilities, please notify administration. This will help to ensure that you may receive proper attention to complete your course. This should be done prior to enrollment. The school does not provide individual tutoring. 13 Student Services and Counseling The school conducts an orientation program on the first day of class which provides information about the instructional programs, goals of each course, policies affecting students and services available to students at Chico Beauty College and Butte Community College. Students have access to advising from members of the Beauty College and Butte College regarding their program of study, progress, financial affairs, housing, placement or other areas in which the student may need assistance including referral to professional assistance when necessary. Career Counseling Career counseling is stressed throughout the course in the areas of personal grooming and hygiene, and good posture. Also stressed throughout the course is communication with others both verbal and non-verbal. Areas that are discussed both in class and on a one to one basis are the different specialized fields one may go into such as competition and platform work, color specialist, manager, instructing, etc. State Board Licensing Requirements The State of California requires that a cosmetology, manicuring and esthetician student must complete the above listed course curriculum and clock hours of training in a board approved school, be 17 years of age or older, completed 10 th grade or higher, hold a valid social security card and picture state ID and is not subject to denial pursuant to CA code 480(below). Board approved Proof of Training documentation, an application for the state board exam and exam fees must be sent to the State Board. Upon successfully passing both the State Board practical exam with a 75% or higher and written portion of the exam with a 75% or higher will then receive a California cosmetology, manicuring and/or esthetician license. Cosmetology, manicuring and esthetician licenses need to be renewed every 2 years by paying a fee and filling out renewal information on line or by mail. California State Regulation #480 480. (a) A board may deny a license regulated by this code on the grounds that the applicant has one of the following: 1. Been convicted of a crime. A conviction within the meaning of this section means a plea or verdict of guilty or a conviction following a plea of nolo contender. Any action which a board is permitted to take following the establishment of a conviction may be taken when the time for appeal has elapsed, or the judgment of conviction has been affirmed on appeal, or when an order granting probation is made suspending the imposition of sentence, irrespective of a subsequent order under the provision of Section 1203.4 of the penal code. 2. Done any act involving dishonesty, fraud or deceit with the intent to substantially benefit himself or another, or substantially injure another: or 14 3. Done any act, which if done by licentiate of the business or profession in question, would be grounds for suspension or revocation of license. The board may deny a license pursuant to this subdivision only if the crime or act is substantially related to the qualifications, function or duties of the business or profession for which application is made. (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, no person shall be denied a license solely on the basis that the he has been convicted of a felony if he has obtained a certificate of rehabilitation under Section 4852.01 and following of the Penal Code or that he has been convicted of a misdemeanor if he has met all applicable requirements of the criteria of rehabilitation developed by the board to evaluate the rehabilitation of a person when considering the denial of a license under subdivision (a) of section 482. (c) A board may deny a license regulated by this code on the ground that the applicant knowingly made a false statement of fact required to be revealed in the application for such license. Graduation Requirements Cosmetology 1600 hours, manicuring 400 hours, esthetician 600 hours and instructor training 600 hours completed, must complete all required technical instructions and practical operations set forth by the Board of Barbering and Cosmetology in each program as outlined in the curriculum for cosmetology, manicuring, esthetician and instructor training coursed mentioned above and the completion of Chico Beauty College requirements which includes, successful cumulative grade point average of 70% or higher, to complete assigned projects, 8 hours of salon management and professionalism, a minimum of 8 hours of reception desk, dispensary and marketing and fulfillment of all financial obligations. A certificate of completion will be issued after completion of course of study by the student. A Proof of Training Document will be provided to the student. If any fees are due to Chico Beauty College, your Proof of Training Document may be withheld until fees are paid. This document is a necessary document for application for the State Board exam. The Board of Barbering and Cosmetology will issue a cosmetology, manicuring and esthetician license upon passing the examination. School Program Schedule This is an outline of the general manner in which a student spends their time in school. This schedule may be rotated or changed by the school or instructor to meet special needs. Six weeks 240 hours as a freshman begins your training. During this six week period students will attend orientation, classroom theory and classes with instruction in all basic fundamentals of cosmetology. Tuesday through Saturday 8:30 to 5:00 2nd six weeks 240 hours as a junior. Students will attend classroom theory, with instruction more advance classes in cosmetology, practical procedures on models and Saturday only begin working on clients. Tuesday through Saturday 8:30 to 5:00 15 The weekly schedule is as follows: Tuesday through Saturday 8:30 to 5:00 ½ hour lunch schedule starts at 11:30 ends at 1:00 8:30 to 9:30 all students: Classroom theory. 9:30 to scheduled lunch, senior students, class or clinic as assigned. 1:00 to 5:00 senior students, class or clinic as assigned. School Calendar Chico Beauty College operates on a year round basis. The beauty college is closed on four major holidays, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. All classes start on a six week session. 2015 Start Dates: Cosmetology Course Manicuring Course Esthetician Course Instructor Training 2/10/2015 5/5/2015 3/24/2015 12/1/2015 7/28/2015 7/28/2015 5/5/2015 6/16/2015 7/28/2015 9/8/2015 10/20/2015 12/1/2015 Recruitment Policy Chico Beauty College has a non-recruitment policy. We do not recruit nor do we hire someone to recruit students and/or prospective students from other schools. Please note: Chico Beauty College reserves the right to change these policies and procedures at any time without notice by posting such changes on the student’s bulletin board. 16 Admission Requirements Chico Beauty College admits as regular student or as Butte Community College students meet the requirements listed below: 1. 17 years or older and who have a diploma or GED. 2. Students enrolling through Butte Community College must meet the educational requirements. Please contact Butte College for admission requirements. (530) 895-9015 3. Students must pass a required entrance test by Milady cosmetology admission aptitude test with a minimum score of 60%. 4. Have a valid Social Security number. 5. Have a valid government picture ID. Instructor Training must meet the requirements listed above and hold a valid California Cosmetology license. Ability to Benefit Policy Chico Beauty College does not accept students without a high school diploma or its equivalent. Non Discrimination The Chico Beauty College in its admission, instruction and graduation policies does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, creed, race, national origin, handicap, creed, religion, life style, financial status, country of origin, or residence. However Chico Beauty College DOES NOT provide English as a second language instruction and all of our courses are instructed in English. Credit for Transfer Students Students that have had previous training in a licensed cosmetology school in California must provide a State Board Proof of Training Document displaying the previously hours earned and a document displaying hours of theory and number of operations completed to be able to receive 100% of applied effort and clock hours from previous institution. Students that have previous training from out of state must furnish proof to the California Board of Barbering and Cosmetology the hours earned. The Board will then evaluate and notify the student in writing the required hours and operations to be completed in a California Cosmetology School in order to be eligible to take the State licensing exam. 17 Notice Concerning Transferability of Credits and Credentials Earned at Our Institution. The transferability of hours that you earn at Chico Beauty College is at the complete discretion of an institution to which you may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the certificate you earn in the educational program is also at the complete discretion of the institution to which you may seek to transfer. If the hours that you earn at this institution are not accepted at the institution to which you seek to transfer, you may be required to repeat some or all of your coursework at the institution. For this reason you should make certain that your attendance at this institution will meet your educational goals. This may include contacting an institution to which you may seek to transfer after attending Chico Beauty College to determine if your hours will transfer. Accessibility to Physically Disabled Students Chico Beauty College is equipped to provide training to qualified applicants who are handicapped, yet possess the ability to benefit from the training offered. Through preadmission and enrollment counseling, Chico Beauty College will make every effort to design a training program and schedule to insure satisfactory progress towards completion of the program. Chico Beauty College is not equipped however to offer training to handicapped students who physical needs require supportive services the beauty college cannot provide. Handicapped applicants are encouraged to schedule an enrollment interview to discuss our ability to meet their learning and physical requirements. Campus Crime Statistics & security Information A handout detailing campus crime statistics is provided on the first day of class and is also made available upon request from the school administrative office. Drug Abuse Prevention Chico Beauty College/Butte Community College is committed to providing a drug-free work environment for the students, staff and faculties. This concern with the use of illegal substances and the inappropriate use of alcohol and other controlled substances is demonstrated by using the resources appropriate to each segment of the campus community. The goal is to maximize student and staff potential through the provision of resources which will empower then to make informed decisions about substance use and abuse and enable them to be healthy and productive. Use, possession or distribution of narcotics or other restricted drugs and alcoholic beverages on campus and off campus facilities is subject to disciplinary actions which could result in suspension, expulsion or criminal prosecution. 18 OSHA Requirements In compliance with United States Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements, the school advises its students of the chemicals used in cosmetology/related training. During the course work the student learns about the importance of safety in the work place and how to use and follow the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for chemicals used in cosmetology or related training. During each unit of study, students are apprised of the various chemicals used and safe practices that apply. A complete file containing Material Safety Data Sheets for the chemicals used is available in the administrative office. The school endeavors to facilitate a safe environment for staff and students by teaching the proper and safe use of equipment, tools and products. The school does not assume responsibility for injuries resulting from improper or unsafe use of equipment, tools or products. Disclosure and Retention of Educational Records Students and parents or guardians of dependent students, have the right to inspect, review and challenge information contained in their educational records or that of their minor children. Education records are defined as files, materials and documents that contain information directly related to a student and maintained by the institution. The college does not sell or share information with third person parties. Students are not entitled to inspect the financial records of their parents. Written consent is required before education records may be disclosed to the parents of adult students or others, with the exception of disclosures allowed by law, such as to accrediting commission or governmental agencies. Access to files must be requested in writing, in letter form or on a form furnished by the institution. Access will be allowed within a reasonable period after verification of the right to inspect and arrangements have been made for proper supervision and interpretation of the records by an employee of the institution. All records will be maintained for each student for a minimum of five years after graduation or termination. Policy for Safeguarding Student Information Chico Beauty College is committed to implementing and maintaining a comprehensive information security program, to maintain and safeguard your non-public personal information against damage or loss. The policy covers all student records in whatever form (hard copy or electronics). The school director/administrator shall be responsible to coordinate the schools information security program. The director shall, at least every three weeks, assess foreseeable internal and external risks to the security, confidentiality, and integrity of student information that could result in the unauthorized disclosure, misuse, alteration, destruction or other compromise of the information. The risk assessment shall cover every relevant area of school operations, including employment training and management, network and software design, information processing, storage, transmission and disposal, and ways to detect, prevent and respond to attacks instruction, or other system failures. The director shall 19 design and implement safeguards to control identified risks and shall monitor the effectiveness of them, recommending changes when warranted. Records for prospective students who are not accepted or who do not enroll in the school will be held for 12 months then destroyed in a secure manner. Records of enrolled students shall be maintained in accordance with federal and state law and accreditation requirements. Students shall receive notice of this policy at the time they enroll. Chico Beauty College shall only enter into servicing agreements with service providers who also maintain appropriate safeguards for customer’s non public personal information. Job Placement Assistance As prescribed by state law, we cannot guarantee job placement as an inducement to enrollment. We do provide training that will make graduates highly employable upon being licensed by the State Board of Cosmetology. Admissions office works closely with salon owners and employers throughout California to insure all students are given an opportunity to become gainfully employed upon completion of their chosen course and licensed. Job opportunities are posted on the student bulletin board from prospective salon owners and employers. Instructors teach students how to write resumes and job interview skills. Staff members give written and oral recommendations to prospective employers. Schedule of Student Charges/Tuition Cosmetology (1600 Hours) Tuition $16,000.00 Registration application 150.00 Kit Fee 1,600.00 Student tuition recovery fund 5.00 Total amount due $17,755.00 Method of payments: Cash, Credit Card, Check, Money order and Cashier’s check. Payments are due on the first of every month and will be considered late after the 10th. Seven hundred five dollars ($705) will be due on the first day of attendance for private paying students. 20 If tuition is funded by Butte Community College: California Resident Tuition is $46.00 per unit with additional student fees each semester. Total tuition for 1600 hour program through Butte Community College is $1,610.00 plus student fees. There are additional fees listed below to be paid directly to Chico Beauty College: Cosmetology: (Tuition paid to Butte Community College) Registration fee $ 150.00 Text book 325.00 Uniforms 200.00 Equipment 700.00 Supply fees 375.00 Total $1,750.00 Five hundred dollar deposit is required before first day of class. Student is responsible to pay Chico Beauty College the balance due ($1250.00) five days after the first day of class. Additional Fees Chico Beauty College asses no fee in preparing a student’s pre application or application after completing the hours needed to take State Board licensing exam. The following fees are applicable and must be paid to the Board of Barbering and Cosmetology: Pre application fees Cosmetology $134.00 Manicuring $119.00 Esthetician $124.00 Applications Cosmetology Manicuring Esthetician $125.00 $110.00 $115.00 A kit is needed to perform the practical portion of the State Board exam. A kit can be rented from Rent-A-Kit Company. All kit fees are different and are subject to change. Community College Credits Chico Beauty College students can earn college credits towards Associates in Science Degree upon successful completion of additional academic course work satisfying the General Education requirements. The academic course work may be taken before, during or after completion of 1600 hours of training in the cosmetology program at Chico Beauty College. Please contact Butte Community College counseling at (530) 895-2419 for a complete course list and prerequisites. 21 Student Tuition Recovery Fund You must pay the state imposed assessment for the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) if all of the following applies to you: 1. You are a student in an educational program, who is a California resident, or are enrolled in a residency program, and prepay all or part of your tuition either by cash, guaranteed student loans, or personal loans, and 2. Your total charges are not paid by any third party payer such as an employer, government program or other payer unless you have a separate agreement to repay the third party. You are not eligible for protection from the STRF and you are not required to pay the STRF assessment if either of the following applies: 1. You are not a California resident, or are not enrolled in a residency program 2. Your total charges are paid by a third party, such as an employer, government program or other payer, and you have no separate agreement to repay the third party. The state of California created the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) to relieve or mitigate economic losses suffered by students in educational programs who are California residents, or are enrolled in a residency program attending certain schools regulated by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education. You may be eligible for STRF if you are a California resident or are enrolled in a residency program, prepaid tuition, paid STRF assessment, and suffered an economic loss as a result of any of the following: 1. The school closed before the course of instruction was completed. 2. The school’s failure to pay refunds or charges on behalf of the student to a third party for licensure fees or any other purpose, or to provide equipment or materials for which a charge was collected within 180 days before the closure of the school. 3. The school’s failure to pay or reimburse loan proceeds under a federally guaranteed student loan program as required by law or to payer reimburses proceeds received by the school prior to closure in excess of tuition and other costs. 4. There was a material failure to comply with the Act or the Division within 30 days before the school closed or, if the material failure began earlier than 30 days prior to closure, the period determined by the Bureau. 5. An inability after diligent efforts to prosecute, prove and collect on a judgment against the institution for a violation of the Act. Note: No claim can be paid to any student without a social security number or a taxpayer identification number. This institution will assess Student Tuition Recovery Fund fees as per the Private Postsecondary regulations (Article 2-76120) . 22 Financial Aid The Chico Beauty College does not offer Title IV funding. All financial aid information is available at Butte Community College to determine your eligibility and to help with Federal FASFA applications. All financial aid must be approved and administered through Butte College. Please make an appointment with the Financial Aid Office at (530) 895-2311. If a student obtains a loan to pay for an educational program, the student will have the responsibility to repay the full amount of the loan plus interest, less the amount of any refund, and that, if the student has received federal student financial aid funds, the student is entitled to a refund of the moneys not paid from federal student financial aid program funds. Refund Policy for Students Contracted Through Chico Beauty College You have the right to cancel this agreement for a course of instruction by the fifth day after the first day of class for a full refund of any monies collected by the school prior to the fifth day. Cancellation shall occur when you give written notice of cancellation. The cancellation date will be determined by the date said information is postmarked or delivered to the school administrator in person. The written notice of cancellation need not take any particular form and however expressed, it is effective if it shows that you no longer wish to be bound by signed by this agreement. You have the right to withdrawal from a course of instruction at any time. If you withdrawal from the course of instruction after the period allowed for cancellation (5 days after 1 st day of class), the school will remit a refund less a registration fee of $150.00 within 30 days following your withdrawal. If a student (or in case of a student under legal age, his/her parent or guardian) cancels his/her contract and demands his/her money back in writing, within five (5) business days of the signing of the registration agreement of contract, all monies collected by the school shall be refunded. The cancellation date will be determined by the date said information is postmarked or delivered to the school administrator in person. If a student receives any portion of a kit or textbooks, that student is responsible for 100% of the charges for those items received after five (5) business days of the signing of the registration agreement or contract. Students who have completed 60% or less of the scheduled hours of attendance, the refund shall be based on a pro rated refund. Students who have completed 61% or more of the period of attendance, 100 percent of tuition is due, 23 Hypothetical refund example: The following table outlines the refund due based on percentage of training completed, assuming you paid the following Schedule time elapsed in total program Total tuition school shall have earned 0.01% to 05.0% 20% 5.1% to 10.0% 30% 10.1% to 15% 40% 15.1% to 25% 45% 25.1% to 59% 70% 60% and over 100% ”Enrollment time” is defined as the hours scheduled to attend between the actual starting date and the last date of physical attendance. Any monies due to the student shall be refunded within 45 days of forma cancellation by the student or by formal termination by the school, which shall occur no more than 14 calendar days from the last day of physical attendance, or in the case of a leave of absence, the earlier of the schedule date or the date that the student notifies the school that he/she will not be returning. The refund policy will apply to tuition and fees charged in the enrollment agreement. Other miscellaneous charges to the student for books, extra kit items, products, etc., or debts to the school incurred by the student will be calculated separately at the time of withdrawal. The student is responsible for 100% of the charges for those items: these items become the property of the student when issued and are not included in tuition adjustment computations. If the school is permanently closed or is no longer offering instruction after a student has enrolled, the school will make a prorated refund of tuition for each student. NACCAS will be provided a list of all students enrolled at the time of closure and the amount of each pro rata refund. The school shall dispose of all school records in accordance with state laws. If the course is cancelled subsequent to a student’s enrollment and before instruction in the course has begun, the school will provide a refund of all monies paid. The school reserves the right to reschedule, postpone, or cancel classes. When mitigating circumstances are in evidence, the school reserves the right to review the refund due to the student. In which case, it may exceed the Minimum Tuition Adjustment Schedule. These cases are rare and will not be available to all students. Each instance will be reviewed by administration staff individually. BUTTE COMMUNITY COLLEGE STUDENTS: refer to the Butte Community College catalog and class schedule for refund information/refund dates. NOTE: BUTTE COMMUNITY COLLEGE STUDENTS CAN APPLY FOR A FEE WAIVER, (BOGW), THROUGH BUTTE COMMUNITY COLLEGE. Inquire at the Butte Community College Financial Aid Office-3536 Butte Campus Drive-Oroville CA 95965- (530) 895-2511 24 Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy Students are enrolled in a Butte Community College credit program, earning 10 to 15 units per semester. The Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy is consistently applied to all students enrolled at the school. It is printed in the catalog to ensure that all students receive a copy prior to enrollment. The policy complies with the guidelines established by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences (NACCAS) and the federal regulations established by the United States Department of Education. Evaluation Periods: Cosmetology 1- 240 hours, 241- 480 hours, 481- 720 hours, 721- 960 hours, 961- 1200 hours, 1201- 1440 hours, 1441- 1600/1680 hours. Manicuring 1-240 hours, 241- 400 hours. Esthetician/Instructor 1- 240, 241- 480 hours, 481- 600 hours. Attendance Progress: The following attendance schedule must be strictly adhered to; Course Cosmetology Manicuring Esthetician Instructor Length 1600 hours 400 hours 600 hours 600 hours Completion Time 42 weeks 10 weeks 15 weeks 15 weeks Maximum Absence 10 days 3 days 5 days 5 days Note: Exceptions would be for religious beliefs preventing Saturday attendance or less than full time attendance approved by the Community College. Attendance Progress Evaluations: Students are required to attend a minimum of 224 hours each six (6) week session in order to be considered maintaining satisfactory attendance progress. Evaluations are conducted at the end of every six (6) week session to determine if the student has met the minimum requirements. Those students that exceed less than 224 hours in any six (6) week session can be subject to dismissal from the program. Academic Progress Evaluations: Students are assigned academic learning and a minimum number of practical experiences. Butte Community College/Chico Beauty College requires that a student must maintain a “C” average to remain in course programs. Grades are awarded at the end of each six (6) week session based upon attendance, theory grades and practical performance/applied effort. Official transcripts of semester grades and units awarded may be requested through Admission and Records at Butte Community College. Chico Beauty College will issue a report card if a student so requests. Please feel free to discuss your grades at any time with the administrator or instructors. All students meeting the above attendance and academic standards are deemed to be making satisfactory progress. Students must be making satisfactory progress at midpoint of program; Cosmetology 800 hours, Manicuring 200 hours, Esthetician/Instructor 300 hours. 25 Grades are determined by averaging the following: Attendance Theory 240 hours=10PTS 90-100=10PTS 239-232=9PTS 80 – 89 = 9PTS 231-224=8PTS 70 – 79 = 8PTS 223-216=7PTS 69 or lower = 6PTS Practical Exceeding Average=8 to10PTS Satisfactory = 7 to 5PTS Needs Improvement= 4 to 2PTS Unsatisfactory= 1PT Professional Appearance and Attitude determine the points in the Practical portion. Final grades equal total points earned: 30 to 25 PTS= A 24 to 20 PTS= B 19 to 15 PTS= C 14 and lower unsatisfactory. Warning: Students who fail to meet minimum requirements for academics or attendance progress are placed on warning and considered to be making satisfactory academic progress while during the warning period. The student will be advised in writing on the actions required to attain satisfactory academic progress by the next evaluation. If at the end of the warning period, the student has still not met both the attendance and academic requirements, he/she may be placed on probation and, if applicable, students may be deemed ineligible to receive Title IV funds. Probation: Students who fail to meet minimum requirements for attendance or academic progress after the warning period will be placed on probation and considered to be making satisfactory academic progress while during the probationary period, if the student appeals the decision and prevails upon appeal. Additionally, only students who have the ability to meet the satisfactory academic progress policy standards by the end of the evaluation period may be placed on probation. Students placed on an academic plan must be able to meet requirements set forth in the academic plan by the end of the next evaluation period. Students who are progressing according to their specific academic plan will be considered making satisfactory academic progress. The student will be advised in writing of the actions required to attain satisfactory academic progress by the next evaluation. If at the end of the probationary period, the student has still not met both the attendance and academic requirements required for satisfactory academic progress or by the academic plan, he/she will be determined as NOT making satisfactory academic progress and, if applicable, students will not deemed eligible to receive Title IV funds and may be subject to dismissal from the program. Interruptions, Course incompletes, Withdrawals: If a student requests a leave of absence, temporary withdrawal or whose training is interrupted by an emergency and who follows proper procedure by notifying Chico Beauty College in writing can resume training at the next six (6) sessions (space available). As long as the student was making Satisfactory Progress at the time training was interrupted, and had no outstanding fees or charges with either Chico Beauty College or Butte Community College. 26 If, however, the student is dropped because of not making Satisfactory Progress after the six (6) period of probation or because of violating the Rules and Regulation of Chico Beauty College, or because of excessive absences, or because of outstanding fees owed the Beauty College or Butte Community College, he/she may be reinstated only upon reapplying through the Academic Standing committee’s Review Board at Butte Community College. Upon their recommendation for reinstatement and with the approval of the Beauty College (space availability) and with the student submitting a letter of intent to comply, make up Deficiencies, etc. may reenroll at the next six (6) week session on probation until Satisfactory Progress has once again been re-established. Tardiness Policy If you are going to be late you must notify the school by 8:00 a.m. When you clock in late your time will be calculated to the nearest quarter hour. If tardiness becomes an ongoing issue you will be counseled and disciplinary action or termination may result. Tardiness is a disruption of a good learning environment and is discouraged. Hours of operation and training at Chico Beauty College are Tuesday through Saturday from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Students who are late to theory, late defined as 8:31 a.m., and have not notified the school, cannot clock in until 9:30 a.m. Attendance Policy All students must attend class regularly as schedule unless special arrangements are made in advance with the beauty college. Absences can be excused by administration personnel or supervising instructor only. Absences from class can seriously affect a students’ progress. Excessive absences will be reviewed by the administration and can result in termination or probation until such time that the student can continue training on a full time basis. Absences will be excused when student brings in verification for reason of absence (i.e. Dr. note, jury, court etc.) Failure to comply with this will result in the student being on attendance probation. Repeat offense can result in termination. Class and Practice Hours (Applied Effort) Chico Beauty College will only recognize time clock recorded hours of attendance. Students must clock in at the start of class, in and out for their lunch, and at the end of their class day. If a student fails to clock in and out, the student will not get credit for those hours. After clocking in, you are required to maintain applied effort. Applied effort means that you are engaged in assigned practice activities, self-study activities authorized by an instructor, or participating in a class. In all cases, your activities while on the time clock must be related to training for your course of study. Personal grooming, listening to electronic devices, sleeping, leaving the building, reading magazines will not be tolerated. Students not clocking in on time will receive a disciplinary write up. 27 Rules & Procedures for Keeping an Account of Student Class Hours and Practice Hours Completed Daily clock hours are recorded on a time clock by student clocking in and out on a time sheet. Students clocked hours are also recorded on a roster daily. Daily applied effort such as hours of technical instructions and practical operations are documented daily on student’s individual time cards. Both student and instructor are required to sign time cards on a daily basis. Time cards are turned in at the end of the day to attendance office, reviewed and then returned to student file by instructor. Once a week students are to record daily hours and operations for the week on a summary to monitor the minimum requirements required to be completed. Policy for Monitoring Student Progress Student’s tests scores, outlines and work books are recorded in a grade book by an instructor. Daily operations and technical instructions are recorded on time sheets by student and checked by an instructor. All practical operations must be checked by an instructor to insure individual needs are met. Students will be evaluated on their practical hands on work daily. Students are informed of any deficiencies and they may need extra work in order to reach their goals. Students will be notified immediately if they fall below 70% in their academic progress and be given personal one-on-one instruction, in order to reach and maintain satisfactory progress. Students may request a consultation concerning academic progress at any time with instructor, administrator or director. Counseling Services Every student is extended the privilege of consulting with office administrator and instructors of the school. Students who wish to discuss matters related to the program, their schedule, attendance and/or concerns of a personal matter are encouraged to schedule an appointment with office administrator or an instructor. We do have an open door policy. Chico Beauty College students enrolled as a Butte Community College student have available on campus counseling and medical services available to them. Students are encouraged to use all services available to them. Students may contact Butte Community College at (530) 879-4346. 28 Disciplinary Counseling When a student needs to be counseled for disciplinary problems the following are entailed: 1. Student is brought into school office to discuss the situation or problem. A consultation report is filled out by one of the following; Instructor, Administrator or Director and the student explaining the reason for the counseling and any comments made. At this time a written warning may be issued. If student is under the age of 18 a parent or guardian will be contacted immediately. 2. If discussion and written warning are not respected, student may be clocked out and sent home for the day or for a three day suspension. 3. If disciplinary problems persist after these steps, the school may terminate the student from the course. 4. Some offenses may require immediate dismissal. Termination/Withdrawal The school may terminate a student prior to completion of their program for one or more of the following: 1. Insufficient academic progress. 2. Not fulfilling financial obligations to the school. 3. Failure to comply with the rules and regulations of the school. 4. Insubordination 5. After 10 consecutive school days of absence. 6. If on a leave of absence on the documented date of return if the student does not return. Student Grievance Procedures If you have a problem or complaint with an individual, whether it is a student, teacher or client, that you cannot resolve by talking with them, then you need to take your concern to the supervising instructor, Supervising instructor can act as a buffer so that both parties may discuss the problem in a calm, controlled matter with a third party present to assist in resolving the issue. If the matter at hand cannot be resolved at this point the issue can be taken to the administrator. Most problems can be resolved thru these step and chains of command. Most problems can be resolved if discussed in a timely manner before the issue escalates and if approached in a non-conformational tone. Students may direct complaints to administrator. All necessary steps will be made to resolve the problem. The administrator will be regularly accessible for reasonable periods of time before and during the range of time in which students are schedule to attend the institution. If a student complains in writing the institution shall, within 10 days of receiving the complaint, provide the student with a written response, including a summary of the institution’s investigation and disposition of it. If the complaint or relief requested by the student is rejected, the institution will provide the student with a written response detailing the reason for the rejection. Butte Community College Students: Inquiries regarding student grievances should be directed to the Vice President of Student Services, where copies of District policy and procedures are available on request. 29 Library Chico Beauty College library has additional books and instructional DVD’s available in our student library. Students are allowed to use individual DVD players that are located in classrooms. All of these items can be checked out with an instructor. Rules & Regulations of Chico Beauty College Conduct and Discipline: It is expected that all Chico Beauty College students are enrolled for serious educational pursuits and that they will conduct themselves so as to preserve an appropriate atmosphere of positive learning. It is also expected that all students who enroll at Chico Beauty College are willing to assume the responsibilities of citizenship within the student body. While enrolled, students are subject to school policies, rules and regulations that include the prerogative of dismissing those whose conduct is unfavorable to the aims of an institution of higher education. School Rules Violations: Chico Beauty College school rules violations will be one of the following, demerit, probation and suspension system. 1. Three write ups during any 3 month period, student will be put on probation. 2. Four write ups during any 3 month period, student will be suspended for three days. 3. Eight accumulated write ups student will be suspended for 5 days and put on probation. 4. Twelve or more write ups will be an automatic termination. Uniforms, Materials and Equipment: Uniforms and materials you will need to start your training in cosmetology, manicuring and esthetician include the following: Uniforms Female Students: Male Students: 1. Black Slacks (no jeans, yoga, leggings, 1. Black Slacks (no jeans) Or jogging pants) 2. Solid black or white shoes (closed toe) 2. Solid black or white shoes (closed toe) Two Chico Beauty College uniform shirts will be given to both female and male students on the first day of class and must be worn every day. Students may purchase extra shirts. ABSOLUTLEY NO HOODED SWEAT SHIRTS OR SWEATERS OF ANY KIND AND OR JACKETS ARE TO BE WORN ON THE CLINIC FLOOR AT ANY TIME ABSOLUTLEY NO FADED CLOTHING ABSOLUTLEY NO HOLES ARE ALLOWED IN ATTIRE ABSOLUTLEY NO HATS, HEADBANDS OR SCARFS Chico Beauty College can pass judgment on the cleanliness, neatness and appropriateness of a student’s uniform and whether or not the student needs to be sent to administration due to their appearance. *Failure to comply with dress code could cause dismissal for the day* 30 Materials Three ring binder, paper, pen and pencil, highlighter, lock combination or key (for your locker). The above requirements are not furnished by the school and are the responsibility of the student. Kits/Books/Supplies: The cosmetology, manicuring and esthetician kits are complete kits of all equipment that a student would need while in school. Milady’s text books for the cosmetology and esthetician course and Pivot text book for the manicuring course, is the study guides that are used while in school. The equipment is of a quality that if cared properly, could be taken by the student into the salon when they become employed. Time Tickets: Each student is required to have a time ticket, you must clock in and out each time you leave the campus. They are not to be taken home. You are entitled to two (2) breaks per day. If you are leaving the campus you must clock out. Time tickets must be signed by an instructor at the end of the day to verify hours and operations. If you leave the campus without clocking our and having your time ticket signed by an instructor you could be dismissed from the college. Breaks: Students are entitled two (2) breaks per day first break in the morning before schedule lunch and second in the afternoon. Lunch: Students will be given a 30 minute lunch. Each student must take lunch at the schedule time posted at front desk. Smoking: smoking is allowed in designated areas only. cigarettes or you will not be allowed to smoke on campus. Use proper disposal of your Parking: Parking is provided in designated areas only. Please do not park in areas where you’re not allowed or you will be towed by the owner of the vehicles expenses. Reading Material: The only reading material that is permitted is books and information that pertain to your course of study. Services: All Services must be started and checked by an instructor. Failure to do so may result in dismissal from the college. Cell phones: Students are allowed to us their cell phones when clocked out on their breaks and lunch. No cell phones on clinic floor or in theory at anytime. Failure to comply will result in student clocking out for the day. Repeat offenses will result in termination. A Professional Attitude: A professional attitude and conduct must be maintained, no loud talking, use of profanity, use of drugs or alcohol is permitted on the premises. Student’s that refuse to perform a service on a client will be clocked out for the day. Appointments may only be moved by instructor or receptionist. 31 Chemicals: Students are not permitted to get their own chemicals unless given permission by instructor. An instructor will supply all chemicals and they must be present when you mix all hair color unless given permission by instructor. Each student is responsible to keep his/her area and station clean. All containers/bottles must be properly labeled, clean or soiled. You must clean your mirror, chair base and arms at the end of every day. Each student is required to perform sanitation procedures each and all day. Failure to comply with this rule will result in suspension or termination. It is the responsibility of all students and staff to maintain the appearance of the school in a clean an orderly manner. Food and Drinks: Food and drinks are not permitted in the senior theory room, class rooms or clinic floor. The only permitted item is a water bottle. You must eat food and drink in the break room or outside of the building. (NO EXCEPTIONS) Pictures: One 3x5 framed photo is allowed at your station. You are not permitted to attach pictures to your mirrors. You are not permitted to store things on the floor. Storage is in your locker or you must take them home with you at the end of the day. Work Area: Stations will be assigned by staff. You may not move your assigned station without permission from staff. It is the responsibility of the student to keep their work and surrounding area clean at all times. No decorations on or around work area. Personal Service: Students with permission from the instructor and who are deemed to making satisfactory progress may have personal work. Chemical services must be schedule a week prior with a student chemical card. Personal work is allowed Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons only. Please note: Personal services are privilege not a right. No personal services are allowed unless approved by instructor or front desk and student has been signed off at the front desk. Failure to follow this rule will result in write up. Failure to follow these guidelines for personal services will result in disciplinary action. When not working on patron: Students have the responsibility to fulfill requirements on the time ticket prior to course completion. Students WILL NOT BE MARKED OFF THR BOOKS at any time to work on these requirements. Students are not allowed to work on themselves at any time. Stealing: Any student observed stealing from the school, another student or client will be immediately terminated from program. Front Desk: Students are not permitted behind the desk unless scheduled to work the desk by the receptionist. The front desk is not a gathering place for students, it is a disruption for the receptionist. All personnel, including instructors must follow this procedure to insure consistency, customer service and professionalism. 32 Serving the Public: Students will be serving the public and must be courteous and pleasant. Students are to be prepared with all necessary equipment needed to complete the service. A student is not to leave a client during a service while a chemical is processing, except to clean up any unused chemicals or supplies. Should a student leave a client with any of the above mentioned work, they will face disciplinary actions as deemed appropriate. When on the clinic floor do not talk to other students while they are providing a service to another client. It is unprofessional. Visitors: visitors of students are not allowed in the clinic area unless receiving services or the student break room. They must wait in the reception area or off campus. Gum Chewing: Gum chewing will not be permitted on the premises. It does not look or sound professional to service a client while chewing gum. Nor is it sanitary. Theory Class: Starts at 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Tests & Assignments: Outlines due at the beginning of each chapter and work books due the day of test. Make up test are due within five (5) days of test. Personal Belongings and Equipment: Each student is responsible for their belongings and materials. A locker is provided for this reason. Backpacks, large carryalls, purses and other bags are allowed but they are not permitted on the clinic floor, they must be stored in a locker or on top of the lockers. This is due to fire safety and trip hazards. Any equipment or belongings that are left on/in school property for more than 30 days unclaimed will become property of Chico Beauty College and will have the right to dispose of such property. ANY VIOLATIONS OF THE ABOVE RULES IS OR MAY BE CAUSE FOR SUSPENSION OR DISMISSAL FROM THIS SCHOOL. CHICO BEAUTY COLLEGE RESERVERS THE RIGHT TO CHANGE, MODIFY, DELETE OR ADD TO RULES AND REGULATIONS BY POSTING SUCH CHANGES. 33 Code of Ethics 1. This school has principal objectives in the training of qualified cosmetologists to render the best possible service to patrons. 2. This school strives continuously to improve its operation in order to keep abreast with the ever changing developments and new techniques in cosmetology. 3. This school observes all rules and regulations issued by the State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology and Health Department. 4. This school encourages its instructors to keep abreast of the latest teaching methods in cosmetology by attending teacher’s refresher courses, workshops and continuing education. 5. This school takes part in education conferences and regional meetings in order to advance the cosmetology profession. 6. This school makes use of acceptable teaching techniques and training aids, such as workshops, films and other audio visual aids, in order to provide the best possible training for its students. 7. This school purchases high grade standard equipment, cosmetics and supplies to be used for instruction of its students. 8. This school maintains honest and fair relationships with its staff, students, and patrons, State board and other schools. 9. This school advertises truthfully and makes honest representations to its students. 10. This school refrains from any advertisement or criticism which might reflect unfavorable on other schools and the cosmetology profession. 34 Curriculum for Cosmetology Course The curriculum for students enrolled in a cosmetology course shall consist of sixteen hundred (1600) clock hours of technical instruction and practical operations covering all practices constituting the act of cosmetology pursuant to Section 7316 of the Barbering and Cosmetology Act. For the purpose of this section, technical instruction shall mean instruction by demonstration, lecture, classroom participation or examination; practical operations shall mean the actual performance and practical operations shall include the list below. Students must maintain a theory grade average of 70% and pass a final written and practical skills exam prior to graduation. Numerical grades are considered according to the following grading scale: Practical and Theory: 90-100 A= Excellent 80- 89 B= Good 70- 79 C= Average 69 or less = Unsatisfactory Cosmetology Requirements Technical Operations Cos. Act Rules & Regulations Chemistry Health/Safety Electricity Disinfection & Sanitation Anatomy & Physiology Bacteriology Wet Hair Styles/Comb out Thermal Hair Curling Hair Flat Iron Hair Permanent Waving Chemical Straightening Hair Cutting Hair Color/Bleaching Shampooing/Hair Analysis Facial Manual Facial Elec/Chem Hair Removal Make up 20 20 20 5 20 15 10 30 10 10 10 20 20 20 40 15 5 20 10 15 5 5 20 15 Water/Oil Manicure Complete Pedicure Artificial Nails Tips/Wraps/Repairs Practical Operations 100 100 50 50 50 60 45 80 70 30 20 20 20 10 15 10 50 50 Chico Beauty College provides training in the areas of communication skills that include professional ethics, salesmanship, decorum, record keeping and client service record cards. 35 COSMETOLOGY TRAINING LEVELS & GOALS Cosmetology Freshman Level: A minimum of 240 hours is devoted to the learning of basic and fundamental skills of cosmetology. Classes in theory and practical application are conducted daily. Students then practice the newly learned skills on mannequins and models. A student must demonstrate a thorough understanding of the subject matter by written test and practical application to progress to the junior level. Intermediate or Junior Level: Students continue to attend daily theory and practical classes to further develop their skills and ability. Juniors are assigned “patrons” on a learning/needs basis when not engaged in classroom activities. When students can demonstrate the ability to perform all applications with understanding and accuracy under close supervision and score a passing grade on all written and practical tests, they will be placed in the Senior Class level. Advanced or Senior Level: Students will continue to attend a minimum of 5 hours per week of theory classes in addition to special or advanced classes in all phases of cosmetology. Senior students are expected to be able to perform all applications with extreme accuracy with a minimum of supervision and pass all written and practical tests. Prior to completion, students must demonstrate proficiency in Reception Desk activities, Record Keeping, and in understanding the Health and Safety Rules as mandated by the California Board of Cosmetology. All students by program completion, should project a professional “Attitude,” “Aptitude,” “Appearance,” and “Ability.” Curriculum for Manicuring Course Manicuring (400 hours) This short intensive course is ideal for the young professional seeking an entry position in the industry, or for the mature adult who is re-entering the job market. All beauty salons offer manicuring services to their patrons and employment opportunities are readily available to a well trained and experienced manicurist. Taught are acrylic extensions, silk wraps, tips and overlays, pedicures, plain and oil manicuring techniques, sanitation and safety requirements, along with manicure salon management and professionalism. 36 Subject Hours Min. Operations Cosmetology Act, State Board Rules and Regulations 10 or more Cosmetology Chemistry 10 or more Health & Safety/Hazardous Sub. 15 or more Disinfection and Sanitation 10 or more Bacteriology, Anatomy, Physiology 10 or more Water/Oil Manicures 15 or more 40 or more Complete Pedicure 10 or more 20 or more Artificial Nails Liquid & Powder Brush On 15 or more 80 nails 10 or more 5 or more 10 maximum 60 nails 40 nails Nail Tips Nail Wraps & Repairs Additional Instruction & Training 10 Manicurist Training Levels and Goals Freshman Level: First 40 hours is devoted to the learning of basic skills on manicures and pedicures. Classes in theory and practical application are conducted daily. Intermediate Level: 41 to 240 hours of instruction in artificial acrylic nail application. Advanced Level: 241 to 400 hours of instruction in gel nail application. There will be 5 hours of theoretical instruction per week. Curriculum for Esthetician Course Esthetician Course (600) The skin care course is an intensive course to teach the necessary skills and techniques that make up a successful esthetician. To provide the student with the opportunity to learn and acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to take and pass Board of Cosmetology state examination and enter the profession with all related job entry level skills required of a licensed esthetician. Students will learn the most up to date methods and procedures, safely and accurately use all equipment and products related to the industry, to demonstrate appropriate communication skills and apply good health and safety rules. 37 Esthetician Requirements Cos. Act rules & regulations Chemistry Health & Safety Theory of Electricity Bacteriology, Anatomy & Physiology Disinfection & Sanitation Facials/Manual Facials/Electricity Facials/Chemical Hair removal/Tweezers Make up Technical Operations 10 10 20 10 15 Practical Operations 10 20 30 20 25 20 10 40 60 40 50 40 Esthetician Training Levels & Goals Freshman Level: First 80 hours of instruction learning basic techniques in massage, product knowledge and application, health & safety, sanitation, rules :& regulations. Intermediate Level: 81 to 300 hours of instruction learning advanced techniques in waxing. Advanced Level: 301 to 600 hours of instruction in makeup application and advanced esthetics. Curriculum for Instructor Training Course Technical Instruction Subject 10 or more hours of Cosmetology Act and Board Rules & Regulations 145 or more hours in Preparatory Training Practical Operations 50 or more Preparatory Training 100 or more Conducting Classroom Instruction 300 or more Supervision of Student Practice 38 Instructor Training levels & Goals Instructor Training (600 hours) Prerequisite: Must hold valid Cosmetologist License and a High School diploma or GED equivalency. Well trained, professional instructors are always in demand. Those with the ability will find teaching a challenging and rewarding career. Opportunities exist in public and private schools, and with cosmetic and beauty product manufacturers and distributors. Any questions a student may have regarding this catalog that have not been satisfactorily answered by the institution may be directed to the; Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education 2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95833 P.O. Box 980818, West Sacramento, CA 95798-0818 Web site www.bppe.ca.gov By calling (888)370-7589 or (916)431-6959 Fax (916)263-1897 39 Chico Beauty College EMERGENCY FIRE EVACUATION PLAN: At the sound of the Fire Alarm or an announcement from your Instructor, Everyone will immediately: 1. Form a double line and evacuate the school building immediately, in an orderly fashion through the nearest EXIT. (See floor plan.) 2. WALK – DO NOT RUN – DO NOT TAKE PERSONAL BELONGINGS. 3. SILENCE will be strictly observed. Listen for any specific instructions from your Instructors. 4. IMMEDIATELY proceed to the student parking lot, where a roll call will be taken by an Instructor to make sure that the building has been TOTALLY EVACUATED. 5. INFORMATION and DIRECTIONS will be given. Upon notification that it is safe to return to the building, students will return to the main lecture room where a roll call will be taken and training will resume as usual. 40 ORIENTATION CHECKLIST I (print name) have received upon application for admittance or during orientation on first day of class the following information and/or documentation. (Please check off each item, sign and date this document, return to office. ____ Our School Date Additional Fees Approval Disclosure Statement Community College Credits Mission Statement Financial Aid Administration Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy Staff & Qualifications Attendance Progress Welcome/Invitation Warning Career Opportunities Probation Objective Tardiness Policy Facilities Attendance Policy Student Services & Counseling Procedures/Keeping Students Hours Career Counseling Counseling Services State Board Licensing Requirements Termination/Withdrawal Graduation Requirements Violations School Program Schedule Uniforms/Materials/Equipment School Calendar Serving the Public Admission Requirements Cell Phone Policy Credit for Transfer Students Personal Services Drug Abuse Prevention Reception Desk Safeguarding Students Records Code of Ethics Students Charges /Tuition Emergency Plan Signature 41 Chico Beauty College School Performance Fact Sheet From January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013 Course year #of students who #students available began program for graduation completion graduates rate____ Cosmetology 2013 102 Esthetician 2013 5 5 0 0% Manicuring 2013 16 16 16 100% Course Year 102 82 80% Graduates employed/placement rates #of graduate’s available #of graduates employed Placement For employment in the field rate___ Cosmetology 2013 82 41 50% Esthetician 2013 0 0 0% Manicuring 2013 16 12 75% Course Examination passage rates #of students #who passed first #who failed first Passage Year ___taking exam_ exam take exam taken rate__ Cosmetology 2013 84 82 2 98% (Passage data from two prior years) Esthetician 2012 2011 99 91 2013 8 2012 2011 Manicuring 2013 2012 2011 88 72 10 19 4 4 (Passage data from two prior years) 16 15 1 17 15 2 16 10 6 (Passage data from two prior years) 24 20 4 25 21 4 89% 79% 50% 94% 88% 85% 83% 84% Sources of the data reported on this performance fact sheet may be obtained from the institutional administrative office. Any questions a student may have regarding this fact sheet that have not been satisfactorily answered by the institution may file a complaint with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education by calling (888) 370-7589 or by completing a complaint form on the bureau’s web site 42 43