QEP: Marketing and Communications Subcommittee Meeting: October 24, 2012 In attendance: Austin Francis, Kristin Stout, Stephanie Whaley, Carly Hallman, Elizabeth Desnoyers-Colas, Bill Dawers, and Brenda Forbis Review of meeting with Steering Committee Occurred 2 weeks ago Steering Committee indicated they had already purchased some pencils and sticky notes. These items were passed out at Celebrate Armstrong. Steering Committee approved the promotional budget listed below: Budget for First Class Campaign QEP Marketing and Communication Committee Print materials Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Brochure for parents 1500 $400 Door hangers – residence life 1500 $500 Navigate postcards Postc ards for campus/alumni 3000 $350 Posters for campus 200 $54 Writer $500 2000 $500 1500 $500 3000 $350 3000 $350 200 $54 total $900 $1000 $350 $700 $108 $500 $3558 Instructional Media Development Video camera Graduate Assistant stipend, 3 semesters beginning this summer Consultant for focus groups Camtasia license Technology for Freshmen Seminar flashdrives for new students $11,000 Website development $13,000 $300 $7250 $1500 $300 total $9350 total $24,000 360 degree software license for Armstrong app Institutional student worker – 3 semesters beginning this summer total $5000 $6000 $11000 Giveaways 7000 T-shirts Small screen cleaners, 8000 Buttons, 15,000 (2 years) $33,250 $8000 $5400 total $46,650 Grand total $94,558 Discussion of Budget Our subcommittee was a bit confused because the approved budget contained some elements that the current members of the committee had not seen on the proposed budget. It was noted that the Steering Committee spent $400 dollars for sticky notes; therefore only $600 dollars remains in the line item for print. Moving forward the group discussed the approved $5000 for the 360 degree software license. Group agreed that money could better be used for the production of brochures to promote First Class. The remainder of the meeting focused on discussion of the First Class Project Grid. An updated grid is listed below: Project Target audien ce Logo revision All Brochure Student s Parents Video 1) Experience s during pilot program PPT presentation Owner What is First Class and why is it important? Bruce H. Bruce Bruce, Marketing Liz Colas, Jewel Anderson, and drama students Internal Campus Audien awareness ce Faculty Next steps Timing Quanti ty & Cost Marketing How it was meaningful to students. What faculty experienced/lear ned from the pilot 2) What is information literacy 3) Short/sweet Overview for brochure Inkwell Ads Key message Points i.e. purpose of project Campus Library Marketing January to layout and then pass along for Bill to present for review. Storyboa Liz to rd to be work with decided Bruce and Nov 9thteam to 10th schedule brainstor Final m and video shooting. should be ready around the end of Nov. Marketing Jan & to contact Feb advisor for pricing Librarians Nov. Print 5,500 for departments Article in department newsletters staff awareness staff and Bruce Bruce to work with Bruce to develop PPT Doug F. to help facilitate Dawers getting newsletter list Internal Campus Audien awareness ce Message developm ent Armstrong magazine article Campus Posters & digital signage Inkwell Article Tshirt for Pilot group & Pirate Preview/Navigate workers Message Board--get a first class experience at Armstrong Homepage spotlight about Pilot Postcards for all faculty/staff Contest among faculty/students to explain what Info literacy is. Win a Faculty , Staff and Student s (and alumni) Internal Audien ce Internal ALL Informative & all encompassing Emily/Bren da Campus awareness April Last week in February February Campus awareness Program awareness 250 tshirts Internal Campus Audien awareness ce FebMarch Internal Audien ce Internal Audien ce Internal Audien ce Campus awareness Feb Campus awareness Feb Campus awareness Bruce Bruce flash drive Add photo gallery to First Class website Update First Class website Computer lab & library screens Internal Audien ce Email to campus to Internal inform about pilot Audien and plans to move ce forward (comes from President or provost) Bruce Bruce and Janice Bruce Bruce Campus awareness Campus awareness Decemb er Key Questions 1) What are our tactics for the following audiences: Current Students Prospective students Faculty and staff