2APlanSept. 26

2A English Plan-Purdum-September 26-30
September 26-Monday
4d, 5c
Analyze a variety of text to
make predictions and draw
Paraphrase, summarize,
organize and synthesize
information from a variety of
Sept. 27-Tuesday
2a, 3c
Wednesday –Sept. 28
5f, 1b, 1g
Thursday –September 29
Organizes information
Friday –September 30
2a. Write in a variety of
genre…for specific purpose…
5c. Paraphrase, summarize,
organize and synthesize
information from various
Content Objective
SWBAT make connections to
other cultures and belief
systems utilizing graphic
organizer, text, and prior
knowledge to complete
comparison chart.
SWBAT write rough drafts of
Quest story creation from
previously created outlines,
which utilized organizer strips
for writing workshop.
SWBAT create separate
written points of different
myths and belief systems,
preparatory to creating a
comparison/contrast with
conclusions about different
myths and belief systems.
Summary of
Students will utilize textbook
information (Hamilton) to
record facts about different
myths and belief stories in a
creation myth comparison
Creation of Quest rough drafts
either by library scheduling or
on laptop computers in rooms.
SWBAT organize information
for creating a
comparison/contrast of myths,
belief systems and time
periods, drawing conclusions
about similarities, as to their
origins and possible motives.
Submit rough drafts-Quest.
Writing workshop organizing
idea strips provide the basis for
comparison/contrast writing
of cultural myth comparisons
and contrasts, drawing
Submit rough drafts-Quest
Key Vocabulary &
Lit Terms
Norse, Egyptian, Christian,
Greek, belief systems, creation
myths, life after death, cycle of
seasons, relationship to death,
DGP-week 3
Teacher will write creation
myth comparison organizer on
class board or overhead, and
provide graphic organizer to
students. Teacher will provide
texts for students. Teacher will
model textbook answers for
chart, providing page #’s for
creation myths.
Students and teacher will
discuss, locate, and write
creation myths on graphic
Norse, Egyptian, Christian,
Greek, belief systems, creation
myths, life after death, cycle of
seasons, relationship to death,
SWBAT locate, identify and
record definitions of names
with Greek origins which
occur in today’s culture and
geography. SWBAT identify
etymologies of terms, by
viewing and completing guided
notes of etymologypowerpoint.
Students will make
connections with modern
society and culture, and ancient
Greek culture, through the use
of maps, dictionaries and
etymologies, and record
connections on graphic
organizer and in notes.
Norse, Egyptian, Christian,
Greek, belief systems, creation
myths, life after death, cycle of
seasons, relationship to death,
rebirth, etymology
DGP-week 3
Teacher will provide graphic
organizer, maps, dictionaries,
and thesaurus, etymology
powerpoint to identify, locate,
and record Greek terms with
modern use in society.
Teacher will illustrate maps on
video overhead and provide
direction in sample terms.
Students will discuss, locate,
and identify, and record, terms
and definitions with teacher,
“I Do”
“We Do”
Teacher provides library or
laptop computers in rooms for
rough draft writing of Quest
story. Teacher provides
models of stories and
elements, and rubrics
stipulating grading points to
Teacher/students discuss,
assess formation of Quest
story rough drafts from
Students will use a graphic
organizer writing point system,
to record different
comparisons, contrasts and
conclusions, then organizing
these records in a precise order
for writing purposes.
Norse, Egyptian, Christian,
Greek, belief systems, creation
myths, life after death, cycle of
seasons, relationship to death,
Norse, Egyptian, Christian,
Greek, belief systems, creation
myths, life after death, cycle of
seasons, relationship to death,
DGP-Week 3
Teacher/students discuss
methods of organization,
collaborate on formation of
2A English Plan-Purdum-September 26-30
organizer chart.
Students/teacher will read
aloud certain creation myths
for purposes of comparison.
Students form study groups of
two, with specific pairs of AL
and SL students, for purposes
of location, reading and
recording of myths. Students
will discuss and compare
myths, and assist one another
in analyzing differences and
Complete graphic organizer of
creation myths of different
Rough drafts in process for
Quest story.
Completed myth chart.
Rough draft creation.
Hamilton text, myth chart,
prior knowledge.
Library computer lab, laptop
computers, outlines, organizing
writers strips.
and/or struggling
AL: Form pairs with SL
students, provide guidance
and stimulation to partners
in chart completion,
encourage questioning.
SL: Pair with AL students
for purposes of facilitating
discussion, location and
recording myths, and
questioning origins.
AL: Continue pairs work
where necessary and
beneficial. Encourage
individual writing creation
by using outlines.
SL: Continue pairs work
where necessary and
beneficial. Encourage
individual writing creation
by using outlines.
“You Do”
Writing rough drafts of Quest
story from previously created
outlines and organization strips
from writers workshop
providing answers and queries
for study purposes of
etymologies and modern
Students study maps and locate
definitions, students provide
etymology points from
dictionaries in definitions.
Students fill out guided notes
of etymology powerpoint.
conclusions to be drawn.
Discuss, compare, synthesize
ideas, record on strips, in
preparation for written
comparison/contrast with
conclusions of different
cultural myths, their origins
and possible meanings.
Students will create
comparison/contrast with
conclusions of different
cultural myths, beliefs and
possible origins and meanings,
utilizing idea organizing strips
for writers workshop.
Submit rough drafts-Quest
Completed guided notes for
etymology. Completed graphic
organizer of location,
identification and definition of
Greek terms used in modern
Organizing points on strips for
verification, then take home
for completion to prepare for
comparison/contrast with
The extent of our societies’
dependence on Greek terms,
definitions, meanings and
stories, today, is connected and
Etymology powerpoint, guided
notes, dictionaries, thesauruses,
map, Hamilton text
Submission of revised
organizing strip points for
copying and use in writing, for
Written synthesis utilizing
comparisons and contrasts,
drawing conclusions about
connections of ancient Greek
beliefs with other belief
systems, and the origins of,
and explanations for, those
Submission of written
comparison/contrast of
cultural beliefs.
Submit rough drafts-Quest
AL: Continue pairs work
where beneficial. Ask AL’s
to locate Greek terms by
studying dictionary
etymologies, and record.
SL: Attempt completion of
map search for Greek terms,
and record.
Graphic strip organizers, text
Hamilton, Creation myth
comparisons graphic organizer,
prior knowledge.
Cu;ltural myths graphic
organizer, Hamilton text,
organizing strips, laptops
AL: Increase written
requirement for
comparisons to posit
possible explanations for
myth similarities, discussing
the needs of the society for
answers to life’s questions.
SL: Ask SL’s to analyze at
least one myth comparison,
across three cultures, by
summarizing and discussion
in the written work.
2A English Plan-Purdum-September 26-30