[Topic for Instructional Intervention Sequence] [Teacher Name] [School] [Grade Level] STANDARD(S) TO BE ADDRESSED: KENTUCKY CORE ACADEMIC STANDARDS FOR MATHEMATICS (KCAS) OR QUALITY CORE LEARNING TARGET(S) AND LEARNING POWER WE ARE LEARNING TO OUR LEARNING POWER IS AN INSTRUCTIONAL INTERVENTION SEQUENCE IS A SERIES OF STRATEGIES OR ACTIVITIES THAT CAN BE USED TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE TO THOSE STUDENTS WHO ARE IN NEED OF TIER I INTERVENTIONS. BELOW IS A LIST OF POSSIBLE INTERVENTIONS YOU CAN USE IN YOUR SEQUENCE THAT WE HAVE DISCUSSED IN TMI. Concrete-Representation-Abstract (CRA) Activity Silent Teaching Formative Assessment Lesson (FAL) Number lines Foam Manipulatives (you have a variety of dies you can use) On-line resources such as Teacher Desmos, National Library of Virtual Manipulatives etc. Movie clips TI N-Spire TNS file activities Activity from Math Tools book Remember the following books are great resources: How Students Learn Mathematics, Teaching Mathematics Meaningfully and the three flip chart books. Your instructional intervention sequence should have at least TWO activities. Please fill out the following sheet to highlight the activities you will use in your instructional intervention sequence. If you are not using a CRA, then you can delete this section from your sheet. [Topic for Instructional Intervention Sequence] [Teacher Name] [School] [Grade Level] CONCRETE-REPRESENTATIONAL-ABSTRACT (CRA) Concrete Level (Briefly address each point below) Identify the manipulative(s) used for your CRA. How will the manipulative help to represent your learning target? Briefly describe what students will do with the manipulative. List any higher order questions you could ask at the concrete level. Representational Level (Briefly address each point below) What types of representations will students use? How will students use representations to display their understanding of the learning target? How will you enable your students to bridge the concrete and representational levels? List any higher order questions you intend on asking at this level. Abstract Level (Briefly address each point below) How will you enable your students to bridge the representational and abstract levels? List any higher order questions you intend on asking at this this level. What are your next steps for instruction after the CRA? NAME OF INSTRUCTIONAL INTERVENTION HERE Briefly describe your activity here. List any materials you need, misconceptions you will address or any important questions you will pose. [Topic for Instructional Intervention Sequence] [Teacher Name] [School] [Grade Level] NAME OF INSTRUCTIONAL INTERVENTION HERE Briefly describe your activity here. List any materials you need, misconceptions you will address or any important questions you will pose. NAME OF INSTRUCTION INTERVENTION HERE Briefly describe your activity here. List any materials you need, misconceptions you will address or any important questions you will pose. PLEASE TURN IN A COPY OF ANY ADDITIONAL RESOURCES OR WORKSHEETS WITH THIS SHEET