UKIAHS 2014 Sponsorship & VIP Packages Class & Championship Packages Exclusive Class Sponsorship Exclusive sponsorship of one class and awarding of prizes Banner at ringside 1 page colour advert (self-delivered). Name in catalogue 2 catalogues 2 x 2 day passes Exclusive Championship sponsorship £1,200 Exclusive sponsorship of one class and awarding of prizes Banner at ringside 1 page colour advert (self-delivered). Name in catalogue 2 catalogues 2 x 2 day passes Non-exclusive Class Supporter (where available) £650 £200 ½ page colour advert (self-delivered). Name in catalogue 2 catalogues 2 x 2 day passes UKIAHS Sponsorship/VIP/Advertising Details 2014 Page 1 Non-exclusive Championship Supporter (where available) £400 ½ page colour advert (self-delivered). Name in catalogue 2 catalogues 2 x 2 day passes For the non-exclusive supporter packages, all effort will be made to allocate desired classes/championships. However, full class/championship sponsors must take priority. Special Show Awards – Sponsorship High Point of Show (£1000 to be given as cash prize to winner & Trophy to keep) £1,300 Name in catalogue 2 catalogues 2 x 2 day passes Exclusive presentation High Point of Show – British Bred (£1000 to be given as cash prize to winner & Trophy to keep) £1,300 Name in catalogue 2 catalogues 2 x 2 day passes Exclusive presentation Best Small UK Stud Award (£1000 to be given as cash prize to winner & Trophy to keep) £1,300 Name in catalogue 2 catalogues 2 x 2 day passes Exclusive presentation Best Owner/Breeder Award (£1000 to be given as cash prize to winner & Trophy to keep) £1,300 Name in catalogue 2 catalogues 2 x 2 day passes Exclusive presentation UKIAHS Sponsorship/VIP/Advertising Details 2014 Page 2 VIP Tables VIP Tables Exclusive reserved table at ringside for 2 days Seating for 8 persons Tea, coffee, and soft drinks throughout the day 2-course lunch each day in Addington Restaurant (overlooking the arena) Afternoon tea Catalogues Class results delivered to table 8 x 2 day passes Individual VIP seating £150 Access to new Show Supporters Area for 2 days Use of un-reserved tables and seating Tea and coffee 1 x Catalogue Name in catalogue 2 x 2 day passes Show Supporter (Individual) - GOLD £160 Shared reserved table in VIP area for 2 days Tea, coffee, and soft drinks throughout the day 2-course lunch each day in Addington Restaurant (overlooking the arena) Afternoon tea Catalogue Class results delivered to table 1 x 2 day pass Show Supporter (Two People) - GOLD £1,200 £100 Access to new Show Supporters Area for 2 days Use of un-reserved tables and seating Tea and coffee 1 x Catalogue Name in catalogue 1 x 2 day pass UKIAHS Sponsorship/VIP/Advertising Details 2014 Page 3 Class/Championship/VIP Packages Exclusive Class/VIP Sponsorship Package combines Exclusive Class Sponsorship and VIP table with a value of £1850 £1,700 Exclusive Championship/VIP Sponsorship Package combines Exclusive Championship and VIP table with a total value of £2400 £2,200 Catalogue Advertising Colour page £400 Back page £800 RESERVED ½ pages – as available £300 Ringside banners £250 All catalogue advertising charges are based on delivery as ‘ready-to-print’ adverts. An Advert Design Service is available. Please contact the Show Director, Janet Court, for further details. UKIAHS Sponsorship/VIP/Advertising Details 2014 Page 4 CLASSES & CHAMPIONSHIPS AVAILABLE FOR SPONSORSHIP Please indicate choice of class/championship Classes Exclusive Sponsorship Non-Exclusive Sponsorship Yearling Filly Yearling Colt 2 year old Filly 2 year old Colt 3 year old Filly 3 year old Colt Mare with foal, 4yrs old & over Un-weaned Foal Weaned Foal Mare 4 – 6 years old Mare 7 – 9 years old Mare 10 – 16 year old Mare 17 year old and over Stallion 4 – 6 years old Stallion 7 – 9 years old Stallion 10 – 16 year old Stallion 17 year old and over 1, 2 & 3 year old Gelding Gelding 4 years old and over UKIAHS Sponsorship/VIP/Advertising Details 2014 Page 5 Ridden Mare Ridden Stallion Ridden Gelding Championships Exclusive Sponsorship Non-Exclusive Sponsorship Foal Yearling Filly Yearling Colt Junior Female Junior Male Senior Female Senior Male Gelding Ridden Name of Class/Championship Sponsor: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Please note – where more than one person/company requests to sponsor a specific class or championship, these will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. UKIAHS Sponsorship/VIP/Advertising Details 2014 Page 6