C. Placement Providers

Code of Practice on Placement Learning
Document Reference:
Version :
Placement Learning
1 01
Date : Oct 10
Approved By:
University Quality Office
All staff delivering programmes which include any form of placement learning.
Quality Office: 01482 46 6704
Applications for exemptions to:
Report Exemptions to:
Academic Board
Further Guidance:
Quality Assurance Agency Code of
Practice: Section 9 Placement Learning
Summary/ Description:
This sets out the University’s expectations for placement learning reflecting the
intentions of section 9 of the QAA Code.
This document was first issued as I1
This university Code has been written in accordance with the approach approved by QSC to
enhance clarity (Quality Handbook section A2) involving the following terminology:
must = mandatory
should = advisable
may = desirable.
Where these terms are used they are emphasised in bold.
This document is available in alternative formats from
The Quality Office
Placement Learning
University Quality Office
Version 1 01 - Oct 10
Code of Practice on Placement Learning
Introduction and Scope
This Code of Practice exists in order to provide a universal reference point for those
University departments that include placement learning as an integral part of their
programmes of study. The Code has been produced so all departments throughout
the University are clear what their responsibilities are regarding placement learning.
The ultimate responsibility for the implementation of this code lies with the University.
It aims to build upon current best practice to produce a code that complies with the
QAA Code of Practice for the Assurance of Academic Quality and Standards in
Higher Education - Section 9: Placement Learning.
This code applies to all placements undertaken by University of Hull students,
which, normally, take place outside of the University and involve the cooperation of a third party. In such situations, students are no longer under the
day-to-day supervision of University staff. The code refers to placements
arranged by the University, the student or by both, in line with section 9 of the
QAA Code of Practice on Assurance of Academic Quality and Standards in
Higher Education, which states:
The types of placements available to students take many forms (for example
short, extended; full-time, part-time; paid, unpaid; assessed, non-assessed;
formal learning, experiential learning; studying or working abroad). The
institution’s relationship with the placement provider will also vary with the
nature of the placement. This may be, for example, a large-scale placement
with a single employer; enrolment of students on a programme of study at an
overseas university; or a student-negotiated work placement.
The Code applies when a discrete part of a programme of study requires a student to
be placed in an organisation of which they are not normally part or, if they are
normally members of an organisation, to take a role that is significantly different from
their normal role. The Code does not apply to students who study and use their work
experience to inform their programme of study.
A. General Principles
(i) Programme specifications, assessment guidelines, the prospectus and
departmental pamphlets given to prospective students must make it clear when
placement learning is an integral part of the programme of study. They should also
make clear that consideration has been given and, wherever possible, arrangements
exist, to accommodate the needs of disabled students with regard to placement
(ii) As an integral part of the programme of study, placement learning must contribute
to the aims and learning outcomes as listed in the programme specification. This is
an area that should be considered by departments when they design programmes. It
should also be a consideration when monitoring and reviewing programmes.
(iii) It must be clear in the programme specification how the placement learning
experience will be assessed. These assessment methods must comply with the
University’s guidelines on assessment methods.
Placement Learning
University Quality Office
Version 1 01 - Oct 10
B. Institutional Policies and Procedures
(i) All placements must be approved by the departments concerned. In doing so they
must be assured that the placement will provide the following:
- The possibility for the student to achieve the learning outcomes intended at the
required standard.
- Support for the student on the placement from a designated member of staff.
- An experience that complies with the requirements of any relevant statutory,
regulatory, professional or funding bodies.
- Wherever possible, provision for students with disabilities. Departments may
wish to seek advice from the University’s Disability Services and the University
Working Group on the Section 3 of the QAA Code of Practice, on Students with
- An environment that adheres to Health and Safety Legislation. (In the case of
foreign placements the legislation followed must be that of the host country.)
(ii) In most cases a collaborative agreement will be signed between the University
and those offering to provide the placement. This document (which may be referred
to as a Placement Agreement) should state the responsibilities of both parties during
the placement and the benefits both parties can expect to receive. (In some cases an
individual tripartite agreement will be signed including the student, University and
placement provider. The expectations of professional bodies are pertinent to the
development of learning agreements.)
(iii) If the University allocates the placement to the student, the department
concerned must ensure the appropriateness of a specific placement for a particular
student. The following points must be considered:
- any disabilities the student may have
- the principle of equal opportunity
The following points may be taken into consideration where appropriate and possible:
- the student’s preference for type of placement
- the student’s preferences for geographical location of placement
The academic ability of the student may also be an issue for consideration.
These points should be made clear in any collaborative agreements that exist
between the University and the placement providers.
(iv) If the student is responsible for selecting and securing a placement they must be
aware of this in plenty of time and must be given adequate guidance from the
University. Students should seek guidance on:
- issues arising from any disabilities they may have
- issues of equal opportunity
- their preference for type of placement and the appropriateness for level of study
- their preferences for geographical location of placement
Where the University uses an agency to secure placements it will wish to be assured
that that the agency can provide placements that meet the requirements of the
University and the students.
(v) The consequences of a placement being completed in an unsatisfactory manner
or not at all, for whatever reason, should be clear. Termination procedures and
responsibilities should be delineated.
(vi) The department’s policy for a student who secures a placement and then decides
s/he wishes to take another placement, must be clear to the student at the beginning
of the placement procedure.
Placement Learning
University Quality Office
Version 1 01 - Oct 10
C. Placement Providers
(i) Departments must ensure that those who provide the student with the placement
are aware of their responsibilities before the commencement of the placement.
Responsibilities may be most easily communicated through a collaborative
agreement. Where available and appropriate, departments may wish to consult
International Office guidelines.
(ii) University departments must be certain that the placement providers are aware of
their duty to provide the student with an experience that gives them the chance to
achieve the learning outcomes and educational aims intended.
(iii) The University must ensure that placement providers are aware of and willing to
undertake any role they may have in the assessment of students in a fair and
appropriate manner.
(iv) Placement Providers must be aware that it is their responsibility to ensure that
the student placed with them receives adequate support and guidance.
(v) Placement Providers must be aware that they are expected to provide the
University with feedback about the progress of the placement when requested by the
University. Any feedback that is required by professional validating bodies should be
explicitly stated.
(vi) The Department must be convinced that placement providers are willing and able
to provide the student with a safe and legal working environment and that they
realise that it is their responsibility legally to provide this.
D. Student Responsibilities and Rights
(i) All students participating in placement learning should be informed in writing of
their rights and responsibilities before they begin their placement. The following list
details what should be covered:
Student Responsibilities
Students should be made aware that whilst on placement they are a
representative of the University and as a result they should behave in a good
and responsible manner.
If a collaborative agreement exists between the University and the placement
provider, students should be made aware of the benefits the placement provider
expects to gain from offering a placement opportunity.
Students should be made aware of any responsibilities they have with regard to
the setting up and arranging of their placements well before these arrangements
have to be made.
Students must be informed that they are responsible for notifying their University
Staff Contact if any issues occur whilst on placement that jeopardise the success
of the placement. These may relate to Health and Safety issues or learning
issues. If the issue(s) cannot be resolved the University reserves the right to
withdraw the student from the placement.
Students are responsible for assessing their learning experience during and after
the placement and for providing feedback to the University as required.
Students are responsible for giving due consideration to all the information given
to them about their placement by the University and the Placement Provider.
Placement Learning
University Quality Office
Version 1 01 - Oct 10
Student Rights
Placements should make it possible for students to achieve the intended learning
Students have a right to be provided with the information and support described
in E below.
Students should be informed that they have a right to work in a safe
They should be referred to relevant Health and Safety Legislation.
E. Student Support and Information
(i) Before their placement begins, the department should ensure that the student has
the following information:
- The intended aims and learning outcomes to be achieved through the placement
and the assessment methods to be employed.
- The consequences of failing to complete all or part of the placement.
- Preparation for any cultural changes they may experience and advice on how to
adapt to these.
- Guidance on the working environment, including any occupational health
considerations, legal/ethical considerations.
- A contact name at the University for any queries they have before the
commencement of the placement.
- Advice on dealing with practical considerations such as travel arrangements,
insurance and finding accommodation.
- Information about departmental support.
- Any extra advice that may be needed because of a student’s disability.
(ii) At the beginning of their placement, students should be given a contact both at
their placement and from the University, to provide academic and pastoral care.
Where appropriate, extra support should be given.
(iii) Students should be given, if necessary, re-orientation back in to their programme
of study within the University.
F. Staff Development
(i) Departments must be certain that all members of staff involved with placement
learning are competent to be so. The department’s monitoring and evaluation
processes should give consideration to this issue.
(ii) Suitable staff development opportunities should be available if required.
G. Dealing with Complaints
(i) Students and placement providers should be given information about who to
contact if they wish to make a complaint about any aspect of the placement, before
the commencement of the placement.
(ii) Each Department should ensure that someone in the department is responsible
for receiving and investigating any complaints referring to placement learning.
Placement Learning
University Quality Office
Version 1 01 - Oct 10
(iii) Complaints should be dealt with promptly and appropriately and in an impartial
(iv) Records should be kept of all complaints and the follow up action taken. These
should be reviewed as part of the monitoring and evaluation processes to ensure that
complaints are being handled effectively.
H. Monitoring and Evaluation of Placement Learning Opportunities
(i) Each department must monitor regularly all aspects of placement learning
In particular the following areas should be assessed:
how successful placements are at enabling students to meet their required
learning outcomes.
how capable departmental staff, involved in placement learning, are at fulfilling
their roles.
how effectively complaints are dealt with.
(ii) Any areas of concern should be given serious consideration and an action plan
should be produced to rectify the problem.
(iii) Departments should request feedback from students, placement providers and
University staff involved with placement learning, after each placement. This
information should be used to monitor placement learning opportunities.
(iv) The appropriateness of the placement’s educational aims and learning outcomes
should be considered as part of internal programme review.
(v) The monitoring of placement learning should take place as part of the University’s
annual monitoring and quinquennial review processes. In line with this, departments
should report through their Faculty Learning, Teaching and Assessment Committee
to the University Learning, Teaching and Assessment Committee.
(vi) Departments must ensure monitoring procedures meet any additional
requirements of professional or statutory bodies.
Placement Learning
University Quality Office
Version 1 01 - Oct 10