Minutes of October 18 MWADB Board Meeting held at St. John’s Norwood Church at 6701 Wisconsin Ave, in Chevy Chase, MD (hosted by Ed Knight) Call to order was at 10:20 AM Present: Jason Corning (President) Megan Scherr (interpreter) Sarah Blattberg (interpreter) Jason Lin (Publicity Director) Ed Knight (Secretary) Page Green (Gallaudet Student) Kirsi Grigg-Langdon (interpreter) Eddie Martinez (Treasurer) Kelli Stein (interpreter) Tiara Rogers (ssp) Bruce Denhart (VP last board mtg) (Naeen, new VP , sick) Steve Kimble (interpreter) Shane Dundas (interpreter/ssp) Steven Collins (interpreter) Leslie Foxman (interpreter) Rachel had a loss in her family, Jason brought sympathy card for people to sign. Naeem Raza, new VP, called yesterday, bad cold, staying home. Yashaira Romulus, new events coordinator, not present. Officer Reports See the six reports at the end of these minutes. They are from the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, SSP Coordinator, and Publicity Coordinator. Jason Lin gave his Publicity Coordinator report. Eddie gave his Treasurer Report. Ed read his Secretary Report. Page 1 of 21 Bruce said he already gave his report in writing but added that he has been working on the brochure too. Old Business There was discussion about new VP, Naeem. He has told Jason C. he is not sure he wants to be VP, will decide by Nov 22 party. If he declines then will need to nominate and elect new one. There was discussion about oaths, that oath is only required for 4 officers, not needed for new Events Coordinator. There was discussion on brochure; Bruce sent one sample to Jason C, Ann Black sent another sample. Action item: Board needs to send Bruce comments, feedback and photos by Friday so he can get it ready by Festival. Ed will send Bruce his photos of Tactile Carnival for brochure. Action item: Bruce needs to send Jason C the brochure in PDF and a Word doc without photos, Jason C will send to Eddie for Braille embossing at CLB. Eddie will let JC know the cost by Nov. 8. Break 10:55 to 11:10 Continuing Old Business: There was discussion of Mission Statement revolving around use of word “Metro” vs. “Metropolitan”. There was discussion about 501c3 status, including discussion about drop box vs Google drive for storing and editing 501c3 document. Action item: Jason C will contact Ann Black to follow up on her suggestion about a lawyer for 501c3 assistance and Eddie will contact someone at Gallaudet. Page 2 of 21 There was discussion about the financial section of that doc not being completed, that it requires 3 years of financial reports. Bruce shredded old bank statements. Bruce will try to complete it as best he can without the old bank statements. There was discussion about how much to offer to pay a lawyer to help with the 501c3 paperwork. There was discussion about the MWADB budget, the format of it, the amount of detail in it, and the period of time it covers. There was discussion about the length of time it took Maryland School for the Deaf to be paid for the space we rented for Tactile Carnival, and how to speed up such payments. Lunch break 11:45 to 12:30 New business: There was discussion about the Holiday party on November 22, about an online RSVP form, and whether the party should be a Pot Luck or catered, and about the various categories of admission fees, and how much SSPs should pay (if anything). There was discussion that if it is a pot luck, people don’t expect to pay much, especially if they bring food. There was discussion about it being more enjoyable if catered. There was discussion about possible caterers such as Boston Market which was used once before. There was discussion about getting a good count of people for the caterers and figuring out the numbers so we turn a profit. There was discussion about the following fee schedule if the event is catered: $15 for early bird / rsvp $20 door $5 suggested donation for SSPs Action item: Jason C will contact the catering company and get a quote for 100 people. Page 3 of 21 There was a discussion about deadline for early bird RSVP one week before event, at which time we will update caterer with final number. After Nov 15 people will be responsible for full price. Jason C asked for a vote on who in favor of catering. (Technically there was no motion and no one seconded the motion). 3 in favor and 2 opposed. Jason C will email Yashaira tonight to see her preference catering vs pot luck and make decision by Monday. Then Jason L will send out the eNews this Wednesday. There was discussion of whether CLB can help pay for Nov 22 food or beverage expenses. Action item: Jason C will tell Rachel about suggested SSP donation of $5 for Nov 22 party There was discussion about guest speakers for Nov 22 event, allotted 5 or 10 min each: Representatives from these orgs will be invited to talk about their orgs and how they can involve DB community: ODHH, NFB, MDAD There will be a 1 hour business meeting: Eddie will give financial report, give a draft to Jason C a few days ahead of meeting, just a summary with income, expenses (not monthly information). Jason C will give a brief report. There was discussion about members receiving a hard copy of the financial report vs. posting it on the website and/or on a bulletin board at the site of the party. There was discussion about making the financial reports more standardized and storing them in a folder in the Drop Box or on Google Drive. Page 4 of 21 There was discussion about party games, maybe White Elephant game, where you buy something for less than 20 dollars, then wrap it, once you open it you keep it, but 2nd person can get gift from pile or “steal” one from someone else, at end of game people open gifts.. SSP can participate if they bring a gift There was discussion about SSP reimbursement issue (gas expenses), that there is nothing about paying for SSP gas in By Laws, so we would need to change that policy. Discussion continued, consensus was that the SSP needs to negotiate with the DB person(s), and we need to be consistent about it. We don’t want to get involved, it is between SSP and DB person(s). Break from 1:30 to 1:45 More discussion about SSP Fund, that SSP fund is for training, lot of people interested in training in Pro Tactile, SSP fund not intended for travel expenses. There is a policy in Drop Box. Discussion should be delayed until Rachel can be included. History of SSP fund: one person made donation for SSP fund. Board approved it, agreed to terms of donor. Has about 1k left in it. General fund is about 9k. There was discussion about MDHH Festival, about brochure, candy, tshirts to sell. Action item: Bruce will send photo of t-shirt (maybe logo in drop box) and Jason C will contact t-shirt company. There was discussion of quantity of brochures to be printed. There was discussion about PCRID workshop Nov 8 -9 and PCRID asking for sponsors, asking for $25 to get name in program book. Ed motioned that MWADB pay $25 to sponsor PCRID in program book. Bruce seconded. Motion passed. Eddie will write check to PCRID after meeting. There was discussion about audit committee. Eddie had a motion that he and Jason C select 3 persons to become volunteer auditors. Over the Page 5 of 21 course of discussion, although technically the motion was not amended, in effect the motion was amended to say that Jason C and Eddie select 1 person to become volunteer auditor to do audit once a year. Ed seconded. There was discussion about the timing of audit, this year vs. next Spring. Motion passed. Eddie: motioned that we keep at least 5000 in our general fund and if it drops to 5000 then there be a spending freeze. Bruce seconded. Motion passed. There was discussion about paying SSPs for Board Meetings, that last time it was done was a couple of years ago. Some SSPs at today’s board meeting would like to be paid. There was consensus that we are not in a financial position to do that, let’s do some more research and fundraising. We appreciate the SSPs! Eddie proposed an Action item: Jason C and Eddie will discuss with Rachel about SSP fund. There was discussion about who is hosting next Board meeting and when. It was decided it was Eddie’s turn. The date was tentatively decided to be January 19, 2015 but Eddie will confirm. Meeting was adjourned at 2:40 PM Page 6 of 21 President’s Report – Jason Corning • As being the president is tone of challenge and full of emotion roller caster to go through. It range from exciting, stress, and disappointment moment but always wrap up in a positive state. • We recently have our largest successful Tactile Carnival compare to last year host. We were able to stay under the limit for the food purchase, were able to recruit enough people to play within 2 week of notice, and everyone was happy even thought we didn't make any profit. • I reserved the place at MSD for the TC and Holiday party, I fill out the contract for the Mid-Atlantic DHH Festival in Nov, Work with Rachel to find a farm for the Halloween event, and as well helping Naeen make his transition into the new VP position. • I'm really looking forward to another success event and recruiting more members to join and let our event grow and that MWADB can earn some profit back. • I also giving a presentation on Friday Sept 26 at CCBC about our community. • I attend the MDODHH advisory council meeting host on Sept 10 and discussed the top hot topic in the Deafblidn community. • I am working on RSVP system for the Holiday party have a plan on what we will do and what we will put on our to bring list to the party. That is all I have for now.. Vice President’s Report – Bruce Denhart I acted for Jason while he was out of town. I remind them of board meeting and reports. I collected all board’s report and put all into one report. I found someone who interest to become Events Coordinator. Work on brochure. Secretary’s Report – Ed Knight Page 7 of 21 • Sent out minutes of June Board Meeting • Helped with Tactile Carnival as follows: o Based on e-News info I created Facebook event o Worked with Eddie to get event insurance o Helped with snacks shopping at Costco and delivered snacks o Recruited a couple of friends from my Deaf church to volunteer at carnival o Gave ride to Steven Frank (of course) and offered to give rides to 2 others o Helped to staff the Godzilla game table • Based on e-News, I created Facebook events for October 11 Halloween Event at farm and November 22 Holiday Party at MSD • Reserved Lounge at St. John’s Norwood Church in Chevy Chase for Oct 18 Board meeting and sent out meeting invites • Got event insurance for November 22 Holiday Party Plans: • I don’t plan to attend the Oct 11 BADB/MWADB Halloween event due to a prior commitment • I will attend October 18 Board Meeting and take minutes • I will not attend MidAtlantic Deaf Festival in November because I have to work that whole weekend for a project at my job • I will attend the November 22 Holiday Party Treasurer’s Report – Eddie Martinez 1) COMPLETED: June, July, August, September 2014 and drafted October 2014 Financial Report is completed and for Board review (see attached). I am still waiting information for February and March 2014 reports. NOTE: Related to the Tactile Carnival revenue and expenses in General Fund. Revenue: Admission & Donation - $415.00 Expenses: Tactile Carnival & Fee - $702.00 Loss: $287.00 Page 8 of 21 2) ISSUE: Related to Sandy Spring Bank – THREE ISSUES: a. Primary Contact Information updated to Eddie and Jason’s name. b. Updated online banking password twice per bank pop-up request c. When I received an e-mail attachment from bank – they sent it to aadbinfo@aadb.org with CC to my email address, very odd (will follow up with bank). 3) FOLLOW-UP: I am still waiting to get document or record from Jason Corning showing CLB contributed $175.00 for park fee for picnic as originally requested at last June’s board meeting. AND I need document or record showing CLB contributed $100.00 for Tactile Carnival. Both in electronic and hard files. 4) PLAN: Have President Corning and I to select up to 3 people to audit MWADB Finances one time a year one month prior to General Meeting, date of audit – TBA. 5) REQUEST: As originally requested in June board meeting, I am still waiting for transfers of entire organizational financial documents including past statements, reports, audit reports, etc. from Bruce to Eddie in both electronic file and printed formats. As of this date I have not received any. 6) MOTION PLAN: I want to make motion for General Fund line to not go below $5,000.00 (freeze money at $5,000.00 and below). 7) DISCUSSION: The Board need to discuss today or by the next meeting about a plan to use the money when the Certificate of Deposit expires in May of 2015. Page 9 of 21 Page 10 of 21 Page 11 of 21 Page 12 of 21 Page 13 of 21 Page 14 of 21 Page 15 of 21 Page 16 of 21 Page 17 of 21 METRO WASHINGTON ASSOCIATION OF THE DEAF BLIND Monthly Financial Report – Part I Checking Account Revenue/Expenses OCTOBER 2014 CHECKING ACCOUNT REVENUE None at this time TOTAL: $ 0.00 CHECKING ACCOUNT EXPENSE 10/02/14 The Tactile Carnival (Scott Stoffel) (GF) $602.00 (GF) 10/02/14 Millie Kirby (MSD-C Cleaning Fee) (GF) $50.00 (GF) 10/02/14 Shellene Wicker (GF) $50.00 (GF) TOTAL: $702.00 CHECKING ACCOUNT: PROFIT OR LOSS REVENUE $ 0.00 EXPENSE $ 702.00 LOSS $ 702.00 Page 18 of 21 METRO WASHINGTON ASSOCIATION OF THE DEAF BLIND Monthly Financial Report – Part II Financial Balance OCTOBER 2014 FINANCIAL BALANCE FUND NAME DEBIT CREDIT BEGINNING TOTAL BALANCE FROM LAST MONTH SEPT (CK + CD) TOTAL $12,845.70 ----- CHECKING ACCOUNT BALANCE ----GENERAL FUND (GF) $702.00 $7,295.50 SSP FUND (SSPF) $1,089.41 SPECIAL WORKSHOP FUND (SWF) $1,000.00 -----SUB-TOTAL CHECKING ACCOUNT as of 10/13/14 ----- $9,384.91 PETTY CASH (PC) CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT $100.00 NOT YET TOTAL ASSET BALANCE: Page 19 of 21 $2,658.79 $12,143.70 SSP Coordinator’s Report – Rachel Horowitz Tactile Carnival: o I sent out emails to all SSP lists to find SSPs, drivers and people to run game booths. o At the carnival, I made sure every Deaf-Blind person, that needed a SSP, had one or two. o Also checking to make sure the SSPs were ok, if they needed breaks or food. o As well checking on the volunteers at the game tables. Since then-I've been busy advertising and searching for SSPs for: o October 11th farm trip, o October 19th Board meeting, o November 19th MDHHF o And the November 22nd Holiday party. To find volunteers I send emails to my SSP email list, CCBC Interpretation program, Towson Deaf Studies and I post an event ad in the Gallaudet Daily Digest. I've also been answering and responding to emails that come in about people wanting to become SSPs. At the board meeting I'd like to discuss the SSP training and what plans we can make for that, because I've had a lot of people requesting it. Publicity Coordinator’s Report – Jason Lin Compile and edit the e-news Distribute e-news on a regular basis Page 20 of 21 Assist president in organizing deafblind events. Help prepare for the institution of MWADB in the future Page 21 of 21