Therapist and Patient Perceptions of Alliance and Progress in Psychological Therapy for Women Diagnosed With Gynecological Cancers Online Appendix: Estimating the Longitudinal One-With-Many Design The one-with-many (OWM; Kenny, Kashy, & Cook, 2006; Marcus, Kashy, & Baldwin, 2009) design is a family of designs in which there is a focal individual (i.e. the “one”) who is linked to multiple partners (i.e., the “many”). In a reciprocal OWM, both the focal individual and each of the partners provide data. The OWM is a variance decomposition model that separates therapist-level from patient/dyad-level variance. The longitudinal one-with-many design (LOWM) is an extension of the OWM when multiple observations are gathered for each therapist-partner pair over time (e.g., the two sessions at which alliance rated). A key advantage of the LOWM is that it allows us to separate stable patient/dyad-level variance from timespecific patient/dyad-level variance (which includes error variance). The LOWM design has three sampling units: time, patient, and therapist. However, these are not hierarchically nested units because both patients and therapists report on the same session. As a result, time is crossed with patient, and the time by patient interaction is nested within therapist. The LOWM provides a more accurate view of the degree to which therapeutic alliance and session outcomes depend on the therapist, the particular patient that the therapist is seeing, and time-specific factors. Moreover, if the longitudinal aspect of the study includes more than 2 waves, the LOWM can estimate whether there is significant variance in the patients’ trajectories over time, and whether patients and therapists agree in those trajectories. In this appendix, we describe how to use multilevel modeling, as implemented in either PROC MIXED in SAS or MIXED in SPSS, to estimate the LOWM. Table 1 shows the data layout required for the analysis of a reciprocal LOWM with two waves of data (i.e., for WAI ratings reported in the main paper), and Table 2 shows the data layout with six waves (i.e., for session outcome ratings). In general, to conduct a reciprocal one-with-many analysis using MLM, there would be two records for each focal person-partner dyad, one that contains the focal person’s rating with a specific partner and one that contains the partner’s rating. With the LOMN, there would be two such records for each wave of data collection. Thus, for WAI ratings, the data set would have 4 records for each patient, and for session outcome the data set would have 12 records for each patient. To accomplish the LOWM analysis, each record needs to include a patient identification variable (patientID) that repeats on every line. Each record also needs to include a therapist identification variable (therapistID) that indicates which patients a particular therapist saw, as well as a time identification variable (timeID) that indicates wave of data collection. Three additional variables, which we call rater, therapist, and patient respectively, must be created. These variables specify who generated the data — the therapist or the patient. The rater would equal –1 if the data are from the therapist, and it would equal 1 if the data are from the patient; the therapist variable would be 1 if the outcome was generated by the focal person, and 0 if it was generated by the patient; and the patient variable would be 0 if the outcome was generated by the therapist, and 1 if it was generated by the patient. The OWM and LOWM are models that specifically focus on the random effects (i.e., the variances and covariances). However, they can also include fixed effects, and in the overtime context a natural fixed-effects model is a growth model that assesses average change in the outcome over time (alternative specifications of the fixed effects are possible, but are not considered in this appendix). To estimate a growth model, our data set also needs to include a variable denoting assessment wave, and the way that we code such a variable has important ramifications for both the fixed and random effects. A key consideration is how time = 0 is defined. In the main article, we defined time zero as the midpoint of the study, which is equivalent to a grand-mean centering approach. This then defines the intercept as the average rating by either the therapist or patient across all the waves. Given that WAI was assessed at sessions 2 and 6, but session outcome was assessed at every session, we defined TimeCentered as -2, 2 for analyses of WAI and -2.5, -1.5, -.5, .5, 1.5, 2.5 for analyses of session outcome. This approach results in time slopes that estimate the predicted change in WAI or session outcome over a 1 week period. The LOWM can be estimated using multilevel modeling in SAS or SPSS, although SAS seems to derive solutions to these complex models more quickly than SPSS. The SAS syntax for the two-wave LOWM for working alliance is: PROC MIXED COVTEST ; CLASS therapistID patientID timeID rater; MODEL wai= therapist patient therapist*timecentered patient*timecentered / NOINT S DDFM=SATTERTH; RANDOM therapist patient / SUBJECT=therapistID TYPE=UNR ; RANDOM therapist patient / SUBJECT = therapistID*patientID TYPE=UNR; REPEATED rater / SUBJECT = therapistID*patientID*timeID TYPE=UNR; run; This syntax specifies the fixed effects components of the model in the MODEL statement, and the results for this analysis are presented in Table 3. The estimate for the therapist variable is the intercept for therapist ratings, which is the average of the therapist alliance ratings across therapists, patients, and time, and the patient effect estimates the intercept for patient ratings averaging across therapists, patients, and time. The therapist*timecentered effect estimates the average weekly change in therapist-rated alliance across therapists and patients, and likewise, the patient*timecentered effect estimates this change for the patient-rated alliance scores. The LOWM variances and correlations are specified in the RANDOM and REPEATED statements. The first RANDOM statement defines the therapist-level variances for both therapist and patient ratings. Given the ordering of therapist and then patient in this syntax, the Var(1) component in the SAS output estimates the degree to which therapists varied in their average ratings of alliance (i.e., did some therapists report establishing strong alliance across all partners and time whereas other therapists reported weaker alliance?). The Var(2) component estimates whether patients who saw the same therapist tended to agree in their ratings of alliance (i.e., were there consistently high patient ratings of alliance for some therapists and consistently low patient ratings of alliance for others?). The corr(2,1) estimates the generalized reciprocity correlation. The second RANDOM statement defines the patient-level variances for both therapist and patient ratings. Here Var(1) estimates the degree to which therapists’ ratings of alliance differ from patient to patient (i.e., do therapists report establishing stronger alliances with some patients than with others), and Var(2) estimates patient-level variance in patient ratings (i.e., do patients vary in their reports of alliance. Note that these two variances estimate the amount of variance at the patient level that is consistent across the two waves. In addition the corr(2,1) correlation estimates dyadic reciprocity – which is the extent to which patients and therapists agree in their assessments of alliance (i.e., if a patient reports especially high alliance with the therapist, higher than the other patients who see the same therapist, does the therapist also report especially high alliance?). The final line of syntax specifies the residual or time-specific component of the model, and of interest here is the corr(2,1) value, which estimates whether therapists and patients agree on how well alliance was established at that particular session, over and above their general levels of agreement. The same LOWM estimates can be derived in SPSS using the following syntax: MIXED wai WITH therapist patient timecentered /FIXED therapist patient therapist*timecentered patient*TimeCentered | NOINT /METHOD=REML /PRINT=SOLUTION TESTCOV /RANDOM=therapist patient | SUBJECT(therapistID) COVTYPE(UNR) /RANDOM=therapist patient | SUBJECT(therapistID*patientID) COVTYPE(UNR) /REPEATED = rater | SUBJECT(therapistID*patientID*timeID) COVTYPE(UNR). Finally, if there are more than two waves of data in the longitudinal study, the random effects can be expanded to include a random slope at the patient level. In SAS, this would be accomplished by adding the following random statement to the syntax: RANDOM therapist*timecentered patient*timecentered / SUBJECT = therapistID*patientID TYPE=UNR; For SPSS, the additional line of syntax would be: /RANDOM= therapist*timecentered patient*timecentered | SUBJECT(therapistID*patientID) COVTYPE(UNR) Table 1 Example LOWM Data for Analyzing Working Alliance Assessed Twice From Both Patients and Therapists Patient Therapist Time Time WAI Initial BDI ID ID ID Rater Patient Therapist Centered total Centered 1102 2 1 -1 0 1 -2 197 -5.27 1102 2 2 1 1 0 -2 238 -5.27 1102 2 1 -1 0 1 2 215 -5.27 1102 2 2 1 1 0 2 237 -5.27 1117 4 1 -1 0 1 -2 188 -1.27 1117 4 2 1 1 0 -2 187 -1.27 1117 4 1 -1 0 1 2 214 -1.27 1117 4 2 1 1 0 2 221 -1.27 1140 1 1 -1 0 1 -2 228 11.73 1140 1 2 1 1 0 -2 238 11.73 1140 1 1 -1 0 1 2 220 11.73 1140 1 2 1 1 0 2 235 11.73 Note. Time is coded -2 at session 2 and 2 at session 6. Rater is coded -1 for therapist rating and 1 for patient rating. Patient is dummy coded 1 if the rating was from the patient, 0 otherwise. Therapist is dummy coded 1 if the rating was from the therapist, 0 otherwise. WAI total is the patient’s (or therapist’s) overall rating of working alliance for the session. Initial BDI Centered is the patient’s initial BDI score prior to the beginning of therapy, centered on the grand mean for the sample. Table 2 Example LOWM Data for Analyzing Session Outcome Assessed Six Times From Both Patients and Therapists Patient ID Therapist ID Time ID Rater Patient Therapist Time Centered Session Outcome 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1117 1117 1117 1117 1117 1117 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 1 1 2 2 3 3 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 -2.5 -2.5 -1.5 -1.5 -.5 -.5 .5 .5 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 -2.5 -2.5 -1.5 -1.5 -.5 -.5 15 14 11 9 11 7 9 6 12 5 11 5 10 11 13 9 10 6 Initial BDI Centered -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -1.02 -1.02 -1.02 -1.02 -1.02 -1.02 Note. Rater is coded -1 for therapist rating and 1 for patient rating. Patient is dummy coded 1 if the rating was from the patient, 0 otherwise. Therapist is dummy coded 1 if the rating was from the therapist, 0 otherwise. WAI total is the patient’s (or therapist’s) overall rating of working alliance for the session. Initial BDI Centered is the patient’s initial BDI score prior to the beginning of therapy, centered on the grand mean for the sample. Table 3 Partial SAS Output From the LOWM With Two Waves of WAI Data Covariance Parameter Estimates Cov Parm Var(1) Var(2) Corr(2,1) Var(1) Var(2) Corr(2,1) Var(1) Var(2) Corr(2,1) Subject Estimate Ther ID Ther ID Ther ID Ther ID*Pat ID Ther ID*Pat ID Ther ID*Pat ID Ther ID*Pat ID*time ID Ther ID*Pat ID*time ID Ther ID*Pat ID*time ID Standard Error Z Value Pr Z 112.19 60.57 0.34 48.47 54.35 0.08 18.47 19.11 0.07 2.36 1.67 -0.48 7.04 7.13 5.63 8.97 8.85 3.43 0.0092 0.0475 0.6312 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.0006 264.62 101.13 -0.16 341.12 387.70 0.46 165.67 169.09 0.26 Solution for Fixed Effects Effect patient therapist therapist*timecentered patient*timecentered Estimate 212.93 201.44 1.82 1.99 Note. Ther = Therapist; Pat = Patient. Standard Error 3.14 4.43 0.36 0.36 DF t Value 12.6 16.5 167 163 67.85 45.44 5.12 5.46 Pr > |t| <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001