**Scheduled events are subject to change. Any changes will be updated on our website and/or on Facebook** Date Event 1/25 from 1MSC Open House 4PM 1/27&1/28 at Informationals in Kleberg 113 6:30 PM 2/3 at 6:30 PM Meeting in KLBG 113 with Dr. Susan Bloomfield from the KINE Department 2/18 at 6:30 PM Meeting in KLBG 113 2/21 at 1 PM U-Paint It Social 3/3 at 6:30 PM Meeting in KLBG 113 with a Graduate Student Panel 3/12 from 5-10 Profit Share at Jason's Deli PM 3/28 in the AM Big Event 4/1 at 6:30 PM Officer Elections and Award Ceremony in KLBG 113 4/8-10 Texas FNCE in Houston, TX 4/15 at 6:30 PM Meeting in KLBG 113 with New Officers 4/25 at 1 PM Earth Day Celebration at Wolf Pen Creek Park 4/28 from 5-8 Profit Share at Chick-fil-a PM 5/2 from 8-10 Food Bank Trip AM 5/5 from 6-10 IHOP Study Party PM Point Opportunities None Meeting Meeting, Volunteer Meeting, Volunteer Social Meeting, Volunteer Social Social, Volunteer Meeting, Volunteer Meeting, Volunteer Social Social How do I become an active member? Membership dues: - $18 for the Spring 15 Total Points: (**part of the 15 must come from a minimum of 4 volunteer points and at least 1 social point**) Meetings: 3pts METDA meetings: 2pts TSDA member: 1pt Social: 1pt per event Volunteer: 1pt per hour or per item - (volunteer opportunities will be announced on the website, Facebook page, and over the NDA list serve) If volunteering is not hourly, point value is determined by the Secretary, Lauren Echols 1pt per item (ex. Batch of cookies, bunch of bananas, sheet of valentines) Where can I find out more information? Our website:tamu-nda.tamu.edu Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TAMUNDA?ref=hl Follow us on Instagram: Tamu_Nutrition_Dietetics My NDA Active Status- Spring 2015 Volunteer opportunity Socials Miscellaneous Points Volunteer Social Due Paid Yes/No NDA Event Points Earned ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ Total Points: ______ (15 Required) NDA NDA Core Values Dedication, Involvement, Networking NDA Mission NDA will provide a framework for meaningful student involvement, stimulate interest in the field of nutrition, and offer a networking group for future job opportunities for its members through the course of the semester. What can I look forward to this semester? o METDA and TSDA involvement o Meeting carpools (check out the Google Docs on the website!) o More networking with NDA members o Smaller social groups o TSDA & FNCE groups o More community involvement: o Brazos Valley Food bank volunteering o Big Event o Volunteering with/for Student Health Services o Grocery store tours with Meghan Windham o Opportunities to help at local schools and with Chef Dave FIRST MEETING: February 3rd in KLCT 113 @ 6:30p *We will be selling t-shirts ($15) as well as taking dues* 2014-2015 Officer Team: President: Lauren Couvillon couvillon@tamu.edu Treasurer: Christi Schick christi16@tamu.edu Vice President: Antonio Miranda antwan3200@tamu.edu Social Chair: Jennifer Sawyer jennifersawyer@tamu.edu Secretary: Lauren Echols lechols@entouch.net Historian: Irene Vielma tarahumara@tamu.edu - - Academy Liaison: Analicia Mireles analicia.mireles.am@gmail.com Current volunteer opportunities: Sign up to sell Valentine cards on campus Bring cash to the next meeting to purchase Valentine cards o $0.50 each or 12 (one sheet) for $5 1 sheet: 1 volunteer pt., max of 2 pts. Give an Academy Update or bring snacks to the next meeting!