Mare Island Technology Academy Board of Directors Meeting

Mare Island Technology Academy
Board of Directors Meeting
November 18, 2014
The meeting of the Mare Island Technology Academy Board of Directors was held on Tuesday, November
18, 2014, and was called to order by Board President, Bonnie Katz, at 4:32p.m.
Members present: Jaime Guzman, Bonnie Katz, Debbie Lamb, Reniel del Rosario, Cheri Summers, Lynne
Vaughan, Gary Williams, Andrea Wynn-Walker
Members absent: James Shorter
Others present: Anne Clark, Alex Insaurralde, Matt Smith
The Mare Island Technology Academy Board of Directors recessed to closed session at 4:33p.m.
RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION – Announcements from Closed Session
The Mare Island Technology Academy Board of Directors reconvened in Open Session at 5:38p.m. There
was one announcement from Closed Session:
The Board approved two TOE’s (Termination of Enrollment) for two students.
Reniel del Rosario led the Board of Directors in the Pledge of Allegiance.
On motion of Lynne Vaughan, seconded by Debbie Lamb, the Board of Directors approved the agenda (as
amended). The Board voted unanimously in favor.
Deletion of Action Items: 9 b
Deletion of Committee Reports: 13 a, b, e, and f.
There were no corrections to the Board Meeting minutes dated September 9, 2014. The minutes dated
October 14, 2014, were not official since there was not a quorum at the meeting.
On motion of Debbie Lamb, seconded by Jaime Guzman, the Board of Directors approved the Board
Meeting minutes dated September 9, 2014. The Board voted unanimously in favor.
There was one abstention, Mr. Williams.
There were no public comments.
a) Approval of Sunshine Proposal:
Mr. Smith proposed that we enter into negotiations with MITATAE regarding the medical benefits for
On motion of Andrea Wynn-Walker, seconded by Gary Williams, the Board of Directors approved the
action item. The Board voted unanimously in favor.
b) Approval of PEP Coordinator job description:
Mr. Smith reminded the Board that the PEP Coordinator position is a result of a grant, the nature, of which,
is to promote healthy lifestyles and exercise among students. The grant includes numerous schools, the
Coordinator will be based out of MIT. Board President Katz proposed two changes to the draft job
On motion of Lynne Vaughan, seconded by Debbie Lamb, the Board of Directors approved the action item
with the proposed changes. The Board voted unanimously in favor.
c) Approval of the Revised Receptionist job description:
Board President Katz proposed to remove the word “see” from the salary section of the job description.
On motion of Debbie Lamb, seconded by Jaime Guzman, the Board of Directors approved the action item
with the proposed change. The Board voted unanimously in favor.
d) Approval of the Revised Parent Commitment Coordinator job description:
On motion of Lynne Vaughan, seconded by Debbie Lamb, the Board of Directors approved the action item.
The Board voted unanimously in favor.
f) Approval of EPA 2014-15 Spending Plan MS and HS:
Ms. Clark stated that this is the spending plan for 2014-15—a $495,000 entitlement for middle school and
a $477,000 entitlement for high school. MIT will be spending these entitlements on certificated and
classified salaries.
On motion of Gary Williams, seconded by Lynne Vaughan, the Board of Directors approved the action
item. The Board voted unanimously in favor.
g) Approval of 2013-14 Unaudited Actuals Report:
On motion of Lynne Vaughan, seconded by Gary Williams, the Board of Directors approved the action
item. The Board voted unanimously in favor.
h) Approval of Office of the Auditor-Controller Solano County Signing Authority/Contact List
Fiscal Year 14/15:
On motion of Lynne Vaughan, seconded by Jaime Guzman, the Board of Directors approved the action
item. The Board voted unanimously in favor.
i) Approval of Williams-Scotsman Sole Source Justification Form
Ms. Clark stated this would be for the proposed portables; these are non-DSA portables. We elicited quotes
from various vendors and Williams-Scotsman is the only vendor that can provide the 36’ x 40’ non-DSA
On motion of Debbie Lamb, seconded by Gary Williams, the Board of Directors approved the action item.
The Board voted unanimously in favor.
j) Approval of the Renewal of Terms (Lamb, Vaughan, Williams)
On motion of Jaime Guzman, seconded by Andrea Wynn-Walker, the Board of Directors approved the
action item to renew the terms of Board members Lamb, Vaughan and Williams. New terms to expire
November 2017. The Board voted unanimously in favor.
k) Approval of Eliminating 230 Credit Graduation “requirement”
On motion of Lynne Vaughan, seconded by Andrea Wynn-Walker, the Board of Directors approved the
action item. The Board voted unanimously in favor.
a) Board training session on “7 Habits of Highly Effective Boards” – President Katz stated that Mr. Smith
sent out a memo suggesting a Board training session to be held in February. Training will be held in a
public library, and will also include training on The Brown Act.
b) Need for New School Information System – Mr. Insaurralde stated the need for a new SIS (Student
Information System). MIT currently uses PowerSchool, which is very limited on things we rely on like:
the various types of student data, student grades, and reports. We also have requested the feedback from
the staff on what they like and don’t like about PowerSchool and what features they would like to see in a
new SIS. The school information systems that are being considered are Aeries, Illuminate, SchoolLoop,
Zangle and Infinite Campus.
c) Learnsprout Demo – Mr. Insaurralde gave a brief demonstration on LearnSprout. LearnSprout created
a dashboard with MIT’s data. The data shows: if students are on track to graduate, how many students are
on track for a four-year college, how many are on track for two-year ready, and how many are not ready.
The data that is used to create the dashboard includes GPA, SAT scores, and courses. It is a great tool for
the Academic Advisor to use to keep track of students’ progress to graduate.
a) July 2014 Check Register
b) July 2014 Checks over $5,000
c) Budget to Actuals August 2014
d) September 2014 Check Register
e) September 2014 Checks over $5,000
f) Budget to Actuals September 2014
The Fiscal Committee met and recommended approval of Consent Items
a, b, c, d, e, and f.
On motion of Lynne Vaughan, seconded by Jaime Guzman, the Board of Directors approved Consent Items
a, b, c, d, e, and f. The Board voted unanimously in favor.
a) Director – Matt Smith
Mr. Smith spoke about a policy at MIT Academy that we are trying to phase out - the 11th grade reassignment (retention) program. It was created because there were some 11th graders that weren’t ready to
be 12th graders. The 11th graders would be reassigned to 11th grade two or three times until they would find
an alternative program to go to or they’d get their GED or they would drop out. A lot of progress was made
over the years, and we’re narrowing down the number of students that need to get reclassified. Special
Education students were in that mix and probably won’t be able to graduate. Part of the discussion was
regarding a certificate of completion for those students who met certain criteria. The discussion was shared
with the Special Education teachers, and they suggested they do a certificate of completion. The students
will attend MIT for four years, will take the required classes, will complete some community service, will
complete an internship, and will comply with MIT’s requirements. These students would be presented with
a certificate and walk with their peers. Students would be allowed to go to DC, Grad Night, and prom.
After giving them their certificate, they would still be able to attend MIT and work towards their diploma
until they reach age 22. A small ceremony will be held for those students and they will be presented with
their diploma.
b) Enrollment Attendance Report – Matt Smith
MIT currently has 807 students
c) Discipline Report – Matt Smith
Mr. Smith spoke about the data-analysis report regarding the dress code infractions that will be conducted
next week. At the high school, through the month of October, there has been 231 referrals (log entries).
Last year at this time there were 444. At the middle school level, there has been a drop in the numbers of
dress code infractions from 114 to 70.
d) Chief Academic Officer – Alex Insaurralde
Refer to Discussion Item C
e) Director of Operations – Anne Clark
No report.
f) PTN – Matt Smith
Mr. Smith stated that PTN met and they are interested in raising funds to support the honorariums that are
given out at the end of the year. PTN created a golden dress pass raffle project with possibly half of the
proceeds going to the seniors.
g) MITATAE – Ryan Cole
No report.
h) Student Representative – Reniel del Rosario
Reniel del Rosario shared that the seniors lost money during the shrimp fest. The seniors made $1,136.00
at the harvest festival. According to the treasurer, the student store has $5,474.00 as of November 17. The
seniors have a movie night planned for December 5 and a dance on December 19.
i) VCUSD Representative – Cheri Summers
Ms. Summers reported that the approval of the SET MOU—Science Engineering Technology—will be
going to the VCUSD Board for approval this week. Ms. Summers would like to thank the person who gets
the student representatives from MIT at their board meetings, the board members miss MIT students when
they don’t go to the meetings.
a) Curriculum – Matt Smith
No report
b) Executive – Lynne Vaughan
No report
c) Facilities – Matt Smith
No report
d) Fiscal – Bonnie Katz
The Fiscal committee met, reviewed reports and board action items, and recommended approval by the
e) Volunteer Oversight/Outreach/Recruitment/Public Relations (VOORP) Gary Williams
No report
f) Personnel Overview Committee Report
No report
Need to vote on the MPR floor bid.
The regular meeting of the Mare Island Technology Academy Board of Directors was adjourned at 7:09
Respectfully submitted,
Gracie Terrazas, Recording Secretary