Minutes of the Calvert Green Parish Council Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 13th May 2015 1. ATTENDANCE AND APOLOGIES PRESENT: Cllr Brian Pethick (Chair), Cllr Sarah Smith, Cllr Phil Gaskin, Clerk APOLOGIES: Cllr Carl Blakeley, Cllr Marie Swan MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: 7 2. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN ACTIO N Cllr Pethick had been elected onto the Parish Council uncontested and was happy to continue in his role as Chairman 3. ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN Cllr Phil Gaskin had been elected onto the Parish Council uncontested and was happy to continue in his role as Vice-Chairman 4. ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE Cllr Sarah Smith had been elected onto the Parish Council uncontested 5. CO-OPTION OF CLLRS BLAKELEY AND SWAN Cllrs Blakeley and Swan were co-opted back onto the Parish Council PROPOSED: Cllr Smith and SECONDED: Cllr Pethick. Their forms were signed by the Parish Clerk 6. REVIEW OF ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2014/15 The internal Auditor had audited the accounts that afternoon and had approved them. Section 2 with Accounting Statements was read out and approved by all Councillors. It was then signed by the Chairman and by the Clerk. 7. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: None were declared CORRESPONDENCE: a) Clothes bank - an email had been received requesting the Parish Council consider a clothing bank being located in the Car Park to raise funds for Twyford School. This was discussed briefly, but it was felt it should be adjourned until July’s meeting. b) Dog fouling signs – an invitation had been sent to the Clerk to attend a meeting at Grendon School on Tuesday 12 May, to discuss the pupils designing posters to display in local villages to discourage owners letting their dogs foul and not clearing it up. The Clerk was unable to attend the meeting but Councillors felt this was a good idea and asked the Clerk to respond that Calvert Green would be interested in displaying posters. c) Cllr MacPherson’s Annual Report had been sent to the Parish Council. It had been posted on the PC website and a copy had been available at the meeting for those residents attending to read. d) Wheelie bin speed limit stickers – an email had been received and this was generally agreed to be a good idea 900 stickers would costs £310 which was agreed. These would either be circulated with the next newsletter or before. Clerk to respon d to GUCS to say PC interest ed 8. MINUTES – TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING These were agreed and signed as a true record of the meeting held on 28th April 2015. 9. FEEDBACK FROM MEETINGS/FORUMS ATTENDED SINCE LAST MEETING: None that would not be covered in forthcoming items 10. HALL DEVELOPMENT Four Architects had been asked to quote, two were not interested and two attended for interview. It has been agreed the Parish Council will appoint Espresso Architects Ltd and a letter of intent is to be sent out. This was PROPOSED: Cllr Pethick and SECONDED: Cllr Smith. A new design per the brief will be created, along with new drawings and this will be re-submitted to planning. A fee of £17,500 will be charged for this service and it will also include CDM and Project Management, payment will be staged. The Parish Council went back to the drawing board as the previous plans were too expensive and not what the Parish wanted. The total cost is estimated to be £350k, made up of £200k New Homes Bonus grant, £50k WREN funding, £30k from Parish Council funds, the Community Association will fit out the bar and the balance of the funding will be by a loan or further grants. Once the new plans are available they will be displayed in the Hall for residents to see and notice will be given. 12. COMMUNITY PROJECT PROGRESS (PREVIOUSLY AGREED) a) Path between the four villages - the Bucks Local Area Forum are prepared to contribute £5k towards a feasibility study. Cllr Smith met with Paul Hodson from BCC to discuss this and it was agreed we would concentrate on paths between Charndon and Endecott and Steeple Claydon would not be included as this would come under mitigation for HS2. b) Broadband – Cllr Gaskin had attended the Gigaclear meeting in Grendon Underwood. He confirmed they have hit the target number to install fibre and this will be installed during the summer of 2015. Calvert Green canvassing will commence in June 2015 by Gigaclear and if the target number is hit it could be installed by the end of 2015. Village Networks and BT are also options and these have been discussed previously. 13. PROPOSED COMMUNITY PROJECTS – TO APPROVE PROJECTS AND SPENDING a) Neighbourhood Plan – Cllr Pethick is attending a meeting with Kevin Hewson who is working with Quainton on preparing their Neighbourhood Plan. He also confirmed that letters are being sent to AVDC and BCC asking for their comments on Calvert Green Garden City. Councillors expressed assistance from Parishioners to complete the Neighbourhood Plan. b) Location of bus stops – no further response despite two emails chasing this. . 14. HS2 Cllr Gaskin had attended a meeting with FCC to establish where they are with the petition for HS2. The select committee were due to visit Calvert Green on 22 nd May, this has now been cancelled. There is a meeting with HS2 tomorrow at the Hall which Cllr Gaskin will attend; agenda items to be discussed are compensation, sidings, transport and access. He has also asked AVDC and BCC to support the Parish Council and they have confirmed they will. We are also petitioning about the soil which will be dumped during the tunnel construction, on the left hand side field going out of Calvert towards Steeple Claydon. This could have serious implications if it were to slide into the lake. We now have more time to prepare our petition as the meeting has now been cancelled. 15. LANDFILL No further information to report 16. PLANNING APPLICATIONS None received 17. SUMMARY OF SPEND AND APPROVAL OF ITEMS PER SCHEDULE The summary of spend had been circulated there is a balance in the current account of £19, 974.92 and £57,808.34 in the high interest account. The following expenditure items were approved: £ Paul Davies planter invoice - met by funding from Cllr MacPherson Paul Davies 18/5/15 verge cut CGCA - 2015 contribution towards Play around the Parishes 50% 202.00 200.00 200.00 14. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be on Tuesday 7th July 2015 at 8 pm OPEN FORUM Grass cutting was discussed and the Clerk was asked to chase Bucks CC for their schedule for grass cuts this season. They had not been to CG at all and we are currently funding verge cuts out of the precept. A request was also made to ask Paul if the verges could be cut shorter, the Clerk did explain that there is an abundance of daisies, dandelions and buttercups that shoot up the day after the grass has been cut. . The meeting closed at 9.40 pm there were no further questions from residents.