UNICEF WCARO TERMES OF REFERENCE Position Title: WASH Cholera Expert Duty Station: Dakar Country: Senegal Region: WCARO Job Level: P-4 Application Close: 20th of February 2015 Contract Type: Temporary Appointment Duration: 364 days 1. Purpose of the Position Epidemic context In the West and Sahel Africa, at least 30,000 cases and 1,000 deaths of cholera are reported each year with an average Case Fatality Ratio of 3.05% (WHO, 1999-2011). The trend is increasing with about 50,000 cases per year between 2010 and 2014, which is nearly half of the cases bear by Africa. In addition, many cases and particularly community deaths are not reported. Epidemiological surveillance and reporting system remain very variable from one country to another, and is far from being efficient in most at risk districts. The major areas of cholera dissemination in the region are the following: - Gulf of Guinea: Ivory Coast, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Togo; - Lake Chad Basin: Cameroon, Niger (Southeast), Nigeria, Chad; - Niger River Basin: Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger (Southwest). In 2014, approximately 70,000 cases of cholera and 1,000 deaths were reported in the West and Sahel Africa region (week 52). Major outbreaks have been recorded in the Lake Chad Basin and along the coast of Guinea. In 2015, the conditions are met for this "complex" outbreak to continue in the Lake Chad Basin. The first quarter of 2015 is a pivotal year beginning in a context where cholera epidemics in the coastal countries of Ghana, Benin, Togo and recently the Ivory Coast affect countries at risk of EVD and threaten the countries already affected by the virus. Cholera initiatives in the region Since 2009, the UNICEF regional office pays special attention to cholera issues in the region. Studies to understand the epidemiology of the disease and to feed risk reduction and response strategies were conducted in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Guinea Bissau, Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon and Chad. Since March 2012, UNICEF is engaged in the coordination of the cholera regional platform which gathers major agencies and donors involved in the fight against this disease. A formalized strategy named “shield and sword” is promoted by the platform. This strategy is based on a rapid and targeted response in affected areas following cases investigation and mapping (sword) and sustainable interventions in cholera hotspots to prevent the occurrence of further epidemics (shield). In June 2014, the Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC) was re-launched by WHO and promotes the implementation of sustainable WASH interventions coupled with vaccination campaigns in hot spots. The role of the GTFCC is also to coordinate the various initiatives in the fight against cholera worldwide through working groups by thematic. In 2013 and 2014, the UNICEF regional office entered in a partnership with ECHO as part of a regional programme to fight against cholera. In 2015, the regional office wishes to continue to contribute to the reduction of cholera epidemics in the region. Under the supervision of the UNICEF WASH in Emergency Specialist, in close collaboration with the Cholera Information Manager Officer, the Cholera Expert coordinates the implementation of the regional programme of cholera reduction in the West and Sahel Africa (2015/2016). 2. Major Duties/Responsibilities The Cholera Expert coordinates the implementation of the regional programme against cholera outbreak in close collaboration with: the Cholera Working Group and the WASH and Health units of UNICEF West and Central Africa Regional Office; the Cholera Regional Platform and the WASH Regional Group; Cholera focal points of UNICEF Country Offices concerned; WASH and Health Clusters or Sectorial Groups focal points, Cholera Taskforces / platforms or Intercluster of countries targeted. The Cholera Expert will be responsible for the following: Advocacy, Strategic Representation and Partnerships Advocate for raising funds for sustainable WASH interventions in cholera hot spots ; Continued coordination with Global Cholera Task Force and involvement in technical groups WASH ; Coordinate the cholera regional platform on a quarterly basis ; Coordinate the UNICEF Cholera Team ("Cholera Task Force") of the Regional Office ; Formalize and operationalize the cross-border collaboration in two broadcast basins; Technical Assistance & Capacity Development Support the elaboration of key national strategic documents against cholera (action plan, road map, strategy) in targeted countries ; Support for cholera preparedness and training of UNICEF country offices and sectorial groups (WASH, Health, Social mobilization) ; Knowledge Management, Evidence Generation Frame multidisciplinary studies (WASH, Social Sciences, Epidemiology) in hot spots for behavior change; Launch operational research programme on cholera (molecular biology, environmental samplings, WASH interventions impact, etc.); Organize a Cholera regional training; Develop together with the Information Manager Officer a Website hosted by the cholera regional platform; Develop and broadcast cholera regional updates (bimonthly) and the mapping of actors and resources (quarterly); Collect, Revise and broadcast the regional tools. Oversight and Quality Assurance Write the various donors and internal reports on time Surge Capacity Support to countries with needs for surge support ; 2 3. Key Expected Results This programme builds on the previous regional one (2013/2014) and aims to help reduce the incidence of cholera outbreaks in 14 countries in West Africa via: 1. Improved epidemiological surveillance and mapping of actors at regional level; 2. Preaparedness and early response in two epidemic basins (Lake Chad and the Gulf of Guinea) via: A capacity of rapid response and coordination ; Training and sharing of regional tools in line with the regional shield and sword strategy; The operationalization of inter-country cooperation frameworks in high risk border areas. 3. The adoption by countries of a national roadmap or multi-sectorial action plan based on lessons learned, epidemiological evidence and mainstreaming of cholera hot spot; 4. Increased advocacy by headquarters and the regional platform to increase sustainable investment in cholera hot spots; 5. The development of evidence based studies to feed risk reduction and resilience strategies. The main indicators to measure the results above are: Broadcast of regional epidemiological bulletin twice a month Broadcast of the mapping of actors and resources on a quarterly basis % of targeted countries that adopted a reference document against cholera outbreak % of actors responding to the outbreak following case investigation 4. Qualifications of Successful Candidate Education: - Hydraulic or water management engineering diploma / Masters degree in water and sanitation or in environment and Hygiene; or - Masters degree in Public Health; Work Experience: - At least 8 years’ experience of which more than half conducting cholera emergency response programme in several countries at local, national and cross-border level; - Have developed or participated in the development of reference materials about cholera: manual, guide, national plan, strategy or integrated cholera study; - Have worked in several epidemic contexts in close collaboration with ministries, divisions or services related to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene and Disease Prevention and Control; - Have worked in the management of database and GIS mapping (Geographic Information System) of the cholera or other diseases epidemiological situation at regional, country and district level; - Have participated in the organization of a workshop on lesson learned from the response to a cholera outbreak and / or the development or review of a strategic plan against cholera. 3 5. Competencies of Successful Candidate Critical Competencies: - Knowledge of the multi-sectorial strategies against cholera in terms of preparedness, response, prevention and risk reduction - Knowledge of transmission context and the dynamics of cholera outbreak in the West and Central Africa region ; - Ability to report with GIS Mapping (Geographic Information System) ; - Ability to communicate and share with governmental and non-governmental partners the analysis of epidemiological data and the level of consistency of preaparedness and response efforts to cholera outbreak; - Ability to work closely with governmental partners to develop control or elimination plan for cholera or other epidemic disease ; - Ability to advocate with donors for supporting strategies against cholera and fund mobilization ; Languages: Fluency in French is required. Please note that working knowledge of English is required for all assignments. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UNICEF West and Central Africa Country Offices are located in the following countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde (UN Joint Office), Central African Republic, Chad, DR Congo, Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Sao tome & Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo. If you are qualified and interested in the position and meet the requirements, please forward your application with updated curriculum vitae and UN Personal History Form (available at www.unicef.org/employ), with “the title of the position as the subject’’, via email to wcarohr@unicef.org and asagnatoure@unicef.org by 20th of February 2015. UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organization. 4