Course Development Worksheet (For Pre-College courses) Course Name & Instructor: Your Course Name Here, Instructor’s Name Here Step 1: Consider your course and module Learning Objectives, see next page. Step 2: Complete the Course Development Worksheet to follow. Step 3: Share completed worksheet with your Instructional Designer (ID). Work with your ID to build out your course. How to Develop Course & Weekly Learning Objectives Begin with… In this course/module, you will: Example #1: INTERVIEW an expert in the field and produce a 2-minute video with highlights from your conversation which will be posted to the class website. Example #2: PHOTOGRAPH a building depicting a specific style of architecture in your area and post a 200-word description of its 10 key architectural features. Upload your work to the class blog. Example #3: PRODUCE a marketing brochure to convince readers to convert to Capitalism, Socialism, or Communism. Review the brochures of 3 of your student colleagues – how convincing were their arguments? Use the criterion in the rubric we developed as a class last week to support your thinking. Notice the ACTION VERB in each, followed by something the student PRODUCED as evidence of their understanding. COURSE DEVELOPMENT WORKSHEET Module Learning Objectives Resources What should students be able to DO as a result of this weekly module? What will participants read, watch, or review to enable them to demonstrate their understanding? Example Assignments/Assessments: What will participants do or create to practice/demonstrate what they’ve learned? How will you assess their learning? -Create a presentation about… -Research _____ and contribute to the class blog… -Photograph ____ and share your thoughts about… -Work as a team to produce a podcast about… -Produce a video demonstration of… -Create a survey and assess results… -Research and create a press release about… -Interview someone about… -Watch ___ and write a review… -Participate in a group activity/discussion about… -Produce ____ and develop a class rubric to critique each other’s projects… -Articles? -Videos, -Podcasts? -Films? -Books? -Websites? -Interviews? Module 1 This week, students will: (List 3-4 learning objectives: See above for ideas; notice action verb, then noun.) See above for ideas/examples. Module 2 This week, students will: (List 3-4 learning objectives: See above for ideas; notice action verb, then noun.) See above for ideas/examples. Module 3 This week, students will: (List 3-4 learning objectives: See above for ideas; notice action verb, then noun.) See above for ideas/examples. Module 4 This week, students will: (List 3-4 learning objectives: See above for ideas; notice action verb, then noun.) See above for ideas/examples. Module 5 This week, students will: (List 3-4 learning objectives: See above for ideas; notice action verb, then noun.) See above for ideas/examples. Module 6 This week, students will: (List 3-4 learning objectives: See above for ideas; notice action verb, then noun.) See above for ideas/examples. Module 7 This week, students will: (List 3-4 learning objectives: See above for ideas; notice action verb, then noun.) See above for ideas/examples.