6th Grade Science: Volume of Irregular Solids Worksheet

Name: KEY
Date: _________________
6th Grade Science – Volume of an Irregular Solid Worksheet
Period: ________________
1. How many milliliters of water are in the first graduated cylinder to the left?
30 mL
2. Using the water displacement method, we will place the irregular solid (a rock) into the
graduated cylinder to solve for the object’s volume. Record the NEW level of water of
the graduated cylinder on the right.
42 mL
3. The volume of the rock is 12 cm3 (include proper units)
4. Read the graduated cylinder to the right. What is the volume of
19 mL
5. An irregular object has a volume of 15 cm3. What will the NEW water
level be, if this object has been placed in the graduated you have
34 mL (include proper units)
6. Using the image below find the volume of the metal cylinder. Show the steps.
1) Record the starting volume of the liquid in the
graduated cylinder (19 mL)
2) Tilt graduated cylinder and slide irregular solid into
the graduated cylinder
3) Record the ending volume of the liquid in the
graduated cylinder (29 mL).
4) Find the difference between the ending and starting
volume (10 cm3) *Rememeber to write solid volume’s
units as cm3*
7. Using the image below find the volume of the ring. Show the steps
Record the starting volume of the liquid in the graduated
cylinder (64 mL)
Tilt graduated cylinder and slide irregular solid into the
graduated cylinder
Record the ending volume of the liquid in the graduated
cylinder (68 mL).
Find the difference between the ending and starting volume (4
cm3) *Rememeber to write solid volume’s units as cm3*
Vocabulary Challenge
8. The amount of space an object takes up is known as volume.
9. Water Displacement is the method used to find out the volume of an irregular solid.
10. The volume of liquids can be measured with a graduated cylinder.
11. An object whos length, width, and height CAN NOT be measured with a ruler is known
as an irregular solid.
12. The unit for volume of an irregular solid is cubic centimeters.
13. Density is an objects mass per unit volume.
14. The formula to solve for density is mass divided by volume.
15. The unit for density is g/cm3 or
Let’s take it a step further!
The cube in the graduated cylinder below has the following dimensions:
Length: 2.47 cm
Width: 2.47 cm
Height 2.47 cm
The formula for volume of a regular solid is:
length x width x height
Using your math skills, the volume of the cube is: 15.069 cm3 (include units)
Now using the water displacement theory lets check our math!
The original level of water was: 10mL (include units)
The NEW level of water: 25 mL (include units)
The volume of the cube is: 15 cm3 (include units)
I placed the cube on an electric scale and discovered it’s mass was 40.5 grams.
The formula for density is mass divided by volume.
The unit for density is g/cm3
What is the density of this cube? 40.5 g/15 cm3 = 2.7 g/cm3 (include units)