सत्र – 2013-2014 CLASS- XI विषय – ह द िं ी केंहिक आरो भाग :-१ आरो भाग :-१ वितान भाग :– बोध,जन सिंचार {पद्य भाग } {गद्य भाग } १ १ – हम तो एक एक करि जांनां नमक का दािोगा :– भािती् एििं रचानात्मक लेखन जुन एवं जुलाई १३ अपठित बोध: पद्ांश २- संतो दे खत जग बौिाना - कबीर दास प्रेमचिंद मम्ााँ नसीरूददीन :– १. मेिे तो गगिधि गोपाल ,दस ू िोना कृष्र्ा सोबती कोई २. पग घघ ु रू बांगध मीिा गाय्काओं में पूर्ण कालािंश अपहित कालािंश किंप्यूटर कालािंश मा अपेक्षित पाठ्यक्रम विभाजन ३३ १ ३४ २२ १ २३ बेजोड : लता मंगेशकि कुमाि गंधवव नाची . मीरा अगस्त १३ अपठित बोध : गद्ांश पगिक :–रामनरे श त्रत्रपाटी अपू के साि ढाई साल :– सत्यजजत राय ववदाई संभाषण :–बाल मुकिंु द गुप्त मसतंबि १३ अक्टूबि १३ नवम्बि१३ यनबंध का्ावल्ी पत्र वरंट माध््म :समाचाि औि संपादकी् ठदसम्बि १३ जनविी १३ रिपोटव , आलेख फीचि वे आाँखें :–सुममत्रा निंदन पिंत गलता लोहा :–शेखर घि की ्ाद :–भिानी प्रसाद स्पीयत में बारिश :– १ २५ जजशी ममश्र कृष्र्नाथ चंपाकाले काले अच्छि नहीं िजनी :- मन्नू भिंडारी चीन्हती :-त्रत्रलोचन २४ गज़ल {सा्े में धप ू } : दष्ु यिंत जामन ु का पेड :- हे भख ू ! मत मचल :- हे मेिे जूही भाित माता :- कुमार कृश्नचिंदर की फूल जैसे ईश्वि :- अक्क जिा रलाल ने रू सबसे खतिनाक :- अितार मसिं आत्मा का ताप :- सैयद िाजास्िान की िजत बाँद ू ें : अनप ु म ममश्र १६ १६ १६ १६ आलो – आाँधािी :- २१ १ २२ २२ १ २३ बेबी ालदार म ादे िी फिविी १३ पन ु ािाववृ ि पाश आओ , ममलकि बचाएाँ :माचव १३ पन ु ािाववृ ि ननमणला पुतल ु पन ु ािाववृ ि ै दर रजा पन ु ािाववृ ि पन ु ािाववृ ि Note : for the detailed syllabus & pattern of question paper, please see the CBSE curriculum 2013-15, vol-1. SPLIT UP SYLLABUS SESSION (2013-14) XI -ENGLISH CORE Month July Syllabus to be Covered Note making Letter of enquiry / letter to Editor Tenses (verb) The Portrait of a lady , A photograph (hornbill) The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse (snapshot) Introduction to novel & novelist(Novel) Canterville Ghost August Reading Comprehension Passage Notice/advertisement Report writing (narrative) Determiners, Chapert-01 (Novel) We’re Not Afraid to Die …..,The Voice of The Rain(Hornbill) The Address (snapshot) Note making Letter for placing order & replies , article writing ,poster writing Active –passive voice Discovering Tut (hornbills), Chapetr-02 (novel) Ranga’s Marriage (snapshot), (listening & speaking test)(as per assessment scale) September October November December Reading Comprehension Passage Letter of Complaints & E Mother’s day ,Letters of Inquiry Modals, The Ailing Planet …..The, Childhood Albert Einstein at School , Mother’s day (snapshot) Note - making Job – application Re- ordering of sentences, Editing The Canterville Ghost (3,4&5 chapters) Reading Comprehensive Passage Speaking & listening ability Test, Clauses The Canterville Ghost (novel) (6,7 chapters) Editing / omitting exercise January February Note – making Phrasal verbs , Browning Version , Father to Son ( Hornbill) Birth (snapshot) The Tale of Melon City ( snapshot ) The Canterville Ghost (revision) Class- test & Revision Speaking & listening Test Note : First reading project during Autumn-Break Second reading project during Winter- Break *Reading project will be evaluated alongwith unit test. Open book test will be conducted in final exam. Note : For the detailed syllabus & pattern of question paper, please see the CBSE curriculum 2013-15, vol-1. SPLIT UP SYLLABUS CLASS-XI Subject: PHYSICS (2013-2014) Month Name of Topic Detailed Syllabus Period for class room Teaching & Practical Period Total for Perio computer d Aided Teaching June Physical World and Measurement Physics scope and excitement nature of physical laws, physics technology and society, needs for measurement, units of measurement system of units, SI units, fundamental and derived units, Length, Mass & Time, Measurement accuracy and precession of measuring instrument, errors in measurement, significant figures, 5 2 2 9 Practical Activity-:- To make a paper scale of given least count e.g. 0.2 cm & 0.5 cm Physical World and Measurement Dimension of Physical Quantity, dimensional analysis & its application, 4 40 July Kinematics Practical Frame of reference, Motion in straight line, position time graph, speed & velocity, uniform & nonuniform motion, speed and velocity, average and instanteous velocity, uniformly accelerated motion, velocity - time graph & position time graph, equations for uniformly accelerated motion (Graphical treatment only), Simple introduction to elementary concept of differentiation & Integration for describing motion, scalar & vector quantities: vectors notations, equality of vectors, multiplication of vectors by a real numbers; addition & subtraction of vectors position and displacement vectors, relative velocity, unit vectors; resolution of vectors in plane- rectangular components motion in plane, projectile and circular motion ,scalar and vector product of vectors…motion in a plane_cases of uniform velocity and uniform acceleration.s Experiment 1. use of verniercallipers1. Measurement of small spherical/ cylindrical body, 2. measurement of dimensions of a given regular body of known mass &henced to find its density 3. to measure internal diameter and depth of a given beaker/ calorimeter & to find its volume. Experiment. 2 use of Screw guage: 1. to measure diameter of a given wire. 2. To measure thickness of given paper sheet Activity: 2. To study the variation in the range of jet of water with angle of projection 2 20 August Laws of Motion Work energy and power Practical Septem ber Work Energy & Power Motion of system of particles & rigid body Practical Octobe r Gravitation Practical Novem ber Properties of bulk matter Concept of Force, Inertia, Newtons first law of motion; Momentum, Newton scasecond law of motion; Impulse, Newton’s third law of motion, law of conservation of linear momentum and its application, equilibrium of concurrent forces, static and dynamic friction, laws of friction, rolling friction, lubrication, dynamics of uniform circular motion; centripetal force, example of circular motion (vehicle on level circular road, vehicle on banked road) Scalar product of vectors, work done by constant and variable force, kinetic energy, work energy theorem, power, Experiment 3; To determine radius of curvature of a given spherical surface by spherometer, Exp. 4 to find the weight of a given body, using parallogram law of vectors, Activity: To study the conservation of energy of a ball rolling down on a inclined plane (using double inclined plane) Potential energy, potential energy of a spring, conservation of mechanical energy (Kinetic & Potential energy), Conservative & non-conservative force, motion in a vertical circle, elastic collisions, & elementary idea inelastic collision, in one & two dimension. Centre of mass of two particle system, centre of mass of rigid bodies, momentum conservation & motion, centre of mass, center of mass of uniform rod, vector product of vectors, moment of force, torque, angular momentum, conservation of angular momentum with some example, equilibrium of rigid bodies, rigid body rotation and equation of rotational motion, comparison of linear and rotational motion, moment of inertia, radius of gyration, moment of inertia for simple geometrical objects (no derivation) only statement of parallel & perpendicular axis theorem and their applications Experiment 5. Using simple pendulum plot L-T & L-T2 Graph. Hence find the effective length second pendulum using appropriate graph Activity 4. To determine of mass of given body using a meter scale by principal of moment. Act. 5. To observe an explain the effect of heating on a bimetallic stripe. Kepler’s laws of Planetary motion, The universal law of gravitation, Acceleration due to gravity. & its variation with altitude and depth. Gravitational potential energy, gravitational potential & held escape velocity, orbital velocity of a satellite, geostationary satellite. Activity 6. To observe change of state and plot a cooling curve for molten wax 7. To observe the change in the level of liquid in a container on heating and interpret the observation. Elastic behaviour, stress and strain relationship, hooks law, young’s modulus, bulk modulus, shear, modulus of rigidity, pressure due to a fluid column, pascal’s law and its application (Hydraulic lift and Hydraulic breakes), effect of gravity on fluid pressure.viscosity,stokes law,terminal velocitystream line and turbulantflow,critical velocity,Bernoullistheorem,and its application.surface energy and surface tension ,angle of contact ,excess of pressure across a curved surface,application of surface tension ideas to drop, bubbles and capillary rise. Heat, temperature, thermal expansion of solids, liquids and gases.anomalous expansion of water specific heatcapacity;Cp,Cvcalorimetry; change of state – latent heat capacity. Heat transfer-conduction, convection and andradition ;thermal conductivity Qualitative ideas of Black body raditionWeins displacement law,stefans law ;green house effect. 20 6 6 4 4 40 18 6 40 4 26 4 40 8 4 4 14 4 4 20 Decem ber Thermodynamics Kinetic theory of Gases Practical Januar y Kinetic theory of gases Oscillation & waves Februa ry Practical Oscillation & waves Thermal conductivity, Newton’s law of cooling, thermal equilibrium, and definition of temperature (zero’th law of thermo dynamics), heat, work and internal energy, first law of thermodynamics, isothermal and adiabatic process, second law of thermodynamics, reversible and irreversible process, heat engine and refrigerators Equation of state’s of perfect gas, work done on compressing a gas Experiment 8. to study the relationship between temperature of a hot body and time by plotting a cooling curve. 9.1. to study the relation between frequency and length of a given wire under constant tension using sonometer. 9.2 to study the relation between the length of given wire and tension for constant frequency using sonometer. Kinetic theory of gases- assumptions, concept of pressure, kinetic energy and temperature, rms speed of gas molecules, degrees of freedom, laws of equi-partition of energy (statement only) and application to specific heat capacities of gases. Concept of mean free path, Avogadro’s no. Periodic motionsss,time period, frequency, displacement as a function of time. Periodic function, simple harmonic motion (SHM) and its equation, phase, oscillation of spring- restoring force and force constant, energy in SHM, Kinetic and potential energy, simple pendulum- derivation of expression for time period, free and forced (Damped) oscillation (qualitative idea only) resonance, Experiment 10- to find the speed of sound in air at room temperature using resonance tube by two resonance position 12 6 6 4 28 22 4 32 Wave motion- longitudinal and transverse wave, speed of wave motion, displacement relation for progressive wave, reflection of waves, principle of superposition of waves, standing waves in strings and organ pipe. Fundamental mode, and harmonics Beats, Doppler’s effect,. Revision of Theory & Practical. 10 2 27 6 15 Note : For the detailed syllabus & pattern of question paper, please see the CBSE curriculum 2013-15, vol-1. One Paper Unit No. Unit I Unit II Unit III Unit IV Unit V Unit VI Unit VII Unit VIII Unit IX Unit X Unit XI Unit XII Unit XIII Unit XIV SPLIT UP SYLLABUS CLASS XI (Theory ) (2013-14) Subject: CHEMISTRY Time: 3 Hours Title Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Structure of Atom Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure States of Matter: Gases and Liquids Thermodynamics Equilibrium Redox Reactions Hydrogen s -Block Elements Some p -Block Elements Organic Chemistry: Some basic Principles and Techniques Hydrocarbons Environmental Chemistry 70 marks Marks 5 6 4 5 4 6 6 3 3 5 5 7 8 3 Month Name of the Topic Detailed Syllabus JUNE Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry General Introduction: Importance and scope of chemistry. Historical approach to particulate nature of matter, laws of chemical combination, Dalton's atomic theory: concept of elements, atoms and molecules. Atomic and molecular masses, mole concept and molar mass, percentage composition, empirical and molecular formula, chemical reactions, stoichiometry and calculations based on stoichiometry. JULY Structure of Discovery of electron,proton and neutron .Atomic number, isotopes and isobars, Thomson's Period for classroom Teaching & Practical 10 Perio d for CAT Total Perio d 02 12 12 02 14 Atom Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties AUGU ST Chemical Bonding and Molecular structure model and its limitations, Rutherford's model and its limitation, Bohr's model and its limitations, concept of shells and subshells, dual nature of matter and light, de Broglie's relationship, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, concept of orbitals, quantum numbers, shape of s,p and d orbitals, rules for filling electrons in orbitals – Aufbau principle, Pauli's exclusion principle and Hund's rule, electronic configuration of atoms, stability of half filled and completely filled orbitals. 02 08 12 02 14 10 02 12 14 2 16 Valence electrons, ionic bond, covalent bond: bond parameters, Lewis structure, polar character of covalent bond, covalent character of ionic bond, valence bond theory, resonance, geometry of covalent molecules, VSEPR theory, concept of hybridization, involving s,p and d orbital and shapes of some simple molecules, molecular orbital theory of homonuclear diatomic molecules (qualitative idea only), hydrogen bond. Three states of matter, intermolecular interactions, types of bonding, melting and boiling points, role of gas laws in elucidating the concept of the molecule, Boyle's law, Charles law, Gay Lussac's law, Avogadro's law, ideal behaviour, empirical derivation of gas equation, Avogadro's number, ideal gas equation. Deviation from ideal behaviour.Liquefaction of gases, critical temperature,kinetic energy and molecular speed (elementary idea)Liquid State- vapour pressure, viscosity and surface tension (qualitative idea only, no mathematical deviations). Septe mber 06 Significance of classification, brief history of the development of periodic table, modern periodic law and the present form of periodic table, periodic trends in properties of elements –atomic radii, ionic radii, Ionization enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy, electronegativity, valency, Nomenclature of elements with atomic No. greater than 100. States of Matter: Gases and Liquids Concept of System and types of system, surrounding, work, heat, energy, extensive and Chemical intensive properties, state functions. Thermodyna First law of thermodynamics -internal energy and enthalpy, heat capacity and specific heat, mics measurement of ΔU and ΔH, Hess's law of constant heat summation, enthalpies of bond dissociation, combustion, formation atomization, sublimation, phase trasition,ionization , solution dilution. Second law of thermodynamics( brief description) Equilibrium OCTO BER Equilibrium Introduction of entropy as a state function, Gibb’s energy change for spontaneous and non spontaneous process criteria for equilibrium. Third law of thermodynamics( brief description) Equilibrium in physical and chemical processes, dynamic nature of equilibrium, law of mass action, equilibrium constant, factors affecting equilibrium - Le Chatelier's principle, Ionic equilibrium - ionization of acids and bases, strong and weak electrolytes, degree of ionization,ionization of polybasic acid, acid strength.concept of pH,Hendeson Equation, hydrolysis of salts (elementary idea), buffer solution, solubility product, common ion effect (with illustrative examples). Concept of oxidation and reduction, redox reactions, oxidation number, balancing redox reactions in terms of loss and gain of electrons and change in oxidation number, application of redox reactions. Redox Reactions Hydrogen Novem s -Block ber Elements (alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals) Novem ber Some p -Block Elements Position of hydrogen in periodic table, occurrence, isotopes, preparation and properties of hydrogen, hydrides – ionic covalent and interstitial ,properties and uses of hydrogen, physical and chemical properties of water, heavy water, hydrogen peroxide - preparation, properties and structure, hydrogen as a fuel. Group 1 and Group 2 Elements General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, anomalous properties of the first element of each group, diagonal relationship, trends in the variation of properties (such as ionization enthalpy, atomic and ionic radii), trends in chemical reactivity with oxygen, water, hydrogen and halogens, uses. Preparation and Properties of Some Important Compounds: Sodium carbonate, Sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, Sodium Hydrogencarbonate, and biological importance of sodium and potassium. Calcium oxide and Calcium carbonate and industrial uses . Biological importance of Magnesium and Calcium. General Introduction to p -Block Elements Group 13 Elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, variation of properties, oxidation states, trends in chemical reactivity, anomalous properties of first element of the group, Boron - physical and chemical properties, some important compounds, boron hydrides,Borax,Boric acid,Aluminium: Reactions with acids and alkalies, uses. 12 02 14 05 01 06 07 01 08 08 2 10 12 02 14 Group 14 Elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, variation of properties, oxidation states, trends in chemical reactivity, anomalous behaviour of first elements of the group, Carbon -catenation, allotropic forms, physical and chemical properties.Uses of some important compounds; oxide. Important compounds of silicon and their uses: silicates and zeolites,silicontetrachloride, silicones. Decem ber Januar y Organic Chemistry Some Basic Principles and Technique Hydrocarbons General introduction,method of preparation, methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis, classification and IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds. 12 02 14 10 2 12 Electronic displacements in a covalent bond: inductive effect, electromeric effect, resonance and hyperconjugation. Homolytic and heterolytic fission of a covalent bond: free radicals, carbocations, carbanions, electrophiles and nucleophiles,types of organic reactions. Classification of Hydrocarbons Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Alkanes- Nomenclature, isomerism, conformation (ethane only), physical properties, chemical reactions including free radical mechanism of halogenation, combustion and pyrolysis. Alkenes - Nomenclature, structure of double bond (ethene), geometrical isomerism, physical properties, methods of preparation, chemical reactions: addition of hydrogen, halogen, water, hydrogen halides (Markonikov's addition and peroxide effect), ozonolysis,oxidation. mechanism of electrophilic addition. Alkynes - Nomenclature, structure of triple bond (ethyne), physical properties, methods of preparation, chemical reactions: acidic character of alkynes, addition reaction with hydrogen, halogens, hydrogen halides and water. Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Introduction, IUPAC nomenclature, benzene: resonance, aromaticity, chemical properties: chemical reactions: nitration sulphonation, halogenation, Friedel Craft's alkylation and acylation, directive influence of functional groups in monosubstituted benzene, mechanism of electrophilic substitution. Directive influence of a substituted in monosubstituted benzene, carcinogenicity and toxicity Februa ry Environmental Chemistry Environmental pollution - air, water and soil pollution, chemical reactions in atmosphere, smog, major atmospheric pollutants, acid rain, ozone and its reactions, depletion of ozone layer and its effect, greenhouse effect and global warming- pollution due to industrial wastes, green chemistry as an alternative tool for reducing pollution, strategies for control of environment pollution. Revision 05 01 06s Note : For the detailed syllabus & pattern of question paper, please see the CBSE curriculum 2013-15, vol-1. Month July August SPLIT UP SYLLABUS CLASS XI Subject: CHEMISTRY (PRACTICAL) Apparatus Expt. No. 1. List of Experiment 2 Determination of Boiling Point of Organic Compound 3 Crystallization involving impure sample of anyone of the following [alum, cuso4] 4 5 September 6 7 Determination of Melting point of organic compounds Determination of PH of some soln. fruit Juice, acids, bases, salts Materials Periods Burner, Tripod Stand, beaker capillary tube thermometer stand, wire gauze Burner, Tripod stand beaker, thermometer stand, Fusion tube Chinadish beaker, Funnel tripod stand glass rod. Any organic solid (eg. Napthelene) 12 Test tube dropper PH Paper or Universal Indicator Study the shift in equilibrium between ferric ions and Test Tubes test tube stand dropper thiocyanate ions by increasing/decreasing the concentration of either ions Preparation of standard solution of oxalic acid Volumetric flask, beaker watch glass, balance wt box, fractional Determination of strength of a given solution of Naoh by weight etc Titration with standard soln of oxalic acid Burette pipette, stand conical flask dropper beaker etc. Any organic liquid (e.g. Benzene) Cuso4 or Alum H2so4, filter paper 12 Ferric salt thiocyanate salt. Oxalic acid Solution of oxalic acid sodium hydroxide 12 October 8 Preparation of standard soln of sodium carbonate. Burette pipetter stand, conical flask dropper, beaker etc. indicator Na2CO3 9 1015 Determination of strength given soln. of Hcl by titration with standard soln of Na2CO3 Determination of one cation one anion in the given salt. Cations, Pb2+ Cu2+, As3+,Al3+,Fe3+ Mn2+, Ni2+, Ca2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Mg2+, NH4+ Anions, Co32-, S2-, So32-, So42-, No3-, Cl-, Br-, I-, Ch3COO-, Pou3-, C2O42Determination of Nitrogen SulPhur, Chlorine, Bromene, Iodine. Burette, pipette stand conical flask dropper Beaker etc. Hcl Na2Co3 Indicator November December January 16-21 Note : For the detailed syllabus & pattern of question paper, please see the CBSE curriculum 2013-15, vol-1. 08 10 8 08 Split up syllabus 2013-14 Class : XI Sub: Mathematics Month Distribution of syllabus June, July Sets : Sets and their representations. Empty set. Finite & Infinite sets. Equal sets.Subsets. Subsets of the set of real numbers especially intervals (with notations). Power set. Universal set. Venn diagrams. Union and Intersection of sets. Difference of sets. Complement of a set. Properties of compliment sets. Relations & Functions: Ordered pairs, Cartesian product of sets. Number of elements in the cartesian product of two finite sets. Cartesian product of the set of reals with itself (upto R x R x R). Definition of relation, pictorial diagrams, domain. codomain and range of a relation. Function as a special kind of relation from one set to another. Pictorial representation of a function, domain, co-domain & range of a function. Real valued function of the real variable, domain and range of these functions, constant, identity, polynomial, rational, modulus, signum and greatest integer functions with their graphs. Sum, difference, product and quotients of functions. Concept of exponential and logarithmic function. Trigonometric Functions: Positive and negative angles. Measuring angles in radians & in degrees and conversion from one measure to another. Definition of trigonometric functions with the help of unit circle. Truth of the identity sin²x + cos²x=1, for all x. Signs of trigonometric functions domain and range of trigonometric functions and their graphs. 35 Trigonometric Functions: Continued ……. Expressing sin (x±y) and cos (x±y) in terms of sinx, siny, cosx&cosy. Deducing the identities like the following: August No. of periods 36 Identities related to sin 2x, cos2x, tan 2x, sin3x, cos3x and tan3x. General solution of trigonometric equations of the type sinƟ= sin ά, cosƟ= cosάand tanƟ= tan ά. Proofand simple application of sine and cosine formulae. Principle of Mathematical Induction: Processes of the proof by induction, motivating the application of the method by looking at natural numbers as the least inductive subset of real numbers. The principle of mathematical induction and simple applications. Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations: Need for complex numbers, especially√-1 , to be motivated by inability to solve some of the quadratic equation.Algebraic properties of complex numbers. Argand plane and polar representation of complex numbers. Statement of Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, solution of quadratic equations in the complex number system. Square root of a complex number. September Linear Inequalities: Linear inequalities. Algebraic solutions of linear inequalities in one variable and their representation on the number line. Graphical solution of linear inequalities in two variables. Solution of system of linear inequalities in two variablesgraphically. Permutations & Combinations: Fundamental principle of counting. Factorial n. (n!) Permutations and combinations,derivation of formulae and their connections, simple applications Binomial Theorem: History, statement and proof of the binomial theorem for positive integral indices. Pascal's triangle, General and middle term in binomial expansion, simple applications. October November Sequence and Series: Sequence and Series. Arithmetic progression (A. P.). arithmetic mean (A.M.) Geometric progression (G.P.),general term of aG.P.,sum of n terms of a G.P.,Arithmetic and Geometric series infinite G.P. and its sum, geometric mean (G.M.), relation between A.M. and G.M. Sum to n terms of the special series Straight Lines: Brief recall of 2D from earlier classes.Shifting of origin, Slope of a line and angle between two lines. Various forms of equations of a line: parallel to axes, point-slope form, slope-intercept form, two point form, intercept form and normal form. General equation of a line. Equation of family of lines passing through the point of intersection of two lines.Distance of a point from a line. Conic Sections: Sections of a cone: circle, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola, a point, a straight line and pair of intersecting lines as a degenerated case of a conic section. Standard equations and simple properties of parabola, ellipse and hyperbola. Standard equation of a circle. Introduction to Three -dimensional Geometry Coordinate axes and coordinate planes in three dimensions. Coordinates of a point. Distance between two points and section formula. 36 25 20 December January February Limit and differentiation Derivative introduced as rate of change both as that of distance function and geometrically, intuitive idea of limit. Limits of polynomials and rational functions trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic function. Definition of derivative, relate it to slope of tangent of the curve, derivative of sum, difference, product and quotient of functions. Derivatives of polynomial and trigonometric functions. Mathematical Reasoning: Mathematically acceptable statements. Connecting words/ phrases - consolidating the understanding of "if and only if (necessary and sufficient) condition", "implies", "and/or", "implied by", "and", "or", "there exists" and their use through variety of examples related to real life and Mathematics. Validating the statements involving the connecting words difference between contradiction, converse and contrapositive. Statistics: Measures of dispersion; mean deviation, variance and standard deviation of ungrouped/grouped data. Analysis of frequency distributions with equal means but different variances. Probability: Random experiments: outcomes, sample spaces (set representation). Events: occurrence of events, 'not', 'and' and 'or' events, exhaustive events, mutually exclusive events Axiomatic (set theoretic) probability, connections with the theories of earlier classes. Probability of an event, probability of 'not', 'and' & 'or' events. Revision Note : For the detailed syllabus & pattern of question paper, please see the CBSE curriculum 2013-15, vol-1. 26 27 SPLIT UP OF SLLABUS 2013-14 CLASS XI SUBJECT: BIOLOGY Month June & July Name of Topic UNIT-1 Diversity in Living world 36 Periods 07 Marks Detailed Split Up What is living? Biodiversity; Need for classification; three domains of life; taxonomy and systematics; concept of species and taxonomical hierarchy; binomial nomenclature; tools for study of taxonomy-museums, zoological parks, herbaria, botanical gardens. Five kingdom classification; Salient features and classification of Monera, Protista and Fungi into major groups: Lichens, Viruses and Viroids. Salient features and classification of plants into major groups - Algae, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae and Angiospermae (three to five salient and distinguishing features and at least two examples of each category); Angiosperms – classification upto class, characteristic features and examples. Salient features and classification of animals non chordates up to phyla level and chordates up to class level (three to five salient features and at least two examples of each category). (No live animals or specimen should be displayed.) Practical -study parts of compound microscope. -study of the specimes and identification with reason-bacteria, oscillatoria, spirogyra, rhizopus, mushroom, yeast, liverwort, moss, fern, pinus, one monocotyledon, one dicotyledon and one lichen. Study of virtual specimens/slides/models and identification with reasons-Amoeba, Hydra, Liverfluke, ascaris, leech, earthworm, prawn, honeybee, snail, starfish, shark, rohu, frog, lizard, pigeon and rabbit. Periods for classroom teaching & Practical Periods for 30 06 Compute rs aided teaching Tot al Peri ods 36 August UNIT-II Structural organizati on in plants and animals 30 periods 10 marks Morphology and modifications: Tissues; anatomy and functions of different parts of flowering plants: root, stem, leaf, inflorescence, flower, fruit and seed (to be dealt along with the relevant practical of the Practical Syllabus). Animal tissues: Morphology, anatomy and functions of different systems (digestive, circulatory, respiratory, nervous and reproductive) of an insect (cockroach). (a brief account only) SEP UNIT-III Cell: Structure and functions 30+10 periods 17 marks Oct UNIT-III (Contd.) UNIT - IV Plant physiolog y 08+32=40 Cell theory and cell as the basic unit of life: Structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; Plant cell and animal cell; Cell envelope, cell membrane, cell wall; Cell organelles - structure and function; endomembrane system, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, lysosomes, vacuoles; mitochondria, ribosomes, plastids, microbodies; cytoskeleton, cilia, flagella, centrioles (ultrastructure and function); nucleus, nuclear membrane, chromatin, nucleolus. Chemical constituents of living cells: biomolecules, structure and function of proteins, carbodydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, enzymes, types, properties, enzyme action. Practical: -study of mitosis in onion root tip cells and animal cells (grass hopper) from permanent sides. -Study of cell organelles. -Biochemical test of protein, carbohydrate, protein. Cell division: Cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis and their significance. 25 5 30 20 5 25 13 06 02 02 15 08 Practical -Study and describe three common flowering plants (Solanaceae, Fabaceae&liliaceae) - Preparation and study of T.S. of Dicot and monocot roots and stems (Herbaceous and Woody) -Study of types of root (Tap and adventitious) stem and leaves (arrangement, Shape, Venation, simple and compound). - study and identify different types of inflorescence. -study of tissue and diversity in shapes and sizes for plant and animal cells. (e.g. Palisade cells, guard cells, parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma, xylem, phloem, squamous epithelium,muscle fibers and mammalian blood smear) through temporary/ permanent slides. -study of external morphology of Cockroach through models or virtual images. -study of human skeleton and different types of joints. Transport in plants; Movement of water, gases and nutrients; cell to cell transport, Diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport; plant-water relations, Imbibition, water potential, osmosis, plasmolysis; long distance transport of water - Absorption, apoplast, symplast, transpiration pull, root pressure and guttation; transpiration, opening and closing of stomata;Uptake and translocation of mineral nutrients - Transport of food, phloem transport, massflow hypothesis; diffusion of gases. Nov Dec Periods 18 Practical Marks -Study of osmosis by potato osmometer-study of plasmolysis in epidermal peels (eg. Rhoeo leaves) -Study of distribution of stomata in upper and lower surface of leaves and calculate the stomatal index. stomatal index = No of stomata / (no of stomata + no of epidermal cells) x100 -Comparative study of the rate of transpiration in the lower and upper surface of leaves. UNIT IV Mineral nutrition: Essential minerals, macro- and micronutrients and their role; deficiency 26 (Contd.) symptoms; mineral toxicity; elementary idea of hydroponics as a method to study mineral nutrition; nitrogen metabolism, nitrogen cycle, biological nitrogen fixation. Photosynthesis: Photosynthesis as a mean of autotrophic nutrition; site of photosynthesis, pigments involved in photosynthesis (elementary idea); photochemical and biosynthetic phases of photosynthesis; cyclic and non cyclic photophosphorylation; chemiosmotic hypothesis; photorespiration; C3 and C4 pathways; factors affecting photosynthesis. Respiration: Exchange of gases; cellular respiration - glycolysis, fermentation (anaerobic), TCA cycle and electron transport system (aerobic); energy relations - number of ATP molecules generated; amphibolic pathways; respiratory quotient. Plant growth and development: Seed germination; phases of plant growth and plant growth rate; conditions of growth; differentiation, dedifferentiation and redifferentiation; sequence of developmental processes in a plant cell; growth regulators - auxin, gibberellin, cytokinin, ethylene, ABA; seed dormancy; vernalisation; photoperiodism. Practical: -Test for the pressure of sugar starch proteins and facts To detect them is suitable plant and animal materials. -Separate plant pigments through paper chromatography. -Study the rate of respiration in flower bud/leaf tissues and germinating seeds. UNIT-V Digestion and absorption: Alimentary canal and digestive glands, role of digestive enzymes and 15 Human gastrointestinal hormones; Peristalsis, digestion, absorption and assimilation of proteins, Physiolog carbohydrates y and fats; calorific values of proteins, carbohydrates and fats; egestion; nutritional and digestive 20+25=45 disorders - PEM, indigestion, constipation, vomiting, jaundice, diarrhoea. Periods 18 Breathing and Respiration: Respiratory organs in animals (recall only); Respiratory system in marks humans; mechanism of breathing and its regulation in humans - exchange of gases, transport of gases 06 32 05 20 JAN UNIT-V Human Physiolog y (contd.) FEB UNIT-V Human Physiolog y (contd.) and regulation of respiration, respiratory volume; disorders related to respiration - asthma, emphysema, occupational respiratory disorders. Body fluids and circulation: Composition of blood, blood groups, coagulation of blood; composition of lymph and its function; human circulatory system - Structure of human heart and blood vessels; cardiac cycle, cardiac output, ECG; double circulation; regulation of cardiac activity; disorders of circulatory system - hypertension, coronary artery disease, angina pectoris, heart failure. Practical: To study the effect of different temperature on the activity of salivary amylase on starch. To test the presence of urea albumin, sugar and bile salts in urine. Excretory products and their elimination: Modes of excretion - ammonotelism, ureotelism, uricotelism; human excretory system - structure and function; urine formation, osmoregulation; regulation of kidney function - renin - angiotensin, atrial natriuretic factor, ADH and diabetes insipidus; role of other organs in excretion; disorders - uraemia, renal failure, renal calculi, nephritis; dialysis and artificial kidney. Locomotion and movement: Types of movement - ciliary, flagellar, muscular; skeletal musclecontractile proteins and muscle contraction; skeletal system and its functions; joints; disorders of muscular and skeletal system - myasthenia gravis, tetany, muscular dystrophy, arthritis, osteoporosis, gout. Neural control and coordination: Neuron and nerves; Nervous system in humans - central nervous system; peripheral nervous system and visceral nervous system; generation and conduction of nerve impulse; reflex action; sensory perception; sense organs; elementary structure and functions of eye and ear. Chemical coordination and regulation: Endocrine glands and hormones; human endocrine system - hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas, gonads; mechanism of hormone action (elementary Idea); role of hormones as messengers and regulators, hypo – and hyperactivity and related disorders; dwarfism, acromegaly, cretinism, goiter, exophthalmic goiter, diabetes, Addision's disease. Note: Diseases related to all the human physiological systems to be taught in brief. Revision 20 * Open book test will be conducted in final exam. Note : For the detailed syllabus & pattern of question paper, please see the CBSE curriculum 2013-15, vol-1. 05 25 SPLIT UP SYLLABUS (2013-2014) CLASS XI SUBJECT: - INFORMATICS PRACTICES (Code-065) Topic Period Theory INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SYSTEMS 20 INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING 40 RELATIONAL DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 45 IT APPLICATION 5 110 Unit 1 2 3 4 Marks Theory 10 25 30 5 70 Practical 04 40 36 20 100 Practical 02 16 6 6 30 I.P.(Theory) S No Month 1 June 2 July Topic Details UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SYSTEMS Hardware Concepts: Computer organization (basic concepts): CPU, Memory (RAM and ROM), I/O devices, communication bus, ports (serial, parallel, network, phone); Input devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Light pen, Touch Screens, Graphics Tablets, Joystick, Microphone, OCR, Scanner, Smart Card reader, Barcode reader, Biometric sensor, web camera; Output Devices: Monitor/Visual Display Unit (VDU), LCD screen, Television, Printer (Dot Matrix Printer, Desk jet/ Inkjet/ Bubble jet Printer, Laser Printer), Plotter, Speaker; Secondary Storage Devices: Floppy Disk, Hard Disk, Compact Disk, Magnetic Tape, Digital Versatile Disk (DVD) USB Drive, Memory cards; Comparative properties of storage devices; Memory Units: Bit (Binary Digit)/Byte (Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte, Petabyte) E-waste disposal Software Concepts: Operating systems, Need for operating system, major functions of Operating System, Memory Management Security of system: sources of attack and possible damages, malware- Required No. of Periods No. Of Theory/ Computer Aided teaching 10 Practicals Tentative Working days 04 14 10 04 14 virus,worms,Trojan, spyware and their propagation cookies as security threat, malware detection using tool. Computer security, Digital certificate, Digital Signature, firewall, password, file access permission Types of Software: (a) System Software (i) Operating systems: Need for operating system, major functions of operating system; Example of OS for mainframe, PC/Server, and mobile devices. (ii) Language Processor: Assembler, Interpreter and compiler. (b) Utility Software: Compression tools, disk defragmenter, anti-virus (c) Application Software (i) General purpose application software: word Processor, Presentation tool, Spreadsheet Package, Database Management System, Integrated Development Environment(IDE) (ii) Specific purpose Application software: Inventory Management System, Purchasing System, Human resource Management System, Payroll System, Financial Accounting, Hotel Management and Reservation System etc. August UNIT 2: INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING 20 20 30 20 20 30 Getting started with Programming using IDE Introduction, Rapid Application Development using IDE (Integrated Development Environment); Familiarization of IDE using basic Interface components- Label, TextField, TextArea, Button, CheckBox, RadioButton (as per Appendix A) Developing General Application (As per the guidelines at appendix B)- Getting Familiar with Java Swing User Interface components- Frame, Dialog, Option Pane, Scroll Pane, Label, Text Field, Password Field, Text Area, Button, Check Box, Radio Button, Combo Box, List. 3 Basic component handling and properties: settext(), gettext(), isSelected(), setSelected(). September Programming Fundamentals Data Types: Concept of data types; Built-in data types - byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, String, boolean Variables: Need to use variable, Declaring Variables, Variable Naming Convention, Assigning value to Variables; Integer object method: parseInt 5 October 6 November Double object method: parseDouble, parseFloat Control Structures: Decision Structure - if, if-else, switch; Looping Structure- while, do-while, for; Programming Guidelines: General Concepts; Modular approach; Stylistic Guidelines: Clarity and Simplicity of Expressions and Names, Comments, Indentation; Running and debuggingprograms, Syntax Errors, Run-Time Errors, Logical Errors; Problem Solving Methodology and Techniques: Understanding of the problem, Identifying minimum number of inputs required for output, breaking down solution into simple steps, UNIT 3: RELATIONAL DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Database Management System Introduction to database concepts: Relation/Table, attribute/fields, Tuple / Rows; Data Types –Text ( CHAR, VARCHAR), Number (DECIMAL, INT/INTEGER) , Date and time. Key - Primary Key, Candidate key, Alternate key;, Foreign Key Examples of common Database Management System - MySQL, INGRES, POSTGRES, ORACLE,DB2, MS SQL, Sybase etc. common database management tool for mobile devices. Introduction to MySQL (ANSI SQL 99 standard commands) Classification of SQL Statements: DML - SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE DDL - CREATE, DROP, ALTER Creating and using a database: SQL CREATE command to create a database, USE command to select Database. Creating a Table: CREATE command to create a table, DESC command to display a table structure, INSERT command for inserting new rows, inserting new rows with null values and values of all studied data types. Displaying table data : SELECT command for selecting all the columns, selecting specific column(s) using arithmetic operators, operator precedence. Defining and using column alias. Eliminating duplicate values from display using DISTINCT keyword. 10 2 20 20 10 30 7 December Limiting rows during selection (using WHERE clause) Using Comparison operators - =, <, >, <=, >=, <>, BETWEEN, IN, LIKE(%,_) Logical Operators -AND, OR, NOT; Operator Precedence; Working with null values. ORDER BY Clause, Sorting in Ascending / Descending Order, Sorting By Column Alias Name, Sorting On Multiple Columns; Manipulating data of a table / relation: UPDATE command to change existing data of a table, delete command for removing rows from a table. Restructuring a table, ALTER Table for adding a new column & deleting a column. 14 10 20 8 January Functions in MySQL: String Function –ASCII(), CHAR(), CONCAT(),INSTR(), LCASE(), UCASE(), LEFT(), LOWER(), LENGTH(), LTRIM(), MID(), RIGHT(), RTRIM(), SUBSTR(), TRIM(),UPPER(). Mathematical Functions - POWER(), ROUND(), TRUNCATE(). Date and Time Functions - CURDATE() , DATE(), MONTH(), YEAR(), DAYNAME(), DAYOFMONTH(), DAYOFWEEK(), DAYOFYEAR(), NOW(), SYSDATE(). 16 16 15 9 February UNIT 4: IT APPLICATIONS e-Governance - Definition, Benefits to citizens, e-Governance websites and their salient features and societal impacts; e-Governance challenges. e-Business - Definition, Benefits to customers and business, e-Business websites and their salient features and societal impacts; e-Business challenges. e-Learning - Definition; Benefits to students (Learners), Teachers (Trainers) and School (Institution)Management; e-Learning websites and their salient features and societal impacts; e-Business Challenges. Revision, and Project work 15 10 23 * Open book test will be conducted in final exam. Note : For the detailed syllabus & pattern of question paper, please see the CBSE curriculum 2013-15, vol-1. SPLIT UP SYLLABUS FOR CLASS XI SUBJECT : COMPUTER SCIENCE (083) SESSION:2013-14 Class XI (Theory) Duration: 3 hours Unit No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Total Marks: 70 Unit Name COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS PROGRAMMING METHODOLOGY INTRODUCTION TO C++ PROGRAMMING IN C++ No Month Topic Details 1 June 2 July UNIT 1: COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS Evolution of computers; Basics of computer and its operation: Functional Components and their interconnections, concept of Booting, classification of computers. Software Concepts: Types of Software - System Software, Utility Software and Application Software System Software: Operating System, Compiler, Interpreter and Assembler Operating System: Need for operating system, Functions of Operating System (Processor Management, Memory Management, File Management and Device Management), Types of operating system -Interactive (GUI based), Time Sharing, Real Time and Distributed; Commonly used operating systems: UNIX, LINUX, Windows, Solaris, BOSS (Bharat Operating System Solutions); Mobile OSAndroid, Symbian. Utility Software: Anti -Virus, File Management tools, Compression tools and Disk Management tools (Disk Cleanup, Disk Defragmenter, Backup) Open Source Concept: Open source Software, Freeware, Shareware, Proprietary software. Application software: Office Tools - Word Processor, Presentation Tool, Spreadsheet Package, Database Management System Financial Accounting, Hotel Management, Marks 10 10 15 35 70 Required No. of Periods (Theory/ Computer Aided Teaching + Practical) 13 (10+3) No. Of Tentative Working days 34 (26+08) 25 10 Reservation system and whether Forecasting Syste; Number System: Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal and conversion between two different number systems. Internal Storage encoding of characters: ASCII, ISCII (Indian scripts Standard code for Information interchange), and UNICODE (for multilingual computing) Microprocessor: Basic Concept, Clock Steed (MHz,Ghz), 16 bit. 32 bity, 64 bit processor,128 bit processor; Types CISC Processors (Complex Instruction set computing), RISC Processor (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) Memory Concepts:Units, Byte, Kilo Byte, Mega Byte, Tera Byte, Peta Byte, Exa Byte, Zeta Byte, Yotta Byte. Primary Memory: Cache , RAM, ROM Secondary Memory: Fixed and removable storage- Hard Disk Drive, CD/DVD Drive, Pen Drive Blue Ray Disk. Input Output Ports/Connections: Serial, Parallel and Universal Serial Bus, PS-2 port, Infrared port, Bluetooth, Firewire. 3 August UNIT 2: INTRODUCTION TO C++ Getting Started: C++ character set, C++ Tokens (Identifiers, Keywords, Constants, Operators), Structure of a C++ Program (include files, main function); Header files iostream.h, iomanip.h. cout, cin; Use of I/O operators (<< and >>), Use of endl and setw(), Cascading of I/O operators, Error Messages; Use of editor, basic commands of editor, compilation, linking and execution; Data Types, Variables and Constants: Concept of Data types; Built-in Data types: char, int, float and double; Constants: Integer Constants, Character Constants - \n, \t, \b , Floating Point Constants, String Constants; Access modifier: const; Variables of built-in data types, Declaration/Initialization of variables, Assignment statement; Type modifier: signed, unsigned, long Operators and Expressions: Operators: Arithmetic operators (-,+,*,/,%), Unary operator (-), Increment (++) and Decrement (--) Operators, Relational operators (>,>=,<,<=,==,!=), Logical operators (!, &&, ||), Conditional operator: <condition>?<if true>:<else>; Precedence of Operators; Expressions; Automatic type conversion in expressions, Type casting; C++ shorthands (+=, -=, *=, /=, %=) 30 (20+10) 23 4 September UNIT 3: PROGRAMMING METHODOLOGY General Concepts; Modular approach; Clarity and Simplicity of Expressions, Use of proper Names for identifiers, Comments, Indentation; Documentation and Program Maintenance; Running and Debugging programs, Syntax Errors, Run-Time Errors, Logical Errors Problem Solving Methodologies: Understanding of the problem, solution for the problem, Identifying minimum number of inputs required for output, Writing code to optimizing execution time and memory storage, step by step solution for the problem, breaking down solution into simple steps (Modular approach), Identification of arithmetic and logical operations required for solution, Control Structure: Conditional control and looping (finite and infinite). Problem Solving: Introduction to Algorithms/Flowcharts. 5 October UNIT 4: PROGRAMMING IN C++ Flow of control: Conditional statements: if-else, Nested if, switch..case..default, Nested switch..case, break statement (to be used in switch..case only); Loops: while, do - while , for and Nested loops Introduction to user defined function and its requirements. Defining a function, function prototype, Invoking/calling function, passing arguments to function, specifying argument data types, default argument, constant argument, call by value, call by reference, returning values from a function, calling functions with array, scope rule of functions and variables local and global variable. 6 November 7 December 8 January Structured Data Type: Arrays: Introduction to array and its advantages. One Dimensional Array Declaration / initialization of One-dimensional array, Inputting array elements, Accessing array elements, Manipulation of Array elements (sum of elements, product of elements, average of elements, linear search, finding maximum/minimum value) Declaration/Initialization of a String, string manipulations (counting vowels/ Consonants/digits/special characters, case conversion, reversing a string, reversing each word of a string) Two-dimensional Array Declaration / initialization of a two-dimensional array, inputting array elements Accessing array elements, Manipulation of Array elements (sum of row element, column elements, diagonal elements, finding maximum / minimum values) User Defined Data types :Introduction to User Defined Data types. Structure - 34 (20+14) 25 22 (15+7) 16 30 (22+08) 23 24 (16+08) 18 32 24 Defining a Structure, Declaring structure variables, Accessing structure elements, Passing structure to Functions as value and reference argument/parameter, Function returning structure, Array of structures, passing an array of structure as an argument/ a parameter to a function Defining a symbol name using typedef keyword and defining a macro using #define preprocessor directive. 9 February Project work Revision (20+12) 30 (15+15) Note : For the detailed syllabus & pattern of question paper, please see the CBSE curriculum 2013-15, vol-1. 23 PAPER I SPLIT-UP SYLLABUS (2013-2014) CLASS XI SUBJECT: - ECONOMICS 3 HOURS UNITS Part A : Statistics for Economics 1. Introduction 90 MARKS PERIODS 7 27 66 MARKS 03 12 30 100 45 18 16 60 14 8 10 20 07 108 45 2. Collection, Organisation and Presentation of Data 3. Statistical Tools and Interpretatio Part B: Indian Economic Development 5. Development Policies and Experience (1947-90) 6. Economic Reforms since 1991 7. Current Challenges facing Indian Economy 8. Development experience of India-A comparison with neighbors Part C: Project Work 12 10 Note: The question paper will include a section on open case studies based questions on two case studies, each from Part A and Part B of 8 marks, a total of 16 marks. The case studies are designed to test the analytical and higher order thinking skills of students. MONTH CHAPTER DETAILS PERIODS COMPUTER AIDED PERIODS TOTAL PERIODS JUNE 2013 Unit 1: Introduction 06 01 07 JULY 2013 Unit 2: Collection, Organisation and Presentation of data 25 02 27 16 02 18 30 3 33 14 2 16 12 03 15 What is Economics? Meaning, scope and importance of statistics in Economics Collection of data - sources of data - primary and secondary; how basic data is collected; methods of collecting data; Some important sources of secondary data: Census of India and National Sample Survey Organisation. Organisation of Data: Meaning and types of variables; Frequency Distribution. Presentation of Data: Tabular Presentation and Diagrammatic Presentation of Data: (i) Geometric forms (bar diagrams and pie diagrams), (ii) Frequency diagrams (histogram, polygon and ogive) and (iii) Arithmetic line graphs (time series graph). Unit 5: Development Policies and Experience (1947-90): A brief introduction of the state of Indian economy on the eve of independence. Common goals of Five Year Plans Main features, problems and policies of agriculture (institutional aspects and new agricultural strategy, etc.), industry (industrial licensing, etc,) and foreign trade. AUG 2013 Unit 3: Statistical Tools and Interpretation (For all the numerical problems and solutions, the appropriate economic interpretation may be attempted. This means, the students need to solve the problems and provide interpretation for the results derived) Measures of Central Tendency- mean (simple and weighted), median and mode. SEP. 2013 Unit 6: Economic Reforms since 1991: Need and main features - liberalisation, globalisation and privatisation; An appraisal of LPG policies Unit 3: Statistical Tools and Interpretation ( CONTINUED) Measures of Dispersion - absolute dispersion (range, quartile deviation, mean deviation and standard deviation); relative dispersion (co-efficient of quartile-deviation, co-efficient of mean deviation, co-efficient of variation); Lorenz Curve: Meaning and its application. OCT. 2013 8 02 10 20 02 22 NOV. 2013 Poverty- absolute and relative; Main programmes for poverty alleviation: A critical assessment; Rural development: Key issues - credit and marketing - role of cooperatives; agricultural diversification; alternative farming - organic farming Unit 7: Current challenges facing Indian Economy: (CONTINUED) Human Capital Formation: How people become resource; Role of human capital in economic development; Growth of Education Sector in India. Employment: Formal and informal, growth and other issues: Problems and policies. 25 02 27 DEC. 2013 Unit 3: Statistical Tools and Interpretation ( CONTINUED) 07 01 08 Introduction to Index Numbers - meaning, types - wholesale price index, consumer price index and index of industrial production, uses of index numbers; Inflation and index numbers. Some mathematical tools used in Economics, equation of line, slope of a curve. 11 Unit 3: Statistical Tools and Interpretation ( CONTINUED) Correlation- meaning, scatter diagram, measures of correlation- Karl Pearson’s method (two variables ungrouped data) Spearman’s rank correlation. Unit 7: Current challenges facing Indian Economy: 11 Unit 7: Current challenges facing Indian Economy: (CONTINUED) Inflation policies and problems. Infrastructure: Meaning-and Types: Case Studies: Energy and Health: Problems and Policies- A critical assessment; Sustainable Economic Development: Meaning, Effects of Economic Development on Resources and Environment, including global warming. JAN. 2014 Unit 8: Development Experience of India: 12 02 14 10 02 12 A comparison with neighbours India and Pakistan India and China Issues: growth, population, sectoral development and other developmental indicators. Part C : Developing Projects in Economics The students may be encouraged to develop projects, which have primary data, secondary data or both. Case studies of a few organisations / outlets may also be encouraged. Under this the students will do one project each from Part A and Part B. some of the examples of the projects are as follows (they are not mandatory but suggestive): (i) A report on demographic structure of your neighborhood; (ii) Consumer awareness amongst households FEB. 2014 MARCH 2014 (iii) Dissemination of price information for growers and its impact on consumers. (iv) Study of a cooperative institution: milk cooperatives, marketing cooperatives, etc. (v) Case studies on public private [partnership, outsourcing and outward Foreign Direct Investment. (vi) Global warming. (vii). Designing eco friendly projects applicable in school such as paper & water recycle. The idea behind introducing this unit is to enable the students to develop the ways and means by which a project can be developed using the skills learned in the course. This includes all the steps involved in designing a project starting from choosing a title, exploring the information relating to the title, collection of primary and secondary data, analysing the data, presentation of the project and using various statistical tools and their interpretation and conclusion. REVISION FOR SESSION ENDING EXAM 2012 SESSION ENDING EXAM 2012 WILL TAKE PLACE * Open book test will be conducted in final exam. Note : For the detailed syllabus & pattern of question paper, please see the CBSE curriculum 2013-15, vol-1. SPLIT UP SYLLABUS Class XI Accountancy Paper I ,3 Hours, 100 Marks Units Particulars Periods Marks Part - A Unit-1 Unit-2 Financial Accounting-I Theoretical Framework Accounting process and Special Accounting Treatment 120 25 95 50 15 35 Part - B Unit-3 Unit-4 Unit-5 Financial Accounting-II Financial statements of Sole proprietorship: From complete and Incomplete records Financial Statements of Not-for-profit Organizations Computers in Accounting and Accounting and Database System Project 90 40 30 20 40 15 15 10 10 S. No. Unit Months 1 Unit JUNE 1 Chapter Name List of Syllabus No. of periods for classroom No. of periods for computer aided Total no. of periods Theoretical Framework Introduction to Accounting 11 Periods Accounting- objectives, advantages and limitations, types of accounting information; users ofaccounting information and their needs. Basic accounting terms: business transaction, account, capital, drawings, liability (Non – currentand current); asset (Non - current; tangible and intangible assets and current assets), receipts(capital and revenue), expenditure (capital, revenue and deferred), expense, income, profits,gains and losses, purchases, purchases returns, sales, sales returns, stock, trade receivables (debtorsand bills receivable), trade payables (creditors and bills payable), goods, cost, vouchers, discount- trade and cash. 22 3 25 Unit 1 and 2 July Theory Base of Accounting & Recording of transactions UNIT 1 CONTD….. Theory Base of Accounting Fundamental accounting assumptions: going concern, consistency, and accrual. Accounting principles: accounting entity, money measurement, accounting period, full disclosure,materiality, prudence, cost concept, matching concept and dual aspect. Bases of accounting - cash basis and accrual basis. Accounting Standards and IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards): Concept andObjectives. UNIT 2 Accounting Process and Special Accounting Treatment Recording of Transactions August 3 Unit 2 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement, Ledger and Trial Balance Accounting equation: analysis of transactions using accounting equation. Rules of debit and credit: for assets, liabilities, capital, revenue and expenses. Origin of transactions- source documents (invoice, cash memo, pay in slip, cheque), preparationof vouchers - cash (debit and credit) and non cash (transfer). Books of original entry: format and recording - Journal. Cash Book: Simple Cash Book, Cash Book with Discount Column and Cash Book with Bank andDiscount Columns, Petty Cash Book. Other books: purchases book, sales book, purchases returns book, sales returns book and journalproper. UNIT 2CONTD….. Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement, Ledger and Trial Balance. Bank reconciliation statement- calculating bank balance at accounting date: need and preparation.Corrected cash book balance. Ledger - format, posting from journal, cash book and other special purpose books, balancing ofaccounts. Trial balance: objectives and preparation(Scope: Trial Balance with balance method only) 88 7 95 4 Unit 2 Unit 2 and Unit 3 September October Unit 3 UNIT 2 CONTD….. Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves Accounting for Bills of Exchange Accounting for Bills of Exchange Rectification of Errors & Depreciation: concept need and factors affecting depreciation; methods of computation ofdepreciation: straight line method, written down value method (excluding change in method) Accounting treatment of depreciation: by charging to asset account, by creating provision fordepreciation/ accumulated depreciation account, treatment of disposal of asset. Provisions and reserves: concept, objectives and difference between provisions and reserves;types of reserves- revenue reserve, capital reserve, general reserve and specific reserves. November Bills of exchange and promissory note: definition, features, parties, specimen and distinction. Important terms : term of bill, due date, days of grace, date of maturity, discounting of bill,endorsement of bill, bill sent for collection, dishonour of bill, noting of bill , retirement andrenewal of a bill. Accounting treatment of bill transactions. UNIT 2 CONTD….. Rectification of Errors Part B: Financial Accounting – II 5 Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves Errors: types-errors of omission, commission, principles, and compensating; their effect on TrialBalance. Detection and rectification of errors; preparation of suspense account. UNIT 3 Financial Financial Statements: objective and importance. Statement of Profit and loss account: gross profit, operating profit and net profit. Sole Balance Sheet: need, grouping, marshalling of assets and liabilities. Proprietorship Without Adjustments Financial UNIT 3 CONTD….. Adjustments in preparation of financial statements : with respect to closing Statements of stock, outstandingexpenses, prepaid expenses, accrued income, income Sole received in advance, depreciation, baddebts, provision for doubtful debts, Proprietorship: provision for discount on debtors, manager's commission,abnormal loss, From Complete goods taken for personal use and goods distributed as free samples. Preparation of Trading and Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet of and Incomplete sole proprietorship. Records Incomplete records: use and limitations. Ascertainment of profit/loss by statement of affairsmethod. 36 4 40 6 Unit 4 December Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organizations UNIT 4 26 4 30 18 2 20 Not-for-profit organizations: concept. Receipts and Payment account: features. Income and Expenditure account: features. Preparation of Income and Expenditure account andBalance Sheet from the given Receipts and Payments account with additional information. Scope: (i) Adjustments in a question should not exceed 3 or 4 in number and restricted to subscriptions,consumption of consumables, and sale of assets/ old material. (ii) Entrance/ admission fees and general donations are to be treated as revenue receipts. (iii) Trading Account of incidental activities is not to be prepared. 7 Unit 5 January Computers in Accounting UNIT 5 Introduction to Computer and Accounting Information System {AIS}: Introduction to computers( Elements, Capabilities, Limitations of Computer system), Introduction to operating software, utility software and application software. Introduction toAccounting Information System (AIS), as a part of MIS Automation of Accounting Process. Meaning Stages in automation (a) Accounting process in a computerised environment (Comparisonbetween manual accounting process and Computerised accounting process.) (b) Sourcing ofaccounting Software (Kinds of software: readymade software; customised software and tailormadesoftware; Generic Considerations before sourcing accounting software)(c) Creation ofAccount groups and hierarchy ( d) Generation of reports -Trial balance, Profit and Loss accountand Balance Sheet. Scope: The scope of the unit is to understand accounting as an information system for the generation ofaccounting information and preparation of accounting reports. It is presumed that the working knowledge of Tally software will be given to the students for thegeneration of accounting software. For this, the teachers may refer Chapter 4 of Class XII NCERTtextbook on Computerized Accounting System. 8 Part February C Project Work and Revision 1. Collection of Source Documents, Preparation of Vouchers, Recording of Transactions with thehelp of vouchers. 2. Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement with the given cash book and the pass book withtwenty to twenty-five transactions. 3. Comprehensive project starting with journal entries regarding any sole proprietorship business,posting them to the ledger and preparation of Trial balance. The students will then prepareTrading and Profit and Loss Account on the basis of the prepared trial balance. Expenses, incomesand profit (loss) are to be depicted using pie chart / bar diagram. 25 05 Note : For the detailed syllabus & pattern of question paper, please see the CBSE curriculum 2013-15, vol-1. 30 SPLITUP SYLLABUS (2013-2014) CLASS XI BUSINESS STUDIES One Paper 3 Hours Units Periods Part A: Foundations of Business 1. Nature and Purpose of Business 22 2. Forms of Business Organisations 26 3. Public, Private and Global Enterprises 22 4. Business Services 22 5. Emerging Modes of Business 12 6. Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics 16 120 Part B :Organisation, Finance and Trade 7. Sources of business finance 30 9. Small Business 16 10. Internal Trade 30 11. International Business 14 12. Project Work 30 120 MONTH Jun UNIT 1 100 Marks Marks 08 12 10 08 06 06 50 12 08 12 08 10 50 LIST OF SYLLABUS Nature and Purpose of Business Concept and characteristics of business. • Business, profession and employment -Meaning and their distinctive features. • Objectives of business - Economic and social, role of profit in business • Classification of business activities: Industry and Commerce. • Industry - types: primary, secondary, tertiary - Meaning and sub types • Commerce - trade: types (internal, external, wholesale and retail; and auxiliaries to trade: banking, insurance, transportation, warehousing, communication, and advertising. PERIODS REQUIRED FOR CLASS ROOM TEACHING PERIODS REQUIRED FOR CAL 20 02 TOTAL PERIODS REQUIRES classes 22 • Business risks - Meaning, nature and causes.Meaning of business with special reference to economic and noneconomic activities.Two or three definitionsofbusiness with one conclusive definition. Fundamental features of business which differentiate it with other activities of society. Meaning of profession and employment with one definition of each including all their features. Differentiating features of business, profession and employment. Meaning and classification of objectives of business as : Economic Social Economic Objectives - Profit earning, survival, growth Social Objectives - Production and supply of quality goods and services Role of Profit - As a source of income for business persons for meeting expansion requirements. Indication of efficient working of business and building its reputation of business. Meaning of industry and commerce with examples. Industry: Meaning of primary, secondary and tertiary industries with 2-3 examples. Commerce: Meaning of Trade and Auxiliaries to trade. Meaning of commerce : Meaning of different types of trade Internal, External, Wholesale, and Retail Traders: Meaning of different auxiliaries to trade- Banking, Insurance, Transportation Warehousing, Communication, and Advertising. Meaning of risks as a special characteristic of business including all possible causes. Jul 2 Forms of Business Organizations Sole Proprietorship- meaning, features, merits and limitations. • Partnership- Features, types, merits and limitations of partnership and partners, registration of a partnership firm, partnership deed. Type of partners. • Hindu Undivided Family Business: features. • Cooperative Societies- features, types, merits and limitations. • Company: private and public company -features, merits and limitations. • Formation of a company- four stages, important document (MOA, AOA, relevances of certificate of incorporation and certificate of commencement. • Starting a business - Basic factors. Meaning of forms of business organizations Meaning and definition of sole proprietorship, its features merits and limitations. Definition of partnership as per partnership act 1932 Types of partnership: On the basis of duration or on the basis of liability. Limited liability partnership- Meaning and examples Types of partners: Active, sleeping, secret and nominal partner, partner by estoppel. Meaning of partnership firms with 5-6 major aspects Need for registration Self explanatory Types : Consumers, producers, marketing, farmers, credit and housing co-operatives. Meaning and definition of private and public company. Difference between private and public company. Features, merits and limitations of private and public company. Stages in the formation of a company in brief. Knowledge about selection of a business and its size and form of business organization. Understanding factor to decide location of business, financing and physical facilities. 22 04 26 Aug 3 Public, Private & Global Enterprises 20 02 22 20 02 22 10 02 12 Private sector and public sector enterprises. • Forms of public sector enterprises: features, merits and limitations of departmental undertakings, statutory corporation and Government Company. • Changing role of public sector enterprises. • Global enterprises, Joint ventures, Public Private Partnership - Features Develop an understanding of public, private and global enterprises. Activity to identify various types of public enterprises. Develop an understanding for the changing patterns by studying global enterprises joint ventures and public private partnership. Private Sector and Public Sector: Meaning Forms of Public Sector Enterprises: Departmental Undertakings, Statutory Corporation, Government Company (Features, Meaning, Merits and Limitation of each.) Global enterprises, Joint ventures, Public private partnership- Meaning and Features. Sept 4 Business Services Oct 5 Banking: Types of bank accounts- savings, current, recurring, fixed deposit and multiple option deposit account. Banking services with particular reference to issue of bank draft, banker's cheque (pay order), RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement) NEFT (National Electronic Funds Transfer), bank overdraft, cash credits and e- banking. Insurance: principles, concept of life, health, fire and marine insurance. Postal and telecom services: mail (UPC, registered post, parcel, speed post and courier) andother services. Banking: Types of Bank Accounts- Saving, current, recurring and fixed deposit Accounts along with specific features of each. Banking Services Meaning and special features of each bank draft, banker's cheque (Pay order), RTGS (RealTime Gross Settlement) NEFT (National Electronic Funds Transfer). Bank overdraft, cash credits, ebanking. E Banking : Meaning of e- banking and ways of e-banking: ATM, Debit Card, Credit Card, internet banking and mobile banking. Meaning and principle of insurance utmost good faith, insurance interest, indemnity, contribution, doctrine of subrogation and cause proxima. Meaning and distinction between life, health, fire and marine insurance. Meaning and uses of mail (UPC, Registered Post, Parcel, Speed Post, Courier) and Saving schemes (RecurringDeposit, NSCs, KVP, PPF, MIS ) Emerging Modes of Business E-business - scope and benefits, resources required for successful e-business implementation, online transactions, payment mechanism, security and safety of business transactions. Outsourcing-concept, need and scope of BPO (business process outsourcing) and KPO (knowledgeprocess outsourcing). Smart cards and ATM's meaning and utility E-Business - Scope and Benefits, Resources required for successful e-business implementation, Onlinetransactions, Payment mechanism, Security and Safety of business transactions. Meaning benefits and limitations of e-banking Meaning and process of online transaction Ways of payment through online Methods of secure and safe business transactions Outsourcing-Concept, Need and Scope of BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) and KPO (KnowledgeProcess Outsourcing). Meaning and features of outsourcing and its need Meaning of Business Process and Knowledge Process Outsourcing Oct 6 Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics Concept of social responsibility Case for social responsibility Responsibility towards owners, investors, consumers, employees, government and community Environment protection and business 14 02 16 26 04 30 14 02 16 Part – Business Finance and Trade Nov 7 Dec 8 Meaning definition and need of social response sibling of business. Responsibility towards investors, consumers, employees, government and community. Meaning, need and role of environmental protection. Meaning and basic elements of business ethics Concept of business finance Owner's funds - equity shares, preference share, GDR, ADR, IDR and retained earnings. Borrowed funds: debentures and bonds, loan from financial institution, loans from commercial banks, public deposits, trade credit, ICD (inter corporate deposits). Meaning and need of business finance Sources- Owners funds; Borrowed funds Meaning, merits and limitations of owners' funds, equity shares, preference shares and retained earnings. Borrowed Funds- Debentures and bonds, loans from financial institutions, loans from Commercial banks,public deposits, Trade Credit, ICD (Inter Corporate Deposits). Meaning, merits and limitations of borrowed funds, debentures, bonds, loans from financial institutions, trade credit and inter corporate deposits Small Business Small scale enterprise as defined by MSMED Act 2006 (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Act). Role of small business in India with special reference to rural areas. Government schemes and agencies for small scale industries: (National Small Industries Corporation) and DIC (District Industrial Center) with special reference to rural, backward and hilly areas. Meaning and definition of small scale enterprise as per MSMED Act 2006 Distinction between Micro, Small and Medium enterprises. Self explanatory Different government schemes and functions of agencies. Dec/Jan 10 Internal Trade 26 04 30 12 02 14 25 05 30 Services rendered by a wholesaler and a retailer Types of retail -trade - Itinerant and small scale fixed shops Large scale retailers - Departmental stores, chain stores, mail order business Concept of automatic vending machine Chambers of Commerce and Industry: Basic functions Main documents used in internal trade: Performa invoice, invoice, debit note, credit note. LR (Lorry receipt) and RR (Railway Receipt) Terms of Trade: COD (Cash on Delivery) , FOB (Free on Board), CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight), E&OE (Errors and Omissions Excepted) Types of Retail Trade - Itinerants and small scale fixed shops:- Meaning and features. Large Scale Retailers- Department stores, Chain Stores, Mail Order Business, Automatic Vending Machine. Chambers of Commerce and Industry: Basic Functions Main Documents Used in Internal trade: Performa Invoice, Invoice, Debit Note, Credit Note, LR (LorryReceipt), RR (Railway Receipt) Meaning , uses and formats Terms used in Trade : COD, (Cash on Delivery), FOB (Free on Board ) ,CIF (Cost Insurance and Freight),E&OE (Errors and Omissions Excepted): Meaning. Jan 11 International Trade Meaning, difference between internal trade and external trade: Meaning and characteristics ofinternational trade. Problems of international trade: Advantages and disadvantages of international trade Export Trade - Meaning, objective and procedure of Export Trade Import Trade - Meaning, objective and procedure: Meaning and functions of import trade; purposeand procedure Documents involved in International Trade; documents involved in export trade, indent, letter ofcredit, shipping order, shipping bills, mate's receipt, bill of lading, certificate of origin, consularinvoice, documentary bill of exchange (DA/DP), specimen, importance World Trade Organization (WTO) meaning and objectives Need of International Trade and Complexities faced by Business enterprises in International Trade. Uses of different documents used in International Trade. Procedure followed in Export and Import Business. Historical perspective of WTO Different types of agreement (Four agreement) Feb 12 Project Work & Revision Suggestive/Illustrative Projects Any one of the following:(i) Find out from local sample business unit (s) the various objectives they pursue. (ii) Problems of setting up and running business units. (iii) Enquiry into the ethics of running business through questionnaires. (iv) Survey of quality of bank services in the local branch office. (v) Study of postal and courier mail services. (vi) Availability and use of agency services, advertising, packaging, investments in savings schemes, etc. (vii) Survey of the popularity of credit cards issued by different banks. (viii) Study the profile of a sole trader/partnership commenting on the nature and working of business. (ix) Study of a Joint Hindu family business. (x) Study of the organisational and functional aspects of any of the following cooperatives : (i) Banking Cooperatives (ii) Thrift and Credit Societies. (iii) Cooperative Consumer Stores (iv) Diary Cooperatives. (v) Housing Cooperatives (vi) Marketing Cooperatives (xi) Study of a small business unit regarding source of finance. (xii) Study of nature of small traders (like hawkers and pedlars in a specific locality) with reference to types of goods, capital investment, turnover. (xiii) Study of weekly bazaar in a locality. (xiv) Study of franchise retail store. (xv) Study of export/import procedure of any article. (xvi) Problems of women entrepreneurs in business. (xvii) Survey of waste/garbage disposal by a business enterprise (xviii) Study of pavement trade. Prepare a scrapbook and collect articles on the changing role of public sector and any other topics related to the syllabus. Marks may be suitably distributed over the different parts of the Project Report- 1. Objectives 2. Methodology 3. Conclusions - findings and suggestions Note : For the detailed syllabus & pattern of question paper, please see the CBSE curriculum 2013-15, vol-1.