Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (1) Stage 1 Desired Results ESTABLISHED GOALS/STANDARDS Transfer G ○ 2.1.C Diseases and Health Conditions 2.2.B Decision Making and Goal Setting 2.2.D Advocacy and Service 2.2.E Health Services Information 2.1.P.C.1 Develop an awareness of healthy habits (e.g., use clean tissues, wash hands, handle food hygienically, brush teeth, and dress appropriately for the weather). 2.1.2.C.1 Summarize symptoms of common diseases and health conditions. 2.1.2.C.2 Summarize strategies to prevent the spread of common diseases and health conditions. Students will be able to independently use their learning to… Apply effective personal hygiene skills that prevent the spread of disease. Meaning UNDERSTANDINGS U ○ ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Q ○ Students will understand that… How do you practice good hygiene? Practicing good hygiene will prevent the spread of disease (use clean tissues, wash hands, handle food hygienically, brush teeth, and dress appropriately for the weather) How do you know when you are sick? How do we take care of ourselves when we are sick? The body shows signs and symptoms of illness. Acquisition Students will know… K ○ Doctors Dentists Nurses Medicines help us when we are sick Vaccines help us avoid illness Common Tools (Stethoscope…) What things they should not share (drinks, toothbrushes, comes/brushes…) That medicine should only be given to you by an adult that you trust Signs and symptoms of disease © Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe 2011 T ○ Students will be skilled at… S ○ Washing hands Using tissues Covering up when sneezing and coughing Brushing teeth Stage 2 - Evidence Evaluative Criteria Assessment Evidence TRANSFER TASK(S): The child will use the restroom without the assistance of an adult. The child will wash their hands without being told to do so. They will spend adequate time washing outsides, insides, and in-betweens with soap. They will thoroughly lather, rinse and dry. Use the restroom properly without cueing OTHER EVIDENCE: The student gets a tissue and properly uses it and disposes of it, without assistance. Student has a runny nose. The student covers up the sneeze, blows nose, and effectively washes hands without being asked to do so. Student sneezes. The student covers the cough with the elbow. If the hand is used, they wash effectively without being asked. Student coughs. The student recognizes the signs of an illness, expresses his/her feelings and asks to see the nurse. Student is sick and can express what they need to do to alleviate the problem Stage 3 – Learning Plan Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction © Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe 2011 TT ○ OE ○ Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (3) Stage 1 Desired Results ESTABLISHED GOALS/STANDARDS Transfer G ○ 2.1 Wellness All students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle. Students will be able to independently use their learning to… T ○ Meet their basic needs in order to remain disease free. Meaning 2.1.4.B.1Explain how healthy eating provides energy, helps to maintain healthy weight, lowers risk of disease, and keeps body systems functioning effectively. 2.1.4.B.2 Differentiate between healthy and unhealthy eating practices. 2.1.4.C.1Explain how most diseases and health conditions are preventable. 2.1.4.C.2 Justify how the use of universal precautions, sanitation and waste disposal, proper food handling and storage, and environmental controls prevent diseases and health conditions. UNDERSTANDINGS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Q ○ Students will understand that… What do you need to maintain good health? People have basic needs that must be met in order to maintain good health and prevent disease. Acquisition Students will know… Common Medicines and Safe Use Common Vaccines Common illnesses that can be spread Common illnesses that can’t be spread Germs and how they are spread The difference between sick and well Immune System Adequate Nutrition Water and Hydration Disease Prevention Stage 2 - Evidence © Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe 2011 U ○ K ○ Students will be skilled at… S ○ Choosing foods and nutrients to consume that promote good health Practicing good hygiene Evaluative Criteria Assessment Evidence TRANSFER TASK(S): Student identifies one of many good health practices that prevent disease and promote good health. Create a selfie art that identifies a way that you prevent disease and maintain good health. OTHER EVIDENCE: Stage 3 – Learning Plan Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction © Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe 2011 TT ○ OE ○ Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (5) Stage 1 Desired Results ESTABLISHED GOALS/STANDARDS Transfer G ○ 2.1 Wellness All students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle. Students will be able to independently use their learning to… T ○ Protect their bodies from environmental health hazards. Meaning 2.1.6.C.1 Summarize means of detecting and treating diseases and health conditions that are prevalent in adolescents. 2.1.6.C.2 Determine the impact of public health strategies in preventing diseases and health conditions. UNDERSTANDINGS U ○ ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Q ○ Students will understand that… What are things in your environment that can lead to poor health and disease? There are many things in the environment that can have a negative effect on one’s health. Acquisition Students will know… K ○ Pollution and the effects on the body Environmental hazards Second hand smoke Third hand smoke Prevention Radiation Dangerous chemicals and where they are found Vectors (Insects and animals that transmit disease) Students will be skilled at… S ○ Protecting their skin Protecting their eyes Protecting their lungs Protecting their ears Recognizing environmental hazards Stage 2 - Evidence Evaluative Criteria Assessment Evidence TRANSFER TASK(S): © Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe 2011 TT ○ The student includes sunscreen, a healthy lunch and water on the list. The student may also include a hat, sunglasses, bug repellent, and other things that protect against disease. practices that prevent disease and promote good health. You are going on a day-long canoe trip on a hot sunny day. Write a list of things you will do before you go. Write a list of things you will do during the trip. Write a list of things you will do after the trip. Explain. OTHER EVIDENCE: Stage 3 – Learning Plan Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction © Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe 2011 OE ○