Ecosystem Project

Name ______________________________________________ Date: ______________
Ecosystems Project!
MY PROJECT IS DUE ON: Friday September 4, 2015
Part 1: Ecosystem Description! Choose an ecosystem that you would like to learn
more about. Then, research your ecosystem on these websites:
Suggestion- Google: ecosystem you choose “for kids”. For example: “Desert
information for kids”.
Write a 3 paragraph report about your ecosystem. Each must be 5 to 8 sentences.
 1st paragraph: Describe the characteristics of this ecosystem. What does this
ecosystem look like? What is the temperature during different seasons? What is the
climate? What types of plant and animals would you find? (In class)
 2nd paragraph: Choose 1 specific type of ecosystem. For example, you could
choose the Sahara Desert if your project is about deserts. Where is this ecosystem
located? What are some interesting facts about this ecosystem? Why would you or
other people want to visit this specific ecosystem?
 3rd paragraph: Choose 1 real animal to write about. What does it look like? What
does it eat? Is it a carnivore, herbivore, or omnivore? What type of adaptations does
it have to survive in this ecosystem?
** You must include a list of the websites you used to find your information!
Part 2: Make a DIORAMA out of a box to show what your ecosystem looks like!
Create your ecosystem by using craft supplies and items around your house or
drawing or printing out pictures! Get as creative as you would like!
Part 3: Describe an imaginary animal that could live in your ecosystem! This is NOT
a real animal. It must be adapted to the ecosystem you have chosen. Answer the
following questions on an index card (4 to 7 sentences):
  What is your animal’s name? (example- catdog)
  What does it look like?
  Is it a carnivore, herbivore, or omnivore?
  What type of adaptations does it have to survive?
Part 4: Draw or create your imaginary animal put it in your diorama. You may use
crayons, markers, colored pencils to draw OR create the imaginary animal with
other craft supplies.
Animal Name
4 to 7 sentence description
Use front and back if you need to!
Remember, this is YOUR project! I expect to see 4th grade work. Points will be taken
off if it is not YOUR work! Any questions, please email Mr. Leathers.
Name ______________________________________________ Date Turned in: ______________
Project Checklist- Do I have:
_____ Ecosystem Report
_____ Ecosystem Diorama (imaginary animal inside) _____ Imaginary Animal index
card description
Mr. Leathers is grading me on:
Complete sentence description of Ecosystem 
  Specific ecosystem facts
  Specific animal facts
Ecosystem Diorama
 Use of art supplies/household items,
pictures, drawings to accurately show ecosystem
Complete sentence description of imaginary animal
  Animal’s name
  What it looks like
  Carnivore, herbivore, or omnivore?
  Type of adaptations to survive in
Picture of imaginary animal
 Use of art supplies/household items or
drawing to show imaginary animal
Overall neatness and creativity of STUDENT
Writing in complete sentences and correct grammar/
10 Points are taken away every day that it is late!!!