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Highcroft Swim Team Bylaws
Article I – Name
Section I
These HST By-Laws shall take affect October 10, 2006.
Section II
The name of the organization shall be the Highcroft Swim Team. For the
purposes of the by-laws document, Highcroft Swim Team will be referred to as
There are two (2) types of meetings referred to in this document. One is the HST
member’s general meetings which include all members of the HST and one is the
Board of Directors (BOD) meeting which refers to a meeting with the Board
Article II – Purpose
Section I
The Highcroft Swim Team is a member of the Tarheel Swimming Association
(TSA), which is comprised of approximately 70 swim teams throughout Wake
The HST shall provide competitive and instructional swim for motivated young
The philosophy of our team is to emphasize personal improvement and having
fun. As in any competitive sport, swimmers will receive recognition for placing in
swim events, but swimmers will also be encouraged to continually improve by
recognizing their “personal best” times. Swimmers will learn commitment to
themselves and their team.
It has always been and will continue to be our philosophy and goal to offer the
best instruction in a fun atmosphere at a fair price.
Section II
The HST shall operate under the rules and regulations of the Tarheel Swim
Article III – Membership
Section I
Any child that resides in Highcroft Subdivision may join the Highcroft Swim Team
regardless of race, creed, nationality, sex. We do however reserve the legal right
to refuse membership and participation, based on contagious disease, physical
or mental disability, discipline issues or other unusual circumstances affecting the
person’s eligibility or ability to perform at a competitive level. Children of the head
coach and/or assistant coach are also eligible to join the team.
The child must be able to swim safely, unassisted.
Section II
One vote per family is allowed regardless of the number of swimmers.
Section III
A member in good standing shall have his (her) child’s HST obligations paid,
which entitles him (her) to be part of the membership vote at HST general
member’s meetings and elections.
Article IV – Management
Section I – Board of Directors (BOD)
The HST will be managed by the Board of Directors which will consist of five (5)
members. The members of the Board of Directors will be selected by a majority
vote of those present at a general members meeting. The number and scope of
directors can be changed at any official Board of Directors meeting as long as
the number of directors remains greater than or equal to four (4).
One adult from each household will be the limit for representation on the BOD.
Section II - Business
The business of the HST shall be managed by the Board of Directors, which may
exercise all such powers of the team and do all such lawful acts and things as
are not by statute or by the Certificate or by the bylaws directed or required to be
exercised or done by the members.
Section III – Compensation of Board of Directors Members
The Board of Directors shall receive no regular compensation from the HST. The
directors may be reimbursed for their expenses, if any, at pre-approved events
for pre-approved reasons directly related to the HST.
Article V – Board of Directors Positions
Section I – Board of Directors Details
1. BOD Membership: To be eligible for the BOD, the nominee must have been a
member in good standing of the HST for at least six months.
Term of Office: An elected Board member will serve 2 years, unless such
Board member desires to extend his/her term an additional year and at least
three quarters (75%) of the Board members (not including the member who
desires to extend his/her term) are in favor of such extension. If proper
procedures have been followed to fill a position coming to term and it is not
filled, the person may remain in their position until it can be filled. Nothing
herein shall prohibit a Board member from seeking re-election to the Board
immediately after his/her term expires.
3. Terms are from October 1st through September 30th.
4. Vacancies: The BOD will appoint an HST member who will complete the
unexpired term for any BOD vacancies.
If any Board member resigns before the end of his/her term, the vacancy may
be filled for the rest of the term by any member selected by a majority of the
remaining Board members.
5. Turn Over: The turn-over of the BOD will be staggered over each 2 year
period so that some members of the BOD will remain to provide continuity
and training for the new members. The Board shall determine how the BOD
positions shall be staggered, provided that no more than three (3) Board
members shall turn over in any given year. Each year the VP position will be
filled as the previous VP will move to fill the Chair position, unless the Chair
desires and at least three quarters (75%) of the Board agree that he/she will
remain in the Chair position, in which case the Board shall have flexibility to
restructure the remaining Board positions as appropriate.
5. A Board member may request a maximum of a two month leave of
absence. If approved, the Board member will retain his or her office in
an inactive status. At the end of the two month period, the Board
member will either return as an active member to the Board or will
submit his/her resignation (either explicitly or implied).
6. Meeting participation requirements for BOD: BOD members must
attend at least half of the BOD meetings. If a BOD member misses
three meetings in a row, or indicates that a majority of upcoming
meetings must be missed, the member may be asked to withdraw from
the position. The BOD (see #3) will appoint a substitute until the
member’s term expires.
7. Removal of BOD members: The membership may call for a vote of
non-confidence to remove one or more of the members of the BOD. At least
80% of the membership must vote for the non-confidence to remove the board
member(s). A petition must be sent to the membership 30 days prior to the
vote of no confidence.
Section II – Board of Directors Positions
The positions for the Board of Directors are as follows, unless otherwise changed
by Board members.
1. Chair
2. Vice President
3. TSA Rep
4. Treasurer
5. Communications Director
Section III – Board of Directors Positions Descriptions
1. Chair– The Chair will have charge of the business and direction of the affairs of
the HST and shall preside at all HST members meetings and BOD meetings.
2. Vice President – The Vice President will assist the Chair with the business and
direction of affairs of the HST and prepare to take over the Chair position the
following year. The Vice President will serve as a replacement for the Chair at
meetings should the Chair not be able to attend.
3. TSA Rep A – The TSA Rep A will hold the TSA Rep position at meets as well
as attend the BOD meetings. The TSA Rep will have a back up rep (TSA Rep
B) that will not have to attend the BOD meetings. TSA Rep B is the previous
year’s TSA Rep.
4. Treasurer – The Treasurer shall be responsible for the funds, receipts and
disbursements for the HST. The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate
accounts of the finances and the property of the HST. The Treasurer shall
prepare a budget and report on the budget at the BOD meetings.
5. Communications Director – The Communications Director shall keep the
minutes of the meetings of the HST and distribute copies of the minutes to
Board members within seven (7) days after the meeting date. The
Communications Director shall see that all notices are duly given in accordance
with the provisions of this by-law document. The Communications Director shall
be custodian of the records, books, reports and statements other than those
retained by the Treasurer.
Article VI – Meetings
Section I – Annual Meeting
There shall be a general member’s meetings at least one time per year. This
meeting will be an HST general member’s meeting. Business at this meeting
shall include, but is not limited to:
1. Review of previous year’s operation
2. Annual financial reports
3. Projection of the year to come
4. Approve the budget by a majority of membership vote
A five (5) day notice will be given for this meeting.
Section II – BOD Meetings
The BOD will hold at least four (4) meetings per year. These meetings may be
held without notice at a time and place per the discretion of the BOD.
The end of each meeting will have a time for the non-BOD participants to
address the BOD on matters relevant to the team. The amount of time allocated
for participants addressing the meeting may be limited by the Chair or postponed
to a future meeting based on time limitations.
Article VII - Finances
Section I – Fiscal Year
The fiscal year shall be October 1st through September 30st.
Section II – Registration Fees
The amount of registration fees shall be determined by the Board of Directors
based on budget needs.
Section III – Waiving of fees
The Board of Directors can vote to waive the fees for any family not able
to pay the fees. This will be determined at a BOD meeting or a special
BOD meeting with at least two-thirds (2/3) vote.
Section IV – Refunds
Refunds will be given at the discretion of the BOD. Also, pro-rating members that
have recently moved will be done at the discretion of the BOD.
Section V – Expenditures
With the exception of routine expenses to conduct swim meets, all expenditures
will be approved in advance by the majority vote of the BOD. All items in excess
of $2,000.00 that are not specified and approved in advance by the budget must
be given a minimum of ten (10) day notice to the full team to comment, and the
BOD shall vote, based on input from membership, at the following meeting. Twothirds (2/3) of the BOD must approve payment of team funds outside of the
budget and in excess of $2,000.00. Notice of results will be posted to
membership after the meeting.
Section VI – Loans and Contracts
No loans or contracts shall be entered into on behalf of the HHST unless
authorized by the BOD. Loans and contracts in excess of $2,000.00 not specified
in the annual budget shall be subject to Section V (5) expenditure rules.
Section VII – Dissolution
Upon dissolution of the HST, after paying all creditors, remaining funds shall be
donated to charity. This charity will be designated by the current Board of
Article VIII – Coach
Section I – Appointment
The coach or assistant coach shall serve at the discretion of the BOD. The salary
for coaching and related expenses of the coach shall be funded by the HST.
Section II – Responsibilities
The Head Coach shall have the full responsibilities for scheduling the work-outs,
training and coaches, making line ups for meets. The coach shall be responsible
for maintaining discipline at workouts and swim meets. The coach shall be
responsible for all records and be present at all meets.
Section III – Conflicts of Interests
A coach may not be employed by another competitive swim club unless written
permission is given by the Board of Directors.
Section IV – Removal of Coach
The Board can remove any coach from their position for expectations not met.
Removal must be voted on and approved by at least 80% of the Board members.
Article IX – By-Law Changes
Section I – By-Law Changes
By-Law Amendments via Majority Vote by Team Parents: The
By-laws may be amended by a majority vote of those present at any annual or
special HST members meeting provided that this majority is at least one-third
(1/3) of the membership and that due notice of the proposed amendment(s) shall
have been available for review by membership no less than 10 days prior to a
meeting and/or vote on changes.
Section II – Alternative means to amend by-laws
The By-laws may be amended, altered or replaced by the affirmative vote at two
consecutive regular BOD meetings. The first approval must be by affirmative vote
of sixty percent, and the second approval must be by an affirmative vote of
seventy percent of the active directors constituting the BOD. Before the second
vote, the secretary of the club will notify all active members of the specifics of the
proposed changes and provide the names and contact information of all directors
and the date of the second vote.
Article X – Notices
Section I – Internet Notice
All HST members should have a membership on the yahoo group for the
Highcroft Swim Team. Members will be notified by email when an important team
notice has been posted.
Section II – Email and Telephone Contact List
All HST members are asked to provide their email address, house address and
telephone number as a means of facilitating timely team communications. This
list shall solely be used to communicate matters concerning the team. The email,
address, phone list shall never be sold for commercial purposes.