Jessica Jerabek FCED492 Assignment #6 PART 1 Topic: Sewing Construction Day 1 Day 2 Sewing Terms Sewing Machine Supplies Parts Sewing Machine Part Functions Day 3 Sewing Demo/Website Day 4 Review Practice Sewing practice Threading on machine (no thread) Day 5 Sewing Machine/Terms Quiz Fabrics Wrapup Video For this assignment, I pretended to have 49 minute classes, since the normal class is anywhere from 45-50 minutes. I pretended that we were beginning to cover sewing machines and terms, and wrapping up fabrics. In a real classroom, I would most likely cover fabrics first. With being limited to a week block plan, I decided to just act as though we have already covered fabrics, and as we wrap up sewing machine parts and terms, we may as well wrap up fabrics with a fun video as well. Objectives: 9.6 Students will be able to define basic sewing terms. (Cognitive- knowledge) 9.6 Students will be able to list standard sewing supplies. (Cognitive-knowledge) 9.6 Students will be able to compute the different parts of the sewing machine. (Cognitive-application) 9.6 Students will be able to associate the purpose of the parts to the sewing machine. (Cognitive-analysis) 9.6 Students will be able to summarize the basic steps to using a sewing machine. (Cognitive-comprehension) 9.6 Students will be able to apply what they have learned about how to use the sewing machines, on the actual machines. (Cognitive-application) 9.6 Students will be able to compare the machine parts (cognitive-evaluation) 9.6 Students will be able to demonstrate how to thread a sewing machine (cognitive-application) 9.6 Students will be able to evaluate sewing terms and sewing machine parts. (Cognitive-evaluation) 9.2 Students will be able to point out different ways that fabrics can be used. (Cognitive-analysis) Activities: Students will follow along with the lecture PowerPoint and fill in their own worksheet over sewing terms. Students will participate in a sewing supplies web quest. Jessica Jerabek FCED492 Assignment #6 Students will follow along with the lecture PowerPoint and fill in their own worksheet over sewing machine parts. Students will be quizzed over the sewing machine parts for completion credit. Students will observe a step-by-step guide of how to use a sewing machine Students will watch a video of how to thread and use a sewing machine Students will practice using a thread-less sewing machine. Students will complete a Machine Parts Crossword review Students will practice threading the sewing machines Students will complete a Sewing Machine Parts and terms quiz. Students will watch a short video over fabric fun. FACS Standards: 9.2 characteristics of textile fibers, fabrics, and finishes and their application for a variety of purposes 9.6 techniques, equipment, tools, supplies, cost-analysis principles, and basic processes for construction, manufacturing, alteration, repair, and maintenance of textile products and apparel INTASC Standards: I have listed the principles that I used. You will see these principles in motion throughout my lesson plans. Principle 2 The teacher understands how children learn and develop, and can provide learning opportunities that support their intellectual, social and personal development. Principle 3 The teacher understands how students differ in their approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners. Principle 4 The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage students' development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills. Principle 8 The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social and physical development of the learner. Materials: Pencils Paper Dry erase boards and pens Computer (teacher) Computer lab (one day) Sewing Terms PowerPoint Sewing Terms fill in worksheet Sewing Supplies Web quest Sewing Machine Parts Document Jessica Jerabek FCED492 Assignment #6 Sewing Machine Parts fill in the blank worksheet Sewing Machine Parts quiz (for completion) Sewing Machine website How to use sewing machine video Sewing Practice Sheets Machine Parts Crossword Sewing Machines (25) Sewing Machine Parts/Terms Quiz Fabric Fun Video Preparation: Review materials and handouts I will be using. Tweak if need be. Sign up for a computer lab time slot. Make sure all sewing machines in the lab are working. If some need fixing, fix them or make note of which ones they are so I don’t use them. Make copies of all worksheets I am passing out. Jessica Jerabek FCED492 Assignment #6 LESSON PLANS Topic: Sewing Construction Day 1 Lesson Plan Sub concept: Sewing Terms and Sewing Supplies Introduction: Welcome students. Do FACS Fact (Briefly tell me about your sewing experience.) Talk about FACS Fact. Walk to computer lab. TIME: 8minutes Objective 1: 9.6 Students will be able to define basic sewing terms. (Cognitive- knowledge) Activity 1: Sewing Terms PowerPoint with fill-in worksheet TIME: 15minutes Objective 2: 9.6 Students will be able to list standard sewing supplies. (Cognitiveknowledge) Activity 2: Sewing Supplies Web quest. Have students’ type out definitions, print and turn in. If not completed in class, it becomes homework. TIME: 22 minutes Summary/conclusion: Time: 4 minutes Explain how web quest is homework if not completed by end of day. Collect completed papers. Have three people share what they learned today. Questions. Class Adjourned. Jessica Jerabek FCED492 Assignment #6 Topic: Sewing Construction Day 2 Lesson Plan Sub concept: Sewing Machine Parts and Sewing Machine Parts Functions Introduction: Welcome students. Do FACS Fact (List and define two sewing terms of your choice.) Talk about FACS Fact. TIME: 4 minutes Objective 1: 9.6 Students will be able to compute the different parts of the sewing machine. (Cognitive-application) Activity 1: Sewing Machine Parts worksheet. Use an overhead to go through sewing machine parts. Give the students a blank version of the overhead material. Cover up the paper and go through each term one by one, lecture and have the students jot down notes. TIME: 35 minutes Objective 2: 9.6 Students will be able to associate the purpose of the parts to the sewing machine. (Cognitive-analysis) Activity 2: Quiz over the machine parts; word bank for each section; grade for effort, not correct answers TIME: 8 minutes Summary/conclusion: Time: 2 minutes Talk about how they should be studying the terms from yesterday, as well as the machine parts that we learned today. There will be a Quiz Friday. No homework. Questions. Class adjourned. Jessica Jerabek FCED492 Assignment #6 Topic: Sewing Construction Day 3 Lesson Plan Sub concept: Sewing Demo/Website and Sewing Practice with thread-less machines. Introduction: Welcome students. Do FACS Fact (Name one sewing machine part and its function) Talk about FACS Fact. Have students sit by their sewing machines. Pull up webpage on the overhead projector. ( TIME: 6 minutes Objective 1: 9.6 Students will be able to summarize the basic steps to using a sewing machine. (Cognitive-comprehension) Activity 1: Go through step-by-step of how to use sewing machine and watch corresponding video on the site. Then I will demonstrate to them how to do a practice sheet with no thread on the machine TIME: 20 minutes Objective 2: 9.6 Students will be able to apply what they have learned about how to use the sewing machines, on the actual machines. (Cognitive-application) Activity 2: Pass out practice sheets. Have students practice with thread-less machines. Have them trace the lines with the needle, practice control and accuracy. TIME: 18 minutes Summary/conclusion: Time: 5 minutes Put machines up. Have five people share what they’ve learned today. Questions. Class Adjourned Jessica Jerabek FCED492 Assignment #6 Topic: Sewing Construction Day 4 Lesson Plan Sub concept: Review Sewing Machine Parts and Terms and Practice Threading Machines Introduction: Welcome students. Do FACS Fact (What is one thing you’re really looking forward to making once you learn all there is to learn about sewing?) Talk about FACS Fact. TIME: 5 minutes Objective 1: 9.6 Students will be able to compare the machine parts (cognitive-evaluation) Activity 1: Machine Parts Crossword Review. May work in groups if they choose to. TIME: 20 minutes Objective 2: 9.6 Students will be able to demonstrate how to thread a sewing machine (cognitive-application) Activity 2: Practice threading the machines. TIME: 15 minutes Summary/conclusion: Time: 9 minutes Put away machines and thread. Review terms from Monday with remaining time. Stress to them how important it is that they study these terms and the machine parts for tomorrows quiz. Class adjourned. Jessica Jerabek FCED492 Assignment #6 Topic: Sewing Construction Day 5 Lesson Plan Sub concept: Sewing Machine/Terms Quiz and Fabrics Wrap-up Video Introduction: Welcome students. Do FACS Fact (On a scale of 1 (good)- 5 (bad), how comfortable do you feel with your new sewing skills? Why?) Talk about FACS Fact. TIME: 5 minutes Objective 1: 9.6 Students will be able to evaluate sewing terms and sewing machine parts. (Cognitive-evaluation) Activity 1: Sewing Machine/Terms Quiz: I will pass out the quizzes. They are short answer and matching. Instead of having a word bank on the actual test, I will write the words on the board. TIME: 35 minutes Objective 2: 9.2 Students will be able to point out different ways that fabrics can be used. (Cognitive-analysis) Activity 2: Fabric Video: Fun with fabrics! Wraps up fabrics by showing a fun creative side of what you can do with left over fabric and scraps! TIME: 6 minutes Summary/conclusion: Time: 3minutes Talk about the video. Introduce the new topic we will be covering next week. Questions. Class adjourned.