Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Promotion Scholarships 2015 Guidelines + Application Form Applications close: 5pm Friday 12 June 2015 Scholarship programs to commence in July 2015 General enquiries to: Jonathan Hallett, Scholarship Coordinator Australian Health Promotion Association (WA Branch) email: scholarshipswa@healthpromotion.org.au website: www.healthpromotionscholarshipswa.org.au An Australian Health Promotion Association (WA Branch) program funded by Healthway CONTENTS BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................ 1 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA .................................................................................................................. 2 APPLICANT + ORGANISATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................. 3 REMUNERATION ........................................................................................................................ 4 PAYMENT PROCESS .................................................................................................................... 5 GETTING STARTED ..................................................................................................................... 6 APPLICATION PROCESS .............................................................................................................. 7 SELECTION PROCESS .................................................................................................................. 7 SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION................................................................................................... 8 APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS................................................................................................... 10 A. APPLICANT ........................................................................................................................... 11 B. HOST ORGANISATION .......................................................................................................... 11 C. APPLICANT’S QUALIFICATIONS ............................................................................................ 12 D. APPLICANT’S PROFESSIONAL AND VOLUNTARY EXPERIENCE ............................................. 12 E. PROJECT OUTLINE ................................................................................................................ 13 F. PROJECT RATIONALE ............................................................................................................ 14 G. GOAL, OBJECTIVES, STRATEGIES AND EVALUATION ........................................................... 15 H. PROJECT TIMELINE .............................................................................................................. 16 I. HEALTH PROMOTION COMPETENCIES ................................................................................. 17 J. PROJECT EVALUATION .......................................................................................................... 18 K. APPLICANT’S REFEREES ........................................................................................................ 19 L. CERTIFICATION OF ORGANISATION ..................................................................................... 20 M. CHECKLIST .......................................................................................................................... 21 N. APPLICANT’S DECLARATION .............................................................................................. 22 BACKGROUND The Australian Health Promotion Association (AHPA) WA Branch in conjunction with the Western Australian Health Promotion Foundation (Healthway) are offering scholarships to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people in Western Australia interested in a career in health promotion. Two six-month full-time scholarships (or equivalent part-time) are offered for rural or metropolitan placements during 2015 to commence in July 2015. The scholarships are available to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander persons who have either: qualification/s in a health or social science; or relevant work or volunteer experience, supported by a letter from workplace supervisor. Health agencies and other organisations are encouraged to consider hosting an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person interested in a health promotion career. The successful applicant’s salary (plus 15% on-costs) and some professional development costs are funded by the scholarship. Successful applicants are to be supervised by an experienced health promotion professional within the organisation to undertake tasks of mutual benefit to the organisation and to their professional career. Both the organisation and the supervisor need to provide evidence of cultural security. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Promotion Scholarships employ people to coordinate a specific project under the supervision of an appropriately experienced health promotion professional. The project can form part of an existing program within an organisation or may be a new initiative. It is essential that the project already has funding and appropriate resources to complete the project before the application is submitted as the scholarship only covers the applicant’s salary. The applicant should not be expected to source further funding in order to complete the project. Applicants are encouraged to consider health promotion projects based in rural areas. The Scholarship program is administered by AHPA (WA Branch) and builds on the past Aboriginal Traineeship Program and the current Graduate Health Promotion Scholarship Program. Since it began in 2000 there have been 31 Aboriginal people completing placements in a vast range of health related organisations in the government and nongovernment sector. Many of these people have gone on to permanent full time work in health promotion or a similar field as a result of their traineeship or scholarship. To find out more about some of the past successful scholarship projects view the program’s 21 Years celebration booklet: http://healthpromotionscholarshipswa.org.au/wpcontent/uploads/2014/05/21YEARS_AHPA_Scholarships.pdf Aim The aim of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Promotion Scholarships is to provide training and work experience opportunities to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people interested in commencing a career in the field of health promotion. 1 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Applicant The following items are essential for an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander applicant to be considered eligible for a scholarship. It is the responsibility of the organisation to ensure that the applicant satisfies the following criteria prior to commencement of the application process. The applicant must: Be of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent and living in Western Australia. Not have worked more than six months in a paid health promotion role. Applicants are eligible if they have worked as an Aboriginal Health Worker or in allied health or social services. Not have previously received an AHPA (WA Branch) Health Promotion Scholarship. Have completed a qualification in a health or social science (e.g. Certificate in Aboriginal Health Level IV) or have relevant work/volunteer experience, supported by a letter from workplace supervisor. Be a current member of the Australian Health Promotion Association (AHPA membership is to be maintained for duration of scholarship) at the time of application. Nominate two referees for the scholarship. Ensure that the application is signed by the Head of Department/Area in the organisation eg Director or CEO. Ensure applications are submitted by the closing date (Friday 12 June 2015). Be available for an interview during the week commencing 15 June 2015. (NB: This interview can be done via telephone for rural and remote areas). Organisation Not-for-profit health or relevant community organisations (including government departments) are eligible to apply for a scholarship. As the scholarship only covers the recipient’s salary the organisation must have funding to complete the project before submitting an application. Organisations can submit applications for up to two candidates (providing a designated supervisor is available for each recipient). Organisations or supervisors should hold an AHPA membership. Supervisor The supervisor is required to be a health promotion professional within the organisation, with both health promotion theoretical knowledge and a minimum of three years of practical health promotion experience. If non-Indigenous, the supervisor should also be aware of the cultural boundaries that exist, have undergone cultural security training and have access to Indigenous colleagues should the applicant require further support. 2 APPLICANT + ORGANISATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Successful scholarship recipients are responsible for the following during the course of the scholarship: Planning Document: This will outline a timeline and breakdown of activities to be undertaken during the scholarship and is to be completed within two (2) weeks of commencement of the scholarship. Health Promotion Competencies: Recipients will be required to rate their confidence against each of the National Core Competencies for Health Promotion Practitioners on commencement and completion of the scholarship to track increase in skills, confidence and knowledge for evaluation purposes. Progress Report: Standardised form to be completed by the recipient no later than three (3) months after commencement of scholarship (or at the halfway point). Performance Review: Review of recipient’s progress and performance to be completed no later than three (3) months after commencement of scholarship (or at the halfway point). Final Report : Report and evaluation, to be completed by the recipient and supervisor within one month of the scholarship. Contact Details: Provide details to allow follow up of the recipient for post-scholarship evaluation. AHPA (WA Branch) Newsletter Article: Provide a minimum of one (1) article for publication in the AHPA (WA Branch) newsletter, and generate local publicity or media coverage for their project, promoting both AHPA and Healthway wherever possible Presentations: Opportunities will be available to make presentations on scholarship projects to raise the program’s profile and will be completed in consultation with Scholarships Coordinator. This includes at a minimum attendance and presentation at a Scholarship Information Event and the AHPA (WA Branch) Annual General Meeting. Meetings: Recipients are also expected to be available for regular meetings with the Scholarships Coordinator to monitor the progress of their placement and with other recipients to network and share experiences. In addition, the recipient is required to generate local publicity or media coverage for their project, promoting both AHPA and Healthway wherever possible. The scholarships will be managed by the AHPA (WA Branch) Scholarships Coordinator. A professional health promotion mentor will also be provided for the duration of the placement. 3 REMUNERATION A salary of approximately $61,500 per annum (pro rata for 6 months or equivalent) is offered and payment comprises: On Costs The scholarship includes organisation on-costs of 20% of the recipient’s scholarship wages. Agencies are required to cover any additional expenses past this amount. Professional Training An additional $1500 is available to each scholarship recipient to attend training workshops or courses relevant to health promotion, such as those offered by the AHPA (WA Branch). Any training undertaken must obtain prior approval from the AHPA (WA Branch). This amount will be paid on a reimbursement only basis upon the presentation of supporting receipts or tax invoices. Remote Living Allowance (rural and remote placements only) For placements undertaken in rural and remote areas, additional funds may be available for accommodation and travel costs related to the project undertaken. The supervising organisation is encouraged to support the recipient with these costs, but in the event that this is not possible, funds to cover such costs may be recovered upon presentation of supporting receipts or tax invoices and will be paid on a reimbursement only basis. All such reimbursements must be approved by AHPA (WA Branch) Scholarship Officer prior to incurring the costs. All applicants wishing to undertake a rural or remote placement should contact AHPA (WA Branch) to discuss this prior to lodging an application. Annual Leave Two weeks annual leave entitlement will be accrued during this time and must be taken prior to the conclusion of the scholarship placement. This should be discussed with the organisation at commencement of the scholarship. 4 PAYMENT PROCESS The total scholarship payment (including GST) is paid to the organisation in two parts. The first 75% is paid on receipt of signed contract and the final 25% paid on receipt of the recipient’s final project report. The organisation will be asked to raise two invoices to AHPA (WA Branch). Payment 1 (75%) Scholarship – salary Organisation on-costs (20%) Total Scholarship (ex GST) GST Total Scholarship Payment (inc GST) Payment 2 (25%) TOTAL $23,062.50 $7,687.50 $30,750.00 $4,612.50 $1,537.50 $6,150.00 $27,675.00 $9,225.00 $36,900.00 $2,767.50 $922.50 $3,690.00 $30,442.50 $10,147.50 $40,590.00 Additional allowances available (paid reimbursement basis only - prior approval required): TOTAL Professional Training Allocation $1500.00 5 GETTING STARTED Scholarships may be initiated via the following methods: The applicant may initiate the process by: approaching an organisation and negotiating a specific work plan; or contacting the AHPA (WA Branch) Scholarships Coordinator to access a list of potential organisations that may have expressed an interest in having a scholarship placement. An organisation may initiate the process by: approaching an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person directly and negotiating a specific work plan; or contacting the AHPA (WA Branch) Scholarships Coordinator with a specific project in mind. Such projects will be discussed with potentially suitable applicants who will in turn initiate contact with the relevant organisation. 6 APPLICATION PROCESS 1. It is the applicant and organisation’s joint responsibility to negotiate a health promotion scholarship placement with a precise job role, project and timeline. Please note, as the scholarship only covers the applicant’s salary, the organisation must have funding and appropriate resources to complete the project before the application is submitted. 2. The applicant and the organisation must both be familiar with the aim, conditions and processes of the scholarship. 3. The applicant and the organisation need to complete an application form jointly. 4. If there are any ethical requirements for the project, these must be considered by the organisation before the application is submitted. 5. The applicant should submit the application form by the due date (5pm Friday 12 June 2015). It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure all forms and attachments are received by the due date. 6. Interviews will be conducted with short listed applicants on during the week commencing 15 June. (NB: These interviews can be conducted via phone link for remote and rural areas). 7. All applicants will be notified of the results by 22 June, and successful scholarship recipients should commence placement by the end of July 2015. SELECTION PROCESS Selection of successful applicants will be based on the following eligibility criteria: 1. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people who have relevant work/volunteer experience or a TAFE/university qualification in a health or social science field. 2. Be a current member of the Australian Health Promotion Association (AHPA) and membership is to be maintained for duration of scholarship) at time of application. 3. Appropriateness of placement opportunity, including job description, the range of health promotion activities the applicant will be involved in and relevance to a career in health promotion. 4. The organisation must have appropriate resources and infrastructure, including funding, to conduct the project prior to submitting an application. 5. The organisation must provide evidence of cultural security through the provision of staff training and a history of successful Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander employment/supervision. 6. Evidence of collaboration between applicant and organisation in the application. 7. Evidence the project is based on health promotion theory and principles. 8. Interview by a selection panel including at least one Indigenous person. 9. Appropriate supervision by a person with health promotion skills and experience in organisation and who has appropriate cultural experience and/or training. 10. Two nominated referees. 7 SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION Applicants are required to provide: Electronic version of completed application form. Electronic version of curriculum vitae (CV) and attachments. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure all documentation is received by the closing time and date. Late applications will not be accepted. Applications close: 5pm Friday 12 June 2015 Submit your application via email to: Jonathan Hallett, Scholarship Coordinator Australian Health Promotion Association (WA Branch) email: scholarshipswa@healthpromotion.org.au 8 APPLICATION FORM 2015 9 APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. The interested Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person and host organisation should complete this application form together. 2. Please complete all sections in full. 3. Attach a photocopy of the applicant’s most recent academic record (if applicable). If application is based on prior work/volunteer experience please attached a supporting letter from the applicant’s supervisor. 4. Attach a copy of the applicant’s curriculum vitae. 5. Attach a copy of the supervisors curriculum vitae 6. Return the completed application form and attachments by the closing date. Applications close: 5pm Friday 12 June 2015 10 A. APPLICANT To be completed by the applicant: Name: Home Address: Postcode: Home Phone: Mobile Phone: Email: Address while on placement: B. HOST ORGANISATION To be completed by the supervisor from the hosting organisation to host the Scholarship position Name of Organisation: Address: Supervisor: Phone: Fax: Email: Mobile phone: Please provide a short summary of the supervisor’s health promotion experience and cultural competencies: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Approximate hours per week the supervisor will spend with the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander applicant: ______ 11 C. APPLICANT’S QUALIFICATIONS Please attach a copy of the applicant’s most recent academic record to this form (if applicable). This might include tertiary or post-compulsory qualifications in any health or social science related field (i.e. University or TAFE). AHPA (WA Branch) must cite a copy of the final academic record (if applicable) prior to funds being released to the organisation and commencing the scholarship. If the applicant has not completed any qualifications, please ensure that Section D is completed and a letter of support from a workplace supervisor is attached to the application. Qualification/s Institution/s Date completed/ due to be completed D. APPLICANT’S PROFESSIONAL AND VOLUNTARY EXPERIENCE Please list your most recent experiences first (include any work/volunteer experience and appointments relevant to health promotion, social services and/or clinical health practice). Institution or Organisation Position Held Dates 12 Voluntary or Paid E. PROJECT OUTLINE In your own words, please describe your proposed project or range of activities that will be undertaken by the applicant. This could be a discrete new project or identifying opportunities for involvement in existing programs which could be enhanced by the applicant. (Between 300 and 600 words) 13 F. PROJECT RATIONALE In your own words, please explain why this project/activity is important. What benefit to the community will/does it provide? (No more than 300 words) 14 G. GOAL, OBJECTIVES, STRATEGIES AND EVALUATION You goal is a statement of what you want to achieve overall. Most often this refers to an increase or decrease in a health behaviour or a health outcome. Your objectives describe the changes the project will bring about. This is usually a decrease in a risk factor or an increase in a protective factor. By achieving these objectives it makes it more likely that the overall goal will be achieved. Ensure the objectives are specific and measurable. List the strategies or activities used to achieve your objectives. These are the actual things that you will be doing. Finally, your evaluation should measure the achievement of your objectives. How will you go about measuring whether you have achieved your pbjective and whether your strategies have been of high quality and acceptable to the target group? Goal: Objectives Strategies / Activities 15 Evaluation H. PROJECT TIMELINE Please present a timeline for the proposed project/activities. 16 I. HEALTH PROMOTION COMPETENCIES Please identify the range of skills relevant to health promotion practice that the applicant will develop during this placement and list the activities that will help develop these skills. You will find it useful to refer to the National Core Competencies for Health Promotion Practitioners, which are available here: http://healthpromotionscholarshipswa.org.au/wpcontent/uploads/2014/05/core-competencies-for-hp-practitioners.pdf Health promotion skill(s) gained Activity 17 J. PROJECT EVALUATION Please answer the following questions: 1. How will you know your project/activities has/have worked (please refer back to your goal and objectives to ensure that they can be measured or assessed)? 2. How will the organisation evaluate the applicant’s contribution? 3. How will this scholarship activity contribute to the organisation’s goals and mission? 4. What contribution will this scholarship make to the community or target group/s you work with? 18 K. APPLICANT’S REFEREES Please list two referees who can comment on the applicant’s experience (work or volunteer). The information required from your referees includes character, professional competence and your suitability for the scholarship. Please note: referees should be contactable during June 2015. Referee One: Name: Position: Relationship to applicant Organisation: Phone: Email: Referee Two: Name: Position: Relationship to applicant Organisation: Phone: Email: 19 L. CERTIFICATION OF ORGANISATION I certify on behalf of this organisation that: 1. The organisation will provide the facilities, including appropriate funding for the project, accommodation and adequate supervision for the applicant if successful in obtaining a scholarship. 2. The organisation will administer the scholarship (the head of department/area must sign this section). Name of Certifying Officer: Position: Organisation: Phone: Fax: Email: Signature of Certifying Officer: Date: 20 M. CHECKLIST Please complete this checklist to ensure that you (the applicant) and the organisation meet the scholarship criteria: Within this application we have: Yes 1. Discussed the suitability of the proposed application with the AHPA (WA) Scholarships Coordinator. 2. Completed all sections of this application form. 3. Provide a copy of the applicant’s most recent academic record or alternatively a letter of support from a workplace supervisor detailing relevant work/volunteer experience. 4. Included contact details for the applicant’s two nominated referees. 5. Provided a copy of the applicant and supervisor’s Curriculum Vitae (no more than 4 pages each). 6. Included the applicant and supervisor’s (or organisation’s) AHPA membership numbers. 7. Included a letter from the organisation confirming that they are a not-forprofit, or government-funded organisation. 8. Finally, I will be available for an interview the week commencing 15 June 2015. 21 No N. APPLICANT’S DECLARATION I hereby certify that I am of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent, have not worked in a paid health promotion focused role for more than six months full time equivalent, have not previously received an AHPA (WA Branch) scholarship and will be available for interview during the week commencing 15 June 2015. ______________________________ __________________________ Applicant’s Name (printed) Applicant’s Signature ______________________________ Date Thank you for taking the time to complete your application 22